Author Topic: Unit Ideas?  (Read 23850 times)

Offline DartStriker

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« Reply #25 on: September 23, 2009, 03:04:03 AM »


Trains: I would think the fastest way to travel in more permanent collonies would be by track over bumby road. What you have is a rail way going form your colonie to other colonies for fast resourse, troop or even population transfer. This allows for more spread empires to still be able to help each other in times of need. You can also use the train to get resourses from your mines to you smelters, and able to have mines far away, with out the need of hundreds and thousands of Cargo Trucks, but just 1 long train that can carry 10,000 resourses a run. You can customize the cars, from resourse (carries 1000 per run), to passanger (carries 500 resourses and 50 people), vechile (can carry 2 light or 1 heavy vehicle) and military (has a turret and can carry 1 light vechile, if lynx, adds second turret). The track would have to have a slow bend rate (like the one in sim city) and a terminal on each end (or a mine terminal). this wouldnt get rid of cargo trucks, since it would be fast in short distances to use them (like power housing a mine with 3 smelters).

I like the idea of trains; however I think some of the aspects of your idea seem horribly overpowered. But it’s a wonderful idea. I like the idea of having stations, and having to build tracks. For example, having a mine all set up that is running cargo trucks, then using some sort of upgrade (Be it a feature of the mine that you use a button to add, or a expansion kit like I posted in my first post) that allows for a loading station. And then you build a station a similar way to your smelter. As for the tracks, simply use your earthworker to lay out the track, or perhaps it has a special bot that is one time use and lays out the tracks between point A and B. Also, creating junctions and secondary stations to hall around other supplies would be neat. This idea reminds me a lot of the truck system from OP1.

As for the modular train, I’m not sure how well that would work. I like the idea, but I don’t see much practicality on it since vehicles travel at a decent enough speed, and maps usually aren’t big enough to need a high speed transport. But as for ore, I do think this is a good upgrade to cargo trucks.

Buildings I think would prosper from having train depots: Mines, Smelters, Storage Facilities, and Gorfs. Also, the addition of Train Depots.


Embassy: This is one of 3 buildings required for complete trade. What it does is opens talk between other colonies, most used for talks between Eden and Plymouth. It allows you to set moods with other countries, like Trade, Peace, Blockade, and War, and gives diferent options for each choise, like with Trade, allow free trade, request trade, or shared resourses, and War, force allies into war, cease fire, no bombs (raise morale) and so on. This is not required to trade with a person, but helps manage how the trade is done.

This would add a lot of dynamics to the game that don’t exist. The ability to establish a diplomatic relation with the other colony would be quite nice. Either declare war, or order a cease fire, or ask for supplies even giving gifts. It would be a lot nicer than waiting for the next attack as you gather up your limited resources and try to play a trapeze artist to keep your colony afloat on harder mission. However, I think this would be a completely useless feature in multi-player, for the most part. Unless you can think of some way to make it worth the time.


Court: Well, it allows different options for things. Mostly, it sets how much food each person gets, the min~max amount of people per home. The current leader and more. With out one, you would have to do stupuid things like disable you nurcary and stuff.

I don’t think court is the word you were looking for, perhaps Colony Center, or a Commerce Office. Since you don’t really have much control over the lives of your colonists, nor do they really appear in gameplay as more than a resource, I’m not sure how much this would affect gameplay. Perhaps it can be an early building to help manage food and moral a bit more efficiently, and work like a robot command center in a way for your colonists.


Communications Office: This has more to do with the AI (if OP2 had one) then anything else. Mainly, it allows you to have sub colonies of your to be controled by the computer (like a residentail colony far away, that supplies you with working class people). It can make it so each colony has its own stats, but is not required (if you do not make colonies, or want to multi manage, ect.).

I like the idea of having your more remote locations have limited AI features. For example, you need some ore so you throw a repair vehicle, some cargo trucks, Mine, CC, and a Smelter into the open and set up a Com. Office, which would cost a pretty penny, possibly being run by a Savant. It could do very minimal functions like: Repair damaged structures and vehicles, replace vehicles, etc…


So yeah, these are my ideas.

And good ones at that, there is definitely a lot of stuff coming up that is really getting my gears turning.



New Terra obviously has gravity, though I don't know just how strong the gravitational pull is, not having a radius and a mass of the planet for a very rough estimate and a thin atmosphere. Now, this combination is hardly ideal for flying, since most (if not all) propulsion systems capable of overcoming the gravitational pull of planets similar to Earth in gravitational acceleration make use of air, or lots of energy being used up (resulting in large amounts of fuel used).

Judging from the image on the opening screen, and using rough guesses based on hardly anything solid, I’d have to say that New Terra isn’t necessarily a large planet, but it’s large enough to have fairly normal gravity. However, if to reference the novella, they talk about the scout bouncing around across the surface of the planet, which may just be talking about it’s suspensions being quite springy, or the fact that there is slightly less gravity than earth. However on that same note, most colonists (With exception from Elders) wouldn’t have anything else to compare it too.

And since they manage to get quite a fair bit of Sci-Fi technology, why not anti-gravity units? I know this is a sort of far fetched thing, but then again, so are a lot of the weapons. (Granted we do have the technology to make most of these weapons.) Perhaps the scientist isolate a strange phenomena on the planet that is a result of the blight ridden land that creates a geo-magnetic force causing rocks to levitate, and on several dangerous expeditions into blight infested territory they get enough data to create a Geo-Magnetic anti-Gravitational engine?


I would like some way to get around terrain obstacles, probably by blowing a hole in cliff walls. This would open up new bottleneck-breaking strategies and allow players to reach new locations on the map. Of course, you should also be able to fill in these holes. Imagine: somebody's army is moving through a recently cleared area, and you sneak in during the middle of the night to reseal the entrances!

I can just see the new disaster: Avalanche and Rockslide, make the safe haven of cliffs and mountains a bit more dangerous. I can see an extension to the Robo-Dozer that allows you to build ramps, or push debris over the side of cliffs. I know there have been countless times that I’ve wish I could build my colony up onto some rocky edges but couldn’t because there was no entrance or it was at a poor location.


I don't like the idea of a mine that releases an EMP shockwave since Plymouth already has missiles to do that, but what about a burst of Stickyfoam? Also, would you need Scouts to discover these mines, or would they always be visible? Would Eden have its own way to deploy minefields, or would they have some other kind of weapon instead?

I thought about that, it is a bit repetitive to have two EMP, well in that case Three EMP weapons for Plymouth, I was thinking mostly with use of the spiders. However, the stickyfaom burst is a really cool idea, something like a flytrap that gets units all bound up.

As for the scout vs mine topic, I think for the tick Idea, since they burrow completely underground would need a scout. But for the Centipede and so forth, they would have a section that sits above the ground.

Again, we have a case of Plymouth having three… so Plymouth having all of these mines undoubtedly creates a flux in balance, especially since they still have the ESG, which really makes a couple of my ideas kind of useless. Eden does need something similar, what about weapon that launches small nodes in it’s first attack, then fires a laser/some sort of energy weapon that connects through these nodes to create a network area attack?

Not sure if that really spelled out well, so here is a more thought out answer:

Jack Turret (Name based off the old game Jacks)
The Jack has two shots, the first releases Transfer Nodes (TNs) that scatter around a group of enemies, then the turret fires a second shot of a accelerated particle plasma (APP) that connects to one node, and scatters throughout the nodes nearby to create a web of attack that can hit any unit caught in the cross links between nodes.


*Damage-dealing missiles aren't a good idea, but an EMP Missile clone would just be lame. So what could we give Eden? Maybe something that jams incoming commands temporarily (computer virus?), causing vehicles to behave erratically...

I agree on the EMP missile clone being useless, and the obvious problem with damage dealing missiles is going to be their misuse. However, the Computer virus idea is really intriguing, and as far as I’m concerned screams Eden. Using wireless technology (Which they obviously have since Axen frequently contacts his Savant from remote corners) they can launch a Digital attack that, as you said, causes vehicles to behave erratically. Like, attack each other?

Again, later thoughts on details about this idea:

Eden Frenzy Missile
Launches a static burst that temporarily disables the boptronic components of vehicles, much like the blight permanently does. It causes vehicles to divert from their program tasks and loose control.

Effetcs: Non-Combat Vehicals:
Convecs, Cargotrucks, Earthworkers – Begin to move around erratically.
( I can see this being quite hilarious, watching as your opponents cargo trucks begin to drive off away from their colonies until the effect wares off)

Dozers – Begin to doze random tiles

Combat Units – Begin to attack other units in range, friendly or foe.


Another idea, since Eden doesn’t have a mine of it’s own, would be a mine missile. That drops something similar to the ESG and scatters a large minefield. Probably temporary mines as well.



Well, Plymouth does have quite an arsenal of weapons so to me, its quite fair even though Thor's Hammers are really powerful in large numbers.

But what can beat lightning. Seriously. Unless, you had a large lightning rod to counter with, your screwed.

Yeah, this is a challenge, and naturally I think I tend to lean towards another disaster, but it would be hard to create something that starts a vortex, or something similar. What about a magma gun or Napalm?

I can just picture it launching foam or gel onto the enemy that ignites and causes steady damage until the gel/foam is burnt up. I don’t think there would be a flame because of the limited atmosphere, so it would have to be a substance that grows heated by a chemical reaction.


What about a 3-round burst weapon? Like it would shoot 2 rail shots and then an explosive shot.

Kinda like a tick tick boom sort of thing. make it deal the same damage as the Thor's Hammer maybe or slightly more


So, like an upgraded tiger turret?

That also gives me the idea of an explosive arrowhead or dart. An armor piercing round that penetrates the hull of the enemy enough to stay lodged, and then explodes. It could fire in a spread shot to hit multiple targets.


I imagine flying, or hovercrafts, could be a bit awkward in a thin atmosphere. Wings probably wouldn't be as effective, and rockets are somewhat expensive to operate. You need rockets for things like getting into orbit (SULV, RLV, etc.), but I doubt it'd be economical for getting around across the planet, where there are other cheaper alternatives. (In terms of manpower and resources needed to build and continually operate these things).

Yeah, all definite downsides, the only answer against most of these problems would be some sort of new technology like anti-gravity or some sort of magnetic propulsion system.


As for the convecs carrying extra kits, I had considered the kits are perhaps a bit big. But then, that already seems to be an issue with the size of the convec in relation to the buildings. Another alternative could be perhaps a big kit cargo carrier that can't build or deploy the kits, but would allow a convec to dock with it to transfer kits. Of course, what would you do with such a vehicle after it's empty? It seems a bit silly to keep a big vehicle around in case you want to build expansions. Perhaps puts some kits in cargo trucks instead of convecs.

The large cargo-carrier does seem a bit useless, but perhaps a rather expensive unit that has a limited factory capability? Like a juggernaught vehicle that has to be built with a structure kit and can make and store up to three structure kits within it, but at a reduced speed to a factory?


What might be interesting is communication towers that would reduce the need for long distance tubing. Mount a radar dish on a GP base, and aim it at another one. It'd be much cheaper than buildings tubes the whole way, but it might also have some downsides. Perhaps reliability could be a small issue, or the other colony could build jammers. It could also be an interesting way of maintaining two remote colonies, where you only have the resources to run one at a time. Have the radar dish at the main colony rotate towards the one it needs to control, disabling the other link in the process (or require a second dish in the main colony). It might also have some power or structure control limit. Transfering workers is an obvious practical problem, but not something currently modelled in Outpost 2 right now anyways.

Colonist have their ways of getting around it seems, in the novella they can drive the vehicles and ride scooters outside, so perhaps that is what they do? (That is, if you really are a stickler for the nitty-gritty details, which in a way I sort of am)

As for the communication towers, I can see this being quite handy. Perhaps an upgraded CC that is capable of connecting to this wireless transmitter. You could create nodes that create a sort of wireless rout to connect the different colonies. This would also make organizing your colony a bit more fun, and probably look neat. As for the jammers, you could just break one of the links along the chain that would destroy it, and then they would have to rebuild the link.


As for some more ideas here are some other things I thought of:

Flair Turret: Launches a flair countermeasure to draw the attention of attacking units to the flair, giving you a small opening to retreat or gain an upper hand in a battle.

Smoke Clouds: Release a thick cloud of smoke over enemy units to make your opponent temporarily blinded.

Armadillo: A roller unit, or single wheel weapon that can travel at high speeds to launch quick strike assaults.

As for another disaster, since the blight accelerated an atmosphere enough on New Terra to create cloud formations, then there must be some developing wind therefore dust storms which merely impair your vision for a short time.

And lastly, what about units that can fuse? Connect to make a new unit or be dependent on each other for some sort of attack?

Edit: Apparently my quote function reached it's quota. :P
Edit: I’ve gone through the whole thing, thanks Spikerocks for pointing out I had some typos in my code.
Edit Again: I think I finally got it working

« Last Edit: September 23, 2009, 12:31:43 PM by DartStriker »

Offline Hidiot

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« Reply #26 on: September 23, 2009, 04:19:31 AM »
spike has entered stupidity again >_>

Bligh= the thing that makes the whole planet uninhabitable by humans. One hole in the ground with blight in it and it led to the engulfing of the whole planet. Do you seriously think any human found in the situation of being part of the last few hundreds and in their right mind would use that as a weapon?!

And Sirbomber has a point with repeating things that have already been rejected, and on several accounts at that. Of course, if you can find some convincing argument to validate something that has been rejected, we shall listen.

And, uh, Striker... I really can't read that last post and understand... anything.
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Offline Kayedon

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« Reply #27 on: September 23, 2009, 10:01:56 AM »
And, uh, Striker... I really can't read that last post and understand... anything.
tl;dr? Or you just didn't understand? I personally understood a majority of it.
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Offline Hidiot

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« Reply #28 on: September 23, 2009, 10:10:21 AM »
Kind of tl;dr, because I can't see where quotations end. I'd take the time and search, but my patience is limited, thanks to a cold and a sleepless night.
"Nothing from nowhere, I'm no one at all"

Offline Spikerocks101

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« Reply #29 on: September 23, 2009, 11:55:39 AM »
Hidiot: Shush, I wasn't saying Blight Directly, was just saying a Death Foam (maybe using exsisting Acid Cloud waponary?) just so you have a similar weapon to the every base killing weapon, Stickyfoam (If I reacall 1 game in Pie Chart where some one didn't use Stickyfoam to distroy the turret, then its no longer a good weapon).

Control Jammers: Since all units are robots, and run from an HQ, if you jammed the signals going back to the HQ, then you would be home free for mass sluaghter. Contered by Scouts, who help boast the signal.

Last, I think your quotes are working becuase under hidiots section, you have a non-closeed quote.

Offline Nova86

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« Reply #30 on: September 23, 2009, 11:56:49 AM »
If this has been said before, I apologize in advance.  I have read this post and didn't see the following listed directly, but it has been referenced. If it is somewhere else in the site then credit goes to who ever said it first.

Air units CAN operate in a thin atmosphere.  The airfoil patern would have to be a more high-lift shape than we commonly think of.  Steady level flight is simply Lift=Weight so your options are: Fly faster to generate higher airspeed over the wing (say JATO rockets for takeoff), make the plane itself lighter (composites instead of metals), make a more defined foil shape (probably a variable system to morph from a convex shape to a more flat shape for high speed flight) or simply increasing the wing area.

Actually, an airplane on Earth only needs a small portion of its wing area for sustained flight.  The large area is needed only for takeoff, to generate enough initial lift, so if you incorperate a high speed launching system (since vehicles are robotic in OP2, no worries about acceleration being too high to deal with for a pilot), then flight wouldn't be so difficult.  This, I feel, would add another layer to the game in that not only is it a new unit, but you'd need a launching facility, airbase or the like, to operate them and if the base is gone, then so too is your new tactical advantage.  Getting out flanked by an aerial assault, then send a starflare unit under cover of darkness to take out the control facility.

No, instead the real issue that is being overlooked is that air units today are air-breathing in nature (either prop driven or jet driven).  These won't work in a thin atmosphere, at least not well (Ram-Jet maybe...getting off topic...) However, we have fusion reactors on vecs in OP2, so why not feed off of them directly?  We have nuclear powered cruise missiles (not very effective, but they have existed in testing at least ( so why not a fusion powered aerial robot?  If that's the case, then we have power which translates to speed, which increases lift, which reduces the need for comically oversized wings.  Thus, combined with assisted takeoff, we could have a sleek, normal fighter look to an aircraft operating within a thin atmosphere.

In conclusion, don't dismiss air unit out of hand just yet.  We don't need something as extreme as anti-gravity to make them happen...though it would make things easier and make the units capable of being more helicopter like.  Thanks for reading my probably overly winded post.
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Offline DartStriker

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« Reply #31 on: September 23, 2009, 12:43:01 PM »

And, uh, Striker... I really can't read that last post and understand... anything.

There I got it all fixed now, I guess that’s what I get for going overboard on my post, eh? :P


Very insightful and interesting. It opens up a whole new range of ideas that could stem from just that.

So, with this information, you say we could create sleek streamline crafts with little to no wing structure, and be relatively thin… I was going to suggest smaller units, however, a smaller unit wouldn’t be able to house that big of a fusion reactor would it. However, thinking about the existing units… Cargo Trucks and Convecs have the same cab on them, and the majority of the building is the trailer. Therefore we could say that the reactors for these vehicles is about the size of a modern day engine, and that we could then make smaller aerial units.

The reason I suggest smaller is for three reasons:

1.   It will be lighter, which in turn will allow it to lift easier I would assume, since there isn’t much more weight to be lifted.

2.   Cost, it is more economic to make aerial units smaller, and then the ability to swarm the enemy.

3.   Maintenance: I know aircraft today are very expensive to maintain because of all the parts, and sometimes their size so a smaller sized unit would ultimately be cheaper in this regard.

How this could be applied for weapons?

Well the scorpion houses a laser that is quite small, and putting a rotating laser on the bottom of several small aircraft would be one way to incorporate this into an aerial assault, buzzing a swarm of little craft that fire down lasers on terrestrial targets.

Another idea is a light bomber. You create a new factory for these units, that also serves as a landing pad for them. Since they are small, they can easily land on a landing strip and taxi into the building where they are maintained, stored and armed. Once launched they are equipped with a small explosive bomb. It will then go to the commanded location, drop it’s bomb and fly back to reload and refuel. Now… I’m sure these bombs wont be very big, nor anything to be horribly scared of… unless they are in massive numbers.

Offline PUNK_FOX

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« Reply #32 on: September 23, 2009, 02:27:17 PM »
A blight-like weapon isn't such a bad idea, spikerock.

But since the blight is unlikely to be controlled by human technology, how about a viral weapon.

Have like a virus missile for the Eden Spaceport. The color could be similar to the blight or different like green or something.

it could EMP enemy units, infecting them. It would be Eden's way of capturing enemy units.

I would call this missile: VAMP Missile (Viralmagnetic Pulse)  :heh:

Another weapon idea, thanks to Darkstriker, is a Flamethrower for Plymouth.

Could be a counter to the Thor's Hammer probably.

Flamethrower units could deal damage by shooting enemies and then setting them on fire, inflicting damage until the flames blow out of their armor.

And, wind-based disasters is not a bad idea, thanks to Darkstriker again.

There could be winds that don't cause damage and then sometimes, sandstorms or dust storms would come by, inflicting damage to all, units and buildings.

So far so good  (thumbsup)  
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Offline Sirbomber

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« Reply #33 on: September 23, 2009, 07:46:01 PM »
How could a Flamethrower work in a mostly airless atmosphere?
"As usual, colonist opinion is split between those who think the plague is a good idea, and those who are dying from it." - Outpost Evening Star

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Offline Kayedon

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« Reply #34 on: September 23, 2009, 08:28:26 PM »
How could a Flamethrower work in a mostly airless atmosphere?
Magic. Ever played OP2?
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Offline PUNK_FOX

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« Reply #35 on: September 23, 2009, 09:15:19 PM »
How could a Flamethrower work in a mostly airless atmosphere?
Well if Starflare's and Supernova's could ignite to blow themselves up, and SULV's, RLV's, and EMP Missiles could launch themselves into orbit to doing their objectives, then I'm sure there could be a way to shoot flames out of a lynx or tiger  B)  
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Offline Sirbomber

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« Reply #36 on: September 23, 2009, 10:25:59 PM »
That argument would only make sense if, you know, rockets used napalm for fuel.  Which they don't.

The Starflare/Supernova argument is irrelevant since those weapons primarily damage targets with explosive force (explosion != fiery death, though fiery death just looks nicer), whereas flamethrowers inflict damage by burning a target over an extended period of time.  Which raises another issue: how would a flamethrower damage robotic units designed to withstand extreme temperatures?
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Offline Freeza-CII

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« Reply #37 on: September 23, 2009, 10:29:19 PM »
Ah interesting more units to add into op2 again hehehe. trust me there were some idea tossed around in the genesis thread.

First off i think op2 being only ground only is great.  flying units would make it so who ever got air units first grand supiriority.  Adding some thing that can circumnavigate obsticals like cliffs and walls is a big no there wouldnt be any point to the other units some one would rush to get them and do a whole nova/flare raid.
the idea that a turret would fire in 4 directions seems like a really bad idea if you have a closed in base where your buildings are going to be close by.  also there is no tracking time or speed on turrets so they will instantly shoot any thing. putting turrets on buildings great idea but if there only laser microwave they would fail as there range sucks.  

adding more spiders to the game intresting but there all way to weak against your conventional tanks.  dispite being able to pump 3 out for every build cycle.  there really isnt much use for spider like units other then massive repair.

the only way some thing could fly or detonate in a vacuum is to have a self oxidizing fuel which is why you can fire a gun in space.  so basicly its rockets.

If you want to improve op2 itself you have to look at what you can do to the exsisting units since adding them is pretty much not going to happen if you are going to completely rebuild the game.

Offline Spikerocks101

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« Reply #38 on: September 24, 2009, 12:41:19 AM »
People need to stop saying "its already been covered", because if its all been done, why are you still in the forums. >_>    I made a thread maybe a couple months ago about balancing stuff, so here is just a recap of what I wanted:

Speed increased
Build Time increased
Coast decreased

Cost slightly increased
Hit points slightly increased

Cost greatly increased
Build time EXTREMELY increased
Armour max
Hitpoints as much as a factory (like 1500~2000)
Speed decreased
Sight increased

This way panthers and Scorpians would see more use, and Tiger would be just, well a tiger. Heres some weapon mods:

extremely high damage

super novas:
lower damage (so you can fire it several times)

Offline Nova86

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« Reply #39 on: September 24, 2009, 01:29:01 AM »
I've been pondering weapons.  Here's what I've got (again credit goes to the orignal poster if I repeat something)

Plasma Cannon - After all, the vecs are fusion powered, so why not launch hot blobs of helium plasma at the enemy (negates armor maybe?...)

Particle Beam - Kind of a hybrid between a railgun and a laser, hyper energized particles traveling at near luminal speeds.  Serious impact damage.

Thermite Based Rockets - Blowing stuff up is nice, but melting them is nicer still.  (Lack of oxygen is a problem though...)  Kind of a Eden version of a Sticky Foam, though I doubt it would slow the enemy vec much, just damage it.

Hellfire RPG - Having only a single shot (or two with the Tiger) is ok, but there are currently vehicles capable of unloading dozens of missile in rapid fire succession.  Why not an OP2 counterpart?  Imagine unloading six rockets in the time it normally takes to fire two.  That'd even things up a little with the Thor pitting brute strength against speed.

Finally, High-Explosive Incendiary Tracer Round Cannon (HEI-T) - Similar in many regards to a railgun or RPG in that the first two shots are normal rounds, however, the third shot to make contact would deal triple the normal damage (say due to an explosive material similar to a starflare).  Useless against fast moving targets (lynx can just get out of the way (possibly) before the third shot; Tigers and buildings aren't so lucky.)  Visable difference in that the third shot would glow.  

Feel free to tear these apart.  Trust me, I'm used to it, this isn't the only place I visit, and sooner or later I say something stupid.   :lol:
« Last Edit: September 24, 2009, 01:34:24 AM by Nova86 »
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Offline Freeza-CII

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« Reply #40 on: September 24, 2009, 02:14:38 AM »
first of all this aint the first lets add weapons to op2 when we all know it cant be done unless your going to remake the whole game as stated earlier.  Its ok to dream but its just not going to happen.

changing build times isnt going to help any thing for the panther or the scorps.

scorps themselfs can build incredibly fast 3 at a time and with 2 or 3 factories it can crank out a good number of them but then fail against the higher power weapons that are mounted on the conventional lynx.  Panthers are a middle child. they are rarely used because tigers are better and lynx are faster. it really nothing more then a heavy armor lynx not very appealing.  would be better off not even having them in the game to be honest.

flares are already high damage.  and as for a nova exploding more then once I think that when a vec explodes its only going to happen once.

Thermite based weapons would work but a rpg works even better and as for melting armor eden already have acid cloud units.  the the eden counter part to rpgs is the rail gun.

ok the problem with any partical/plasma based weapons is the magnetic containment that actually keep them stable once they leave that field they disapated or explode violently.

The multipul missile deployment is a interesting idea but that pretty much is a esg and it is not weapon to be taken lightly.  plus eden has one thing against them the emp missile it can easily pave the way to take out a herd of thors or push them back to the safety of base.

projectiles are a concept i like very much since i introduced them in the genesis threads how ever. the way your talking about it is life like with tracking and what not.  there is no tracking in this game its hit or miss system.  And its more effective to have all the rounds explode.

just remember one thing not all the ideas are bad but they dont all fit in with the game either or they are not going to balance well in the game just due to the nature of humans wanting the bigger badder pwnage machines.

Offline Hidiot

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« Reply #41 on: September 24, 2009, 05:08:38 AM »
Plasma could actually work thanks to the thin atmosphere on New Terra. Although low temperatures might reduce its efficiency.

If my weapon can use highly damaging rounds and fire them at the same frequency as less powerful rounds, I'm going to want to have it fire only the more powerful rounds.

Scorpions can be decimated faster than they can advance when Acid Cloud or ESG is volleyed on them.

But, now, let's take some time to think about how legged drive-trains work compared to wheeled/tracked.

Legs will always be slower than wheels, due to the complexity of the system they use to run.

Spike, your idea basically turns Tigers into a bazillion times better GPs. I'll let you think of the implications of that.
And, please explain just how and WHY would a localized explosion be much more powerful than one with a large blast radius, considering the limited containment.
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« Reply #42 on: September 24, 2009, 09:30:43 AM »
@Freeza-CII:  I agree with most of your points.  Wasn't honestly a fan of thermite or particle beams, as they were just basic whatever ideas. (An analog for the Stickyfoam and essentially an improved Railgun).  The plasma thing though I really am a supporter of because a) it's handy due to the reactor and B) if Eden has the ability to control artificial lightning, I just assume that means that magnetic containment is a reasonable jump, but yeah, that is a big issue.  (I would give that weapon to Plymouth, since it's more of an adaptation on an existing tech ala fusion reactor plasma to weaponized grade like microwave transmitters to microwave weapon.)  As for the HEI-T, it is a real weapon that's why I wanted to bring it over and that's essentially how it works, not all rounds fired are incendiary.

@Hidiot: I personally would like all rounds to explode too but then it would just be a supercharged RPG.  Having only every third or so round explode would, if accuracy was an issue, add a layer of weakness to the weapon and complexity to it's use/defending against it. (One, two, move; Can't sit still and fight or you'll be ripped apart)

Wow, thanks to you both, after reading those comments you've shown me that that is what's missing...Accuracy.  I mean, we've got splash damage already.  We need the ability to miss instead of point and shoot.  (Sure, I've missed tailing a lynx that's just barely in range before but whatever)  The Thor's Hammer isn't exactly precise, but it still hits what you're aiming at.  The Laser and Microwave should have near perfect accuracy since they are sort of contiunous beams and should be able to find the target (sweep over).  But Railgun, RPG, and any other projectile based weapons should have atmosphere effects on them (got to be wind associated with storms one would assume) and distance considerations (more accurate to hit at close range than at extreme range.) Hmm...I think that would make the game more interesting than adding to weapons...though it's impossible to do without writing a new game, but nice to think about.  
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« Reply #43 on: September 24, 2009, 10:05:09 AM »
But Railgun, RPG, and any other projectile based weapons should have atmosphere effects on them (got to be wind associated with storms one would assume) and distance considerations (more accurate to hit at close range than at extreme range.)
According to the OP2 help manual, the RPG uses a fly-by-wire rocket, and the Rail Gun's visible "projectile" is actually exhaust; the actual shell has already struck the target by then, so they wouldn't really be bothered by that kind of stuff.  Not a bad idea for the other projectile weapons though.  That also raises the issue of dust storms which could interfere with a vehicle's targeting system and lower the effectiveness of Lasers, Microwaves, and Scorpion Energy Rifles (and possibly Thor's Hammer?).  In fact, the novella even mentions something like this at one point.

I guess that presents a nice idea: disasters that do something other than damage your stuff.
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« Reply #44 on: September 24, 2009, 10:51:10 AM »
I know this is a theoretical, 'would be nice' kind of post...but...there was talk about a 4 weapon turret which led me to the following:

We keep saying that to get any of these changes the old game would have to be thrown out in favor of new code.  I did have a question a while back that I never felt right about asking, so here we go: I'd really like the guardposts to have more teeth as they really can't do much against a well armed Tiger.  That said, is it possible to swap out the single weapon turret on a guard post in and replace it with a dual turret from a tiger?  (Either from the begining or later in the game when Tigers become researched) Now, before anyone freaks out, the reason I ask is I was playing something, I think it was the post-release demo and there was a glitch because I loaded in Multitek2--I think that was the name--(thank you to Sirbomber btw) that allowed me to build plymouth weapons on eden chassis. (kind of cool looking actually)

So essentially my quesiton is, are the guardposts one single unit in the code, or is it a base that a weapon is stuck on later?  And if the latter is true, is it the same weapon as on the chassis or a unique one?
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Offline Freeza-CII

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« Reply #45 on: September 24, 2009, 12:49:55 PM »
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The plasma thing though I really am a supporter of because a) it's handy due to the reactor and  if Eden has the ability to control artificial lightning, I just assume that means that magnetic containment is a reasonable jump, but yeah, that is a big issue.

lightning and plasma aint the same. the lightning just needs a medium to travel along.  plasma can only keep its cohesion under extreem presure or powerfull magnetic fields also near/perfect vacuums. because the lightning is following the ion painter from the turret its possible for it to guide it.

Yes op2 is a old game the code looks like it was thought up and made when some one was on crack hehe.  the engine is limited and there is no source code.  you to really make any changes like new weapons ADDING new weapons.  you would have to rebuild the game.  Modding gps to have a longer range or higher damage is possible i believe you can make it a dual turret but its probably going to be dual or single not one then the other because there is no single turret tiger then you do research and you get a dual turret tiger.

and as far as exploding rounds go there has been some thing that has been killing tanks far longer.  Sabots.  alot simpler one shot less to animate.  there wouldnt be any splash damage from such a weapon because its not a very big explosion.

now if you want a real nasty projectile weapon look up metal storm.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2009, 12:50:24 PM by Freeza-CII »

Offline Sirbomber

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« Reply #46 on: September 24, 2009, 12:54:09 PM »
That said, is it possible to swap out the single weapon turret on a guard post in and replace it with a dual turret from a tiger?

This has already been done, though it still has single-turret graphics.  Guard Post graphics, unlike vehicle graphics, aren't a "base" and a "weapon" put together, each weapon/GP combo is its own unique graphic.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2009, 12:55:02 PM by Sirbomber »
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« Reply #47 on: September 24, 2009, 02:50:32 PM »
That argument would only make sense if, you know, rockets used napalm for fuel.  Which they don't.

The Starflare/Supernova argument is irrelevant since those weapons primarily damage targets with explosive force (explosion != fiery death, though fiery death just looks nicer), whereas flamethrowers inflict damage by burning a target over an extended period of time.  Which raises another issue: how would a flamethrower damage robotic units designed to withstand extreme temperatures?
Alright, if the robotic units are designed to withstand extreme temperatures, how about a magmafoam or something?

It could have the effect of an Acid Cloud and a Stickyfoam together. When shot, a red ooze would be shot out onto an enemy unit, and they would be stuck for an even shorter time than the stickyfoam's themselves. inflicts damage until it comes off.
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« Reply #48 on: September 24, 2009, 03:38:47 PM »
The unit equipped with such a weapon would, you know, melt.
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« Reply #49 on: September 24, 2009, 03:52:57 PM »
well, it doesn't have to be lava based. It could be the same as the acid cloud and stickyfoam.

You can use a scout to steal the data for the stickyfoam research so you can research the weapon and make it possible to be used
Punk Staind Blood