Author Topic: Unit Ideas?  (Read 23851 times)

Offline DartStriker

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« on: September 21, 2009, 11:32:00 AM »
Disclaimer: This is not a project, just for fun. I wanted to get a discussion going with other people about OP2 because it's a very wide topic with a rich story.

After playing a few rounds in multiplayer with my girlfriend we got talking about what if it was possible to add new units, and what they would be. I figured I'd share the ideas and see what insight or ideas you guys had. I put this hear because this isn't intended for one of the ongoing projects, just something to talk about. :D


- Odin Spear
Odin's Spear is the accumulation of the meteor defense system lasers and the RLV re-entry  systems. A laser array is housed inside the body of the rocket, and it has a large enough fuel system to leave the atmosphere then re-enter. Upon reaching it's target the body of the rocket splits open, and the laser array cast down a storm of lasers. It's not very accurate however.

There are two things a colonist need: Someplace to boost their moral, and air. With this simple idea scientist worked on a plan for an arboretum. The Arboretum is a large agri-dome like structure that is filled with hydroponic gardens. The larger dome allows for trees to be grown, greatly increasing the air supply and giving a nice park for the colonists. It ads a very small amount of food and adds a moral boost.


- Tarantula
After the development of Eden's Acid Cloud the spider and scorpions find themselves very vulnerable. So, sacrificing the ability to produce three cheap units they create a multipurpose arachnid. The Tarantula is the tiger of the legged robot world. It mounds dual turret scorpion lasers and has a large defensive hull. It's also capable of capturing enemy units, however this ability is less effective than the much more agile spider.

- Ticks
Yeah, ticks aren't exactly arachnids, but I think it's forgivable. The Tick is made for primarily defense purposes. It's much like a starflair or supernova. The small robot burrows into the ground leaving a small sensor above, when an enemy unit is near, the tick will ignite and act as a mine to destroy anything in range.

- Black Widow
Another one time use arachnid, this one paralyzes it's foe. It will walk to it's location, where it will bore itself slightly into the ground resembling the shape of a small tank. However, when it's sensors are activated it will release a shock wave of EMP to disable enemy units.

- Centipede
Again, not an arachnid technically, but hey. This slender legged robot is a single use disaster. It will travel out to the location it needs to, then use it's extended body shape to burrow itself nearly completely into the ground. It's body then sits dormant until a threat arises where it uses specialized technology to create a mild tremor to destroy or weaken enemy units.


With the threat of the Thor's Hammer Plymouth needs a unit that can even the playing field. The Long Range Cannon is their answer. The LRC turret can be mounted on the standard combat chassis as well as guard posts. It has large attack power, and an even larger attack range. However, due to it's artillery nature it also has a large reload time.

Both Colonies
To save one resources and space, scientists worked with making expansion kits to add to already established structures. The convec is given an upgrade to be able to hold an Expansion Kit and apply it to a structure as well. The EK holds different purposes and is only compatible with certain structures. Also, to protect colonists from ongoing construction, the building is temporarily idled.

Built in Turrets - Command Center: Gives the CC a way to defend itself. (Probably with just lasers/microwaves.

Apartment Upgrade - Residential: Adds to the Residential Capacity.

Hospital Upgrade - Medical Center: Upgrades the medical center into a full fledged hospital.

360 Degree Attack Radius - Guard Posts: Replaces the standard single shot turret with a 4-point turret capable of attacking in four directions at once.

Combat Chassis:
- Leopard
The uneven terrain and walls become a problem for some military units, so to counter this scientists develop a hovercraft capable of hover locomotion that can travel over low standing structures. This new combat chassis, the Leopard is very expensive, however. It makes up for it's price in a huge speed and movement bonus of the Tiger.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2009, 11:37:29 AM by DartStriker »

Offline Hidiot

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« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2009, 12:07:32 PM »
I would direct you to the search option for each of your ideas. You will probably find most of them among the "Rejected!" pile.

I'm just saying this nicely, before someone else comes and tells you the same thing in a less calm tone.

That's not to say a mine laying system, for instance, would be that bad. It's directed towards destroying enemy vehicles, so it's not hurting the colonists directly and they probably know how to make them.
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Offline Angellus Mortis

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« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2009, 12:35:20 PM »
Well... i personally like most of the ideas. I have not read everything in the forum, but  OP2 does need something like an expansion when it comes to core game units and buildings.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2009, 12:35:58 PM by angellus »

Offline DartStriker

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« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2009, 01:01:29 PM »
Eh, wasn't sure that starting discussion as against the rules. Like I said these were just some ideas I had and weren't aimed towards a new project or anything just a sort of wish list to talk about things.

Yeah, I think anyone would agree with that. I get frustrated when the game gets at a fast pace and you can't keep up with your moral because the nursery is in overdrive.

Another thing that would be neat is to add the need for air, like the CHAP in OP1.

Offline Sirbomber

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« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2009, 02:52:25 PM »
Eh, wasn't sure that starting discussion as against the rules.
I'm just letting you know, I'm showing great self-restraint in not tearing you a new one for that comment.  Hidiot was just trying to prevent you from getting flamed to a crisp by someone like me.  Point is, when someone is trying to look out for you, don't make snide comments like that.
"As usual, colonist opinion is split between those who think the plague is a good idea, and those who are dying from it." - Outpost Evening Star

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Offline DartStriker

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« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2009, 03:51:34 PM »
Well, I should have expected a reception like this. Listen, I will first off apologize, after reading that comment it is worded in a way that comes off rude, I was merely trying to point out the fact that this IS NOT a topic for some thing I am planning, or asking for help to make a project out of it. It's simply a conversation starter to geek about OP2 with people who are as enthusiastic about the game as I am.

It's really frustrating to join new social groups these days. I mean Honestly, the first thing I get a warning that I'm going to be flamed. And Hidiot, I appreciate the fact that you were warning me. But, First off I shouldn't have to even worry about that. I specifically posted this topic here for the reason that it's not asking for help, not a project I want, not asking if it's possible to make these units or to include them in several other projects here.

Again, I apologize. I'll choose more carefully what topics I start in the future.

Offline Spikerocks101

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« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2009, 09:23:38 PM »
dont listen to hidiot or sirbomber, both are great friends and better enemies (you might get something from Arklon as well, but less likely). I always like imagination, espially with my favorite game. Think your Lepord idea is retarded, since every one knows that lepords dont hover, they fly. J/k. I think buildings with self defence is a major thing needed in such a critical time period, for not all colonies have enough resourses to operate GP or get vechile factories, some jsut might be pretty peaceful, and have important buildings have some defence so that annoying star flares dont creep up. mines are to powerfull, unless the common thing of scouts can see them, and worst yet, fast, portable mines would be kill. what you need is starflares to have the ability to bunker in and cloak them selfs, and tiger star flares have 2 shots (becuase they have 2 freaking bombs on them). good ideas, but LRC is a to powerful responce for Thors, espially since there is no atmospher and probably not enough gravity to pull a missile back down, unless its a tomahak missile, and in that case, would be to uncontrable with litttle air.

Offline Hooman

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« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2009, 12:19:28 AM »
I really think these topics shouldn't lead to flamming, even if some of it is a repeat of ideas that have been posted before. There are a lot of topics on the forums, and quite frankly, the search feature sucks, and trying to find what you want, even when you know it exists beforehand, is not always easy. Besides, they weren't here to enjoy those long dead conversations, just like some of the other new people weren't here to enjoy them. Plus it's not nearly as fun to simply read threads from years ago as it is to start a new conversation. Why not let them have one again? You can always ignore it if you're satisfied after the last time.

Plus..., if you've such an avid fan of the search feature, why not use it yourself and link to the topics that you know already exist for reference. ;)

But yes, I suppose I do understand the replies, and half expected them, which is kind of a bad thing. Still, every time someone suggests something new, it always seems to get the same old "changing anything would ruin the game!" response. Sure, I can understand some of you are die hard fans, but you shouldn't be so against merely talking or dreaming about changes. It's not like any core gameplay feature changes (if any were actually planned, built, and tested) will make their way into an update, at least not in anything more than an optional addon mode. Besides, considering the low popularity, bugs, lack of support, no map editor, somewhat odd in game options (starflare tigers?), odd controls (cargo trucks?), and lack of balance, I don't see how people can maintain that little to nothing should be changed. Sure, I've loved Outpost for many reasons, and always enjoyed playing it for countless hours, but I don't find myself recommending it to other people as a great game. It's more one of those odd ball, off-the-beaten-path ones that some people seem to really enjoy. Sure, I can tell lots of effort went into it, but it never quite got the polish that some other games got (like StarCraft, which for some reason a lot of people here really hate).

And Hidiot, your response was not exactly nice, although... I do suspect that Sirbomber's response would have been worse had yours not come first. Still, both of you try harder.

As for the 4 pointed turret idea, I think that would be a waste of resources. The enemy usually attacks from a known direction, along which turrets tend to be clustered to form a wall. It doesn't make sense to build weapons that are pointing back at your own base. If for some reason you have a GP that can and will be attacked from all 4 directions, it's probably your only building left, in which case you've basically already lost.

I would have liked Convecs to be able to carry extra kits, or some similar solution that could reduce the number of convecs needed in land rush games. Most games with pre built bases only tend to have 2-3 convecs for much of the early part of the game, which works out to generally how many a single structure factory can feed. In land rush games, you often end up with 6 convecs left over, half of which never have anything to do.

Offline DartStriker

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« Reply #8 on: September 22, 2009, 02:14:05 AM »
First off, let me just apologize for my reactions earlier, some added stress on my day caused my temper to flair and I wasn’t very nice in return. So Hidiot, and Sirbomber I apologize. I don’t want to make enemies, or to cause any drama. There isn’t any need for it. It’s hard to know what is acceptable in the status quo of certain groups, and the only real way to learn is to test the waters, and sometimes the unwritten rules are the hardest to follow when you’re new. So, I’m going to leave it at that, and simply respond to the on topic posts from here on out.


Think your Lepord idea is retarded, since every one knows that lepords dont hover, they fly. J/k.

How could I overlook such common knowledge? It must have slipped my mind. :P
Flying units in general, however, would be cool.

I think buildings with self defence is a major thing needed in such a critical time period, for not all colonies have enough resourses to operate GP or get vechile factories, some jsut might be pretty peaceful, and have important buildings have some defence so that annoying star flares dont creep up.

I’m not sure that all the buildings need self defense, just the few core buildings that you really need to survive. That and a nursery would just look silly spewing lasers. That, and think about the negative effect on the children? :P The Command Center, Smelters and Structure factory are really your key to survival so they would be the ones I would see getting such an upgrade, especially the CC.

mines are to powerfull, unless the common thing of scouts can see them, and worst yet, fast, portable mines would be kill. what you need is starflares to have the ability to bunker in and cloak them selfs, and tiger star flares have 2 shots (becuase they have 2 freaking bombs on them).

By mines do you just mean the tick, or any of the one time use arachnids I listed? I assume you mean the ticks, if so, I imagine them to be fairly weak both offensively and defensively and even smaller than a spider. The use I saw was to place them a small ways outside of your base, so that you can bang up some oncoming tanks while you get your attack units out there to get the rest of the work done.

The idea of scouts being able to detect the mines would be great, and help balance it out. Since arachnids are a Plymouth deal, then sending out a scout followed by some acid clouds would easily get rid of the ticks. (I hear a pair of needle nose pliers and a hot knife work well also.)
The idea of cloaking is really something I never thought of, it would make the starflairs/supernovas a bit handier. Then again, I find them hard to use on their own unless you are on a sabotage mission to take out some tokamaks or a few guard posts.

good ideas, but LRC is a to powerful responce for Thors, espially since there is no atmospher and probably not enough gravity to pull a missile back down, unless its a tomahak missile, and in that case, would be to uncontrable with litttle air.

As for the LRC being too powerful, I was sort of expecting that kind of answer. I tried to make up for it with the idea of a very long recoil, and the price of the unit being more than a Thor’s Hammer, so you would only be able to make a few provided you weren’t rolling in ore. Gravity, on the other hand, is more of a case of the planet’s size if I’m not mistaken, so I’m not sure what effect that would have. Then again, I didn’t even consider the fact that New Terra is nearly airless. I guess having an atmosphere at all times spoils me. :P

I really can’t think of too many things that match the sheer coolness of artificial lightening cannons without getting too extreme.


As for the 4 pointed turret idea, I think that would be a waste of resources. The enemy usually attacks from a known direction, along which turrets tend to be clustered to form a wall. It doesn't make sense to build weapons that are pointing back at your own base. If for some reason you have a GP that can and will be attacked from all 4 directions, it's probably your only building left, in which case you've basically already lost.

Yeah, it does seem that that would be a fairly useless upgrade after looking at it in that aspect. And technically if you build your colony well then the enemy should only have a few choices of where to launch an attack, therefore those areas would be heavily guarded. Perhaps a more suitable upgrade would be a dual-turret weapon to give your tower the power of a tiger? Or if anything, another boost in hit points, since the tower can easily be overwhelmed by tanks.

I would have liked Convecs to be able to carry extra kits, or some similar solution that could reduce the number of convecs needed in land rush games. Most games with pre built bases only tend to have 2-3 convecs for much of the early part of the game, which works out to generally how many a single structure factory can feed. In land rush games, you often end up with 6 convecs left over, half of which never have anything to do.

A research to increase the capacity of a convec giving it the ability to house two structure kits? Then again… you have to figure that a structure kit is going to be fairly big, especially with buildings like factories and smelters. As for a solution to the land rush convec overkill, what about an upgrade to the Gorf allowing it to recycle vehicles for metal. This wouldn’t just be a good boost in your wallet, but also be useful to clear up some clutter later on. For example, once you launch the EDWARD satellite then the Surveyer becomes useless and just gets in the way unless you tuck it into a garage, or say you build a Geo-Con only to find out there are no fumaroles on the map you are playing.


One thing I forgot to add to my initial list was the addition of new items for the Consumer Factory. To me, this is one of the most useless structures in the game, and really only good to get when you have more workers than you know what to do with, but the fact that it can’t auto build makes it just another thing to remember to do in your daily colony routine. Instead, what if it was worth your time to use it? In Outpost I you could build medicine in the UG Factory that was supposed to help your colony, what if building medicine in your consumer factory took some of the edge off of your medical centers for a short period of time?

Or what if you want to get really far fetched, build robots to help in your colony. In the story it mentions a robotic teacher with her students, perhaps building robo-nannys would help improve morality and quicken the pace your children become workers. Or robo workers to help speed up production in factories?

At any cost, wonderful replies it’s really got my gears going. The thing that keeps me coming back to outpost is that false sense of realism the game gives you. And with such detail put into every bit of research, each unit, and the amazing novellas that give you the story it really leaves endless possibility.


Offline Hidiot

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« Reply #9 on: September 22, 2009, 06:27:28 AM »
I tend to be inappropriate and rude. It gets worse by the day, but let's not get into that.

A few major aspects that need to be considered (from my point of view, at least), are realism or plausibility (since we're talking about the future, it tends to need plausibility more), use(s) other than eye-candy (heck, even Light Towers have a use, they illuminate) and a good enough reason for a space colony to want to employ the use of the thing you suggest.
I would also add that most colonists from either side does not want the other side to be completely eliminated, or even hurt, population-wise. There's about 300 humans left, how many people would want that to drop? Even I, who thinks that there's way too many people on Earth today, wouldn't want the whole mankind endangered as such.
This, strictly on a non-game basis.

If we go to the game basis, there's balance to achieve. It is true that the two factions are kind of unbalanced, depending on time passed (the balance shifts from Plymouth to Eden as a game goes on). Then again, EMP Missiles can land anywhere on the map, whilst the Meteor Defenses can only cover so much. The sides are unbalanced because (probably among other reasons) the game designers though that Plymouth's Spiders and Scorpions would make up for Eden's weaponry... Which they don't.

So, maybe it's just me, but there are some limiting principles to how far you should go with your imagination. I've worked on a space station project and I know how some ideas look very appealing, but they present some nasty flaws, mostly regarding the laws of physics and plausibility.

Now, if I'm really that bad, just tell me to stop and I shall stop posting (Via PM, preferably).
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Offline Sirbomber

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« Reply #10 on: September 22, 2009, 07:19:27 AM »
Still, every time someone suggests something new, it always seems to get the same old "changing anything would ruin the game!" response.
That is not the problem.  I would like a new idea for a change.  The problem is nobody suggests new ones anymore.  You could find all of these ideas (or something similar) in the Genesis dumping pile.  Sure, I could be nicer about it, but who among us hasn't gotten sick and tired of hearing the same ideas repeated over and over again for the last 3 years?  I also agree with Hidiot's thoughts on balance and realism.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2009, 07:24:57 AM by Sirbomber »
"As usual, colonist opinion is split between those who think the plague is a good idea, and those who are dying from it." - Outpost Evening Star

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Offline Highlander

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« Reply #11 on: September 22, 2009, 08:38:00 AM »
Heh, I always find it intriguing to see people flame off the newcomers.
Did anyone ever think about why this community is dwindling so much.. ?
These forums aren't exactly friendly :(

Let's face it, even if the guy had used the search option and posted his ideas in an old thread, he would still have gotten flamed for restarting an old thread. In either case it's not a good starting point for having someone come back.

And does it truly matter if someone posts in a 2 year old thread ?
Does it really matter if a newcomer posts his new, but to us old, ideas ?
All you have to do is to ignore it..

Let others have some fun with their ideas as we did when this community was younger.

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Offline Angellus Mortis

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« Reply #12 on: September 22, 2009, 09:27:42 AM »
Sure, I can tell lots of effort went into it, but it never quite got the polish that some other games got (like StarCraft, which for some reason a lot of people here really hate).
I know why people here seem to hate it. StarCraft is first off made by Blizzard (sad to say) which makes people look down on it. Blizzard is a company of money grubing whores. Battle.Net used to be awesome before the biggest epic failure ever: World of Warcraft. Also, StarCraft gets old, fast. I love StarCraft and I cannot wait till SCII comes out (it has been pushed back to spring of '10 I think) and it will be awesome. StarCraft, for whoever wants to b**** about it, needs to be respected. It has earned it. I can really understand why people can hate it. It was one of the reasons OP2 did not earn the respect it should of (they came out the same year). StarCraft is not OP2, they are too different from each other. SC is all out fighting and OP2 is colony based. I mostly prefer OP2, but I will still defend SC.

Offline DartStriker

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« Reply #13 on: September 22, 2009, 09:56:00 AM »

A few major aspects that need to be considered (from my point of view, at least), are realism or plausibility (since we're talking about the future, it tends to need plausibility more), use(s) other than eye-candy (heck, even Light Towers have a use, they illuminate) and a good enough reason for a space colony to want to employ the use of the thing you suggest.

The whole aspect of trying to add realism and plausibility should, if it isn’t already, be a basic rule of science fiction. A bit of the reason why some flashy Sci-fi series/games don’t appeal to me. They seem to focus on the cool-factor rather than the realism-factor. But then again, it also depends on your target market. However, how many times have things been created because on paper they looked both plausible and useful, but turn out to operate under par? It would make for an interesting bit on the history of an item is it ran out of funding, or was released prematurely and then later you get an upgrade to finish it via research. (In the game that is)

Wow, that sort of sounds like OP1, minus the fact that it never got that upgrade. :P

I would also add that most colonists from either side does not want the other side to be completely eliminated, or even hurt, population-wise. There's about 300 humans left, how many people would want that to drop? Even I, who thinks that there's way too many people on Earth today, wouldn't want the whole mankind endangered as such.
This, strictly on a non-game basis.

I couldn’t agree more, and I think that is, for the most part, human nature. Of coarse there are always exceptions, but I think the general populist has it programmed that we can’t kill off everyone because we need to survive. Not only that, but it’s pretty much a given that killing is bad. Though, desperate times call for desperate measures. Like that gene bank fiasco with Eden.

If we go to the game basis, there's balance to achieve. It is true that the two factions are kind of unbalanced, depending on time passed (the balance shifts from Plymouth to Eden as a game goes on). Then again, EMP Missiles can land anywhere on the map, whilst the Meteor Defenses can only cover so much. The sides are unbalanced because (probably among other reasons) the game designers though that Plymouth's Spiders and Scorpions would make up for Eden's weaponry... Which they don't.

At least the weapons are unbalanced, from a colony standpoint I’d say it’s fairly even. Getting and maintaining moral for each colony doesn’t seem to horribly different. Eden has advanced labs and the consumer factory, and Plymouth has forums and if I’m not mistaken an overall moral boost.

So, maybe it's just me, but there are some limiting principles to how far you should go with your imagination. I've worked on a space station project and I know how some ideas look very appealing, but they present some nasty flaws, mostly regarding the laws of physics and plausibility.

I agree to a degree. Imagination in itself is limitless, it’s what makes us human. Well, along with a few other quirks. But at any cost, any idea can be shaped to fit the guidelines of the Outpost world. I mean… even an alien race.


I know why people here seem to hate it. StarCraft is first off made by Blizzard (sad to say) which makes people look down on it. Blizzard is a company of money grubing whores. Battle.Net used to be awesome before the biggest epic failure ever: World of Warcraft. Also, StarCraft gets old, fast. I love StarCraft and I cannot wait till SCII comes out (it has been pushed back to spring of '10 I think) and it will be awesome. StarCraft, for whoever wants to b**** about it, needs to be respected. It has earned it. I can really understand why people can hate it. It was one of the reasons OP2 did not earn the respect it should of (they came out the same year). StarCraft is not OP2, they are too different from each other. SC is all out fighting and OP2 is colony based. I mostly prefer OP2, but I will still defend SC.

Never knew SC and OP2 were released around the same time, OP2 was released when I was like 6, and I’ve been playing it just about as long. I also had starcraft, which is fun for some all-out warfare. Not to mention all the mini-games that people created online. It was a good game, but your right, the re-play value is very low. But I agree, comparing SC and OP2 is like comparing apples and pears. (I’d say oranges, but they aren’t that far different, but enough to count)
« Last Edit: September 22, 2009, 09:57:04 AM by DartStriker »

Offline Sirbomber

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« Reply #14 on: September 22, 2009, 10:01:47 AM »
I'll admit I would like some non-modular combat units.  Artillery/sniper units really don't work too well in OP2 since you could just spam those weapons on Lynxes and kite your enemies to death.
"As usual, colonist opinion is split between those who think the plague is a good idea, and those who are dying from it." - Outpost Evening Star

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Offline DartStriker

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« Reply #15 on: September 22, 2009, 10:20:42 AM »
Yeah, I thought about that too with the idea for the LRC, how if you had the ore just pump out a truck load of them and just have at your enemy. The modular concept is pretty cool, but a bit limiting as well.

Though, if the design of the game hadn't had modular weapons then they would have run out of big-cat names I'm sure. :P

Offline fallenangel

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« Reply #16 on: September 22, 2009, 01:18:48 PM »
Heh, I always find it intriguing to see people flame off the newcomers.
Did anyone ever think about why this community is dwindling so much.. ?
These forums aren't exactly friendly :(

I agree I've always felt like new comers were always either ignored or absolutely tear them apart. that is mainly the reason why i don't post ANYTHING on these forums by just the fear of being blown off. I think N00bs should be given some friendly space.
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Offline Spikerocks101

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« Reply #17 on: September 22, 2009, 01:29:28 PM »
holy crap, its hardly been a day, and its feels like you guy's are writing a novel. Heres ideas I had before:

Trains: I would think the fastest way to travel in more permanent collonies would be by track over bumby road. What you have is a rail way going form your colonie to other colonies for fast resourse, troop or even population transfer. This allows for more spread empires to still be able to help each other in times of need. You can also use the train to get resourses from your mines to you smelters, and able to have mines far away, with out the need of hundreds and thousands of Cargo Trucks, but just 1 long train that can carry 10,000 resourses a run. You can customize the cars, from resourse (carries 1000 per run), to passanger (carries 500 resourses and 50 people), vechile (can carry 2 light or 1 heavy vehicle) and military (has a turret and can carry 1 light vechile, if lynx, adds second turret). The track would have to have a slow bend rate (like the one in sim city) and a terminal on each end (or a mine terminal). this wouldnt get rid of cargo trucks, since it would be fast in short distances to use them (like power housing a mine with 3 smelters).

Embassy: This is one of 3 buildings required for complete trade. What it does is opens talk between other colonies, most used for talks between Eden and Plymouth. It allows you to set moods with other countries, like Trade, Peace, Blockade, and War, and gives diferent options for each choise, like with Trade, allow free trade, request trade, or shared resourses, and War, force allies into war, cease fire, no bombs (raise morale) and so on. This is not required to trade with a person, but helps manage how the trade is done.

Court: Well, it allows different options for things. Mostly, it sets how much food each person gets, the min~max amount of people per home. The current leader and more. With out one, you would have to do stupuid things like disable you nurcary and stuff.

Communications Office: This has more to do with the AI (if OP2 had one) then anything else. Mainly, it allows you to have sub colonies of your to be controled by the computer (like a residentail colony far away, that supplies you with working class people). It can make it so each colony has its own stats, but is not required (if you do not make colonies, or want to multi manage, ect.).

So yeah, these are my ideas.

Offline Hidiot

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« Reply #18 on: September 22, 2009, 01:42:25 PM »
I'd really like to say something regarding imagination being limitless.

Imagination has no known limit in the number of ways we can juggle things within our heads to form something new.
A finite, countable array is, well... not infinite.

The human mind has very,very limited capacity for creation. By that I mean to say that at least most of one's imagination is the result of the combination of whatever is already stored within one's brain. This is mostly seen in how most humans imagine sentient aliens to look like. Even regarding to how these could react, most would think of how a human or animal on Earth would and chose which they find most likely.

Well, enough of that. I'm probably getting in over my head.

Now, back to the actual topic. New Terra obviously has gravity, though I don't know just how strong the gravitational pull is, not having a radius and a mass of the planet for a very rough estimate and a thin atmosphere. Now, this combination is hardly ideal for flying, since most (if not all) propulsion systems capable of overcoming the gravitational pull of planets similar to Earth in gravitational acceleration make use of air, or lots of energy being used up (resulting in large amounts of fuel used).
This is in regard to flying units.

I'd write more, but I think I've lost it...
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Offline Spikerocks101

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« Reply #19 on: September 22, 2009, 02:05:16 PM »
the reason i think OP has so much stuff that can be expanded on, is becuase its the only one of its gerne. i love things that seem real, like Civ and OP2, which are my 2 favorite games, and dislike fake games, like starcraft or age of empire, which i only play becuase it wastes 5 minutes, with the same strategy ever game. OP3 (if ever made) would need to be just like OP or OP2 or it would fall in the same Fast-RTS gerne. i wanted a 3rd game, but i think that it would be all content and no buff. Alot of these ideas are cool, some (mainly Hidiot and Bomber) need to see that not even OP2 vinilla is "cool" free, as it has stuff like Supernovas, which are pretty much just the disgner wanting big booms and scorpians, which have no add to the gameplay, since there not balanced when put beside the big brother micro lynx. so the ideas being added should be refined (like LRC idea would just be for base rapin from a distance).

Offline Sirbomber

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« Reply #20 on: September 22, 2009, 02:22:37 PM »
You know, I don't hate new ideas, people.  I hate old, recycled ones...  We've already beaten those dead horses.

I would like some way to get around terrain obstacles, probably by blowing a hole in cliff walls.  This would open up new bottleneck-breaking strategies and allow players to reach new locations on the map.  Of course, you should also be able to fill in these holes.  Imagine: somebody's army is moving through a recently cleared area, and you sneak in during the middle of the night to reseal the entrances!

I'd also like Eden to have some kind of counterpart to the EMP Missile* and Stickyfoam in the early game.  It also sucks that Plymouth has no real counterpart to the Thor's Hammer, though the RPG is pretty powerful and doesn't need rare ore to build.

I don't like the idea of a mine that releases an EMP shockwave since Plymouth already has missiles to do that, but what about a burst of Stickyfoam?  Also, would you need Scouts to discover these mines, or would they always be visible?  Would Eden have its own way to deploy minefields, or would they have some other kind of weapon instead?

*Damage-dealing missiles aren't a good idea, but an EMP Missile clone would just be lame.  So what could we give Eden?  Maybe something that jams incoming commands temporarily (computer virus?), causing vehicles to behave erratically...
"As usual, colonist opinion is split between those who think the plague is a good idea, and those who are dying from it." - Outpost Evening Star

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Offline PUNK_FOX

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« Reply #21 on: September 22, 2009, 07:31:43 PM »
It also sucks that Plymouth has no real counterpart to the Thor's Hammer, though the RPG is pretty powerful and doesn't need rare ore to build.
Pretty impressive ideas, sirbomber  :blink:

Well, Plymouth does have quite an arsenal of weapons so to me, its quite fair even though Thor's Hammers are really powerful in large numbers.

But what can beat lightning. Seriously. Unless, you had a large lightning rod to counter with, your screwed.

I'm thinking if there could be a weapon that can do the same damage as the Thor's Hammer but in a totally differently way.

What about a 3-round burst weapon? Like it would shoot 2 rail shots and then an explosive shot.

Kinda like a tick tick boom sort of thing. make it deal the same damage as the Thor's Hammer maybe or slightly more
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Offline Spikerocks101

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« Reply #22 on: September 22, 2009, 07:38:56 PM »
Well, maybe if you rearange already exsisting stuff, like balancing the types of platforms. For example, making Tigers have much more health and Armour, aswell as cranking up there cost to a extreme amount, so its more worth it to build 5 tigers and tons of panthers over 10 tigers kinda thing. also, make some guns unavalible to certen chases, like no thors on lynxs, and no star flares/super novas on tigers. also, make is so heavy chasis can run over no armour chasis, like scouts or surveyors, so that you dont have you super slow unit stop becuase the enemy spams scouts around you.

Offline Hooman

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« Reply #23 on: September 23, 2009, 12:19:48 AM »
I imagine flying, or hovercrafts, could be a bit awkward in a thin atmosphere. Wings probably wouldn't be as effective, and rockets are somewhat expensive to operate. You need rockets for things like getting into orbit (SULV, RLV, etc.), but I doubt it'd be economical for getting around across the planet, where there are other cheaper alternatives. (In terms of manpower and resources needed to build and continually operate these things).

Of course, a thin atmosphere doesn't necessary mean low gravity. It could be the result of low gravity, which most people here seem to agree with, but perhaps it's just more to do with lack of gases? I don't remember anything in particular from the novella that suggested gravity was much different.

As for the convecs carrying extra kits, I had considered the kits are perhaps a bit big. But then, that already seems to be an issue with the size of the convec in relation to the buildings. Another alternative could be perhaps a big kit cargo carrier that can't build or deploy the kits, but would allow a convec to dock with it to transfer kits. Of course, what would you do with such a vehicle after it's empty? It seems a bit silly to keep a big vehicle around in case you want to build expansions. Perhaps puts some kits in cargo trucks instead of convecs.

As for stickyfoam, you could perhaps nerf it a little by just making units really really slow rather than stopping them completely.

What might be interesting is communication towers that would reduce the need for long distance tubing. Mount a radar dish on a GP base, and aim it at another one. It'd be much cheaper than buildings tubes the whole way, but it might also have some downsides. Perhaps reliability could be a small issue, or the other colony could build jammers. It could also be an interesting way of maintaining two remote colonies, where you only have the resources to run one at a time. Have the radar dish at the main colony rotate towards the one it needs to control, disabling the other link in the process (or require a second dish in the main colony). It might also have some power or structure control limit. Transfering workers is an obvious practical problem, but not something currently modelled in Outpost 2 right now anyways.

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« Reply #24 on: September 23, 2009, 12:48:05 AM »
i find the whole GP don't need to be connected to power kinda of trippy, so a sattelite dish doing the same thing seems logical. I would think that Stickyfoams that slow down instead of stop is nice, but since theres tons of Foam ont them, how about adding Blight type chemicle warfair to it, and have Eden do a Stickyfoam equal called BLight Cannon, which slows down but does constant damage, while Stickyfoam do less damage but complete stop, and for longer periods of time, while also lowering turret turn rate and rate of fire, making them much needed to take out the powerful Tiger Thors. A Blight Cannon could be used more for spiders, with its faster rate of fire, long distance, area of effect, hampers speed and more, it could replace the active Acid Cloud for lighter war-fare, using Acids for base rapin with Thors Tigers.