First off, let me just apologize for my reactions earlier, some added stress on my day caused my temper to flair and I wasn’t very nice in return. So Hidiot, and Sirbomber I apologize. I don’t want to make enemies, or to cause any drama. There isn’t any need for it. It’s hard to know what is acceptable in the status quo of certain groups, and the only real way to learn is to test the waters, and sometimes the unwritten rules are the hardest to follow when you’re new. So, I’m going to leave it at that, and simply respond to the on topic posts from here on out.
spikerocks101:Think your Lepord idea is retarded, since every one knows that lepords dont hover, they fly. J/k.
How could I overlook such common knowledge? It must have slipped my mind.

Flying units in general, however, would be cool.
I think buildings with self defence is a major thing needed in such a critical time period, for not all colonies have enough resourses to operate GP or get vechile factories, some jsut might be pretty peaceful, and have important buildings have some defence so that annoying star flares dont creep up.
I’m not sure that all the buildings need self defense, just the few core buildings that you really need to survive. That and a nursery would just look silly spewing lasers. That, and think about the negative effect on the children?

The Command Center, Smelters and Structure factory are really your key to survival so they would be the ones I would see getting such an upgrade, especially the CC.
mines are to powerfull, unless the common thing of scouts can see them, and worst yet, fast, portable mines would be kill. what you need is starflares to have the ability to bunker in and cloak them selfs, and tiger star flares have 2 shots (becuase they have 2 freaking bombs on them).
By mines do you just mean the tick, or any of the one time use arachnids I listed? I assume you mean the ticks, if so, I imagine them to be fairly weak both offensively and defensively and even smaller than a spider. The use I saw was to place them a small ways outside of your base, so that you can bang up some oncoming tanks while you get your attack units out there to get the rest of the work done.
The idea of scouts being able to detect the mines would be great, and help balance it out. Since arachnids are a Plymouth deal, then sending out a scout followed by some acid clouds would easily get rid of the ticks. (I hear a pair of needle nose pliers and a hot knife work well also.)
The idea of cloaking is really something I never thought of, it would make the starflairs/supernovas a bit handier. Then again, I find them hard to use on their own unless you are on a sabotage mission to take out some tokamaks or a few guard posts.
good ideas, but LRC is a to powerful responce for Thors, espially since there is no atmospher and probably not enough gravity to pull a missile back down, unless its a tomahak missile, and in that case, would be to uncontrable with litttle air.
As for the LRC being too powerful, I was sort of expecting that kind of answer. I tried to make up for it with the idea of a very long recoil, and the price of the unit being more than a Thor’s Hammer, so you would only be able to make a few provided you weren’t rolling in ore. Gravity, on the other hand, is more of a case of the planet’s size if I’m not mistaken, so I’m not sure what effect that would have. Then again, I didn’t even consider the fact that New Terra is nearly airless. I guess having an atmosphere at all times spoils me.

I really can’t think of too many things that match the sheer coolness of artificial lightening cannons without getting too extreme.
Hooman:As for the 4 pointed turret idea, I think that would be a waste of resources. The enemy usually attacks from a known direction, along which turrets tend to be clustered to form a wall. It doesn't make sense to build weapons that are pointing back at your own base. If for some reason you have a GP that can and will be attacked from all 4 directions, it's probably your only building left, in which case you've basically already lost.
Yeah, it does seem that that would be a fairly useless upgrade after looking at it in that aspect. And technically if you build your colony well then the enemy should only have a few choices of where to launch an attack, therefore those areas would be heavily guarded. Perhaps a more suitable upgrade would be a dual-turret weapon to give your tower the power of a tiger? Or if anything, another boost in hit points, since the tower can easily be overwhelmed by tanks.
I would have liked Convecs to be able to carry extra kits, or some similar solution that could reduce the number of convecs needed in land rush games. Most games with pre built bases only tend to have 2-3 convecs for much of the early part of the game, which works out to generally how many a single structure factory can feed. In land rush games, you often end up with 6 convecs left over, half of which never have anything to do.
A research to increase the capacity of a convec giving it the ability to house two structure kits? Then again… you have to figure that a structure kit is going to be fairly big, especially with buildings like factories and smelters. As for a solution to the land rush convec overkill, what about an upgrade to the Gorf allowing it to recycle vehicles for metal. This wouldn’t just be a good boost in your wallet, but also be useful to clear up some clutter later on. For example, once you launch the EDWARD satellite then the Surveyer becomes useless and just gets in the way unless you tuck it into a garage, or say you build a Geo-Con only to find out there are no fumaroles on the map you are playing.
One thing I forgot to add to my initial list was the addition of new items for the Consumer Factory. To me, this is one of the most useless structures in the game, and really only good to get when you have more workers than you know what to do with, but the fact that it can’t auto build makes it just another thing to remember to do in your daily colony routine. Instead, what if it was worth your time to use it? In Outpost I you could build medicine in the UG Factory that was supposed to help your colony, what if building medicine in your consumer factory took some of the edge off of your medical centers for a short period of time?
Or what if you want to get really far fetched, build robots to help in your colony. In the story it mentions a robotic teacher with her students, perhaps building robo-nannys would help improve morality and quicken the pace your children become workers. Or robo workers to help speed up production in factories?
At any cost, wonderful replies it’s really got my gears going. The thing that keeps me coming back to outpost is that false sense of realism the game gives you. And with such detail put into every bit of research, each unit, and the amazing novellas that give you the story it really leaves endless possibility.