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OutpostHD / Re: OutpostHD - An Open Source Remake of OUTPOST by Sierra On-Line
« Last post by leeor_net on April 09, 2023, 10:09:23 PM »
Thank you!

I just pushed out a new version which balances the cost of structures and robots. The CHAP may need some balancing as well, will look into it going forward.

Give it a try ant let me know!
OutpostHD / OutpostHD v0.8.7 Released!
« Last post by leeor_net on April 09, 2023, 10:06:50 PM »
It's been almost a year since the last release -- apologies for the bit of a hiatus. It was a rough year with a lot of set backs due to medical issues that are finally starting to resolve.

While not the big changes I wanted to add, this release addresses a few bugs and provides some quality of life balancing. The biggest difference you'll notice is a rebalance of the cost of structures and robots along with a slight increase to the yield of mines.

There is now also an official macOS app available from the GitHub releases page. Use the typical approach to installing macOS software -- mount the dmg disk image, drag OutpostHD into your Applications folder and you're good to go. You will need to allow the application to run through Security & Privacy as I don't yet have an Apple Developer ID to be able to sign executable code.

What's New
  • Basic cheat dialog window (can be brought up with Ctrl+Shift+F10)
  • FreeBSD configuration to be able to build OPHD from source

What's Changed
  • Resource values won't glow on first turn
  • Adjusted cost of structures
  • Adjusted cost of robots
  • Mine yields have been increased
  • PhysFS dependency removed
  • Factory list box will now only show progress bars if a factory is actually producing something
  • Alerts will be pushed if there are issues with Warehouse storage and capacity
  • Alerts will be pushed when tasks are completed for robots and construction
  • Alerts will be pushed when robot tasks are canceled
  • Factory Report now shows actual description of products instead of placeholder text
  • Moved factory product descriptions out of the code and into an external definition file
  • Improved exception error messages for better end-user reporting

Bugs Fixed
  • Command Center will no longer collapse if there is no maintenance facility
  • Game Over dialog's "Return to Main Menu" functions properly again
  • Fixed potential crashing with certain UI element event handlers not being properly disconnected
  • Fixed crashing in Factory Report view
  • Fixed potential crashing in event handling that could lead to memory corruption
  • Crime no longer generates until population is landed on the surface
  • Trying to build a tube on a non-bulldozed tile will now issue a warning

Gimme Gimme! Where do I get it?

Full release including assets available now on Github:

Many thanks and appreciation to those who have helped by posting suggestions and assisting with code development! Couldn't have done this without your efforts!
OutpostHD / Re: OutpostHD - An Open Source Remake of OUTPOST by Sierra On-Line
« Last post by ytszazu on April 08, 2023, 08:52:52 AM »
As someone who played the original outpost during my school years, (until launched the spaceship), OutpostHD is very good project. Keep up with it.

One thing caught me off balance though, the air generator uses too much one of the resources, but other than that, good work so far.

Can't wait for your next update to OutpostHD.
OutpostHD / Re: OutpostHD - An Open Source Remake of OUTPOST by Sierra On-Line
« Last post by leeor_net on April 01, 2023, 10:37:16 PM »
Thanks for the words of support!

Yes, the project is still very much going on. 2022 was kind of a rough year for me which is why progress kinda ground to a halt. Medical/Health issues that made it difficult to concentrate.

I've mostly recovered at this point and I've started making additional progress. I've resolved a number of issues that have been reported including the Command Center collapsing due to maintenance decay (definitely a bug, self-contained structures aren't supposed to need maintenance as a gameplay mechanic), structure/factory resources costs have been adjusted and a bunch of other under the hood stuff.

I'm preparing a v0.8.7 release here to make the game a bit more stable and easier to use. I'm also going to be able to release a proper macOS app bundle for the first time now that I have a couple of macs around that I can test development on as well.

After that I'm going to finish the push for research and go from there especially with some quality of life UI improvements primarily centered around getting better feedback from the colony and about what's happening from turn to turn.

An undo function isn't a bad idea. I'll have to think about that one a bit as it would almost be a cheat. Could maybe even have it save a few turns to go back... make it a beginner option? I dunno, I'll see how I feel about it and go from there.
OutpostHD / Re: OutpostHD - An Open Source Remake of OUTPOST by Sierra On-Line
« Last post by Mordithrahl on March 31, 2023, 08:44:29 PM »
Just popping in to say that I am amazed at the progress so far. I sort of miss the epic music at the start, and its a bit odd being turn-based instead of real time. A undo button would be cool. But overall - this is terrific. So much nostalgia shot into my veins. Hope this project is still going!
Outpost 2 Programming & Development / Re: dll creation.
« Last post by leeor_net on March 28, 2023, 09:55:04 PM »
The forums are almost a legacy archive at this point. Most of us are active over on Discord (see Chat link above for server invite if you haven't already joined).

And yes, it's still a thing. :D
Outpost 2 Programming & Development / Re: dll creation.
« Last post by Sirbomber on March 23, 2023, 08:49:06 AM »
Yes it is, though there are a few ways to help make the process a little easier nowadays:
  • An updated mapper based on Unity that supposedly has some pretty advanced features, though I've personally never been able to get it to run.
  • A library you can add to your mission scripts to help with setting up disasters.
  • A mission (with both solo/multiplayer variants) that lets you use chat commands to spawn units, then export code you can add to your mission script to re-create that unit placement.
  • The old coding tutorials are still mostly relevant.
  • There's also a project to allow mission scripting to happen in Python instead of C++ but my understanding is that's not 100% ready just yet.
Outpost 2 Programming & Development / dll creation.
« Last post by Fire Plague on March 22, 2023, 06:47:31 PM »
last post in here was over 2 years ago. Is  .dll creating for custom colony games still a thing?
Forum Games / Re: The Bumpy Thread
« Last post by tigerstorms on February 13, 2023, 10:00:02 AM »
Welcome to Bump Town
Forum Games / Re: The Bumpy Thread
« Last post by leeor_net on February 05, 2023, 03:02:02 AM »
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