I was actually thinking once that maybe its possible to do co-op missions!
Take Eden & Plymouth mission 4, the one with raiding the orig Eden colony:
1) Instead of just you, both players could start at different ends of the base, and the base would be harder to infiltrate, and you guys link up.
2) One player controls the Scouts, the other Lynxes, and you have to work together to win.
3) One player is Eden, the other Plymouth, and they both work together to get the data from the Labs.
This could also be applied to conquer scenarios, take the same mission:
1) One player Eden, the other Plymouth have to raid the labs, and they will also fight with each other if you meet each other.
2) See what you can raid from the base and bring it back to your side's beacon, and sabotage the other guys operations.
Something along those lines. And also co-op mission can have more than 2 people

Ok for a colony game idea:
1) Ok in the middle is a Blight base, and on either side is you and an computer ally, same map and same teams, excpet you control Eden or Plymouth depending on what you pick in the col menu. You basically fight the Blight enemy, who has a HUGE base and MANY Outposts, and its efficiency is maddening, and it est new bases a lot.
2) Help an AI ally: See the mission starts with you basically and an AI ally. Both of you are in the same base. Basically the ally is say, the real Eden/Plymouth colony, and you are your colony. The enemy is a base and outposts that took power by force, and basically you help your ally fight them. They provide much of the attack, you provide more defense and also make those piercing winning attacks. The objective is to capture all their Evac Transports and bring them to the base.
3) Capture: Basically ATM Plymouth only. You start with nothing really except EMPs and Spiders, and you gotta capture one of several convoys at the start of the missions who head out in several directions, and you ambush and capture ONE. These are lightly guarded convoys of Convecs with Command Center, Smelter, Structure Factory, Robo-Miner, Robo-Surveyor, Earthworker, Some Lynxes, Basic Lab (or Standard), Cargo Trucks, an Agridome, and stuff. You capture one of these convoys, build and then I guess it could be either a Population or Starship one.
Maybe both? As in you gotta build your pop up AND launch a starship?
Im also thinking of other objectives beside Pop and Starhsip.