Allright, here are my suggestions for Tourny rules and setup.
Perhaps it may somehow be of use.
Setup:- I suggest Ladder style (Were each won match gives 1 point) rather than fixed matches leading up to finals. We have tried this before and it is always a problem to get matches underway because people have real lives and live in different time zones.
A ladder style tourney would solve this (and other problems) by letting people play when they wish.
Another feature of this is that less experienced players can climb on the rankings by playing more matches.
- While Jcj suggested we start a new channel for this, I think it would be more convenient to just use the normal chat channel. Simply because the main channel sees more activity.
- As a report system I would suggest (though I don't know if it is possible), that we get an own subforum. This way, when one would like to report a match, you create a new topic, with the topic name stating who played against who. Included in the first post one repeats who played against who, the map that was played on and the AM (Possibly BM) involved - and of course who won the game.
Further in the topic one could then post a summary of the match, pictures and have discussions etc..
(Might be an idea to lock each topic after 24-48 hours?)
- While it would be preferable to have a ranking system(Like skill level 1- 10), that would also involve some extra work - and people would have to be honest about their skill level. Not to mention we need some criteria's for the different scores.
One would also have to agree how differences in rankings should be solved. For example could Player A (with rank

, playing against Player B (6), start with Medium resources instead of High. Or if the difference were higher, perhaps even Low Res.
In LR one could combine it with allowing lower ranking players to build their base, say -20 marks earlier than the higher ranking player.
For rankings we would also need to define current ones. Since most people seem to put faith in Sirbomber and myself, one system could be were the two of us rank as 10.
Another way would be to include an all time top ranking list, where I would put Paco/Lev up as 10 and in comparison I would currently deem myself somewhere around 7-8.
Rules:Preferably we should interfere as little as possible with people's playing styles.
- Leave the decision of the Map and Mark up to the players involved. The most important thing here would of course that all parties agree before game start. A general guideline that could come in handy and one I usually use, is to let the least experienced player set the pace of the game (within sensible bounds) - thus allowing them to decide AM.
A few other rules which could be considered:
- Only 1 spaceport per Plymouth player in LoS.
- Don't Destroy/Attack Walls or Tubes before AM is up.
- Don't block ore locations/areas you will not use yourself just to limit your opponent.
- Don't enter opponents base area before AM.
[If you got any questions to any of these, let me know and I will clarify]
Some advertisement in form of a mail to all the members of the forum could be a good start to get some participants. In the same mail one could clarify the new things that has been added to the game since the last update mail from OPU. - People did after all sign up here because they had some interest in Outpost.