Author Topic: Open Outpost  (Read 49457 times)

Offline croxis

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« Reply #50 on: May 15, 2009, 10:41:46 AM »
There isn't an exe.  Just use the start menu icon.

Ubuntu/Debian 64 bit package added
« Last Edit: May 15, 2009, 01:48:56 PM by croxis »
David - Proud to be saving the universe sense 1984
Open Outpost developer.  Project Page | Forum Thread

Offline croxis

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« Reply #51 on: May 18, 2009, 03:13:52 PM »
I posted a zip with the missing files for the window users.  Please see the first post for the link.
David - Proud to be saving the universe sense 1984
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Offline Leviathan

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« Reply #52 on: May 19, 2009, 06:31:52 AM »
Thanks for the update and files :)

Offline Psudomorph

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« Reply #53 on: May 29, 2009, 09:50:14 AM »
Would you like troubleshooting questions to go somewhere specific, or should it all stay in this thread?

I'm having trouble getting this to run on windowsXP SP3. I installed the patch but it didn't help.
When I use the start menu shortcut the openoutpost window will appear for a split second then vanish. Trying to run from the command prompt  gives the following response (although I could swear I saw more text than this during the split second the window was up)
Code: [Select]
C:\openoutpost-Alpha.0\python>ppython.exe -E
ppython.exe: can't open file '': [Errno 2] No such file or directory

When I try to execute directly (I already have python on this computer) it gives the following error:
Code: [Select]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\openoutpost-Alpha.0\game\", line 4, in <module>
    import Outpost
  File "C:\openoutpost-Alpha.0\game\", line 6, in <module>
    from pandac.PandaModules import loadPrcFileData
ImportError: No module named pandac.PandaModules

Possible relevant info:
-I have python 2.6 installed on the computer already
-I may have once had panda3D installed here, but have since removed it.

Offline croxis

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« Reply #54 on: May 29, 2009, 01:30:56 PM »
This thread is fine.  The first issue is that is under C:\openoutpost-Alpha.0\game\

Secondly that the windows install will install its own version of python, in this case C:\openoutpost-Alpha.0\python, and will install all the needed libraries there, completely ignoring any existing python install.  The command you will want is:

C:\openoutpost-Alpha.0\game> C:\openoutpost-Alpha.0\python\ppython.exe -E

Longer explanation for the curious.  Disney makes/uses panda for many of its games, most notably pirates and toon town.  Because their target audience probably use old handmedowns systems with windows ME or older the window builds are restricted to python 2.5.  I plan on making a build against python 2.6, and maybe make a patch to the installer which will look for existing installs to install the needed libraries to if present.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2009, 01:34:06 PM by croxis »
David - Proud to be saving the universe sense 1984
Open Outpost developer.  Project Page | Forum Thread

Offline Psudomorph

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« Reply #55 on: May 31, 2009, 08:24:39 PM »
Thanks, I think it might take a few weeks to wrap my head around why that worked, but anyway...
Here is the full error message that OO gives when executed:
Code: [Select]
DirectStart: Starting the game.
Known pipe types:
(all display modules loaded.)
:display:wgldisplay(error): SetPixelFormat(57) failed after window create
:display(error): Window wouldn't open; abandoning window.
:ShowBase(warning): Unable to open 'onscreen' window.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 4, in <module>
    import Outpost
  File "C:\openoutpost-Alpha.0\game\", line 24, in <module>
    import direct.directbase.DirectStart
  File "C:\openoutpost-Alpha.0\direct\directbase\", line 4, in <mo
  File "C:\openoutpost-Alpha.0\direct\showbase\", line 229, in __init
    self.openDefaultWindow(startDirect = False, props=props)
  File "C:\openoutpost-Alpha.0\direct\showbase\", line 726, in openDe
    raise StandardError, 'Could not open window.'
StandardError: Could not open window.

Also: couldn't this stuff be written to an error log, so people can just copy/paste it instead of having to run from the command line in order to catch the error message? Seems like it would make bug reporting easier.

=====non-troubleshooting conversation=====

-I'm glad you are keeping the tubes in the game, there needs to be some constraint to keep colonies from just being blobs of buildings all right next to each other. If you want to eliminate some of the tedium of them though, maybe allow them to be built in lines.

-You said you were using a heightmap, how does it translate into a grid? Does it literally represent each square as a different height like Sid Meirs Alpha Centauri/Sim City 2000/3000, or will the game retain the OP1/OP2/Civ style of each square having a particular type of terrain? (please tell me it's not the former, I always hated that system)

-Jessai mentioned power transmitters to cut down on tubes. I don't think power transmitters would be all that useful though; if you are going to build two power transmitter stations, why not just build a power plant in the far-off colony and get the added disaster resistance? In any case tubes would still be required for their air/water/waste/etc.
I think the solution is that far off colonies should just have their own separate infrastructure, rather than trying to tube across an entire continent.

Also, on the subject of tubes getting in the way of things, do you think it would be difficult to make the three connector tiles pass over each other? You would need to make a custom "road sloping under tube" tile, but the others fit together very well already.

-Finally, a nitpick; when you changed levels in the video it looked like you were going down a very very long way. I feel like each underground level should only be one, maybe two tiles deeper than the last (see pic). I don't have any real-life underground cities to compare with, but going down so deep seems unrealistic.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2009, 09:28:26 PM by Psudomorph »

Offline croxis

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« Reply #56 on: June 02, 2009, 02:25:15 PM »
Log to file is currently in the trunk. When I get the gui library finished I'll post another test install for final bug fixing  before the real Alpha 1.  I looked up this specific issue and it is one of two things: Your color depth is not 24 or 32 bit, or something is wrong with your opengl drivers.  I put in a bug report to remind me to implement dx when running in windows.

I plan on just having a tube tile that will make a new connection when there is a new adjacent building.  It should clean up the look a bit.

Eventually the heightmap will translate into terrain roughness.  Ultimate desire though is to have a building system more akin to op2.  I would like to use actual height (sc2,3,4, etc) but that will require even more additional art and code work.

Long distance power transition wouldn't work.  Many planetary bodies don't have a magnetic field so long distance power transmition would be severely disrupted. Best bet to keep tubes would be either "bandwidth" benefits or making structure placement actually important (YIMBY/NIMBY, or adjacency bonuses).

As for crossing the different transport types, it should totally be easy, especially once we move to 3d assets.

The animation was just that, an animation.  It jsut demonstrated that I was doing something fancy.  I put each level 10 units down.  I can just as easy make it 2.
David - Proud to be saving the universe sense 1984
Open Outpost developer.  Project Page | Forum Thread

Offline ducktape

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« Reply #57 on: June 14, 2009, 11:47:16 PM »
The wireless transfer of power would be a bit far fetched I guess. The main idea I had was transporting power from remote areas with tough terrain (geothermal power or really rare minerals that you just have to have). But other way could just as easily be conceived to serve the same purpose.

I've tried installing using those links on Windows XP as well as Ubuntu, neither of which I can get working. The windows version just let's me hit new game, to where it goes to a screen with a white circle and I have no more options.

Ubuntu says I have the wrong architecture, which I don't have a 64-bit CPU. Is there any way around this, maybe a 32-bit version floating around, or am I just completely screwing this up?

Offline croxis

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« Reply #58 on: June 15, 2009, 11:05:36 AM »
I do think there should be a more easy way to draw power from remote locations without the tedium of placing tubes one tile at a time.  A click and drag method (power lines in sc4 for example) would be best.

I'm still working away on the new GUI code as well as getting the colony information client side as well.  I'll probably do one more prototype release once that is completed and make sure to get a 32 bit version as well, which I did not make a build for last time. So no, you didn't screw it up :P  I chose to use the 64bit version of ubuntu, so that is what I build for.  I have a 32 bit version in a virtual machine to make those builds.
David - Proud to be saving the universe sense 1984
Open Outpost developer.  Project Page | Forum Thread

xtra chedda

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« Reply #59 on: July 28, 2009, 03:45:07 PM »
I just want you to know how excited I was to find this project. I was a big fan of Outpost when it first came out. I invested alot of time during my childhood into colonizing distant planets thanks to this game. I was just wondering if you have any news on the project. I installed everything and had the the same problem as Jessai.

Offline croxis

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« Reply #60 on: July 31, 2009, 05:01:53 PM »
I am indeed still working on it.  I'm on my third rewrite for the gui, and now wrestling on how to display information for the command center window.
David - Proud to be saving the universe sense 1984
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Offline Charles_Bronson

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« Reply #61 on: August 01, 2009, 09:43:15 PM »
Im a big outpost fan. I always dreamed of a sequel of op1, but circustances made it impossible.

keep up the good work guys, you can do it.

Offline Hidiot

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« Reply #62 on: August 02, 2009, 05:10:08 AM »
The sequel of Outpost 1 is Outpost 2.
"Nothing from nowhere, I'm no one at all"

Offline Charles_Bronson

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« Reply #63 on: August 09, 2009, 05:00:28 AM »
outpost 2 is a game i had lots of fun with, but its not a spiritual sequel of Op1.

it is just another game, with a RTS feeling, not a Simcity/Civilization feel.

Offline Hidiot

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« Reply #64 on: August 09, 2009, 07:50:08 AM »
It is still, officially, the sequel.

The story even fits... somewhat.
"Nothing from nowhere, I'm no one at all"

Offline Sirbomber

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« Reply #65 on: August 09, 2009, 12:08:40 PM »
outpost 2 is a game i had lots of fun with, but its not a spiritual sequel of Op1.

it is just another game, with a RTS feeling, not a Simcity/Civilization feel.
A "spiritual sequel" of OP1?  What would that involve, even crappier gameplay and more bugs/incompleteness?

OP2 is not "just another RTS game" because you must also manage your colony, not just go on a killing rampage.
"As usual, colonist opinion is split between those who think the plague is a good idea, and those who are dying from it." - Outpost Evening Star

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Offline croxis

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« Reply #66 on: August 21, 2009, 12:30:38 PM »
I just finished migration to the new netcode library (thank god).  I now have a regression where the colonists aren't having babies anymore.  Once that bugger is done I am going to put together some prototypes of the Alpha for testing, then get alpha 1 out the door.  Took me a few more months than expected :P
David - Proud to be saving the universe sense 1984
Open Outpost developer.  Project Page | Forum Thread

Offline Jenner

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« Reply #67 on: August 25, 2009, 10:16:21 PM »
First post here! I'm thrilled that Outpost 1, a game I really enjoyed growing up, is being given the attention it deserves. I think it's great that a remake/update is in the works!

This may have been addressed already, but when I try to run the program I get to a screen with a large white circle and the following error is reported in the status window:

raise IOError, message
exceptions.IOError: Could not load model file(s): ['models/gui/dialog_box_gui']
Failed to load espeak-data

I'm running Windows XP Pro and have installed the patch files into Windows\System32


Offline croxis

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« Reply #68 on: August 26, 2009, 09:20:07 PM »
Yah the old prototypes had various issues with them.  I've been very busy teaching band camp the past two weeks and haven't had the time to sit down to finish the code needed.  Hold your horses until I can get a new version out the door :)
« Last Edit: August 26, 2009, 09:22:50 PM by croxis »
David - Proud to be saving the universe sense 1984
Open Outpost developer.  Project Page | Forum Thread

Offline Jenner

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« Reply #69 on: August 26, 2009, 10:11:26 PM »
Yah the old prototypes had various issues with them.  I've been very busy teaching band camp the past two weeks and haven't had the time to sit down to finish the code needed.  Hold your horses until I can get a new version out the door :)
No problem. I eagerly await the next release.  :D  

Offline pbhead

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« Reply #70 on: October 11, 2009, 01:40:06 PM »
ima posting here for verbal encouraging support...

go croxis go! ra! ra! rwhat... rymes with croxis... umm..

you can make a better sim than maxis!

(err... well... since simcity societies ... really... really sucked... and would not be hard to top. )

Offline Jenner

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« Reply #71 on: October 17, 2009, 03:13:41 PM »
ima posting here for verbal encouraging support...

go croxis go! ra! ra! rwhat... rymes with croxis... umm..

you can make a better sim than maxis!

(err... well... since simcity societies ... really... really sucked... and would not be hard to top. )
I'll second the verbal encouragement.  :D  

Offline Hellspawn

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« Reply #72 on: January 24, 2010, 03:49:44 PM »
How are things going? I used to play Outpost 1 a long time ago. I did finish it once, on the easiest difficulty. If you can ever finish this game. It just goes on after the "ending" movie.

I really like the idea to play a fan remake, wich also includes the left out, or never developed stuff wich is also mentioned in the official Outpost guide I have around here somewhere.

So how far along is the project? Can I look up my old 1.5 Outpost cd-rom and start playing soon?

By the way, I know one copy of the original disk (cd-rom) for sale here in the Netherlands. Can I make someone happy with it?

*Now where did I leave that thick Outpost book??*

Offline Sirbomber

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« Reply #73 on: January 24, 2010, 05:04:32 PM »
Seeing as how we haven't heard anything for a long time, I'm calling the project dead.
"As usual, colonist opinion is split between those who think the plague is a good idea, and those who are dying from it." - Outpost Evening Star

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Offline AmIMeYet

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« Reply #74 on: January 25, 2010, 08:37:32 AM »
Last activity on launchpad ~4 months ago.