Folks, first the belief that martyn was kidding should be dead by now. If I can trust him, we can't you all do the same? As for the logo, I slapped it together from photos on the Outpost 1.5 CD. I don't want to change the slogan to "only source." Competition would be healthy and promote higher standards of reporting. I know there is practically no competition, but I would welcome competition. (No, martyn, don't start one! Nooooo [jk]) Law in the county I'm in dictates that I spend at least 4 1/2 hours on schoolwork. That includes homework, and being taught. I am going to do Chemistry online, and I watch my math lessons on video tape. (So I forward through when I already get a concept, and rewind when I can't understand it) Things work out very well for me on a homeschool schedule, making me capable of serving in the capacity that I already do. To put it shortly, I have a lot of time on my hands on weekdays.