So at the moment it's the 25th of March. 2005. As I start to write this I have to go away in a half-hour, and it's 36 minutes past midday.
Let's start from the beginning. I hadn't been following OPU, not on the IRC channel nor on the forum, mainly because the channel was being pestered by newbies all the time and the moderation was getting stricter everytime. To be honest, I should have said that when it started happening. The community began fragmenting ever since Lev and hacker were instituted as admins. The channel began to have a 2-to-1 op-to-regular user ratio, and that couldn't be good. Basically everyone on the programming team was an op regardless of whether they knew how to do it or not.
So, hacker and levi had been planning this for some time. They tell me xfir didn't let them do anything without asking them. I was thinking about this last night before going to bed and... If I had a board, would I let them? Then it struck me, I'd probably only op people I REALLY trusted, and tell them to use their best judgement.
Now, if xfir really did what I think he did to them, and there is reason to believe so, then strike one for the other team, since noone under too many rules will follow them for long. But - and beginning now this gets hazy as I wasn't here at the time - who originally started the community? Xfir, of course ... and how was it then? Small. When was the other side opped? I don't know. But they haven't done much besides lock and move topics. The correct word for that would be moderator, not admin.
Now the question is: did the changes they want were needed? Many people now might be on either side because they're misinformed; their best judgement might give them another opinion. Note that I'm trying to be as neutral as possible. What was done to xfir was wrong. And was done the wrong way.
Now a number of questions have to be made, and I'd like both sides to answer without flaming; Xfir: Why couldn't anyone do anything without your permission? If you thought OP2 was dying, why didn't you voluntarily hand over control of OPU?
And for the other team: What were your motivations? The people cannot base their opinions on estimates. Did it really happen? I would like to see an admin log. Unedited. From the source. Why did you do it? Were you intending to tell Xfir?
Strike one for the xfir team.
Most people who went to either side did that because they were acquainted by the leader. And I'll admit that. I was pushed to Levi and hacker's side at the beginning since they took over the IRC channel. At the beginning when I saw what had happened I felt like sending some expletives at their faces. But then realised that wouldn't help at all.
I'll admit, too, that Levi and hacker have a considerable vantage over others; they have the DB.
There was talk that hacker or levi had truncated the DB after having copied it. I don't know if this is real, but if it is, it conflicts with hacker's claim that they did nothing to stop xfir from reviving
Now comes the time to assign blames. But can we really? I mean, people who were influenced at the beginning by xfir, say, will continue on his side. Same for the other side. Xfir is a good person, but even good people go bad at time, which may or may not have happened with him. Same thing goes for levi and hacker.
Last night I also thought about a different solution. Since everyone seems to be nagged at one person or the other, the best solution right about now seems to be creating a new board, totally neutral from outside influences. I wouldn't mind from creating such a board.
At the moment I'm not sure. What I know is that over the next weeks the community will just fragment eachother, both on levi and hacker's side and on xfir's side too. This will be because on lev-hacker's side there were left quite a few programmers.
But what was done by them, the programmers; was it right? Did we need a new OP3? I think so, because no game can be revived for too long; you can only go so far, and move on. With this I'll have to agree on xfir.
This also means the effort should have been concentrated on one OP3 for the future.
It's now 10 minutes to 13h. I spent 20 minutes writing this, which is something that, I hope, won't hurt anyone.
This is because, I stand neutral.