The speed upgrade needing research seems fairly easy. Were you thinking to make it always researchable or only researchable if you get wreckage?
I mean, make it so that after you get the wreckage, you then have to reserch the speed upgrade. Make it long, along the lines of 1600 points (about the amount required to reserch spaceship tech)
"Run for your life!"
Most likely a long game.
Launch all spaceship modules (list them. Ex Habit Ring, Fusion Drives)
Launch Pheonix Module
Launch Food Module
Launch Rare Metals Module
Launch Common Metals Module
Launch Evacuation Module (available after food, rare, and common modules have been launched. Evac cannot be launched until colony population reaches 200)
Map size required:
Takes place on World maps only, others are most likely too small.
How it works:
All players start fairly near eachother. An Advanced lab starts between them (can be player 1, or AI, or player 2, whatever, dosn't really matter. Add a Tokamak to power the Advanced Lab, very close to it. A cc is required, and can powe the Advanced Lab.) and they are on an open stretch of land. This is basically landrush, they start with everything they need to start a new colony. 6 beacons nearby, for all players. Morale drops off at start. (if enabled. Disasters MUST be on for this to work correctly!) At roughly mark 250, a anouncement is said. "THE BLIGHT IS APPROACHING!". The Advanced lab is the starting infected spot. You can even make it so that the blight has to be reserched, and all other reserch is disabled until the blight is reserched. The blight spreads over the area, consumeing any nearby player bases. It moves very slowly on the map. VERY slowly. (rate of maybe one square every 25-50 marks. Might even be able to go as low as 10.)
The players most run away, build and reserch. The objective: Escape the doomed planet (New Terra). Eventually they start running off into space. First person to leave the planet, wins. Make lots of beacons everywhere. Singles, dubbles, tripples. The ore should be fairly abundent. Cliffs, orange, grey, black ground.
Starting Discription:
After running away from the blight the first time, the players are able to only build a Basic Lab. Residences, CC, SF, Smelters, Common Storage, Tokamaks are the only things available other then the basic lab. They must reserch the starting 4 techs, Chemistry, Boptronics, and the other 2 or 3 ish. After this reserch has been completed, Standard labs are available. From there, players play as normal.
(Note: This is when the first CC is built)
(Note: Start is similar to that of landrush, all structures loaded into convecs)
Extras that I think should be in there:
ALL disasters. You name it, should be there. Meteors, Vortexs, Volcanic Eruptions (maybe one or two small ones, and a largeish one) Lightning Storms. Volcanic spread should be fairly slow as well, so no player is quickly wasted.
Maybe some ares designed to look like some landforms in the main game campaign. EX Plymouth Mission 2, Eden Mission 3, ect. Shouldn't be too many spots, can really mess up the map.
Plenty of cliffs to be in the way. Blight growth rate should be slowed on these, so players can kinda "Hide" behind them. If possible, growth rate should be slightly faster during day then night (unless this is already built in) Obviously Eden would have a bit of an advantage, with their Microbe Walls.
Neat possible features:
Blight grows faster on some land areas then others. EX slower on orange then grey (if this isn't automatic)
An Automatic warning that the blight is approaching whenever it gets close to a player's base.
Objective to have enough evac transports for your population. Players start with roughly 3 or 4 evacs, (75-100 population space) Each evac can hold 25 people, so not an insane requirement. A population of 200 requires 8 evacs. Population of 300 requires 12.
How the evac requirement would work: If this objective is NOT filled, and your last CC gets wasted, you lose. I don't know how to do this, maybe make all player vehicles self destruct? Or make them unable to control their vehicles?
What this basically is:
A multiplayer version of the single player campaign.
If morale is on, a major change needs to be made.
Currently, any building that is infected to the blight does not aid your colony in any way, but IS added to the Disabled Bldg ratio. This negatively affects morale. Plus the "Structures Disabled" message gets annoying. This will have to be somehow disabled, hopefully it isn't hard coded into the game. Otherwise, morale will be impossible on this map.
The only other solution I can think of is making the blight insta kill buildings. Not as cool looking, but it does work.
Another possible problem is that these buildings would somehow have to not be included in a player's structure limit, or they could quite quickly run into problems.
More then 2 players would be nice...
Thats all I can think of. Comments anyone?