Author Topic: Storyline Adjustment  (Read 21984 times)

Offline Nynx

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« Reply #50 on: December 01, 2007, 12:52:24 AM »
what language is it being programmed in?

Offline Tramis

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« Reply #51 on: December 01, 2007, 01:50:27 AM »
We're programming in C++, modeling using Blender.

Offline Nynx

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« Reply #52 on: December 01, 2007, 11:53:08 AM »
cool cool, im taking a class next semester about c++, maybe i can help out then  ;)  

Offline Hidiot

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« Reply #53 on: December 01, 2007, 12:16:57 PM »
What do you usually use the C++ for and what do I need to know to help?

NOTE: If I can actually help, count me only as a help. Time is tight and I can only do so much.
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Offline Sirbomber

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« Reply #54 on: December 01, 2007, 02:39:51 PM »
Cythera is in the same system as New Terra (probably the next planet over).  The Conestoga, though advanced, wasn't so much limited by available resources - after all, they had an entire, resource-rich planet at their disposal, not a barren rock like New Terra.
The ship's pilots set course for a binary star system dozens of light years from Earth.  The system had one habitable planet, similar in many respects to Mars.  This world, named "New Terra," became mankind's new home.  The first settlement was called "Eden;" they planned to make their new world a paradise.

There goes that "next planet over" theory.

Several years passed, and the Phoenix Voyager was launched from New Terra, intending to go to another system.  The rushed starship program however resulted in a problem with the ion drive module, which they needed for a long range space voyage.  They are forced to land somewhere closer, and decide on Cythera.

It was nowhere near as rushed as the Conestoga and had much better technology. In fact, they actually improved the Ion Drive before they left New Terra. Unless the improvement just magically decided to malfunction. Maybe Axen had sex with the Ion Drive before the Phoenix Voyager departed, causing it to malfunction?

I sense more plot holes opening. The universe will destabilize at this rate.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2007, 02:40:53 PM by Sirbomber »
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Offline Combine Crusier

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« Reply #55 on: December 02, 2007, 01:43:35 PM »
ACtually it probably wasn't the ION Drive it was probably the mercury they gathered that caused the malfunction, IE impurities in the mercury caused a biuld up of materials in the feul intake which jammed the motor. Hey they HAD to gather the mercury from an unblighted area of the planet. Of course they still could have used the fusion drive... though it would have taken longer.
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Offline Arklon

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« Reply #56 on: December 02, 2007, 02:30:24 PM »
ACtually it probably wasn't the ION Drive it was probably the mercury they gathered that caused the malfunction, IE impurities in the mercury caused a biuld up of materials in the feul intake which jammed the motor. Hey they HAD to gather the mercury from an unblighted area of the planet. Of course they still could have used the fusion drive... though it would have taken longer.
What the hell are you talking about?

Offline Hidiot

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« Reply #57 on: December 02, 2007, 02:35:47 PM »
There's a number of plausible things that could have gone wrong as the ship started to leave... But why not try to fill that plot hole like this:

Those who left from Earth/Venus/whatever, land on a planet just a few systems away from the New Terra containing system(I.E. the system in which New Terra is). Those leaving New Terra head in a way that somehow crosses with the former path of the other starship and decide to follow that path and there you have a scenario with them meeting on another planet.
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Offline Arklon

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« Reply #58 on: December 02, 2007, 03:12:07 PM »
Those leaving New Terra head in a way that somehow crosses with the former path of the other starship and decide to follow that path and there you have a scenario with them meeting on another planet.
So you're suggesting they just happen to meet up in the middle of f***ing nowhere...?

Offline Freeza-CII

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« Reply #59 on: December 02, 2007, 05:23:51 PM »
you have better odds or being struck by lightning as you win the 300 million dollar lotto hehe

Offline Hidiot

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« Reply #60 on: December 03, 2007, 03:00:26 AM »
Uh... I somehow understood from around these parts of the forum that the ships leave a lasting trail of some kind, because of the engines... So just take is as it is, they go straight to that trail, pick it up, see where it's headed and go that way. Presume the other ship found a planet that's good enough and they stayed there.

My idea anyways... If it's really that bad, ignore it...
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Offline Sirbomber

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« Reply #61 on: December 03, 2007, 07:02:58 AM »
Uh... I somehow understood from around these parts of the forum that the ships leave a lasting trail of some kind, because of the engines... So just take is as it is, they go straight to that trail, pick it up, see where it's headed and go that way. Presume the other ship found a planet that's good enough and they stayed there.
See, I've always thought, if I were the captain of a ship containing the last humans in the universe, and I found another ship, I would stay the **** away from that ship because I don't want to get eaten by aliens or whatnot.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2007, 07:08:32 AM by Sirbomber »
"As usual, colonist opinion is split between those who think the plague is a good idea, and those who are dying from it." - Outpost Evening Star

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Offline Norsehound

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« Reply #62 on: June 24, 2008, 10:18:02 PM »
To reiterate what Combine_cruiser said earlier...what about a moonbase?

Sure Earth got the Conestoga launched off. With the technology they had on-hand developed to build a multigenerational ship, you mean to tell me they didn't have a base on the moon, or other planets in the solar system?

Life wouldn't be any more rough for those colonists than it has been on New Terra. Unless they also destroyed themselves seeking terraforming options (perhaps they were a little wiser?), maybe they'd have spacecraft of their own out there somewhere, and the Conestoga has become something of a myth?

They wouldn't have FTL travel of course (we're not going THAT far into Scifi), but maybe a probe or something of these 'Sol-colonists' might find the New Terra exodus mission and dispatch a ship of their own to say hello?

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Offline Freeza-CII

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« Reply #63 on: June 24, 2008, 11:06:55 PM »
The problem with a moon base is water.  The ship doesnt require that much water for the people since there all in a near death sleep so to speak. Plus getting to a moon takes alot more resources.  sure they could take there space ship to the moon.  But thats not how the op2 story ends.

Offline Norsehound

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« Reply #64 on: June 24, 2008, 11:14:14 PM »
Presumably refugees emigrating to the moon after the Conestoga launch would have taken as much provision as possible with them... as well as facilities and equipment to recycle water. After all, how do the colonies procure water on New Terra?

Ice mining is also a possibility, and on Mars at least there is thought to be frozen water there suitable for mining and refining (to say nothing of underground springs, possibly).

In fact, the notion of emigrating to the moon to survive could also be applied to Axen's survivors in the Eden campaign. Sure, they might not have the capability of making another spaceship, but perhaps they had enough resources and time to go to New Terra's moon, and go from there?

I would think that structures on both sides are capable of surviving airless conditions, since the colony designs were built to withstand a number of space dangers. You don't see anyone wandering outside after all, do you?
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Offline Skydock Command

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« Reply #65 on: June 25, 2008, 09:40:35 AM »
The buildings are built airtight, therefore they can exist without air. 100% water rycycling is entirely possible, and we can do it too 97% as of 2006. As of today the Phoenix lander has confermed permafrost on Mars and there are large ice caps on Mars as well.

A plan for an almost self-sufficant lunar base was developed a couple of years ago, called Luna Gaia. Though it only suports 14 people, they could probalby adapt a large scale version. Maybe 600-700 people? Thats a little streching it on the Luna Gaia design, but this is set in the future where they can build an intersteller starship, so mabye they can come up with some form of mass space increase.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2008, 09:44:27 AM by Skydock Command »
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Offline Freeza-CII

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« Reply #66 on: June 25, 2008, 07:05:25 PM »
A moon colony is plausable But the problem is There arent to many useable resources on the moon.  So it would be unlikely for them to actually leave the moon.  There Best bet would be to head to mars where there is actually water or Ganamede that moon of ice around jupiture and there is titan around saturn.  Mars jupiture and Saturn give them access to the minerals they would need to build a ship to go futher.  the only way to get to either not the moon would be a undertaking.  How ever like the op1 movie says All of earth worked on the Starship.  So i Highly doubt there would be any one to go off and build another ship.  Some from a religious standing would welcome the meteor as a sign of god/gods/deite.  then Other would just lack the techno know how to build one and launch it such as terrorist organizations.  So There would only be one space ship that would actually leave earth to new terra.  Any one leaving the planet would have to so it with space ships that were hauling s*** to and fro from the docking ring of the ship.  there they could canabalize the platform. then have the materials to make it to mars or a jupiture/saturn moon.  Then from those places they could have made it to another solar system.  How ever there would be a signifigant time gap.  that would mean the Ship that left new terra would most likely never find the second ship from the SOL solar system.  Due to the chances of a likely planet being found i doubt they would cross paths at all.  And If they were smart and to ensure the survival of the humans they would pick a new direction if they even knew the first direction How ever logic would dictate they would go to the closest and work to the closests to that and so on.  But it would be my best guess that if they had a colony on mars they would most likely stay on mars as it would be to risky to leave and loose every thing for a colony of people that could be dead for all they know.  I would think they would stay in the Sol system. and thus killing the second starship.  

Offline Norsehound

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« Reply #67 on: June 25, 2008, 10:08:35 PM »
What I'm suggesting is that survivors from a Lunar/Martian colony (using whatever they had left from the Conestoga project), managed to carve out some kind of space faring civilization in the years that the Conestoga was drifting. It will be difficult, sure, but if the technology seen in Eden (The first colony), is any indication then I think it's entirely possible for 'earth survivors', taking copies of the devices used on the conestoga, to move to Mars or the moon and create an outpost there.

They wouldn't need the same resources the Conestoga (or New Terra emigration ship) because they aren't leaving the solar system- just going to another planet in a separate orbit.

From there, while the Conestoga was still in flight, humanity would be looking to either build another starship for complete evacuation of the solar system... or establishing a new civilization on a different planet. Either way, I like to think the possibility is open for human survival in the solar system if they were able to construct an interstellar spacecraft.

Come 100 years after Earth's been wiped out, I would imagine that interstellar probes would have been launched from the new solar colonies to explore the universe... find other planets for colonization... or in the very least find the Conestoga and see if they had better luck than the martian/lunar colony.

And what do people say to the idea of the other colony going to new Terra's moon and building a base there? Are we to assume that the moon of this world has no usable resources at all?
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Offline Freeza-CII

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« Reply #68 on: June 27, 2008, 06:21:11 PM »
What I'm suggesting is that survivors from a Lunar/Martian colony (using whatever they had left from the Conestoga project), managed to carve out some kind of space faring civilization in the years that the Conestoga was drifting. It will be difficult, sure, but if the technology seen in Eden (The first colony), is any indication then I think it's entirely possible for 'earth survivors', taking copies of the devices used on the conestoga, to move to Mars or the moon and create an outpost there

Eden had a advantage they earth database a mars based colony most likely wouldnt have the same advantage.  It might give rise to them using more familiar technologys like guns and chainsaws, hehe little joke there.  In the time it took the Conestoga to reach New Terra.  There would be some good development into there tech in that time frame.

They wouldn't need the same resources the Conestoga (or New Terra emigration ship) because they aren't leaving the solar system- just going to another planet in a separate orbit.

No they wouldnt but the conestoga could have taken all that many people.  So there would be ALOT left over on earth.  So How many would you say escaped with the limited avaliblity of transports that would even get some one to the moon and such.  it would still be a massive under taking.  Still possible tho.

From there, while the Conestoga was still in flight, humanity would be looking to either build another starship for complete evacuation of the solar system... or establishing a new civilization on a different planet. Either way, I like to think the possibility is open for human survival in the solar system if they were able to construct an interstellar spacecraft.

Come 100 years after Earth's been wiped out, I would imagine that interstellar probes would have been launched from the new solar colonies to explore the universe... find other planets for colonization... or in the very least find the Conestoga and see if they had better luck than the martian/lunar colony.

I just dont see any colony landing on mars/moon/where ever and just starting to build a new starship.  It would take them a while to recover from there move. If they have a successful colony on mars or what not.  Then why would they leave.  What danger could make them leave.  I dont beleive our Sun goes nova or super nova.  Since its the type to grow large and then shrink to a white brown dwarf.  But even that wouldnt happen for a very very long time.  And the distance from here to there is so great that the probes would be kinda useless even if they could travel at the speed of light.  Its all exotic but highly improbable to send probes out that far.  At best they would terraform mars.

And what do people say to the idea of the other colony going to new Terra's moon and building a base there? Are we to assume that the moon of this world has no usable resources at all?

There are resources on moons but i doubt there would be enough to support a colony with out hollowing the moon out.  Plus there is no telling what happen to the people left on new terra after the ship left for parts unknown.  I some how dont believe they would have the resources or time to build a new ship even to get to the moon. and even there where do they go.  You have to assume there are other planets in the new terra system.  But only one was bearly good enough to support life.  And with some research i dont see alot of hard rocky planets being found.  just alot of Gas giants.  So there is no telling how exactly far from earth the new terra system is.  But im sure its some where in the orian arm of the milkyway.  So the people left on newterra either melted or found a way to protect themselves from the blight Perhaps becoming air born like floating.  But nothing like ANTI GRAV or Jump jets.  My guess is it would be some thing more primitive but more reliable and less resource requirements.

A Space station would be plausable to build but impractical to keep running as there is no way to fix it or get resouces with out a massive undertaking or risk.  Even tho it wasnt mentioned i thought i would bring that up any way.

Offline Norsehound

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« Reply #69 on: June 27, 2008, 10:36:07 PM »
No they wouldnt but the conestoga could have taken all that many people. So there would be ALOT left over on earth. So How many would you say escaped with the limited avaliblity of transports that would even get some one to the moon and such. it would still be a massive under taking. Still possible tho.

I'm not saying the rest of the human race emigrated- just whoever was selected to go on what transports they could appropriate. Not everyone could have been saved, but I think more made it out of doomsday on earth than just those on the Conestoga.

I just dont see any colony landing on mars/moon/where ever and just starting to build a new starship. It would take them a while to recover from there move. If they have a successful colony on mars or what not. Then why would they leave. What danger could make them leave. I dont beleive our Sun goes nova or super nova. Since its the type to grow large and then shrink to a white brown dwarf. But even that wouldnt happen for a very very long time. And the distance from here to there is so great that the probes would be kinda useless even if they could travel at the speed of light. Its all exotic but highly improbable to send probes out that far. At best they would terraform mars.

I didn't mean to suggest that they left either, but I left the possibility open. The moon/mars colonists may have decided to follow the Conestoga.

There are resources on moons but i doubt there would be enough to support a colony with out hollowing the moon out. Plus there is no telling what happen to the people left on new terra after the ship left for parts unknown. I some how dont believe they would have the resources or time to build a new ship even to get to the moon. and even there where do they go. You have to assume there are other planets in the new terra system. But only one was bearly good enough to support life. And with some research i dont see alot of hard rocky planets being found. just alot of Gas giants. So there is no telling how exactly far from earth the new terra system is. But im sure its some where in the orian arm of the milkyway. So the people left on newterra either melted or found a way to protect themselves from the blight Perhaps becoming air born like floating. But nothing like ANTI GRAV or Jump jets. My guess is it would be some thing more primitive but more reliable and less resource requirements.

Hollowing the moon out? That's an absurd notion... New Terra wasn't 'partially hollowed out' to construct their emigration ship, was it? New Terra's moon is not an asteroid- it looks to be about the same size as our moon. They aren't building a world ship- just a copy of the exodus ship.

Personally I wouldn't think it would be that hard to adapt their SULV/RLV technologies to create another colony of the moon. If we were to continue the research tree, I can imagine a proposal to adapt the Phoenix Lander module to an SULV platform. With the time remaining, you could launch the Phoenix module and construct lunar landers to send your colonists. New Terra is evacuated from the blight, and on the moon you'd have plenty of time and resources to construct a new spaceship. What materials you couldn't get on the moon would be mined and shipped up to the colony before the Blight completely covered the planet.

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Offline Sirbomber

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« Reply #70 on: June 27, 2008, 10:45:45 PM »
I'm no astrophysicist, but... If the Earth was destroyed, wouldn't the moon fly off into space or something? Making a moon colony kinda... impossible.
And, drawing on info from OP1, meteors were expected to hit other planets in the solar system, making a Mars colony a bad idea. Whether you care about OP1 or not, you have to admit it certainly does provide more details into Earth's destruction than OP2.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2008, 10:47:48 PM by Sirbomber »
"As usual, colonist opinion is split between those who think the plague is a good idea, and those who are dying from it." - Outpost Evening Star

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Offline Norsehound

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« Reply #71 on: June 27, 2008, 11:49:08 PM »
I thought earth was hit by a pair of meteors, sending up dust clouds ala Nuclear Winter. Not blown into tiny bits with a moon-sized asteroid.

Plus as Space: 1999 clearly shows, it IS possible to live on the moon for extended periods... despite repeated encounters with aliens :P

« Last Edit: June 27, 2008, 11:49:49 PM by Norsehound »
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Offline Sirbomber

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« Reply #72 on: June 27, 2008, 11:51:58 PM »
No, if I recall correctly, has Vulcan's Hammer not have been nuked, it would have just make Earth inhospitable, but by nuking it into several large fragments the impacts turned Earth into space dust.
"As usual, colonist opinion is split between those who think the plague is a good idea, and those who are dying from it." - Outpost Evening Star

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Offline Freeza-CII

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« Reply #73 on: June 28, 2008, 12:15:24 AM »
asteroids that big wouldnt destroy the earth.  And after the atmostphere became dust free and warmed up again it would be hospitable again.  even some thing the size of the moon wouldnt destroy earth. they would actually meld together.  Plus Meteors hit earth and other planets every day but those big ones dont come around very often.

The moon wouldnt get flinged into space it would most like assume orbit around the orbit of earth if it was possible for it to be destroyed.  that in itself could make it the moon inhospitable for the buildings.

Any way. back to the main topic.

The mars colony to follow the conestoga would be a massive under taking.  but by the time they found new terra all they would find was the blight or a barren world with ruins and a car.  I doubt they would folllow the ship that left new terra. as they would have no idea which way it went.  But they would know what happen but it doesnt make for much of a story for a game.

Yes there not building a world ship but it still takes massive resources to build a ship.  I just dont think a moon would have enough.  thus being hollowed out like a bake potato.

Offline Derekristow

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« Reply #74 on: June 28, 2008, 01:31:48 AM »
If New Terra's moon was formed the same way ours was then it would be devoid of any metals other than those in meteors.  I think that Axel's colonists shouldn't be ruled out though.  Even if they couldn't have settled a new planet, they may have tried to stay in orbit and survive.  The Savant-mind may have even supplied them with air and water.  

Another thing to think about is that the Blight would eventually burn itself out, especially at the rate it was spreading.  It would die out and leave the planet with a perfect atmosphere.  It might be possible that the remaining people built more stasis pods and figured out how long the Blight would stick around.  If they built off of the Skydock then the new colony might not notice them there. The amount of time between the starship launch and everyone else waking up may have been enough time for the people on Cythera to forget the other colonists.

I think some people are slightly underestimating the human race.  The largest governments are thought to have built underground bunkers made to survive a meteor strike/nuclear war.  If the stasis systems were applied to that millions could be saved.  Sending a ship would still be a good idea becuase Earth would be turned into a wasteland.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2008, 02:12:38 AM by Derekristow »