you know what would be awesome, some kind of unit quene in the factories, or even a constant [selected unit] produce checkbox. Because if you think about it how much time do you spend building the same unit at the same vech. factory in the game.
Also, idk much about programming, but couldn't you just capture all the packets through like 3 network games and look at it, or would that be not possible (disk space, time, lag, w/e). Then figure out how to make a won-like server. And what about the obvious, could we ask serria for won itself or something?
Im with most peope who dont want to change values (2 workers in a vech. fact arent enough) and I think a trade center should at least take some power, mabey a worker. But i think eden should be able to capture vehicles (repair vehicles interfacing w/enemy vehicles while emp'ed?). I also think it would be cool to reverse engineer captured vehicles, because if you have it you can tell how it works.
You know those selectors (its like an auto play) for mods on games like morrowind, could we do that on op2. It could be really simple, like when it starts, you check mods you want. You could just store mods not being used in a mod folder within in the op2 folder. The selector would move un-selected mod to the folder and selected mods to the op2 folder, then starts op2. You could have an option for original and other little bits. I think its simple, unless I missed some blatently obvious flaw, it just seems to simple.
Of course more wreckage/maps/better ai are always wanted.
Stealing/Sharing research would be cool. like drive a scout up to an enemy lab and it has to be there so long to get a topic (longer for bigger topics). you could make it a random topic, and once you steal it you have to decript it. Mabey you could load research into cargo tucks or scouts and transfer it to players.
Loading and transfering people into evac transports would be good, if probably hard to do, for your allies that starve and stuff.
And you know whats almost completely unrealted but would be really awesome, an op2 theme for windows. Error mesages could be savant voices, op2 already has some screen savers. startup noise could be like "command control initated", and other cool stuff.
Wow long post