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Outpost 1 & Outpost General / Re: I can't find answers to these topics online.
« Last post by leeor_net on April 30, 2023, 12:26:00 AM »
Would love to recover the opmi build. Wish I still had the source code (it was bad is what I remember) but still, recovering a bit of history would be sweet :D
The official strategy guide was pretty much Bruce Balfour's love letter to himself. It had some interesting points but... ultimately not terribly useful.

The embedded string tables show this for the UG Products:

Code: [Select]
1016, "Clothing"
1411, "Whoopee Cushions"
1412, "Bowling Shoes"
1413, "Golf Balls"
1414, "Salad Spurters"
1415, "Fuzzy Dice"
1416, "8-Track Tapes"
1417, "Croquet Mallets"
1418, "Neuromancer Games"
1419, "Laura Bow2 HintBks"
1420, "Wax Lips"
1421, "Beach Balls"
1422, "Squirting Flowers"
1423, "Chia Figurines"

For completeness, these are the strings for AG Factory:

Code: [Select]
1000, "Fuel Cells"
1001, "Repair Robots"
1002, "Air Robots"
1003, "Micro Robots"
1004, "Law Robots"
1005, "Humanoid Workers"
1006, "Road Materials"
1007, "Robot Spare parts"
1406, "Explorer"
1407, "Dozer"
1408, "Digger"
1409, "Miner"
1511, "Truck"
OutpostHD / Re: OutpostHD - An Open Source Remake of OUTPOST by Sierra On-Line
« Last post by leeor_net on April 26, 2023, 06:25:17 PM »
A fudge, I thought I replied to this. Probably forgot to hit post.

So I can't say for sure, but the biggest block for me right now is figuring out what the research screen itself should look like. UI/UX design is confounding to me... What I have now is either super kludgy (see Factory Production Window) or someone else designed it and I just made it functional (see factory production full screen UI and mine full screen ui).

That stated, a lot of the research implementation is already complete in the code -- it's why the Fusion Reactor and Solar Receiver Array structures are no longer available to build (until the appropriate research is completed).

So assuming I can figure out a basic idea of the research UI, it shouldn't take more than a few weeks to get it implemented and pushed out for release.
Does anyone have a list of all of the items? I know they're obviously an in-joke, almost like an Easter Egg, but I would like to see it again for reference. I know they include 8-track tapes, beach balls, chia figurines, fuzzy dice, neuromancer games, wax lips, and whoopee cushions.

Despite its comprehensiveness, the Official Strategy Guide doesn't actually mention the items.
OutpostHD / Re: OutpostHD - An Open Source Remake of OUTPOST by Sierra On-Line
« Last post by ytszazu on April 21, 2023, 09:13:23 AM »
Hello there,

May i know what is your plans for the next version? Estimated date release?
OutpostHD / Re: OutpostHD - An Open Source Remake of OUTPOST by Sierra On-Line
« Last post by leeor_net on April 14, 2023, 04:50:12 PM »
That's a really good observation. There is no check in the code atm for whether or not there is storage for robots if an RCC is bulldozed. Not sure if that would cause stack/heap thrashing but it's definitely a clue!
OutpostHD / Re: OutpostHD - An Open Source Remake of OUTPOST by Sierra On-Line
« Last post by ytszazu on April 14, 2023, 04:40:25 PM »
Hello there,

The attachment contains another of those failed saves.

It might be the saving process, as i did not do much except bulldoze a few tiles.

Another assumption is because i bulldoze the robot command center and have about 5 dozers "deactivated somewhere" after bulldozing the robot command center. (due to not enough workforce)
OutpostHD / Re: OutpostHD - An Open Source Remake of OUTPOST by Sierra On-Line
« Last post by leeor_net on April 13, 2023, 06:41:01 PM »
Ran it on my development machine and... ... ew. This is a scary bug. Not sure how this was managed but the savegames you provided are extremely helpful!

If you're able to figure out the steps you used to get the game into the state that they're in (e.g., saving/loading, reloading, etc.), let me know. In the mean time I've got some bug hunting to do!
OutpostHD / Re: OutpostHD - An Open Source Remake of OUTPOST by Sierra On-Line
« Last post by leeor_net on April 13, 2023, 09:17:05 AM »
Ah so it just hangs, no error message? Huh. Will definitely look over this. I played a few games on a few different computers without issue so interested to see what's going on here :D

So in 1 11 game this is in the data:

Code: [Select]
<structure age="8" crime_rate="0" depth="1" direction="1" disabled_reason="0" forced_idle="false" idle_reason="0" integrity="95" pop0="2" pop1="0" state="1" type="18" x="53" y="96">
<waste accumulated="966440236" overflow="-2147471807" />

So interesting. This looks like a residence... and the overflow value... overflowed. The accumulated value is also very weird. Suspecting this is where I'm going to take a closer look.
OutpostHD / Re: OutpostHD - An Open Source Remake of OUTPOST by Sierra On-Line
« Last post by ytszazu on April 12, 2023, 07:47:57 AM »
Hello there,

Here are two save files.

1 10 is working
1 11 will crash upon pressing next turn.

Anyway, i reloaded save file 1 10 and played until turn 230, then it crashed again, refer to the crash screen picture.
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