Author Topic: Storyline Adjustment  (Read 22015 times)

Offline Norsehound

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Storyline Adjustment
« Reply #75 on: June 28, 2008, 05:37:42 AM »
Was there any indication of the Blight 'burning itself out'? As a microbe, it existed in the groundwater- that much I remember. So unless the water evaporated and left the microbe nowhere to go- how would the blight be extinguished?

Indeed, Axen's people shouldn't be ruled out. Even if it meant cannibalizing every ship they could (if on the moon) to construct another exodus starship, then Axen would have done it.

It wouldn't stop them from mining the moon dry if they had to, either.

What I'm suggesting by the survival of a sol system colony is, that, after all the traveling done by the colonists of the Conestoga and the second survival ship (100+ years?) Sol system settlements would have had enough time to build up a civilization on another planet, and possibly start sending probes of their own.

This could mean that the New Terran Exodus ship could run into another colony mission from Earth, potentially.

« Last Edit: June 28, 2008, 05:37:56 AM by Norsehound »
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Offline Freeza-CII

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Storyline Adjustment
« Reply #76 on: June 28, 2008, 09:12:37 AM »
There was talk of the blight burning itself out.  It is a possiblity but it would require the blight running out of food.  With the environment changing so drasticly on new terra you might be looking at the formation of surface waters do the atmosphere and any other by products given off by the blight.  there is also the possiblity that the blight wont die it will just go to a dormant state. Then some weird cosmic thing happens like a comets hit new terra and water is reintroduced into the atmosphere and the blight awakens and drinks up all they can and then go dormant again.

I just feel that a moon doesnt have enough resources to build a ship.  It would have alot of iron and some other of your basic elements but not alot of any thing else after some reading on wiki.  Savaging every thing they have doesnt seem to be logical as they are running from the blight constantly.  They could stop and mine but i recall there only being enough resources for one ship. the only way for them to really escape the blight would be to get off the surface.  And it would have to be a pretty radical/simple fix for them to stay off the surface. As stated before.

To get to the moon with any substainal amount of people you would still either need a pretty big ship which requires resources that would be hard to get from the blight coming.  Or they would have build some thing in orbit and would still need the time and resources to build it.  Moons arent exactly close.  I think it took the apollo landers 11 days to reach the moon.

Even at the speed of light they couldnt possibly reach another solar system in 100 years.  We dont even know how far they are from the Sol system.  This does give the sol colonist the time to rebuild.  Sending a probe out to find them would seem to be a bit rediculous.  As it would take for ever to find them and forever to send a transmition or fly back and report.  So going and looking for them on a massive scale as a exodus ship would risk to many people.  Sure by this time they could have terraformed mars.