Author Topic: Do you believe...  (Read 75069 times)

Offline Zircon

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« Reply #225 on: September 11, 2004, 01:21:56 PM »
Jedi lessons

Four Jedi decided to meditate silently without speaking for two weeks. By nightfall on the first day, the candle began to flicker and then went out. The first Jedi said, "Oh, no! The candle is out." The second Jedi said, "Aren't we not suppose to talk?" The third Jedi said, "Why must you two break the silence?" The fourth Jedi laughed and said, "Ha! I'm the only one who didn't speak."   ^_^  

Offline CK9

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« Reply #226 on: September 11, 2004, 03:20:04 PM »
lol, but very  (OT)  
CK9 in outpost
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Offline Betaray

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« Reply #227 on: September 12, 2004, 06:37:30 PM »
back to the topic of

I am the nincompoop, I eat atomic bombs for breakfest, fusion bombs for lunch, and anti-matter bombs for dinner

I just hope they don't explode

Offline CK9

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« Reply #228 on: September 12, 2004, 08:04:02 PM »
beta, you are a toe
CK9 in outpost
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Offline Betaray

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« Reply #229 on: September 12, 2004, 08:28:50 PM »
I am the nincompoop, I eat atomic bombs for breakfest, fusion bombs for lunch, and anti-matter bombs for dinner

I just hope they don't explode

Offline plymoth45

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« Reply #230 on: September 12, 2004, 08:53:41 PM »
lmbo, we are going off topic here.

This topic has a just a few different discussions going on, now what happened to them?

Offline mustang09-06

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« Reply #231 on: September 12, 2004, 09:22:17 PM »
The topics went right out the window!!!


Offline jesusfreak06

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« Reply #232 on: September 12, 2004, 09:51:09 PM »
yes, it's true... my first 3 toes r all the same size. lol.  wow, the 11th toe thing is good.  it brings up a strong point.  we really don't have the greatest proof that God exists, and a lot of what we believe about Him is from what others tell us.  My proof is the Holy Spirit that lives and reigns in my life (the feeling).  That's more than enough. and i don't just wanna believe what others tell me, i like to research it.  wow, beta, u never cease to amaze me.  
I am a dork! but hey, i'm a Christian dork.

Offline plymoth45

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« Reply #233 on: September 12, 2004, 09:54:08 PM »
I believe that feeling, as well as the Bible and a good deal of the evidence here on earth to support it. And explain to me this, why are people looking for Jesus's body when the bible tells us that he was resurrected? I don't get it. He was Resurrected, then he ascended to heaven.

Offline CK9

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« Reply #234 on: September 12, 2004, 10:45:18 PM »
Garrettsgirl, he will never cease to amaze any of us (with how random he will get)

Have you ever had that feeling like you are being watched, but there is no one around?  I have several times, and I believe it is a gohst come to visit, lol
CK9 in outpost
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Offline Zircon

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« Reply #235 on: September 13, 2004, 05:54:54 AM »
And explain to me this, why are people looking for Jesus's body when the bible tells us that he was resurrected? I don't get it. He was Resurrected, then he ascended to heaven.
Are they :rolleyes:

And then there is also this miniscule group of people that *newsflash* *shriek* don't believe that he did either of those things.

However as usual if (notice the if) they found the bones of "jesus" religion would simply blame it on a conspiracy or that merely his soul was lifted into heaven leaving the corporeal mass behind.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2004, 05:55:35 AM by Zircon »

Offline CK9

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« Reply #236 on: September 13, 2004, 08:34:11 AM »
If I found the body you all would a) disbeleive it or B) wonder why I was looking for it

religion = manipulative
CK9 in outpost
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Offline plymoth45

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« Reply #237 on: September 13, 2004, 08:48:51 AM »
I still wonder why people are looking, it is pointless, i don't think they are gonig to find anything.

Offline CK9

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« Reply #238 on: September 13, 2004, 08:52:37 AM »
it's simple:  humans, by nature, are very curious
CK9 in outpost
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Offline ZeusBD

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« Reply #239 on: September 13, 2004, 11:39:13 AM »
And explain to me this, why are people looking for Jesus's body when the bible tells us that he was resurrected? I don't get it. He was Resurrected, then he ascended to heaven.
Are they :rolleyes:

And then there is also this miniscule group of people that *newsflash* *shriek* don't believe that he did either of those things.

However as usual if (notice the if) they found the bones of "jesus" religion would simply blame it on a conspiracy or that merely his soul was lifted into heaven leaving the corporeal mass behind.
Let me ask you something there would you ever prove it was Jesus Christ? Where to they keep the blood sample of Jesus Christ? So pretty much that throws out your little sarcastic statment.
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Offline Zircon

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« Reply #240 on: September 13, 2004, 01:52:34 PM »
That's what the if is for *sigh*  :yawn:

But to answer scientificly there's no way to secure such a body's identity, perhaps if there was a scroll with his dried blood a hair sample or even his bite marks it might have been possible but from what i can gather there is no evidence that such a being as "jesus" ever existed. (<--- you asked for it :P, and please dont reply with the same old story again "There's the bible! *duh*" )

Perhaps they would dig out some old crypt and find an old skeleton with the missing page of the bible...
You know the one that says "This is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people or events is coincidental. No animals were harmed in the production."  :rolleyes:

(kidding but it would certainly be fun to look at the faces of people)
« Last Edit: September 13, 2004, 02:17:04 PM by Zircon »

Offline ZeusBD

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« Reply #241 on: September 13, 2004, 03:21:21 PM »
I don't think the if was there before....anyways, what do you have against religion Zircon? Why do you not believe in God?

Though you don't believe in him, he still loves you though, that doesn't mean that you won't pay for it later after you die (if you don't believe I assume you don't ask for foregiveness for your sins). I pray for you and CK9 that ya'll start believing, but God won't make you believe, so you will just have to start on your own...and if you don't, then I take pitty on you.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2004, 03:21:46 PM by ZeusBD »
In the dark I'm at home, in the light I'm on the battlefield. A Dragon's life is a constant struggle for survival. But in the end, we will prevail.
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Offline Zircon

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« Reply #242 on: September 13, 2004, 03:32:06 PM »
I don't think the if was there before....
The post was modified "This post has been edited by Zircon on Sep 13 2004, 10:55 AM"
your second post "Posted: Sep 13 2004, 04:39 PM" and the "if" is even in your quote of me so what exactly do you mean?!

anyways, what do you have against religion Zircon? Why do you not believe in God?
oh, lets see. Back up and re-read the thread and it'll give you a tiny hint *thumbs up*

Offline CK9

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« Reply #243 on: September 13, 2004, 05:31:23 PM »
Should I just say what i remember?
CK9 in outpost
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Offline CK9

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« Reply #244 on: September 14, 2004, 06:24:32 PM »
just found a few quotes I had to post for this:

"So, let's impeach god! I would like to announce my candidacy for the position of god; among other things, I promise to offer true and unquestionable proof of my existence, as the previous holder of the office of 'god' obviously failed to do."

"Flowers are the sweetest things God ever made and forgot to put a soul into."
-Henry Ward Beecher

"If only God would give me some clear sign! Like making a large deposit in my name at a Swiss bank."
-Woody Allen

"'And don't tell me God works in mysterious ways,' Yossarian continued. 'There's nothing mysterious about it, He's not working at all. He's playing. Or else He's forgotten all about us. That's the kind of God you people talk about, a country bumpkin, a clumsy, bungling, brainless, conceited, uncouth hayseed. Good God, how much reverence can you have for a Supreme Being who finds it necessary to include such phenomena as phlegm and tooth decay in His divine system of Creation? What in the world was running through that warped, evil, scatalogical mind of His when He robbed old people of the power to control their bowel movements? Why in the world did He ever create pain?'"
-Joseph Heller, Catch22

"If you can't convince them, confuse them."
-Harry Truman

"We must respect the other fellow's religion, but only in the sense and to the extent that we respect his theory that his wife is beautiful and his children smart."
-H. L. Mencken

"It bemuses me that the more outspokenly 'Christian' somebody is, the more that person emphasizes the pre-Christian books of the Bible rather than the books that quote Jesus."
-MECowan (on the web)

"I just converted out of Christianity because I saw how ironic it was that god created us as flawed creatures and expects us to thank him for saving us from our flaws."
-CrimeAgainst (on the web)

"All religions, with their gods, demigods, prophets, messiahs and saints, are the product of the fancy and credulity of men who have not yet reached the full development and complete personality of their intellectual powers."
-Mikhail A. Bakunin

found another good one:

"In heaven all the interesting people are missing."
-Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
« Last Edit: September 14, 2004, 06:32:39 PM by CK9 »
CK9 in outpost
Iamck in runescape (yes, I still play...sometimes...)
srentiln in minecraft (I like legos, and I like computer was only a matter of time...) and youtube...
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Offline CK9

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« Reply #245 on: September 14, 2004, 11:27:01 PM »
okay, I know I'm overposting, but I just have to add this to the discussion:
CK9 in outpost
Iamck in runescape (yes, I still play...sometimes...)
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Offline ZeusBD

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« Reply #246 on: September 15, 2004, 07:43:00 AM »
All I get is:

God School
by Griphonix & AntiChryst

at the top of the page and nothing below it. What bullcrap are you posting here?

CK9, you may refuse your creator, but no matter how much you deny his existence, he will still be there all the same.
In the dark I'm at home, in the light I'm on the battlefield. A Dragon's life is a constant struggle for survival. But in the end, we will prevail.
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Offline CK9

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« Reply #247 on: September 15, 2004, 08:44:31 AM »
obviously, you didn't allow it to load
CK9 in outpost
Iamck in runescape (yes, I still play...sometimes...)
srentiln in minecraft (I like legos, and I like computer was only a matter of time...) and youtube...
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Offline Zircon

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« Reply #248 on: September 15, 2004, 10:03:22 AM »
As Epicurus put it:

"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?"

or, as "Star Trek's" Gene Roddenberry opined:

"We must question the story logic of having an all-knowing all-powerful God, who creates faulty Humans, and then blames them for his own mistakes."

"If the purpose of the flood was to rid the world of evil men, but evil men still exist then did god fail?
God killed every human (supposedly) on Earth through a flood in the effort to rid the world of evil (lets forget about the probable innocent people such as infants that died in this) and yet evil still exists in the world around us.

More than just that, god showed regret (through promising never to do such a thing again, how can an omnipotent being have regret?"

ZeusBD, you may refuse the if, but no matter how much you deny its existence, it will still be there all the same.

Only this time the if is one page back  ^_^  
« Last Edit: September 15, 2004, 10:04:48 AM by Zircon »

Offline jesusfreak06

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« Reply #249 on: September 15, 2004, 10:05:56 AM »
ok, those comics rn't funny CK9...Happy "See u at the Pole" Day.  2 day is the day across the world that christians of all kinds gather around their flagpole outside of their school bout 20 minutes before school starts to pray.  mustang, garrett, garrett'sbro, sammyk, and i participated in this anual event.  it's a great way to minister to everyone at school (lots of people walk over and ask what ur doing).  we all had fun and invited our friends to join in.  i'm a dork :P ... hey CK9, what's w/ the post "in heaven all the interesting people are missing." no one can c the interesting people in hell either while they r being sadistically tortured! and there r too interesting people in heaven (don't u think that Jesus is an interesting person?)
« Last Edit: September 15, 2004, 10:06:59 AM by garrettsgirl »
I am a dork! but hey, i'm a Christian dork.