Author Topic: Eve Tek Tank  (Read 39227 times)

Offline evecolonycamander

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Eve Tek Tank
« on: March 19, 2010, 12:19:49 PM »
This is where i will be puting all of Eve's teks from now on
    [/li][li]if in this color the tek is unfinished[/li][li]if in this color the tek is finshed, but still being argued over[/li][li]if in this color the tek is finshed and no one is argueing it (I will e-mail it to you if you pm me your e-mail address to me Here)[/li][/list]NOTE: ALL TEKS BELLOW ARE NOT NESSARLY IN ORDER OR EVEN SPELLED CORECTLY[/size]

    solar energy spectrum update------------------------------------------------------------------Doubles solar energy receiver output
    black theory-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------initial wormhole research
    worm hole mechanics--------------------------------------------------------------------------------second stage of  wormhole research
    wormhole generation----------------------------------------------------------------------Third and final stage of wormhole research
    market research-------------------------------increseces recreaton and/or decreses metel needed for comersial factory wares
    matenece scedual revamp----------------------------increcese dirt conpasity,convec, spider, repair vehicle repair timesat the cost of more workers nedded for dirt and robot comand
    NOTE: May split this reserch in to differnt ones[/size]
    Nanotech---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[Give me ideas]
    « Last Edit: April 06, 2010, 08:03:21 AM by evecolonycamander »
    ''The blight cant get us up here!''
    -famous last words
    Outpost 2: EoM project status: Re-planning

    Offline Kayedon

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    Eve Tek Tank
    « Reply #1 on: March 19, 2010, 04:27:06 PM »
    Did you mean: tech
    "Trust me, I'm crazy."

    Offline Freeza-CII

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    « Reply #2 on: March 19, 2010, 04:44:30 PM »
    black theary---------------------------------------------------------------initial wormhole reserch
    worm hole macanics----------------------------------------second stage of wormhole reserch
    wormhole generation------------------------------Third and final stage of wormhole reserch

    The first one is ok because the more you can absorb in the panel the better energy. but for those other 3.


    Offline ducktape

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    « Reply #3 on: March 19, 2010, 07:08:48 PM »
    The wormhole technology simply isn't in the spirit of the Outpost series. Sure, it's theoretically feasable, but not with any amount of energy we could harness in the next couple of centuries. Furthermore, why should it be in the technology tree? According to your proposed story, they already would have researched it to GET to New Terra.  

    Offline Sirbomber

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    « Reply #4 on: March 19, 2010, 07:18:13 PM »
    The wormhole technology simply isn't in the spirit of the Outpost series.
    Okay, everyone: Stop telling him this.  It's obvious he doesn't care about maintaining any semblance of OP2's hard-science foundation or the quality of the original novellas.  If he wants to write a story nobody likes, then nobody will read it.  It's that simple.
    "As usual, colonist opinion is split between those who think the plague is a good idea, and those who are dying from it." - Outpost Evening Star

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    Offline Hidiot

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    « Reply #5 on: March 20, 2010, 03:52:18 AM »
    Trying to stop someone from a major waste of time contains more good that letting them go ahead and realizing the uselessness of their endeavor after lots of hours of work.

    However, he can go ahead and make a serious tech tree, but preferably in one of the two following fashions:
     - Behind the scenes, releasing it along with a clear statement that the content is not well related to canon and that not many may appreciate it. However, this method might still cause a stir, depending on how tied to the canon and how far away from it, at the same time, it ends up being.
     - Publicly, making sure to stick to the principles that went behind making the original Outpost games.

    Making a tech tree that is so obviously centered around breaking those principles public will cause some people around here to react harshly (to some extent justified).

    Maybe we, as a community, should turn some of our unwritten laws into some written guidelines? Such as: "Be warned! If you make any content that strays from the principles of the Outpost series for purposes other than plain fun, you will receive harsh criticism, the more you advertise your content"
    "Nothing from nowhere, I'm no one at all"

    Offline Hooman

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    « Reply #6 on: March 20, 2010, 04:57:35 AM »
    I don't see why that should be a rule. Besdies, who is fit to enforce it? What is deemed in the theme of the Outpost series is a really vague concept that is subject to arbitrary decisions. Simply put, if you don't like it, you can ignore it, or you can state that you don't like it and why for the purpose of helping to improve something. Opinions are fine, but keep in mind that's all they are.

    Personally, I'd rather see gaps in the story, like how they travelled so far from earth, and what the exact time frame is, than to see non plausible stuff trying to explain it, like travelling through worm holes. Worm holes are fine for something like StarTrek, but they seem odd with the Outpost theme. In fact, knowing what details to leave out can be a careful art. Maybe just have generic "Starship Propulsion Tech #1" and such, and leave the player to use their imagination.

    Offline evecolonycamander

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    « Reply #7 on: March 24, 2010, 11:12:00 AM »
    Okey, well if you want to know the wormhole idea was kinda out there... if you can exlpain how the people managed to launch before the congesta but arive late then post it JUST dont, i think the term is Flame, me. okey thanks now that ive said that im open to ideas and that this is some one who is new to the Outpost 2 Universe can we get on with it?
    ''The blight cant get us up here!''
    -famous last words
    Outpost 2: EoM project status: Re-planning

    Offline Sirbomber

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    « Reply #8 on: March 24, 2010, 04:10:09 PM »
    exlpain how the people managed to launch before the congesta but arive late
    I'm going to rewrite your backstory a bit.  Hope you don't mind.

    -Conestoga departs to find a new home.
    -Vulcan's Hammer collides with Earth, destroying the planet's ecosystem.  All plant and animal life is wiped out, and the human death rate is catastrophic, numbering in the billions.  Some survivors have taken refuge deep underground or in colonies in high orbit.  The survivors remaining on the surface will perish in the aftermath of the impact.
    -Approximately 45 years after the impact, survivors return to the Earth's surface to scavenge whatever resources they can.
    -The handful of survivors aboard the International Space Station discover a copy of the Conestoga's construction blueprints on the station's computers and a record of its flight path so far.  Attempts to rally the other survivors in an effort to construct a new starship and track down the rest of humanity are successful, and within 5 years the Hope, a starship identical to the Conestoga in every way, has been constructed.  Volunteers board the starship and the Hope departs to seek out the Conestoga.
    -After nearly a century, with their resources running out, the survivors aboard the Conestoga choose to land on New Terra out of desperation.
    -The events of OP2 take place.

    The story branches out now depending on what you plan to do:

    Option A: Hope Meets Eden (it's generally believed that Eden won in OP2)
    -Approximately 50 years after the Conestoga arrived at New Terra, the Hope enters New Terra's star system.  However, sensors do not detect any indication of human life on the planet's surface.
    -The Hope enters New Terra's orbit and discovers the planet is now uninhabitable due to the presence of The Blight.  Using the communication and sensing equipment built into the Skydock still orbiting New Terra, the crew of the Hope attempts to contact or track down the survivors aboard the Phoenix Voyager.
    -The Hope begins tracking and following the Phoenix Voyager.
    -A few years after the Phoenix Voyager arrives at its new home, the Hope finally makes contact with the (approx.) 200 survivors of New Terra.  They land on the planet and name their colony Eve.  However, the reunion quickly turns sour...

    Option B: Hope Arrives Very Late
    -Due to engine problems (probably a result of the starship being built from salvaged materials) the Hope arrives several hundred years after the events of OP2 to find an abandoned world.  The Blight has "starved" and the survivors, short on resources, land on the planet.  Eve Colony is founded.  In a strange twist of fate, they unknowingly construct their colony above the (long-buried) ruins of the original Eden colony.
    -For many years, Eve thrives on their new world.  However, history repeats itself, and the colony is split between two rival factions: Eve, who wishes to remain on their new world, and Johvas, who believes they should continue searching the remaining human survivors.  Eventually, the dissidents depart to form Johvas Colony, though both factions remain on speaking terms and engage in trade.
    -A Robo-Miner accidentally discovers the ruins of Eden, and excavation projects begin.  A technological database containing info on Eden's early Laser prototypes is unearthed.  Sympathizers within Eve inform the Johvas Council, and Johvas, assuming the worst, begins developing their own weapons and prepares for war.

    Option C: The Flight Records Were Wrong
    -The Hope's efforts to track the Conestoga ultimately end in failure; the flight record they followed was, for whatever reason, inaccurate, and they had gone off-course 30 years into their flight.  Now it was far too late to easily correct this error, and the crew decided to land on the nearest suitable planet, refuel and resupply their starship, and return home.  They name their colony Eve.
    -Life on their new world is harsh.  Fierce windstorms and constant meteor showers threaten the colony daily.  Despite this, the Hope is almost ready to depart for its voyage back to Earth.
    -The Hope is mysteriously destroyed, crushing colonist morale (and a small outpost :P).  Plans are made to design and build a new starship.
    -Eve makes first contact with a race of hostile aliens calling themselves the "Johvas" and claiming responsibility for the destruction of the starship.  Eve must quickly develop new weapons systems and prepare for war, or face destruction.

    Comments/etc. lemme know.
    "As usual, colonist opinion is split between those who think the plague is a good idea, and those who are dying from it." - Outpost Evening Star

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    Offline CK9

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    « Reply #9 on: March 24, 2010, 05:06:37 PM »
    What about Option D: they arrive shortly after the phoenix module departs and find the people left behind?  If the intnet was to reunite humanity, they would have a way to go down and return and save *some* of the people, who could overpower the crew and chase after...yea....I think you know where I'm going here...
    CK9 in outpost
    Iamck in runescape (yes, I still play...sometimes...)
    srentiln in minecraft (I like legos, and I like computer was only a matter of time...) and youtube...
    xdarkinsidex on deviantart

    yup, I have too many screen names

    Offline WooJoo

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    « Reply #10 on: March 24, 2010, 05:11:14 PM »
    Eve makes first contact with a race of hostile aliens calling themselves the "Johvas"


    to claim that they name themselfes after a earth origin belive is highly doubtfull

    option E:

    the "hope" in hope to find a new home without the nearly impossible life situations on earth, hope to track down the Conestoga and find a developed new home where they might have a chance of surviving without going down with the dead planet earth. As they track them to the new terra system they discover strange signals from new terra it self. in hope this would be the suviving colonists they head for new terra only to find nothing. No human life is shown on there cameras only structures and as a sign of proof they discover a orbiting satelite. Same as the Conestoga  they have also almost no ressources left to continue the journey so they decide to land on new terra and establish a new home especialy since the planet got an middle class atmospere with just enough breathable air.

    so they land establish a base build up and grow for a while until they discover that they are not alone under the red sands of new terra hidden from the eyes of the orbiting cameras lied for now almost 100 years the rest of what was former called the blight. With its network of intelegence it found a way to change itself from its former uncontrolable shell and started to evolve on own terms.

    jadi jadi jadi WALL OF TEXT jadi jadi ju

    then the colonie does something bad
    suddenly there are lots of bad ass
    terminator style lynx driving and shooting
    bad ppl DIE while others run and cry
    then new colonie thinks bad ass aliens
    attack them

    so they fight

    ---- end of report ---

    « Last Edit: March 24, 2010, 05:18:42 PM by WooJoo »

    Offline Sirbomber

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    « Reply #11 on: March 24, 2010, 05:11:20 PM »
    CK9: You mean "extremely unlikely tale of plot convenience"?  :P
    Yeah, I considered that and rejected that because the timing would have to be impossibly perfect for them to save the people left on New Terra.

    Edit: WooJoo, I just picked the name eve specified in another thread.  I have no idea what "Johvas" means.  Note that I prefer Option B, and find aliens to be a lame idea personally.
    « Last Edit: March 24, 2010, 05:12:46 PM by Sirbomber »
    "As usual, colonist opinion is split between those who think the plague is a good idea, and those who are dying from it." - Outpost Evening Star

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    Offline WooJoo

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    « Reply #12 on: March 24, 2010, 05:22:02 PM »
    johvas reminds me of jehovas + jehova
    jehovas being a christian religion branche
    johova which is the god of the JEWS!
    which is the same orgin as adam eve eden etc ... to close to each it is, you should distance atleast the aliens name into something "alien"
    « Last Edit: March 24, 2010, 05:24:44 PM by WooJoo »

    Offline Spikerocks101

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    « Reply #13 on: March 24, 2010, 06:36:36 PM »
    It's Jehovah btw...
    I AM YOUR PET ROCK!!!!!!

    Offline CK9

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    « Reply #14 on: March 24, 2010, 07:26:58 PM »
    it's rather irrelevant in early-stage development, as names can change a lot :P
    CK9 in outpost
    Iamck in runescape (yes, I still play...sometimes...)
    srentiln in minecraft (I like legos, and I like computer was only a matter of time...) and youtube...
    xdarkinsidex on deviantart

    yup, I have too many screen names

    Offline Sirbomber

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    « Reply #15 on: March 24, 2010, 07:49:32 PM »
    It's Jehovah btw...
    johvas reminds me of jehovas + jehova
    jehovas being a christian religion branche
    johova which is the god of the JEWS!
    which is the same orgin as adam eve eden etc ... to close to each it is, you should distance atleast the aliens name into something "alien"
    Once again, I didn't pick the name.  You got a problem with it, take it up with eve.

    Edit: I would think you would be happy Spike, that I'm at least trying to help him.
    « Last Edit: March 24, 2010, 08:12:58 PM by Sirbomber »
    "As usual, colonist opinion is split between those who think the plague is a good idea, and those who are dying from it." - Outpost Evening Star

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    Offline Hooman

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    « Reply #16 on: March 24, 2010, 11:16:54 PM »
    Sorry, I just have to leave this link: Jenova's Witness :P

    Offline Freeza-CII

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    « Reply #17 on: March 25, 2010, 02:17:55 AM »
    OKOKOK first off in the name of all that is logical.

    Life let alone Life supporting planet improbable when you are litery searching like the conestoga one planet at a time.  Given that most stars are binary or high count of start which wont support planets and if they do the multipul stars wont help any thing. Most planet in the exosolar class are Gas giants or plasma balls.  SOME are even bombarded by the stars massive radiation because there pulsars nuetrons magatars ect.. So i have to argue greatly that they will some how find life that is intellegent enough to have war with people that can shoot sticky foam and lightning. and not see them coming when they get close enough to be seen by some of there own technology which must be pretty good if there going to beable to survive the human virus.

    MORE importantly if there is life are we going to take there unumtanium (joke) and will we beable to love them yes in that way.  And furture more if we do fight them are we able to eat them.

    Offline ducktape

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    « Reply #18 on: March 25, 2010, 04:18:20 AM »
    I reckon, given the Eve colony name, that Johvas relates more to an unplayable race in Eve Online:

    Regardless, if I must vote, I vote for Option B of the Sirbomber revisions.

    Offline Sirbomber

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    « Reply #19 on: March 25, 2010, 08:09:48 AM »
    will we beable to love them yes in that way.
    Yes, Freeza.  We wouldn't have it any other way.

    And could you stop explaining to me why anything involving aliens is dumb?  You're preaching to the choir when you do.  Though I did kinda think of a somewhat plausible (but still ridiculous) way for intelligent alien life to exist in Outpost 2's story...
    "As usual, colonist opinion is split between those who think the plague is a good idea, and those who are dying from it." - Outpost Evening Star

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    Offline Freeza-CII

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    « Reply #20 on: March 25, 2010, 03:25:10 PM »
    fine then i wasnt addressing you but what ever.

    -Approximately 45 years after the impact, survivors return to the Earth's surface to scavenge whatever resources they can.

    45 year after and where did these people come from mars please try to tell me from where because there are a couple things wrong with that. like landing and having been off the planet first.

    Option A: Hope Meets Eden (it's generally believed that Eden won in OP2)
    -Approximately 50 years after the Conestoga arrived at New Terra, the Hope enters New Terra's star system. However, sensors do not detect any indication of human life on the planet's surface.
    -The Hope enters New Terra's orbit and discovers the planet is now uninhabitable due to the presence of The Blight. Using the communication and sensing equipment built into the Skydock still orbiting New Terra, the crew of the Hope attempts to contact or track down the survivors aboard the Phoenix Voyager.
    -The Hope begins tracking and following the Phoenix Voyager.
    -A few years after the Phoenix Voyager arrives at its new home, the Hope finally makes contact with the (approx.) 200 survivors of New Terra. They land on the planet and name their colony Eve. However, the reunion quickly turns sour...

    lets see 45 years plus 50 years so 90 years later they try to go to another planet and dont pick the f***ing closest one they can survive on earth or mars yet are able to build a starship wow that makes alot of sence.  any way.  chances are 50 years the docking ring would have fallen out of orbit like things do with there just floating in orbit.  The same goes for the Space station around earth 45 years it would have plumetted to the surface.  In 90 years the phoenix probably wouldnt have left the solar system yet. so there wouldnt be any planet for them to be on for things to go sour. plus 90 years isnt enough time for them to mutate.

    Option B: Hope Arrives Very Late
    -Due to engine problems (probably a result of the starship being built from salvaged materials) the Hope arrives several hundred years after the events of OP2 to find an abandoned world. The Blight has "starved" and the survivors, short on resources, land on the planet. Eve Colony is founded. In a strange twist of fate, they unknowingly construct their colony above the (long-buried) ruins of the original Eden colony.
    -For many years, Eve thrives on their new world. However, history repeats itself, and the colony is split between two rival factions: Eve, who wishes to remain on their new world, and Johvas, who believes they should continue searching the remaining human survivors. Eventually, the dissidents depart to form Johvas Colony, though both factions remain on speaking terms and engage in trade.
    -A Robo-Miner accidentally discovers the ruins of Eden, and excavation projects begin. A technological database containing info on Eden's early Laser prototypes is unearthed. Sympathizers within Eve inform the Johvas Council, and Johvas, assuming the worst, begins developing their own weapons and prepares for war.

    ok with this we might as well not call it op2/3/4/5 because its damn near a carbon copy only with ancient ruins to find and a 1945 ford.

    Option C: The Flight Records Were Wrong
    -The Hope's efforts to track the Conestoga ultimately end in failure; the flight record they followed was, for whatever reason, inaccurate, and they had gone off-course 30 years into their flight. Now it was far too late to easily correct this error, and the crew decided to land on the nearest suitable planet, refuel and resupply their starship, and return home. They name their colony Eve.
    -Life on their new world is harsh. Fierce windstorms and constant meteor showers threaten the colony daily. Despite this, the Hope is almost ready to depart for its voyage back to Earth.
    -The Hope is mysteriously destroyed, crushing colonist morale (and a small outpost ). Plans are made to design and build a new starship.
    -Eve makes first contact with a race of hostile aliens calling themselves the "Johvas" and claiming responsibility for the destruction of the starship. Eve must quickly develop new weapons systems and prepare for war, or face destruction

    It wouldnt be hard to track them going off course would result in ending up in deep space where there is nothing. plus a bit of deus ex mechina to make aliens show up to destroy your space ship.  if they can blow up a space ship how in the hell are you going to survive against them.  develop s***.  refueling would have happened at any gas giant or via ram scoop. as for other supplys every one is sleeping/stasis so not  really big need for suppys not that they would have had any to begin with seeing that earth was devistated ecologically and i doubt 90 years is enough to grow enough s*** on a planet that is probably in a nuclear-like winter due to the dust in the atmosphere.


    Offline Sirbomber

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    « Reply #21 on: March 25, 2010, 05:54:28 PM »

    Freeza, learn to read and half of your questions would already be answered.  For example, you ask "where did the survivors come from?" and I already mentioned that they came from underground and/or orbital shelters (which also explains why certain space stations are still in orbit; the people living on them have good reason to keep them that way).  Even more of your questions would be answered if you'd actually read the OP2 novella.  For example, the Plymouth Epilogue states that the upper half of the Skydock went into high orbit to act as a communications relay.

    As for the others, you raise some good points.

    Option A:  Yeah, the numbers don't make sense; 50 years isn't enough time to get from Earth to New Terra.  I just kinda picked something at random.  My bad.  But what's this about "not enough time to mutate"?  Also, the starship travels to New Terra and not Mars because that was its purpose.  At this point in time the Earth is a crapsack of a world and the people on-board volunteered for the job because they thought things might be in better shape by the time they got back.

    Option B:  You missed the point, as that is the point.  We all like OP2's storyline.  Why not use the same basic setup to tell a new story?  Though I like the idea about finding the '57 Chevy.  Somebody ends up finding it after all.  Nice easter egg, and real heart-warming.  ;)

    Option C: We know Option C is stupid, you can shut up about it.  It's there because the original author wanted aliens and I delivered.  Though when did I say people actually lived on the Earth's surface?  They remain in the shelters and just go to the surface to scavenge as needed because, as you correctly point out, Earth got owned only a few decades ago.
    « Last Edit: March 26, 2010, 01:30:50 AM by Freeza-CII »
    "As usual, colonist opinion is split between those who think the plague is a good idea, and those who are dying from it." - Outpost Evening Star

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    Offline Freeza-CII

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    « Reply #22 on: March 26, 2010, 01:43:47 AM »
    Option C: We know Option C is stupid, you can shut up about it.

    dont bring it up if you dont want to hear about it.

    just because its high orbit doesnt mean it wont run out of manuvering fuel and fall to the surface.  Just look what happen to MIR and other random satelites. they fall eventually with out fuel. unless it was tethered at the equator and held in place by centrifical motion of the planet. which i doubt because of the state of the blight.

    As for option b i dont miss the point how ever. I dont see a point in doing the exact same thing over again with new names and places. you might as well just play op2 and enjoy the game that makes you want to be crazy enough to join the ranks of other op2/3 projects. but yes the 57 chevy as a easter egg vec or relic would be amusing to those that actually read the story.

    And you had the time thing right.  if the space ship left 90 years behind the first one there will alway be a 90 year gap between them.  so when ever the conestoga reached new terra hope would arrive 90 years later.  they would have already set the phoenix on its way.  But from there its only logical that they go to the next closest star system that hasnt been surveyed by the conestoga.  But WHY go to new terra sure they would know about it but they would also have to realize that survival is better then a family reunion.  so a planet like mars or even venus or various moon in the sol system would be better and less resources to get every thing there. plus your still a hop skip away from earth.

    Offline Sirbomber

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    « Reply #23 on: March 26, 2010, 07:19:40 AM »
    But WHY go to new terra
    Why not?  Why did the Conestoga go to New Terra and not Mars/etc?  Because they weren't looking for a Mars or Venus world to colonize.  They wanted an Earth-like world.  The people on Earth think the Conestoga actually found another Earth-like world.  They think if they find them, they'll find some kind of paradise.  They don't realize (nor do they have any way of finding out) that New Terra is/was only barely capable of supporting human life.

    And about the Skydock thing, this was planned by the ultra-sophisticated Savants who in a matter of seconds deus ex machina'd an upgraded Ion Drive Module into existence in the name of plot convenience/so you could launch the Children Module.  I don't think they'd be stupid/short-sighted enough to forget its orbit would decay and not have a plan for dealing with that.

    While Option B's prologue is extremely similar to OP2's, after that things would unfold differently as there would be no Blight, so no need for the constant evacuations, starship, etc.
    "As usual, colonist opinion is split between those who think the plague is a good idea, and those who are dying from it." - Outpost Evening Star

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    Offline Freeza-CII

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    « Reply #24 on: March 28, 2010, 02:49:49 PM »
    Why not? Why did the Conestoga go to New Terra and not Mars/etc? Because they weren't looking for a Mars or Venus world to colonize. They wanted an Earth-like world. The people on Earth think the Conestoga actually found another Earth-like world. They think if they find them, they'll find some kind of paradise. They don't realize (nor do they have any way of finding out) that New Terra is/was only barely capable of supporting human life.

    they had the resources to do such a thing in the post apoc earth your talking about i dont believe they would have that sort of luxury so a shorter trip and terraforming or just shielded domes. or even staying underground on earth would be a good option just because of the shielding magnetosphere.

    And about the Skydock thing, this was planned by the ultra-sophisticated Savants who in a matter of seconds deus ex machina'd an upgraded Ion Drive Module into existence in the name of plot convenience/so you could launch the Children Module

    i think that was a ion cannon aimed at the sun that was powered by the childrens hearts hehehe.  any way the whole deus ex mechina seems like a way out when you cant think of what to do next so POOF mirical.