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Outpost 1 & Outpost General / Re: Reviews/Talk of Outpost Elsewhere Online
« Last post by Strategos' Risk on April 03, 2024, 03:24:09 PM »
Some retrospectives-

DOS Boot: Outpost was the best hard sci-fi sim; it also wasn't finished by Brock Wilbur, Rock Paper Shotgun (2018)

Why I'm Waiting for Another Outpost 2 by Max Florschutz (2015)

And actual contemporary reviews on Game Bytes Magazine (issue #20)-

Review by David Charles Reed
Review by Scott Sumner

And a preview by GameBytes (issue #18)-

Interview by Ross Erickson with Bruce Balfour
Another reason for why it reminds me of Outpost - it's purely a simulation / management game, but you also have to contend with rebels that steal some stuff:

That and you can build a Rec Center, which is a little more Outposty than the standard mines/labs/factories that most similar games provide  :D

The shuttle management and the names of the planets remind me a little bit of Alien Legacy, but it's probably just coincidental.

Though Alien Legacy also had you build orbital stations before going onto planetary surfaces- as per MobyGames' caption for this screenshot: "The game automatically builds space stations for each planet, hence SSPhoebe is a space station around Phoebe"

Computers & Programming General / Five Lines Of Code (Christian Clausen)
« Last post by Vagabond on March 31, 2024, 07:49:56 PM »
Leeor, I think I saw in the OutpostHD PRs that you were reading Five Lines of Codes by Christian Clausen ( Curious if it was a good read or not. Thinking about picking it read up on refactoring best practices.

Feedback/Suggestions/Problems / Re: Mission Danger Zone not working on OPU 1.4.1
« Last post by Hooman on March 12, 2024, 09:55:11 PM »
Huh, and I would have gone with Kenny Loggins.
Feedback/Suggestions/Problems / Re: Mission Danger Zone not working on OPU 1.4.1
« Last post by Vagabond on March 12, 2024, 06:17:10 PM »
Excellent, that fixed it! Planning a 4 player tomorrow playing it. Thank you!

Danger Zone East of the Pacific and South of Mars... yes.
Feedback/Suggestions/Problems / Re: Mission Danger Zone not working on OPU 1.4.1
« Last post by Arklon on March 11, 2024, 11:14:56 PM »
As a workaround, copy and paste:
Feedback/Suggestions/Problems / Re: Mission Danger Zone not working on OPU 1.4.1
« Last post by Sirbomber on March 11, 2024, 11:07:45 PM »
Feedback/Suggestions/Problems / Mission Danger Zone not working on OPU 1.4.1
« Last post by Vagabond on March 10, 2024, 08:49:10 PM »
Hey everyone,

I have been playing through a lot of the multiplayer missions with some friends lately. Radmin VPN worked great to connect us and most the missions worked well. With the updates the community has made, I think the game is holding up well.

However, Danger Zone (the mission Flashy made long ago) seems to be broken as released in OPU 1.4.1.

Was curious if anyone else had the same problem and or if a simple fix existed. I remember the AI being fairly challenging (for me).

I am using GoG version of Outpost 2 on Windows 11 with everything stock (I think).

The host receives the message:
Local Load Failed

The non-hosts get the message:
Host could not load scenario

Sorry I never pop into Discord. IRCs have never been my favorite.

Outpost 2 Divided Destiny / Re: Old Timers?
« Last post by Hooman on March 05, 2024, 10:24:37 AM »
The Incredible Machine was awesome
Outpost 2 Divided Destiny / Re: Old Timers?
« Last post by V0latyle on February 05, 2024, 02:47:41 PM »
I started playing the game in 2001, and at 14 wasn't allowed unsupervised internet access at the time. I played on LAN with my brothers and dad, though.

"Player 2 has broken the alliance!"

"We are under attack!"
"Structures destroyed! Our people are dying! Morale is terrible."

Speaking of Dynamix games...anyone ever play The Incredible Machine?
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