Author Topic: OutpostMayham: first storygame of OUF  (Read 32598 times)

Offline ZeusBD

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OutpostMayham: first storygame of OUF
« Reply #50 on: April 03, 2004, 05:04:55 PM »
Zeus looked at Kiith and whispered, "Do they actually think that we are going to let them take us hostage?"

Kiith said under his breathe just loud enough for Zeus to hear, "Don't do it, whatever your thinking, just don't do it."

Kiler looked at Zeus and Kiith, "Hey you two, shut the **** up."

Zeus looked at Kiler and laughed, "You have no idea what your up against here. I will give you a chance, just one, to get outta here before I get angry."

Kiler looked at Zeus and laughed so hard that he almost dropped his weapon, "You are not exactly at the right side of the barrel to be making order's. No shut up and step back into the corner, or else we'll only have your friend here to bargain with."

Zeus looked back at Kiith, smiled, and said, "You wanna see something cool?"
« Last Edit: April 03, 2004, 05:10:08 PM by ZeusBD »
In the dark I'm at home, in the light I'm on the battlefield. A Dragon's life is a constant struggle for survival. But in the end, we will prevail.
Go check out my site:
E-mail me: ZeusBD at

Offline CK9

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OutpostMayham: first storygame of OUF
« Reply #51 on: April 03, 2004, 08:27:55 PM »
Kiler laughed once more.

"First, let me show you something interesting..."

a blue gas permiated from kiler's skin, filling the room and making it impossible to see him.  When the filters kicked in and the gas gone, kiler was no longer in the room.  In his place was Loki.  (If you know any norse Mythology, or even saw the movie The Mask, you should know about him)

"Can you top that, human?"
« Last Edit: April 03, 2004, 08:41:24 PM by CK9 »
CK9 in outpost
Iamck in runescape (yes, I still play...sometimes...)
srentiln in minecraft (I like legos, and I like computer was only a matter of time...) and youtube...
xdarkinsidex on deviantart

yup, I have too many screen names

Offline ZeusBD

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OutpostMayham: first storygame of OUF
« Reply #52 on: April 05, 2004, 10:16:43 AM »
Zeus looked at Loki laughed and said, "Hey Roy, there aren't any tiger's here, why don't you go back to Vegas. If you want to see something impressive, then just feast your eyes upon this..."

Zeus pulled out a strange object from his pocket in the shape of ring. He put it on his forefinger and then in a blink of an eye vanished. Kiler swiped his hands wildly where Zeus was before, but only hit air. Then Zeus reappeared and hit Kiler.

Kiler asked, "Howed you do that?"

Zeus replied, "I just temporarily deleted my last couple of post, so then I was elsewhere, then put them back in and here I stand once again. But I'm not the only one with a power. Your friend down there with CK9 may be experiencing the power of the mod stick." (LOL,
« Last Edit: April 05, 2004, 02:42:26 PM by ZeusBD »
In the dark I'm at home, in the light I'm on the battlefield. A Dragon's life is a constant struggle for survival. But in the end, we will prevail.
Go check out my site:
E-mail me: ZeusBD at

Offline CK9

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OutpostMayham: first storygame of OUF
« Reply #53 on: April 05, 2004, 03:55:15 PM »
Kiler laughed loudly

"You think earthly weapons can help CK?  I've been waiting to finish what I started with him..."(He made me a mod when I reached god rank(some wanted me an admin, but he didn't trust me :P ))

"What do you mean?"

"XKR is a shape-shifter, he can change form of matter and shape.  He doesn't stand a chance using the mod stick."


"Axen!  How could you have possibly survived this long?  It doesn't seem possble."
"You sure are one to talk."
"Fine, I better show you..."
CK once again transformed into dragon form, leaving Axen with a dropped jaw.
"Before when I had lived on Earth as a child, I heard of such creatures... We were told you didn't exist!"
"That's the way we like it, humans being ignorant to our existance.  Now, we have to get out of here, the base is going to blow..."
"No, it isn't.  The countdown stopped shortly after I hit you over the head."
"Thank you for making it easier for me."
"Who are you?"
a figure had entered the door frame while they were talking.
"You! havenn't you done enough already, XKR?"

(I'm getting bored now :mellow:)
« Last Edit: April 05, 2004, 04:03:40 PM by CK9 »
CK9 in outpost
Iamck in runescape (yes, I still play...sometimes...)
srentiln in minecraft (I like legos, and I like computer was only a matter of time...) and youtube...
xdarkinsidex on deviantart

yup, I have too many screen names


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OutpostMayham: first storygame of OUF
« Reply #54 on: April 06, 2004, 12:00:03 AM »
"W-what? where am I?" A disgruntled figure awoke from sleep.

He found himself in what appeared to be an abandoned facility, one that had been outdated, and in neglect of demolition.

Slowly he got up and began to study his surroundings.
He could feel something in his pockets, and pulled out an Id card. The space under Colony Section had been scratched out.
Under the space marked name was the word: Phantom. And nothing else.
"Is this my name? I-I don't remember."
Phantom put the card back in his pocket and looked around once more.

A sign over a doorway read Residential Quarter 0023.
Phantom got up and looked out the window. He had a feeling of Deja Vu, as he saw the pock-marked landscape of the world he was on.

"That looks familiar," he said as he walked towards an airlock.
A T.V. monitor was somehow amaisingly working, and the OUF Colony News was on.

"In other news, the mysterious colonist only known as Phantom is currently missing, this following a security report of a man in a black combat suit breaking into the weapons and technology division, and stealing multiple data disks. The man Known as Phantom is said to be extreamly dangerous, and is accused of working for the Plymouth Insurgents. Anyone who has any information on this man is to report to the athoritys if he is spotted..."

Phantom maddly grabbed the card out of his pocket, and also felt another thing.

He pulled out the ID Card and also a High Density data disk labeled "Weapons-03993 Top Secret".

He looked at the ID Card with the name Phantom. "This is bad.." Phantom said to himself.

~I don't even have a clue why I have either of these things, but one thing is for sure, I can't be seen in the public.~

Phantom put on an environmental suit, and opened the airlock.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2004, 12:27:05 AM by Phantom »

Offline Arklon

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OutpostMayham: first storygame of OUF
« Reply #55 on: April 06, 2004, 01:51:14 AM »
{I decided to make myself a cyborg. For no apparent reason. Here, my memory and existing skills has been erased so the scientists and engineers could work with my brain easier. These, and more skills, will be rewritten to my biological memory.
The AI I have isn't artificial conciousness, just artificial intelligence. It works with my normal intelligence for stuff.
The virtual memory can be read by my brain. It's used for larger bits of information and things that should not be forgotten.

Also, boptronics means "biological/optical robotics"... in case any of you need to know.

Oh, and prepare for an overly dramatic introduction... And probably slightly corny.}

His isolation from conciousness has been too long.
It seemed eons while in his suspended animation.
Trapped in a void where you cannot sense anything, remember what you experienced a second ago, or even think. A realm of blackness. Alone.

In the midst of it all, struggling to be free of the world in which he was trapped, he felt awakening. His vision was, at first, nothing more than a white blur. Gradually, his eyes adjusted until he knew enough that he was in a structure.

He felt the light, radiating heat as his optical components turned online. Computerized information was shown in the center of his vision.

"-BIOS Online
-Visual Online
!Basic functions initializing...
-Life Support Online
-Mathematical Computation Online
-Diagnostics Online
-Virtual Memory Online
!Moderate functions initializing...
-Communication System Online
-Informational Access Online
!Complex functions and commands initializing...
-Writing skills to biological memory... 100%
-Rewriting memory to biological memory... 100%
-Integrated AI Online
-Downloading colony information from database... 100%
-Writing colony information to virtual memory... 100%

Main functionality initialized."
The computerized text blinked 3 times, then vanished from my vision. The warmth released by the electric current in my optical components was no longer apparent.

I almost immediately began to remember who I am, what I am, where I am, and what had happened to me. My name was Arklon. I was a human; however, with my optical components, I was considered a cyborg. I am in the OUF colony currently... somewhere in a command center. I had agreed to be a test subject of a very advanced research project the colony's scientists had been investigating. They had put me into stasis while they were working on my brain and my other biological components, and inserting optical ones.

I browsed through the colony information in my virtual memory. Apparently, I was in a remote mining colony, apart from the main colony site. I then realized that there was the Blight. The thought of it sent a brief shiver down my spine.

I tried to think of the reason why I was awoken from stasis. My virtual memory had the answer. There was a security problem in Sector 0A-104. Someone by the name of "XKR" had been about the colony. I got up from the place where I was lying, and began to make my way to that area.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2004, 09:56:12 PM by Arklon »

Offline CK9

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OutpostMayham: first storygame of OUF
« Reply #56 on: April 06, 2004, 10:27:45 AM »
{I'm not going to take the time to read that last post right now, I'll read it when I do the summary on the next page}

As Phantom walked out the door, he heard several explosions as the structes started to lose structural integredy.  He walked a little farther and before he was more than five meters away, the residence he had just been in collapsed.  He turned around and saw a lynx rolling towards him.  The microbe units had come.  He slowly backed away, thinking he could get awa, when suddenly, he fell through a crack in the New Terran surface.  Just as his head went fully under-ground, the unit fired at his position.
{where this story was going:  :yawn: where it is now:  (thumbsup) }

Zeus gave a big grin {like this :D (I am trying to use as many smilies as possible)} and laughed.

"Looks like you're out of luck, for I do have one more great trick to show you."
Zeus pulled out a grappeller grenade and tossed it at kiler {To anyone who was at the last forum, was the last part he was using Zutual or Tassadar?} who immediately became entangled in a mess of metal vines.
He woke, not knowing how long he had been falling.  Phantom looked around and noticed another airlock door, but how?  He was under the surface wasn't he?  He looked around the cavern and his jaw dropped wide open.  The dream the Eden colonists had before plymouth left the planet had not failed, just happened in the wrong area.  The cavern was filled with plant life and a giant, tranquil lake...
« Last Edit: April 06, 2004, 10:42:42 AM by CK9 »
CK9 in outpost
Iamck in runescape (yes, I still play...sometimes...)
srentiln in minecraft (I like legos, and I like computer was only a matter of time...) and youtube...
xdarkinsidex on deviantart

yup, I have too many screen names

Offline ZeusBD

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OutpostMayham: first storygame of OUF
« Reply #57 on: April 06, 2004, 11:41:16 AM »
Zeus quickly jumped on Kiler, turned him towards the wall and pulled the triger of the gun he was holding. The blast blew away CK9's weilding job from earlier and Zeus quickly pushed Kiler out the window! The air outside came rushing in. Kiith quickly grab a piece of debris and jumped at the hole and covered it again, took out his tool's and began weilding it back on.

Zeus thought to himself, I don't think we'll ever see him again.

Just then he turned around and saw out the window what appeared to be.....yes, it was Loki, but he was running for a recently collapsed residents. There was a microbe lynx parked next to it and a hole in the ground. Zeus thought to himself, As long as he isn't in here...and hey, he even stopped the SD sequence for us!
« Last Edit: April 06, 2004, 11:46:47 AM by ZeusBD »
In the dark I'm at home, in the light I'm on the battlefield. A Dragon's life is a constant struggle for survival. But in the end, we will prevail.
Go check out my site:
E-mail me: ZeusBD at


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OutpostMayham: first storygame of OUF
« Reply #58 on: April 06, 2004, 11:41:58 AM »
Phantom walked up to the lake, sensors in his helmet began to compile thousands of commands as he neared the lake.

Then in the upper right corner of his HUD blinked Air Is Now Breathable.

Phantom couldm't believe it.
Phantom then stopped and sat down by the lake, still not wanting to take his helmet off just in case.

~The only thing I can remeber, is running from an unknown fear, something that couldn't be stopped. And that that thing was invented by the Eden Colonist. But this can't be Eden can it? It has changed too much..~

Phantom got up, unable to remember anything more. He walked over to the airlock, opened it, and went inside.

Inside, computers were clicking madly while proccessing data, and monitors flashed messages in an unknown code.

Phantom somhow knew what to do, he walked over to a computer and inserted the Data Disk.
Lights flashed on the monitor and the words "Accessing Research Database" appeared on the screen.

Then, a list of topics appeared on the screen starting with Advanced cellular enhancement.

Phantom clicked on this topic.

Eden Research Department: Classified
Advanced Cellular Enhancement through implants

Scientists have discovered a process for inserting nanobots into human cells.
After proper insersion into a Nutrient Bath, the nanobots have successfully joined with the human host.
Increases in Speed, Strength, Agility, Awareness, Sight, Hearing, Reaction time, and Critical Thinking are increased a hundred fold.

The nanobots produce a shield around each individual cell, this created a resistance to EMP and other mechanical dissruption devises.

The nanobots increase bone strength by putting multiple layers of Titanium alloy and fuse them into areas of the bone.
When finished, bone strength becomes as strong as a bar of Titanium.

The cells of the brain are also kept perfectly intact through use of nanobots with no losses. However, if nanobots are damaged in this area, temporary memory loss will occur until the nanobots are repaired.

Blight Resistance Testing is in Progress..

At the end of the transmission, there was a section that read "Related Topics"

Phantom clicked on the one called Human/Computer Interface.

Eden Research Department: Classified level 2
Human/Computer Interface.

We have created a headset that will interact with the nanobots that have fused with the brain. When the two interact, It creates a strong link and can give on-board Diagnostic readouts of the human in question.

The headset contains a heads up display, which gives a readout on vital signs, remote computer access, Video communications link, and a Target and Identify system.

The user meerly thinks of the command he would like to use, and it is done.

End of Research.

Phantom took the disk out of the reciever, he could hear footsteps coming "Memory loss?" he asked himself.
~I must have found more in that lab then I bargained for.~

Offline Arklon

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OutpostMayham: first storygame of OUF
« Reply #59 on: April 06, 2004, 04:55:31 PM »
{From this post on, I will try to refer to myself in the 3rd person... I only referred to myself (mostly) in the 1st person because that was the introduction.

Also, the vision I have is not monochrome, I can see colors... just with a computerized HUD and command interface.}

Arklon had trouble finding his way out of the nearly empty Command Center. Although he could access the colony's infrastructure, he had not known he could discover such information; some of his own existance shaded from his knowledge.

After several trial and error scenarios, Arklon finally reached the door that lead into the tube complex; the system that held the colony together, the system that allowed transport, and secured suitable air inside of the colony.

As Arlon opened the door, he had only seen a place as deserted as the Command Center. He saw several text phrases written on the intersections. One said, "< To airlock, basic and standard laboratories : To smelters >", another read, "^ To vehicle factory : To advanced laboratories (Access restricted) v : To airlock >". He thought it may be better to head toward the advanced lab to find out more about himself, and this experiment that had been conducted on him.

Suddenly, on his computerized vision, this message appeared:
{Note: Read below this for a very short summary of this message}
2 incomplete or untested modules are not loaded.
*EMP resistance (incomplete/untested) <Loading unrecommended; bugs have not been worked out, basic testing not conducted to test safeness from major bugs.>
*Blight resistance (untested) <Recommended loading for experimental and emergency purposes. Basic testing conducted, safe from major bugs. Functionality testing not completed.>
!EMP resistance module skipped.
Load Blight resistance module?
!Loading Blight resistance module...
-Blight Resistance Online."
{Basically, the untested Blight Resistance module was loaded.}
After the Blight resistance module loaded, many commands and numbers scrolled quickly across the center of his eyes. It seemed as if at least one million phrases had appeared, although the actual amount was closer to 50.

After having a few minute break to ponder about the spontaneous notice and refocus himself on what he was previously doing, Arklon resumed his walking toward the colony's advanced lab.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2004, 09:57:42 PM by Arklon »

Offline CK9

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« Reply #60 on: April 06, 2004, 07:49:38 PM »
{didn't want to, but I guess I better}

[summary time]
Another day at the OUF outpost colony.  Suddenly, a large explosion shook the base.  The entire colony is being evacuated, when the selfdestruct sequence started.  Kiler and XKR showed themselves (bla bla bla) and a surviving eden elder was found.  Finaly, two forumites with little memory of who they are are wandering around
[end of summary]

{I have a headache now}
« Last Edit: April 06, 2004, 08:04:53 PM by CK9 »
CK9 in outpost
Iamck in runescape (yes, I still play...sometimes...)
srentiln in minecraft (I like legos, and I like computer was only a matter of time...) and youtube...
xdarkinsidex on deviantart

yup, I have too many screen names

Offline Arklon

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« Reply #61 on: April 06, 2004, 09:45:33 PM »
{Argh, when I thought Phantom said "Eden" in his introduction, that threw me off. *edits other posts to change "Eden" to "OUF Colony*"}

{@$*&! I lost the text in this reply, so I won't type up the long document thing. I recommend that everyone should do their real post in Notepad, or at least copy the original text.}

{Uh, ok, Phantom's next reply ruined some of what I had in mind... *edits*}

The tube system seemed like a labriynth to Arklon. Luckily, there was the visual guidance. It was not long before he found the doors to the advanced labs.

Arklon immediately entered and searched for "Arklon" on a computer. He found a document titled "DOCU/SCI/PRJ/CYBORG". He knew it had some of the answers to what happened to him. He viewed the file.

Arklon read that the project came up when a scientist was reading through a database on old Earth about nanotechnology and cyborg technology. Arklon then saw that the project was created and conducted by the OUF colony scientists. He read through the summaries of the improvements and optical components that were implanted into him.

The optical component information showed that some of the more important/main systems were a HUD and command display; a communication device that could communicate with other colonists, vehicles, or structures; and access informational databases remotely; a sensor; and Blight protection.

The nanobot information showed that a vast amount of nanobots had been injected into his system to protect himself from chemical and biological attacks, and prevent his optical components from EMP disruption, short circuiting, or power surges. Another vast amount of nanobots had been injected into his system to force his cells to let the nanobots inside. The nanobots inserted inside the cells would protect all of his cells from the Blight and viruses, and preserve his more important cells, mainly muscle and nerve cells.

{Note: This method for nanobot/cell fusion is different than of the method used in Phantom's. This forces the cell to use endocytosis to allow the nanobot to be let inside. There, it becomes part of the cell's nucleus. Don't start complaining to me if you know nothing about cells.

The nanobots would kill the Blight by making viruses that specifically target the Blight.}

Arklon saw that commands could be executed by thinking of a phrase similar or exact to the requested command.

He read that the memories rewritten to his biological memory would be recognized after 2 hours. The skills rewritten to his mind would begin to work in just under 5 minutes.

He then read about the AI integrated in his mind. He read that, rather than working on its own, it works with his normal intelligence to help him with a vast number of situations. It would take 5 hours for the AI to be fully initialized.

After absorbing the mass of information, Arklon decided he had learned enough about himself, and he began to make his way toward an airlock.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2004, 09:09:43 AM by Arklon »


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OutpostMayham: first storygame of OUF
« Reply #62 on: April 06, 2004, 10:07:48 PM »
OOC: lol Edit: Yah, Arklon's nanobots are different. Those  only guard against Blight, and other harmful things, while my nanobots do that, plus increase physical attributes (without cyborg parts) and can bring up memory recollection a hundred fold. So yah, their different.


Phantom hid behind a computer, and waited for the footsteps to pass.

However, the footsteps stopped right in front of the computer terminal.

"Come out Phantom, there is nothing to fear." A Transmitted Voice said.

Phantom got up from behind the computer console.

A droid stood in front of him, and to his amaizement, a holographic projector displayed a human face.

"This droid is transmitting an image of myself through to you."

"But just WHO are you?" Phantom asked

"I am Dr. Santon former head of the department of Human Enhancement for Eden Colony."

"And just how do you know me?" Phantom asked.

"Oh, now I see," the Doctor said to himself, "You've lost your memory haven't you? Well, perhapse it is for the best. I want you to take this," a compartment on the droid opened up, and inside was a headset, "I trust you saw this in the records? Don't try to deny it, I traced your signal when you accessed them."

Phantom took the headset/visor, and put it on.

"Now I want you to meet me at this location, this visor will provide a false ID for you, and will tell you where to go. That is all I can say for now, this transmission could be traced."

The transmission then went dead. And the robot went away.

Phantom looked into the HUD, in it he could see coordinates, and a waypoint marker marked "???"

~I do not have a good feeling about this.~ Phantom thought as he walked towards the upper level.


Phantom found himself at the "Money" end of the residential sector, and he came to a door marked "Janitor."

Phantom walked inside, and closed the door.

-Incoming Transmission, "Phantom? This is the doctor, I am sending you down. Hold tight."

Phantom could feel the floor give way as he decended underground.

On the surface, the floor covered up as if he had never been there.

The lift stopped in an underground cavern.

All thruought the cavern were stabilisation rods to prevent earthquakes from destroying the secret room.

"Ah! Good to see you again! I had not seen you since the accident.. well, let's start from the beginning shall we?"

"It all started at the old Eden Colony, just as the Blight hit.."

"I was the Top Scientist of the X-Labs, that was Eden's Top Secret Experemental Facility. Not even the top athorities had known about it."

"The Colony, had previously split into two parts. Eden and Plymouth. You my friend are a citizen of niether."

"I found you half alive in an abandoned station in the wilderness. You were still alive, but unconsious. So I decided to take you in."

"The other doctors thought you were dead, but I knew better, however, your body was extremely damaged, and I spent countless hours (Between Colony moves) repairing your biological structure with meds."

"To make a long story short, The X-Labs were about to be discovered, so I had to, in a way, 'frame' you so that the local athority would not uncover my research."

"I jettisoned you, and told the athorities about the 'theft' of course, how they discovered you name is a mystery to me."

"I found that nametag on you when I first found you."

"You also were my only successful human subject for the Human/Nanobot enhancement procedure."

"You mean that I am a test subject?!?" Phantom exclaimed.

"Now don't go all up in arms like that. I had no idea if you would ever wake up, you've been asleap since Plymouth left for the stars."

"All I need now is to test your resistance to the blight.." The Doctor held up a small glass bottle, inside was a neon-blue colored gas.

"No way!" Phantom said as he backed away, "You aren't going to get that stuff on me!"

"Now don't worry, I have found a way to neutralize a small portion of it so it isn't harmful. Now sit down."

Phantom sat down, he could feel the doctor inject a small needle under his skin, followed by an icy feeling.

"Now come over to the examination table."

Phantom want and lay down on the examination table, Laser Light diagnostics scanned his body, and the blight was shown that it had penetrated his entire body.

"Yes, yes, things look good, very good. The nanobot shielding I invented is specially polorized to keep out EMP, and Blight. Ok, you can get up now."

"The readings show that the blight has been internally neutralized by the nanobot shielding. Excellent."

"Now Phantom, I have no idea of your past, and your memory loss is not due to a nanobot malfunction, but it is due to your long term unconciousness."

"Now, you have had a long day, go get some rest."

Phantom noticed that for the first time all day, he was tired, and could not remember the last time he felt so.

Phantom was led to a small room, and there he lay down on the bed.

"Now remember Phantom, I too am wanted by the police for my experaments (Under my alias of course) so always be ready."

The Doctor then closed the light and left.

Phantom lay in the dark room ~The doctor is obviously very hyper. I still don't know why I am here. But it looks like I will, and it looks to be very soon.~

« Last Edit: April 07, 2004, 09:14:28 AM by Phantom »


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OutpostMayham: first storygame of OUF
« Reply #63 on: April 07, 2004, 09:17:26 AM »
Also, Phantom, you need to organize your dialouge a bit... everything seems to be randomly placed.

OOC: How so?

Dr. Santon sat in front of his computer terminal. He reviewed the special nanobots that he had invented.

~Those fools at eden were only interested in Cyborg enhancements, not natural pysical inhancements. They said that my ideas would never work. Well, today I have proven them wrong.~

He typed in multiple commands on the console before bringing up a screen that read "Nanobot upgrade"

~Ah yes, the upgrade, this will make the nanobots more stable, and quicken the signals between them for faster actions.~

The doctor then typed in a code, and accessed the research for the Cyborg project.

"Always leave a back door," he said as he typed in a username and passcode that had been long forgotten by the OUF scientists.

The name Arklon appeared on the screen. "So, it seems that one of their cyborgs has survived. "

The Television in the corner of the room switched to channel 3 which was the security camera station.
It showed a group of officers about to enter the janitor's room, they had been found!

Dr. Santon saved the Arklon files to his disk, and went to wake up Phantom.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2004, 09:25:13 AM by Phantom »

Offline plymoth45

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« Reply #64 on: April 07, 2004, 09:46:22 AM »
(peoples, read back, as i recall, xfir and I were in a scout getting the hell away from the colony)
Plym was wondering how he was going to get back to the colony in time after x had disapeared, suposedly transporting back to the colony and the scout had shut down. He looked into the armory of the scout and saw that there were 2 thors rifles, and 5 emp grenades with 2 sticky shells. He took up the weapons and started his trek to the colony when a microbe vec passed by, that is when plym new that the colony was in a good deal of trouble. He continued his trek, but it might take him a while to get back.

Offline Arklon

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« Reply #65 on: April 07, 2004, 09:58:54 AM »
Arklon had finally managed to reach the sector in which there was a security problem.

No sign of life anywhere. He searched every nook and cranny of the area. Still nothing. "What?!" Arklon said in disgust.

He then reviewed the date of the security problem. It was three months old. "Why wasn't I put out of stasis then?"

He wanted to know why he wasn't awakened earlier. He browsed the access log of the research project files to see if he could find a scientist that may have worked on the project. There was only one recent entry:
« Last Edit: April 07, 2004, 10:10:02 AM by Arklon »

Offline ZeusBD

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« Reply #66 on: April 07, 2004, 10:14:17 AM »
Zeus and Kiith finished up in the Command Center and then walked out to find CK9. They looked around, but he was gone. Zeus thought to himself, Maybe the day is getting better.

They started to walk back when they spotted something down below within the hole that CK9 had gone into. There he was fighting off something else. Kiith and Zeus jumped down to help, but once they got there they noticed that he had things under control.

Zeus said to CK9, "You can put away your stick (the mod stick sicko's), it's just us. We saw Kiler up stair's, then he turned into something that resembled Loki, but I knocked him out the window. He went running towards some collapsed residence and that the last I saw him."

CK9 asked, "Was the resident's in sector Alpha 6?"

Zeus thought a moment then answered, "Yeah, so what? Did you know someone there or something?"

CK9 just looked at the other two, "We have to get there, now. That's where the....(He paused realizing that the other two didn't have a high enough security clearance to know what was there)well let's just say that we need to make sure that he doesn't find what's there"
« Last Edit: April 07, 2004, 10:22:15 AM by ZeusBD »
In the dark I'm at home, in the light I'm on the battlefield. A Dragon's life is a constant struggle for survival. But in the end, we will prevail.
Go check out my site:
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OutpostMayham: first storygame of OUF
« Reply #67 on: April 07, 2004, 12:03:55 PM »
Phantom woke up a few minutes after he had gone to sleep, the Dr. was buisily destroying all the files, as the security guards began to break into the lab.

"Dr. Santon, I think I know where we will be safe."

Dr. Santon stopped looking interested.

Phantom continued, "Where I accessed the data, It seems that there was some sort of Terraforming project underway, it is underground, and I do not think that anyone may find us there."

Dr. Santon nodded, "Yes, I know of the place of which you speak. Let us go, now."

Dr. Santon led the way out of the lab, he then set a Kilo of C4 to cover their escape.


Dr. Santon led Phantom to a Scout vehicle, although this one had been modified to be operated by humans.

The doctor loaded a few machines, then he and Phantom got in.

As the doctor drove away, he detonated the C4, destroying the lab, and causing a massive tremor to rise under the residence.


Phantom knew they had arrived. He could see the crater where the Blight Lynx had almost made swiss cheese out of him.

The two, with environmental suits on, went into a celler type doorway, that led into the abandoned lab that Phantom had discovered.

Phantom closed and sealed the door behind them.

Santon sat down heavily in an old chair, "There is something I must tell you about the Human Enhancement division." he said.

"There were two divisions, the Cyborg, and the Nanobot/Human. I was a part of the latter."

"However, the scientist in the Cyborg division conducted obscene experaments on their human subject, those subjects never survived the treatment."

"I however, had been in that feild for sometime, and found that I could make the process work by adding my nanobots to the procedure."

"The first successful subject was a man named Arklon."

"However, when the Government closed the project, they had destroyed all of the Cyborgs, and those who were to become cyborgs. They wanted all traces of them to dissapear."

"However, it seems that one of the Cyborgs, the one called Arklon, has survived. I have found no record of his demise, and his cryostasis tube was found missing."

"The Govenment will want to destroy him. I want you to make sure that doesn't happen."

The footsteps of Zeus and Kiith could be heard on the surface above..
« Last Edit: April 07, 2004, 12:19:21 PM by Phantom »

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« Reply #68 on: April 07, 2004, 01:21:36 PM »
{How would you know who is was? Oh well, let's assume you do}

As Zeus, CK9, and Kiith neared the destroyed residence, they saw a microbe lynx coming towards them. They broke into an all-out sprint to get away from the lynx, but it charged up and fired.......

Phantom and the Doc heard a noise that sounded like it came from within the room they were in. They looked at each other and back out to the room, searching it with their eye's. Phantom saw something that looked like a man flash by on the other side of the vast room, but he couldn't tell who it was.

"Hello," Phantom called out, "who's there?"

He started to walk over but right as he took his first step, the man appeared right in front of him. It was Loki, looking quite pleased with himself. "I have found the secrete lab, that was one of the objectives for this mission, and I'm not about to let anyone ruin this for me." He punched Phantom in the stomach, sending Phantom to the ground clutching his stomach.

Phantom was only angered by this and stood up....."Look's like there might just be someone standing in your way after all...."
« Last Edit: April 07, 2004, 01:35:35 PM by ZeusBD »
In the dark I'm at home, in the light I'm on the battlefield. A Dragon's life is a constant struggle for survival. But in the end, we will prevail.
Go check out my site:
E-mail me: ZeusBD at

Offline Arklon

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« Reply #69 on: April 07, 2004, 02:15:42 PM »
"Hmmm...", Arklon thought, "I may need a weapon or two. He [edit: he = XKR, not Dr. Santon] could be anywhere..."

"Accessing common weapons database...

Most recent technologies:
- Thor's hammer rifle: This is a rifle created by the Artifical Lightning research project. It send a directed beam of postitive ions to a target. This may cause electronic equipment to become overloaded when shot at.
- Composite ray projector cannon: Modified from the Meteor Defense technology. It fires a photon laser beam, a microwave laser beam, and a particle beam at a target. Does massive damage, but requires a long cooling off period between firing. This weapon is unstable. It may explode if the power core overloads.
- EMP (Electro-Magnetic Pulse) blast cannon: This works slightly different than the EMP projectile launcher. Instead of shooting a projectile, it sends out an EMP blast with a maximum radius of 10 meters.

Intermediate technologies:
- RPG (Rocket-propelled grenade) launcher: Launches a rocket-propelled grenade at a target. Be careful where you fire. This weapon may have a little inaccuracy.
- Magnetic-Rail Projectile gun: Shoots a projectile guided by a directed magnetic field. Has slightly less inaccuracy than a RPG launcher.
- FEP (Fragmenting Explosive Projectile) launcher - Modified ESG weapon. Shoots a projectile that fragments into multiple explosives upon contact. These explosives will explode in a 2 second period of time.
- EMP (Electro-magnetic Pulse) projectile launcher: Launches a projectile that disables electronic equipment with the disruptive effect of EMP.
- Photon laser projector: This weapon is capable of more damage than its counterpart used on weapon guard posts and mobile units. Rather than being low-power (red on the photon spectrum), it is high-power (blue on the photon spectrum) by default. The power settings may be adjusted. The higher the power, the longer the cooling off period.
- Microwave pulse projector: Sends a directed beam of microwave waves at a target. This weapon is capable of melting most armor.

Basic technologies:
» These technologies have become obsolete.
- Lead projectile pistol: Lead projectiles were often called "bullets"/ This was a weapon commonly found on old Earth. It was non-automatic. It requires a lead cylinder-shaped projectile and gun power, a resource found on Earth. More accurate than semiautomatic and automatic weapons.
- Lead projectile semiautomatic rifle: This was also found commonly on Earth. It was semiautomatic (either shot bullets at a rate of 3 per shot at most, or constantly with a little wait time before each shot). It was slightly less accurate than the pistol.
- Lead projectile automatic assault rifle: This was more commonly found among militaries on Earth. It shot bullets at a very fast rate, but was very inaccurate.
- Dart projectile launcher: Launches either a poison dart or a sedative dart at a target. A poison dart often kills biological target; a sedative dart temporarily renders biological targets unconcious."
"Accessing specialized weapons database...

Weapons for cyborg project:
» These weapons were created to interact with a cyborg's sensor device for targeting, and various other statistics and information.

- Thor's hammer cannon model B01V-32Q7: This is a modified Thor's hammer rifle. It has a different design than its common counterpart. Has an adjustable power setting. Note that any power level above normal power may be dangerous for use. Higher power levels currently in testing. After the weapon has been perfected for use with the cyborg project, a similar weapon will be made for others.
- EMP blast cannon model UI11-G389: Modified from the common EMP blast cannon. Is made to be less effective to the cyborg using it. Will become obsolete when our EMP resistance module has been completely finished.
- Other common weapons modified for targetting and statistic/information transmittion include the photon laser projector, microwave pulse projector, magnetic-rail projectile gun, RPG launcher, FEP launcher, EMP projectile launcher, among various other weapons."

{I refuse to make this post any longer because the databases themselves here are huge.}
« Last Edit: April 07, 2004, 09:16:20 PM by Arklon »


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OutpostMayham: first storygame of OUF
« Reply #70 on: April 07, 2004, 03:39:05 PM »
{How would you know who is was? Oh well, let's assume you do}

{I didn't say that I knew it was you guys did I? lol}

Phantom got up, he had cluched his stomach by reation, but surprizingly he felt no pain.

He got up from the ground and stood.


Analysis Report on Phantom.
"The human body generates a bio-electric power. With my nanobots, this power, as well as solar power can be stored by the nanobots and could also be unleashed. Since the test subject is unconscious, I have not been able to run tests on what may trigger this release.."


Phantom could feel a warmth well up inside him, as if he had been hit with a lightning bolt.

His muscles increased in size, and then it seemed as if time had slowed down.

Phantom could see Loki trying to get a second punch in, Phantom grabbed his arm.

Loki yelled out in surprize as Phantom swung him around and threw him against a wall, putting a dent in it.

~What just happened?~ Phantom thought to himself, ~It's as if I acted by reflex..~

"Now, whoever you are, I don't care what your 'mission' is, you tried to take me out, and I don't like that, no, I don't like it one bit."
« Last Edit: April 09, 2004, 12:48:58 AM by Phantom »

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« Reply #71 on: April 07, 2004, 07:04:09 PM »
{Oops, got caught up in something and forgot about this. x_x}

Arklon walked everywhere through the maze-like tube system. It seemed endless, and, in a way, was endless. As he walked near a certain portion of the complex, his HUD highlighted an area with a 3D grid, and labeled it as "CONCEALED WEAPONS". He then realized that it was quite loose, making it very easy to open. Inside, there was one of the modified Thor's Hammer cannon weapons, and a small data slip labeled "Hidden weapon locations".

Arklon briefly stared at the data slip, thinking various thoughts. He then saw he was close to a basic laboratory. He knew there had to be a computer that could read the data slip in the lab. He walked through the large door, and sure enough, there was a computer visible in plain sight. He could see that there was a slot for reading such objects.

Arklon inserted the data slip into the slot. The computer read, "Accessing...". The screen stayed the same for three seconds. It then came up with this disappointing message: "Data encrypted in unknown sequence."

Why was this data slip encrypted with apparently a high security encryption sequence? Arklon decided he would try to view it again later. He put the data slip carefully into his pocket. He then walked out of the lab, and grabbed the Thor's Hammer cannon, which was still in the hidden compartment, and continued his search for this "Santon".
« Last Edit: April 08, 2004, 08:39:22 PM by Arklon »

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« Reply #72 on: April 08, 2004, 05:17:53 PM »
{ Just a question, can I come in now? Or should I wait till the next story? }

EDIT: Shoot. Just as I post this everyone related to the story logs out. Dumb luck. Ah well, guess I'll wait till tomorrow  <_< .
« Last Edit: April 08, 2004, 06:06:33 PM by Cctoide »
The Resident Newbie
OPUcomic, drawn by Cctoide

Offline Arklon

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« Reply #73 on: April 08, 2004, 09:15:05 PM »
{Me and Phantom have already joined just a few days ago. It should be ok for you to come in.}

Arklon walked down a straight, long path in the tube complex. He has yet to see another living soul since his reawakening to the world in which he was in. He sighed. It was as if the world had welcomed him, to be a lost wanderer for the rest of his days.

Arkon passed door after door, some labeled such as "Residence Unit 6-14", others "Agridome 6-02", and one "Common Storage 6-01". Just near as the seemingly endless tube turned to the left, he saw a door with its label scratched and worn away, so much that it was no longer legible. As he walked inside, he saw a room that appeared to be abandoned. Wires hung from the ceiling, the five computers in the room were damaged; the computer monitors flickering with corrupted outputs, making static noises; the lights were cracked and burned out. He was about to leave the room and go back to trudging down the depeopled tube, when he saw something more interesting in the far corner of the worn down room.

Arklon walked further down the room, he saw there was some sort of mechanism, apparently a lift. He looked down the hole. There were active lights down there, and a broken lift platform. He backed away a little to just barely see an airlock door. An airlock? In an underground cavern?
« Last Edit: April 08, 2004, 09:30:54 PM by Arklon »


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« Reply #74 on: April 09, 2004, 12:49:16 AM »
Dr. Santon put on an environmental suit and went outside through the airlock while Phantom and Loki were fighting.

He walked outside, and shut the door behind him
~Phantom can take care of himself, he's doing what he was originally designed to do.~

Santon looked around, he could see plants and a large pool of liquid.

He took out his analyser and took a sample of the liquid, and of the air.

"That's Impossible!" he said to himself.
~The air is breathable down here?!? And the liquid is drinkable water!!~

Santon couldn't resist the urge to take off his helmet.
He held his breath, and took it off. He then took his first breath of the first un-recycled air he had ever breathed in.

"Those geniouses! These modified plants are taking in the New Terra atmosphere, and converting it into breathable air! That's it! That's the answer!"

~We don't need a fungus, or anything like that! All we needed was to modify some of our own plants to take in Carbon Dioxide as well as the chemicals in the New
Terra Atmosphere! Yes! It all makes perfect sence!~

~But this was invented here, not in Eden. Oh those Eden fools! I am sorry to be one of them! They decided to go on a dangerous route instead of taking the most secure one!~

Santon reached down and picked a leaf off of one of the plants, he also took a sample of water in a collection dish.

~I'll save these samples for later.~

The sounds of laser fire overhead prompted Santon to put his environmental helmet back on.

He then pulled out a disruptor pistol, and watched as the roof began to collapse under the weight of a vehicle.

Dr. Santon then ducked back through the airlock as a Lynx came crashing through the ceiling...


Zeus, CK9, and Kiith dove out of the way, as the laser hit the ground creating a charred crater.

The Lynx charged up and fired at Zeus, but the shot missed and went on to hit the structure that they had been working on, putting a large hole and many cracks in it.

Zeus then noticed that the ground was cracking benieth the Lynx, and ran towards it.

The Lynx shot at the ground where Zeus had once stood, which was right in the middle of a tremmor crack.

The blast caused the crack in the ground to begin to rummble as the ground gave way and the Lynx fell into a hole. An explosion could be seen then coming out of the ground.


Loki got up and Laughed, "Do you really think you stand a chance against me human?" he said in a confident voice.

"I don't know, let's find out!" Phantom shouted as he ran forward and punched Loki squarely in the chest sending him flying backward through the room.

Loki was mad now, he yelled in rage as he ran forward and punched Phantom squarely in the jaw. Phantom was thrown up, and his head hit the ceiling. Phantom then crashed on the floor.

In a split second, Phantom raised his feet and kicked Loki in the stomach, making him double over. Phantom then lifted his head and kicked it into a console.

Phantom jumped back. Loki slowly got up, blood running down his face from his mouth and left eye. "You are strong human, strong and lucky, but I think your luck is about to run out."

Phantom just smiled...
« Last Edit: April 09, 2004, 01:43:12 AM by Phantom »