so in other words you're trying to say that if you take and mix carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, and sulfur that you'll get life forms? not true.
That including sunlight, water and heat and you'll (eventually might) get the first step in a lifeform yes.
(Just waits for that old lame argument to pop up that says "well you haven't yet turned a rabbit into a lion and i have yet to see a rock turn into an eagle

" gibberish)
And dont even start with that other crap because it wont happen in five minutes, give it atleast 10000 years and you might have something... or not.
(Nitpicks: 10000 is merely for the pre-biotic molecules)
Yes they did get cell like things, and some basic amino acids, but these still were not living.
The carbon arranged themselves in organic compounds yes, while i can agree that those are merely "structures" and not living organisms they are one step on the way.
And by 1961 Juan Oro found that amino acids could be made from hydrogen cyanide and ammonia. The amounts of adenine it created is yet another step that would have to be incorporated with the organic compounds.
That plus a lot of other compounds eventually spit out life forms given enough time and the right circumstances. You have to have all pieces of the puzzle, not merely a small cornerstone that you showed.
(It is worth to note that Miller and Ureys experiment was flawed in a way because the composition they used for their experiment is not true for the young Earth, however their early experiment has created a blossom of more detailed and correct theories/facts/experiments and still remains in school books more as an "memorial" for the search in the origins of life.)