Author Topic: New Weapons  (Read 18031 times)

Offline Combine Crusier

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« on: April 27, 2007, 08:59:04 AM »
New Weapons plans: Initiating

Rocket launcher: Reload Time slow/ AOE Small/ AP Medium/ FP Medium/ Range Very Long: 8 rack
8 rockets fire until reload required

Heavy Laser: ROF Medium/ AP Medium/ FP Medium/ Range Medium
Enhanced with certain crystals from rare ore


Magnetic grenade: ROF Very slow/ AOE Small/ AP Low/ FP Ultra Heavy/
Range Short
Used to cover retreats this grenade causes a + reaction to the vehicle crushing parts of it.

Gauss: ROF slow / AP Very High/ FP Very Heavy/ Range Ultra Long
When Eden railgun lynx's were recovered Plymouth began to reverse engineer the technology but was forced to leave the planet before it could be finished but when it was finally completed the Gauss cannon had 4 firing rails insted of 2.

Ion cannon: ROF Medium / AP Medium/ FP Medium / Range Long


Blast Cannon: AOE Small/ ROF slow/ AP Very High/ FP Very Heavy/
 Range Very Long
Fires High Explosives rounds encased in armor piercing material

ELF Cannon
: ROF beam/ recharge slow / AP Ultra High/ FP Ultra Heavy/ Range Short
Short range ELF (Electron Flux) that tears through most kinds of armor.
Only mountable on single gun platforms

HE Shot Cannon: AOE Small/ ROF slow/ AP Very High/ FP Very Heavy/ Range Short
Fires short range explosive slugs

Particle Beam: ROF slow/ AP Low/ FP Medium/ Range Short

Plasma Blaster: ROF Medium/ AP High/ FP Medium/ Range Medium
Fires a burst of plasma encased in an energy shell to do moderate damage however the plasma cools quickly once the energy shell dissapates

Laser Blaster: ROF Slow/ AP High/ FP High/ Range Medium
Charges 3 lasers that fire simultaniously

Cluster Cannon: AOE Medium/ ROF Medium/ AP Medium/ FP Medium/ Range Long

Neutron Cannon: ROF Slow/ AP Very High/ FP High/ Range Very Long
To counter the thors hammer the Maesis developed a cannon that would fire a neutron tipped shell at high velocities.
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Offline Freeza-CII

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« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2007, 02:26:02 PM »
Plymouth and Eden already have weapon sets.

Gauss Cannons do not use rails they use magnetic coils.  They are AKA Coilguns
The Gauss would have to be very simular to RPG and Rail in range but would vary in the damage done.

Lasers use Lens and Gas. They dont use crystal.  Thats more Star wars light sabers any way.  Eden Laser and the Plymouth Microwave are very simular.
To make a lasers that has more power you would either put more power through it which would give it a lower ROF.  Or use a different base like IR UV Xray or Alpha Beta or gamma rays.

The Magnetic grenade could be seen as the EMP shell that is fired from the EMP turrets.  How Ever if there is a way that you can figure out it could use Rail gun technology to cause a powerful concusive blast.

The Rocket launcher is basicly a artillery cannon.  No one wants Artillery so its pretty much out of the question.

Ion Cannon I am not so sure about this one.

This blast cannon sound like a normal tank cannon.  In which its common place to name it by its Calibur in milimeters.

HE Shot Cannon sound alot like ^^^^^^^ that.  dont really need that kinda redundancy.

The Elf Cannon i already tryed this and it was rejected because of how simular it was to thor and because of the name but that could have been changed.

Particle beam Maybe but needs more info.

Plasma blaster has one problem.  Ok How is this shell going to keep the plasma stabalized.

Laser Blaster.  Not a chance in hell.  While possible How are you going to get 3 lasers on a small chassis when only 2 of them fit on a tiger.  Making them smaller would make them weak and pointless as some one would have just made one big laser.

Cluster Cannon Possible as they would need atleast one AOE weapon.  But i think it needs some work.

Neutron Cannons.  I dont know about this.  It would be easier to fire Depleted Uranium or just plain old uranium.  Getting the Neutrons would be a long and extensive process and would require a Partical Accellerator and enough power to run one.

Please use this to help you refine your ideas.

There are problems with all the weapons though.  Having them have super ROF or Super Ranges.  Things need a balance and a likeness to the other weapons that exsist in the game already.


Offline Combine Crusier

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« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2007, 05:34:38 AM »
Agreed. All forms of weapons need working on.

Let me explain these ideas.

Rocket launcher: The rocket launcher is similar to the Russian rocket trucks of WWII which had good range but were inaccurate, the Eden Rocket Launcher uses smaller missiles that are guided and have warheads (not nuclear) thus shortening their range due to the smaller fuel tank

Heavy Laser: There are lasers that use crystals before the laser wave is passed through the gas container (not a joke for humerous people)

Magnetic grenade: Similar to an ESG but uses railgun charge technology to fire a magnetic pulse that either crunches the vehicle or throws it off the mine (exagerated) of course it could fire  a single rail gun round from below the tank doing severe damage...

Gauss: Made your point here. However wouldn't a coil take more space thus giving a better acceleration to the projectile

Ion cannon: From what I understand there is an ion cannon testing base somewhere on earth, though I don't understand it's workings maybe the Hiigarans do, perhaps there is something in Homeworld 2 that will help my understanding of how this weapon works.

Blast Cannon: Acually it's a bit different from modern weapons as it uses an overpowered charge to fire the round and has a renforced barrel to counter the charge.

ELF Cannon: The acuallity from what I understand is that the ELF is a short ranged weapon used for cutting units to peices, this weapon is in the Earth Siege sieries and this is based off of their knowledge.

HE Shot Cannon: It's a shot gun that is oversized!

Particle Beam: I have little understanding of this weapon though I have heard that it fires subatomic particles at a target causing extreme heat damage.

Plasma Blaster: The energy shell prevents the plasma from coming in contact with the cool air

Laser Blaster: This uses the laser part of the scorpions weapons system and adds a few componetnts to get decent damage out of it and then mounts it in a triple package

Cluster Cannon: Fires a large explosive shell that detonates in midair and releases several smaller explosive shells

Neutron Cannon: I think you got me on this one except that the unit could harvest neutron radiation....
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Offline Savant 231-A

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« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2007, 06:48:45 AM »
Rocket launcher: The rocket launcher is similar to the Russian rocket trucks of WWII which had good range but were inaccurate...
It was a truck (farmer truck), afterwards, when needed, russians filled on it a rocket launcher.

About these weapons..
Some weapons seem nice. But some are too Godish.
Gauss, Rocket L., Blast Cannon are OK. Considerin that most of these tech are using/work on Earth.

I think the grouping of these weapoins should be "heavy"
Also, these "guns" could be used as a replacement to Thors Hammer, and the Acid Cloud, for many reasons: Atmosphere, preassure....
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Offline BlackBox

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« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2007, 07:37:15 AM »
Ion cannon: From what I understand there is an ion cannon testing base somewhere on earth, though I don't understand it's workings maybe the Hiigarans do, perhaps there is something in Homeworld 2 that will help my understanding of how this weapon works.


ELF Cannon: The acuallity from what I understand is that the ELF is a short ranged weapon used for cutting units to peices, this weapon is in the Earth Siege sieries and this is based off of their knowledge.
I believe it was already suggested, we don't want copies of weapons from other games.

Particle Beam: I have little understanding of this weapon though I have heard that it fires subatomic particles at a target causing extreme heat damage.
Most people have little understanding of how exactly such a weapon would work either. OP2/3 doesn't seem like a place for particle projection weapons (the only particle projector is the HERC, which is a bit out there).

Neutron Cannon: I think you got me on this one except that the unit could harvest neutron radiation....
You can't really 'harvest' radiation like that. 'Harvesting' neutrons would be like trying to obtain 'free' helium gas by capturing alpha particles.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2007, 07:38:17 AM by op2hacker »

Offline Combine Crusier

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« Reply #5 on: May 02, 2007, 08:59:00 AM »
Bak! The laser is in several games so is the lightning gun and rail gun but they're in the game!

New weapons possibilities:


Radio Laser: ROF Fast / AP Low/ FP Low/ Range Short
Not sure if it's real but it could be........

Electro Hull:  ROF Fast / AP Very High/ FP Very Heavy/ Range Ultra Short
When an enemy vehicle gets close to one of your vehicles that has this type of weapon it will automatically discharge an electrical bolt which causes heavy damage to the target (particularly used for ramming attacks).

Phoenix Gun:  ROF slow / AP Very High/ FP Very Heavy/ Range Medium
Fires a substance like napalm and stick foam that sticks to a target and burns at ultra high tempertures.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2007, 08:36:20 AM by Combine Crusier »
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Offline Freeza-CII

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« Reply #6 on: May 02, 2007, 01:43:44 PM »
Bak! The laser is in several games so is the lightning gun and rail gun but they're in the game!

Yes they maybe in other games But Outpost 3 will use the same technique of using science fact for its weapons all of which are completely possible to build.  Use science fact to back up your weapons.

Talon Cannon Having it open after impact is complete unlikely.  Other then that it sound like a normal tank shell.  which is ok if it has a better name.  I have a had a simular idea before in that one thread.  I called it Magnum.  Fired sabot shells.

Radio laser.  I am not sure what you mean.  Using radio waves instead of microwaves.  I dont think the radio waves would be strong enough as they are weaker then microwaves.

Fusion Grenade.  I dont like this need to stay away from fusion and Nuclear weapons.  That magnetic grenade was better.

Tachyon Bolt.  Particle weapons are just out of the question because of the ammount of power you need to run them.

Radiation Gun.  Oh hell no.  This is the last kind of weapon we need.

Electro Hull.  No this weapon would always be discharging to the ground.  If you tryed to ram another vec it would die before it got close.

Phoenix Gun.  Remember we are most likely going to be on a planet with minimal oxygen or none at all.  So fire wont work.  And I think people would be very against this because its a C&C unit.

Offline Combine Crusier

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« Reply #7 on: May 03, 2007, 08:12:45 AM »
It is? I have never heard of that...... of course I haven't played all the games in the combat world but I have played quite a few.

The electro hull could be guided by the same ion pulses that guide the thors hammer blast. Also the Phoenix Gun is just the idea of a flame thrower, or a plasma thrower!

Aren't radio waves more energy efficent than microwaves, when it comes to the power needed to generate them?

New Weapons: Maesis
Battle Hammer: ROF slow / AP Very High/ FP Heavy/ Range Medium
Fires Ultra Dense materials at a target which when it pierces the armor the round breaks into small shards doing moderate damage.

Electro Pulse Grenade: ROF medium / AP High/ FP Heavy/ Range Long
While the mine dies after a period of time it can be useful in covering retreats. When a vehicle pulls over the mine it unleashes a single electro pulse
(similar to that of the thors hammer) which does decent damage.

Acid Grenade: ROF medium / AP Medium/ FP Very Heavy/ Range Medium
While the mine dies after a period of time it can be useful in covering retreats. When a vehicle pulls over this mine it releases a high pressure stream of acid doing a great deal of damage to delicate components.

« Last Edit: May 03, 2007, 08:34:02 AM by Combine Crusier »
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Offline Freeza-CII

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« Reply #8 on: May 03, 2007, 12:07:14 PM »
The electro hull could be guided by the same ion pulses that guide the thors hammer blast.

Electro Hull. That makes it a thors hammer clone no matter what range you make it.

Microwaves cook my ramen radio waves cant There is a difference in Wavelength that difference means every thing.  

Battle Hammer.  Weapons dont break up after they hit the target.  You would be lucky to even find the shell after impact.  It has to break up in flight or work more like a shot gun.

Electro Pulse Grenade. That is a ESG mine.

Acid Grenade.  That is a Acid cloud.


Offline Combine Crusier

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« Reply #9 on: May 04, 2007, 08:16:44 AM »
When a Battle Hammer round hits a target an internal explosive shatters the round, like a grenade launcher!

Acid Mine has the lasting time of an ESG mine and is more focused, due to the lesser amount of acid it needs to be.

Thors Hammer does more overall damage....

I see your point about the EPG being similar to the ESG.....
Arg..... your right about radio waves.... What would an Ultra Violet laser do?
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Offline Freeza-CII

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« Reply #10 on: May 04, 2007, 12:13:55 PM »
a UV laser would be the same as the Eden laser

The Acid mine shouldnt mimic ESG.

Thors hammer ESG and Acid Cloud RPG are all the top damaging weapons.

Offline Combine Crusier

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« Reply #11 on: May 07, 2007, 08:22:03 AM »
a UV laser would be the same as the Eden laser

The Acid mine shouldnt mimic ESG.

Thors hammer ESG and Acid Cloud RPG are all the top damaging weapons.

1st.UV laser...... I suppose you're right

2nd.How does the acid mine mimic the ESG, it's a different weapon type..... Of course it could be given more running time

3rd.That was in OP2 we are talking about the next generation of Outpost, there are always going to be more weapons (I hope)!

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Offline Rambo

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« Reply #12 on: May 07, 2007, 10:47:44 AM »
If You Guys Tell Me What FP Means I Have A Few Ideads For Vehicles.

Offline Freeza-CII

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« Reply #13 on: May 07, 2007, 03:17:19 PM »
I have no idea what it means.  But you should put your own ideas in a different thread.

Offline Combine Crusier

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« Reply #14 on: May 08, 2007, 08:20:18 AM »
ROF = Maximum Rate Of Fire
AP = Maximum Armor Piercing
FP = Maximum Fire Power
Range = Maximum effective firing range
AOE = Maximum Area Of Effect
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Offline Combine Crusier

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« Reply #15 on: May 17, 2007, 08:55:10 AM »
I heard about a prototype weapon on TV and I believe it could be implemented here, like this perhaps.

Hive Gun: ROF: Ultra Fast/ magazine replace time: Long / AP: Low/ FP: Light/ Range: Long
It suppost to fire like a MILLION rounds per minute and it hold about a MILLION rounds! This would use larger rounds on a larger scale so I'd say it would have about 500 rounds a magazine. Just to make unuber..... It's like a person being hit by five hundred .357 bullets all at once... OUTCH!
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Offline Freeza-CII

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« Reply #16 on: May 17, 2007, 12:13:22 PM »
NO.  This is called the PIPE ORGAN.  It will never be in the game.

Its real name is Metal Storm.

Offline Combine Crusier

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« Reply #17 on: May 18, 2007, 08:19:15 AM »
Why? We have those guns now........... On a smaller scale..... Perhaps the current one could be mounted on a scorpion class unit.
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Offline Freeza-CII

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« Reply #18 on: May 18, 2007, 02:11:50 PM »

Offline Combine Crusier

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« Reply #19 on: February 20, 2008, 08:45:36 AM »
I've been dwelling on some new potential weapons for the new colony and here is what I got in the heavy weapons field.

Switching Armor Piercing to Penetration Damage and Fire Power to Concussion Damage.

Plasma Cannon: AOE None/ ROF slow/ PD Medium/ CD Heavy/
Range Long
Uses high tempature plasma encased in a magnetic core inside of a grenade or rocket

Ion Plasma Cannon: AOE Small/ ROF slow/ PD Very High/ CD Very Heavy/
Range Short
Fires a stream of Ionized plasma which is somewhat focused by a magnetic field that extends a short distance from the weapon so it doesn't fry itself.

Say I just saw an article that says the following:

Laser could create dark-matter particles
By the end of the year, physicists at the DESY laboratory in Germany may have caught a glimpse of an exotic dark-matter particle known as an axion. Andreas Ringwald and co-workers are planning an experiment at the lab’s FLASH free-electron laser, a device that generates extremely bright beams of high-frequency light by accelerating electrons. The researchers will try and create axions by passing the laser light through a vacuum in the presence of a magnetic field. If they succeed, it could help physicists understand dark matter, dark energy and even why matter exists in the universe at all.

Found at

Hmm. Dark Matter Cannon anyone?
« Last Edit: February 20, 2008, 08:53:58 AM by Combine Crusier »
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Offline Hidiot

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« Reply #20 on: February 20, 2008, 12:20:20 PM »
Hmm... plasma... what kind of atmosphere did the planet have?

Any weapons that have passed until now that had a minimum range, besides a maximum one?

An excuse my ignorance or forgetfulness... what makes that dark matter good enough to be used as a weapon?
« Last Edit: February 20, 2008, 12:20:36 PM by Hidiot »
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Offline Arklon

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« Reply #21 on: February 20, 2008, 04:01:28 PM »
<swarm of bad ideas>

Offline Sirbomber

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« Reply #22 on: February 20, 2008, 09:14:28 PM »
How many times have we ruled out plasma now?
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Offline BlackBox

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« Reply #23 on: February 21, 2008, 02:15:13 AM »
Ion Plasma Cannon: AOE Small/ ROF slow/ PD Very High/ CD Very Heavy/
Range Short
Fires a stream of Ionized plasma which is somewhat focused by a magnetic field that extends a short distance from the weapon so it doesn't fry itself.
Considering that plasma is just an ionized gas (it's really not that special as people make it out to be, there are plenty of examples of plasma in everyday life), the term "ionized plasma" seems kinda meaningless (there isn't such a thing as "non ionized plasma").

And as Betaray and I were discussing, this thing sounds basically like a plasma cutter torch.

Plasma torches work by using a tip with two electrodes in it and a compressed air supply. When the torch is activated (generally some sort of trigger attached to the torch handle) electricity is applied where it flows between the electrodes as a spark (the gases at a spark become an ionized plasma and heat up to very high temperatures). The compressed air then blows this arc out of the tip of the torch, allowing the arc to be used for cutting metal.

Basically it can reach very high temperatures very quickly (the arc reaches 15,000 F and higher almost immediately, under a second that is).

Somehow though I doubt this would be a very effective weapon. You can't just hurl "chunks" of plasma like in the description.

Please do your research before posting again.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2008, 02:15:27 AM by BlackBox »

Offline Combine Crusier

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« Reply #24 on: February 21, 2008, 05:41:48 PM »
The last time I asked you guys what the difference between Ions and plasma was I believe it was essentially said that ions are megnetically accelerated and contain less energy hower plasma is extremely hot and contains a lot of energy... So what if you electromagnetically accelerate plasma particles? I just used what I was told here to come up with an idea.
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