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Forum Games / Sexy Girls in your city - Verified Ladies
« Last post by ekztal on Today at 10:55:09 AM »
Make dating stress-free and enjoyable with the best casual dating experience.
Beautiful Girls from your town
Game Discussion General / Re: Ixion: Spiritual Successor to Outpost?
« Last post by Arklon on July 09, 2024, 07:11:54 PM »
Ixion is more like Frostpunk in space. It's quite a good game, just expect to die a lot, much like Frostpunk. :P

PlanetBase is also worth checking out, if you want Outpost 1 x Dwarf Fortress. Unlike OP1, you do have to micromanage individual colonists, but it's very similar.
Game Discussion General / Ixion Follow-Up
« Last post by VileTerror on July 05, 2024, 05:11:35 PM »
So, up to this point, all I had done was watch a bunch of let's plays of the game.
But I noticed recently that it was -finally- on GOG, so I got a copy for myself. 
It's really scratching that itch that the original Outpost gave me, but like I said in the HD subforum, the lack of an endless mode feels like such a missed opportunity.  It would be great for the devs of Ixion to make a sequel or a spin-off which revolves around colony building.  They've got the chops for it, I think.  It would stand to be far less janky and buggy than the original Outpost, at least, heh.
Drakmar/Xanactus on our Discord might know. Discord's a better place for getting fast answers to questions than these forums.

Don't install the game the "normal" way.
Use the OPU patch installer from here:
You can point it at your OP2 CD, and it will handle the entire game install for you. Our installer does have some builtin handling for Wine installs, but not sure if that picks up Porting Kit too or not.

That said, very few people here have Macs. Last time we did test it a few years ago, which was right after MacOS dropped 32-bit userland support, OP2 was unplayably slow. Performance might be better now. We have even less of an idea how well ARM Macs work right now.
Computers & Programming General / Re: Five Lines Of Code (Christian Clausen)
« Last post by leeor_net on May 15, 2024, 01:36:51 PM »
It's an awesome read. It shows a number of ways to improve code clarity and maintainability. I would definitely recommend picking up a copy.
Outpost 2 Multiplayer / Re: Caught in the Crossfire II
« Last post by Sirbomber on May 10, 2024, 10:29:41 AM »
There are a few of us who still keep the game fresh and fun.  You should join us on Discord:
Outpost 2 Multiplayer / Re: Caught in the Crossfire II
« Last post by OldBird on May 10, 2024, 07:52:18 AM »
Thanks so much for your response and the info.
I just found the OP update about 6 months ago.  I had no idea there were those still coding after WON died.
The "new" maps are way more fun than the colony or multiplayer maps originally with OP2.   :D
Outpost 2 Multiplayer / Re: Caught in the Crossfire II
« Last post by Vagabond on May 09, 2024, 10:18:58 PM »
Hi OldBird,

Yes, Caught in the Crossfire II is winnable. It is not overly difficult once you understand the basic concepts of how the scenario progresses (although difficulty in Outpost 2 is really hard to pin down).

I tried crediting the scenario authors on this page:, although there is a good chance I missed a few people. Possibly more important are the people who helped document and open up the SDK for making new scenarios.

Glad to hear you are enjoying the 'new' missions (most of them are many years old now).

The people I play with come back to Fractured Alliance and Yukon Trail quite a bit as well among others.

Outpost 2 Multiplayer / Caught in the Crossfire II
« Last post by OldBird on May 08, 2024, 08:45:11 PM »
Hello.  We really love these new scenarios.  Thanks to whoever made them.  Can Caught in the Crossfire II be beaten?  Please no spoilers.  :)
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