Thanks, I think it might take a few weeks to wrap my head around why that worked, but anyway...
Here is the full error message that OO gives when executed:
DirectStart: Starting the game.
Known pipe types:
(all display modules loaded.)
:display:wgldisplay(error): SetPixelFormat(57) failed after window create
:display(error): Window wouldn't open; abandoning window.
:ShowBase(warning): Unable to open 'onscreen' window.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 4, in <module>
import Outpost
File "C:\openoutpost-Alpha.0\game\", line 24, in <module>
import direct.directbase.DirectStart
File "C:\openoutpost-Alpha.0\direct\directbase\", line 4, in <mo
File "C:\openoutpost-Alpha.0\direct\showbase\", line 229, in __init
self.openDefaultWindow(startDirect = False, props=props)
File "C:\openoutpost-Alpha.0\direct\showbase\", line 726, in openDe
raise StandardError, 'Could not open window.'
StandardError: Could not open window.
Also: couldn't this stuff be written to an error log, so people can just copy/paste it instead of having to run from the command line in order to catch the error message? Seems like it would make bug reporting easier.
=====non-troubleshooting conversation=====
-I'm glad you are keeping the tubes in the game, there needs to be some constraint to keep colonies from just being blobs of buildings all right next to each other. If you want to eliminate some of the tedium of them though, maybe allow them to be built in lines.
-You said you were using a heightmap, how does it translate into a grid? Does it literally represent each square as a different height like Sid Meirs Alpha Centauri/Sim City 2000/3000, or will the game retain the OP1/OP2/Civ style of each square having a particular type of terrain? (please tell me it's not the former, I always hated that system)
-Jessai mentioned power transmitters to cut down on tubes. I don't think power transmitters would be all that useful though; if you are going to build two power transmitter stations, why not just build a power plant in the far-off colony and get the added disaster resistance? In any case tubes would still be required for their air/water/waste/etc.
I think the solution is that far off colonies should just have their own separate infrastructure, rather than trying to tube across an entire continent.
Also, on the subject of tubes getting in the way of things, do you think it would be difficult to make the three connector tiles pass over each other? You would need to make a custom "road sloping under tube" tile, but the others fit together very well already.

-Finally, a nitpick; when you changed levels in the video it looked like you were going down a very very long way. I feel like each underground level should only be one, maybe two tiles deeper than the last (see pic). I don't have any real-life underground cities to compare with, but going down so deep seems unrealistic.