Author Topic: OutpostMayham: first storygame of OUF  (Read 32604 times)

Offline Cctoide

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OutpostMayham: first storygame of OUF
« Reply #100 on: April 21, 2004, 12:12:42 PM »
Prima retracted the microwave cannon back on its torso, and lowered its legs so that its cameras were at level with the human's heads.

The speech engine beeped.

"I mean you no harm either."- the arachnid's cameras glanced at Arklon's comp-ray gun-" I've simply 'awaken' a short time ago and wondered if someone still lived on this colony."

Dr. Santon nodded. "That makes sense up till now."- he paused -" But why are you here? Shouldn't you be in the remains of the Plymouth colony?"

Prima beeped in acknowledgement.

"The truth is that, before Plymouth became a splinter colony and Eden formed the OUF colony, Scorpion designs were already being created. They went by the codename of 'Prima-series'. I'm one of them, but a very early model. My specific codename is Prima Titan Mk IV."

The spider turned to show the "PrimaT-IV" engraved on one of its middle legs.

"I was a model that they created, but afterwards took some weapons out, because all the weapons asked too much from the internal powerplant, and had to be taken out."

Dr. Santon glanced sideways at Arklon. "If you had so much weaponry, how come you didn't get dismantled?"

Prima started again.

"One of the scientists, before his colony got destroyed, sent an unmanned probe with me on it, to track the signal of any possible colony and to start me up when it got there. Since I got here, someone hid me under the floorboards of an abandoned residence, possibly as contraband. I was awaken by a radio signal sent across the colony by someone."

Arklon nodded. "Interesting story."

Prima interjected - "Well, I see that something big is going on, but my logical processor fails to realize what. I just escaped a combat patrol, lead by someone I heard calling 'Philip'. If a menace comes, I can defend myself, however I wonder if it would be of any use. The dual gauss cannons, microwave turret, and Thor's Hammer emitter take up quite a bit of power." - Prima glanced at Arklon - "You seem like one of us. Is there anyway Dr. Sancton could see what's wrong with my design?"

Prima's cams turned to Santon.

{ Hehe, my first topper  (thumbsup)  }
« Last Edit: April 21, 2004, 12:13:30 PM by Cctoide »
The Resident Newbie
OPUcomic, drawn by Cctoide


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OutpostMayham: first storygame of OUF
« Reply #101 on: April 21, 2004, 12:27:12 PM »
{didn't want to log in}

The blight spider was unaware of the micro transmiter plymoth had hidden in his mouth, and plymoth to this opertunity to message phill that he and CK needed help.

"Phill, can you here me?"
"Yea plym, have you seen ck?"
"Yes I have, he is on the table next to me, we are in just a bit of trouble with the microbe spiders and things. Anychance you can track my transmiter and help us out a bit?"
"Yea, i'll be there with my squad asap."

Offline Arklon

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OutpostMayham: first storygame of OUF
« Reply #102 on: April 21, 2004, 03:18:19 PM »
{Uh, don't use things like "u", "r", "ur", "u r", "ne", "ne1", "y", "thx", etc. in here... this isn't meant to be rushed in 5 seconds.}

Arklon turned his head toward Dr. Santon. The doctor replied, "Perhaps... but it will have to wait. I don't have any power cores with me at the moment.
"Besides, I need to find another person first... his name is Phantom."
« Last Edit: April 21, 2004, 03:58:58 PM by Arklon »


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OutpostMayham: first storygame of OUF
« Reply #103 on: April 21, 2004, 04:33:01 PM »
Phantom could see Phil talking into his communicator (He knows his name is Phil because Plymouth could be heard talking to him). Phil was unaware of Loki, and could not see that the wolf-like creature was about to pounce on him from the shadows.

Phantom picked up a rock and threw it at Loki. The rock hit him square in the head, and the wolf was knocked out cold.

Phantom then decided to escape before Phil's group would notice him.

Phantom then left through an airlock to the surface, hoping to find Santon.


Santon's watch began beeping, and a holographic radar appeared in their midst.
"It seems that Phantom has locked onto our signal. He will be here shortly. I think we will be safe here for the time being."

Santon walked over to the scorpion. "Your intelegence modual suggests that you may have not meerly have been a prototype."

Santon opened up a pannel. "Ah, yes. The problem here is that your power supply is based on the old One Socket model. All of your weapons are drawing their energy from the same power socket. If all your weapons were fired at once. It would result in a power failure and overload."

Santon pulled out his multi-tool and began to work on Prima. "I am going to make some temporary modifications until I can find some more suitable equipment."

"Now Arklon, you are probably wondering the real purpose for your becoming a cyborg. Let's just say I can see it in your eyes."

"You were the first successful cyborg ever made. And your purpose was to take out the Plymouth leadership through assassination."

"However, I deleated your original protocals in order to make sure that it didn't happen."

"The other scientists however, disbanded the project when the blight was loosed. I put you in extended hypersleep, and injected you with a few of my nanoprobes. That is how you gained Blight resistance, etc."

Santon finnished his work. Prima's power-core began cycling at a steady rate.
"That will make your power cell more efficient. But I can fully modify you if we could get to my lab."

Santon pulled up a holographic map. "My lab is approxamately 20 miles north of the colony. It is protected by numerous turrets, and is still undiscovered by the leadership here."

"We will start off for my lab... now."

As soon as he finnished, Phantom came in the door.

Phantom smiled, "It looks like you've made some friends doctor. I couldn't help but overhear your plan."

"There is a battle raging outside, I'd suggest we comendeer a scout, modify it for passengers, and start off for the lab. We can use the battle as cover."

So guys, are you ready?
« Last Edit: April 21, 2004, 04:51:56 PM by Phantom »

Offline Cctoide

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OutpostMayham: first storygame of OUF
« Reply #104 on: April 22, 2004, 06:30:35 AM »
Prima whirred as its power readings became stronger.

As the group readied to leave the room, Prima wondered if Dr. Santon was going to survive this.

Prima's speech engine beeped.

"I'm ready. I can go ahead and scout for possible enemies, if it is the will of the group."

Two dual gauss cannons came out each side of the arachnid's reinforced torso, and Prima followed the rest of the group.

"Any idea of where we'll get that scout?"- Arklon asked, while staring at Dr. Santon.
The Resident Newbie
OPUcomic, drawn by Cctoide

Offline Arklon

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« Reply #105 on: April 22, 2004, 03:30:38 PM »
{Uh, I can access information from the colony's databases... *cough* So I'm going to ignore that last thing you made me say in that post.}

Santon looked at Arklon, and stated, "The man who just walked through the door would be Phantom." Then, he looked at Phantom and said, "The other man in this room is Arklon. I've told you about him before. The arachnid is codenamed 'PrimaT-IV'. You can call him Prima for short."

Arklon told Santon, "Give me a moment to work out a scout model." He paused for a few seconds, then continued, "I've got it. This model should be slightly faster than a scout, and can hold up to 4 passengers. I'm uploading it to the vehicle construction database. There's a vehicle factory not far from here; the workers there have been given a day off. We need to get to there and produce it.
"You will need to follow me there. Prima, you need to stay ahead of us and make sure that our path is clear."
« Last Edit: April 22, 2004, 03:56:07 PM by Arklon »


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OutpostMayham: first storygame of OUF
« Reply #106 on: April 22, 2004, 04:19:32 PM »
"Well, it seems we have an interesting group here." Phantom said as he looked around.

"I briefly looked at a colony scematic, and it seems that there are service tubes that run below the personnel tubes that run between the buildings."

"I would suggest that we take those access ways to get to the Vehicle factory unknoticed."

Santon nodded his head, "Since Prima is a scorpion, Arklon and Phantom are illegal 'weapons', and I am wanted for numerous crimes, stealth can be our only option."

Santon opened a trap door in the floor, "This leads to the service corador. Prima, you climb down first," Santon throws Arklon a grenade, "Arklon, cover our rear."

Santon then picked up a discarded portable computer that was on the ground. He then threw it to Phantom.

"Phantom, you navagate. And as for me, I am going to communicate with my lab AI and try to get us an armed escort out of here."

Prima beeped in acknowledgement, and climbed down into the shaft, followed by Phantom and Dr. Santon.

Arklon then set the sequencer on the grenade, and jumped down into the shaft.

The grenade went off, sealing the tunnel off.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2004, 04:27:51 PM by Phantom »

Offline Arklon

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OutpostMayham: first storygame of OUF
« Reply #107 on: April 22, 2004, 06:01:03 PM »
{The vehicle factory is in the edge of the colony, with Dr. Santon's lab north and slightly east of it.}

It was fairly hot in the service tube; it wasn't as brightly lit as the rest of the colony; every footstep they took echoed throughout the tube. The group was walking through the labriynth-like system, all following Phantom's path. They all feared the thought of being found. Santon pulled out his remote communicator, and linked to his lab AI. The ear piece of the communicator said, "Please state 6 digit security code." Santon said into the mouth piece, "5-4-3-1-4-7". The ear piece said, "Code confirmed." Santon ordered, "I need an armed escort out of the OUF colony. Is that possible?" The AI said, "Affirmative. Sending units 1.5 kilometers from your position."

They walked through the tube for a while longer. Finally, Phantom said, "This is it. The trap door is above us." It seemed they walked for days in the tube, although it couldn't have been longer than 35 minutes. Dr. Santon lifted the trap door up, and pushed it out of the way. The four climbed up the shaft onto the bottom of the vehicle factory.

"I need to get up there", Arklon said as he pointed up toward the control room. "There, I can produce the vehicle." Arklon then proceeded up a gray, metal ladder, up on to a platform made up of metal bars, and supported by metal tubes. He walked through a glass door into a room with several computers. When he was inside, he went to the computer in the center, and entered commands to make the vehicle.

The gears in the factory's machines began moving, you could hear sparks flying as the machinery welded parts on to the vehicle, and the clanging of metal. Arklon climbed back down to the bottom floor. Dr. Santon, Arklon, Phantom, and Prima watched as the vehicle took form. After a little more than 5 minutes, the vehicle was ready. Dr. Santon entered the driver's seat, Arklon and Phantom went in passenger seats, and Prima walked behind the vehicle. They took off to the lab, meeting with the armed escort.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2004, 06:54:51 PM by Arklon »

Offline Cctoide

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« Reply #108 on: April 23, 2004, 07:46:02 AM »
The armed escort was fairly powerful. It consisted of two RPG Panthers and one Thor's Hammer Lynx. Prima loaded the gauss cannons, and, from afar, looked like a walking one-man army.

Just as the party was setting off, something metallic fell from the factory's ceiling creating a loud bang.

Prima immediately turned to face an ESG Lynx that appeared from nowhere, and dodging one of the missiles, fired three gauss shots at it, hitting the wheels and the body.

A missile missed the Scout only by bare milimeters. Dodging another salvo, Prima fried the Lynx's turret with a Thor's Hammer blast, and the vehicle was reduced to a burning, charcoal-coloured wreck.

Prima's cams glanced at the Scout.

"See? This is how close they are. We have to get the hell out of here!" - Dr. Santon yelled, irritated.

The vehicles immediately departed, with Prima graciously accompanying them, always with the radars out for dangers.
The Resident Newbie
OPUcomic, drawn by Cctoide

Offline Arklon

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OutpostMayham: first storygame of OUF
« Reply #109 on: April 23, 2004, 09:28:35 PM »
The surface on which the vehicle was travelling on was rough. Arklon could feel the vehicle bounce up and down slightly. Behind the vehicle, there was just a trail of dust. For several minutes, that was all he sensed. Then, the vehicle slowed down to a stop at a heavily guarded laboratory.

Each one of them entered the large lab facility. Arklon walked into a place he had never seen before. It was filled with many tools, large tubes, machinery, parts, test tubes, computers... thinking about all of it at once made him dizzy.

Offline Cctoide

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OutpostMayham: first storygame of OUF
« Reply #110 on: April 24, 2004, 07:45:33 AM »
Prima entered the lab behind them and found something in a corner. Analyzing it with its sensors, it came to the conclusion that the monolithic object was a magnetohidrodynamic central power core.

Prima beeped at Dr. Santon to come over and see...
The Resident Newbie
OPUcomic, drawn by Cctoide

Offline Arklon

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OutpostMayham: first storygame of OUF
« Reply #111 on: April 24, 2004, 07:52:13 AM »
Dr. Santon walked over and asked, "What is it?" He looked at the contraption that Prima was looking at. "That specific power core isn't meant for your chassis. However, I do have some MHD power cores that you could use on the 2nd floor. Follow me."

Offline Cctoide

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OutpostMayham: first storygame of OUF
« Reply #112 on: April 25, 2004, 06:45:43 AM »
Prima followed. Halfway, Prima tapped Dr. Santon with a tweezer.

"What is it?" - Dr. Santon inquired.

"My sensors detect an unit on rapid approach to the lab." - Prima said.

"This can't be good..."
The Resident Newbie
OPUcomic, drawn by Cctoide


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OutpostMayham: first storygame of OUF
« Reply #113 on: April 25, 2004, 07:34:49 PM »
{The Compound is a single, large structure. It is surrounded by a special wall that is a combination of microbe and lava defence research. The first level of the compound is the Vehicle Factory, Structure Factory, and the Garage levels. The second level is the research and testing level. The top level is the Command level. There are also inactive guard posts surrounding the perimeter also.}

Santon turned on a monitor, it showed a microbe scout closing in.

"Not good, the microbes found us.. Prima, go destroy the intruder, and secure the perimeter. But first..."

Santon in a matter of minutes, installed a high-energy MHD power core into Prima.

"Now go!"

Prima acknowledged and left.

Santon then got on the comm. "Arklon, this is Santon, I need you to go outside and re-attach the turrets' power supply and activate them."

"I'll get on that. Arklon out."

"Phantom, get up here to Command Level. I need you to get our forces ready for a fight. We're going to need a lot of lynx."

Santon watched the long-range scanner as it showed other enemies following the scout...
« Last Edit: April 25, 2004, 10:17:01 PM by Phantom »

Offline Cctoide

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OutpostMayham: first storygame of OUF
« Reply #114 on: April 26, 2004, 01:22:43 PM »
Prima dashed out of The Compound to meet the enemies. It was a relatively weak force for now, but every second more microbe units were detected on the long-range radars.

Hiding behind a guard post, Prima loaded the Thor's Hammer emitter, waited until the microbe tank came within range and then dodged its laser shots, its nine legs marking the sand.

The scorpion saw the moment of opportunity and a blinding lightning bolt dashed from the emitter and straight into the Lynx's turret, frying internal systems and immobilizing it.

Prima saw Arklon running near one of the GP's and a microbe Panther almost running him over. Beeping loudly, the arachnid ran to Arklon and fired a Gauss shot at the microbe unit, only putting a dent on it's armor.

Prima gripped Arklon with its tweezers and ran quickly behind one of the security walls. The Panther tried to locate the robot, and started moving around. The scorpion, dashing from behind the security wall, ran behind the Panther and fired a simultaneous microwave and Gauss shot, churning the turret.

But before Prima had the chance to get back to Arklon a second microbe Lynx had came behind it and fired its laser, which hit Prima near one of the leg servos, cutting down its freedom of movement. The scorpion ran inside the Compound, and checked that Arklon had just powered up a Thor's Hammer GP, which he fired at the Lynx, effectively putting it out of combat. Arklon ran into the Compound and the doors shut just as four more microbe Lynxes came over the dunes, firing several ESG's and Stickyfoam capsules, which dented the building's armor.

Prima walked slowly to the lab and talked to Dr. Santon about the microbe units.

"They are on rapid approach and are many." - Prima informed.

Dr. Santon was about to reply as a violent shock rocked the Compound, and he noticed the dent on Prima's backmost left leg...
The Resident Newbie
OPUcomic, drawn by Cctoide

Offline Arklon

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« Reply #115 on: May 07, 2004, 08:57:09 PM »
{Wow, no replies in a long time...

I haven't been as active in this lately because I've been working on my website. I'm currently working on the admin panel. When that's done, I'll work on the site. Once everything is finished, I should hopefully be more active here.}

Arklon's communication device crackled. It was the voice of Dr. Santon. "How many guard posts are powered up?" Arklon replied, while making his way to unpowered guard posts, "Sixteen out of twenty-three. Seven more to go."

Arklon was fumbling about with the cord of a power supply box, about to power up the guard post, when an RPG  whizzed over his head. Behind him, the guard post exploded, and the ground shook. Arklon was knocked off his feet by the force of the explosion. His environmental suit had dirt streaks on it, and some of it was torn now. Arklon slowly got back up to his knees.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2004, 08:57:58 PM by Arklon »


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OutpostMayham: first storygame of OUF
« Reply #116 on: May 09, 2004, 01:00:59 AM »
Phantom's fingers dashed maddingly across the keys, then acknowledgement lights came on, and several holographic screens appeared around the command center.

"I have full control now. Sending in the calvary.."

twenty thor's hammer tigers, 30 railgun panthers, and countless laser lynx sprang to life and charged into the fray.

"Doctor, even with our forces they still outnumber us 3:1. We will not survive unless we get all the turrets operational."

Santon clicked on his com. "Arklon, Prima, the bots will cover you, get the turrets online as fast as you can."

Acknowledgement lights winked on.

"Doctor, I am sending our ten cargo trucks to begin gathering more ore. We will need it for a counter attack."

"What do you mean by 'counter attack'?" Santon said with a interested expression.

Phantom smiled. "Let's just say that I have remembered some in-feild tactics that will make us able to destroy the close by microbe base. That sould give us some peace until they send reinforcements from their main base."

"Then, why don't we teach those colonists that we don't like being fired upon."

Santon smiled, "Whatever you say. When this battles done, we'll hold a discussion."

Offline Arklon

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OutpostMayham: first storygame of OUF
« Reply #117 on: May 26, 2004, 08:11:53 AM »
Arklon said to Santon via the communication device, "Just one more..."
Santon responded, "Excellent. However, that single guard post could chan--"
Suddenly, a microbe RPG panther fired at Arklon. An explosion appeared in front of him, making a smoking crater. When the smoke cleared, Arklon's skin had been burned, and, in some spots, torn off, leaving some of his internal devices exposed. Arklon struggled to his knees. His HUD said, "Repairing...". The last of his wounds closed.

Suddenly, he felt just as he had before the RPG hit him. He got up on his feet, and began making his way to the last guard post.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2004, 08:44:42 AM by Arklon »

Offline Arklon

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OutpostMayham: first storygame of OUF
« Reply #118 on: July 17, 2004, 06:43:47 PM »
(This is pretty dead. *gets torched by the anti-bump people*)