Op2hacker: Op2hacker suffers the same poor fate as betaray. Dieing due to lack of smelters. He does however have a somewhat strategic sense, as in 2 of the games I played with him he was able to get around someone's base and blow their lab to bits. Quite impressive to me, since I've never managed it. Now if he'd only learn to build smelters at the start, he might survive longer. :heh:
Leviathan: Leviathan is insanely fast. If you've ever watched the video of him playing me, you'd cringe. I'd rate him at roughly 2x my speed. Leviathan gets his lab up fast and has all weapons research done by the time he attacks you, so you'd better have your research done too, or you're toast.
If you can't get your research done that fast, you'll need to slow him down. Stickies are ideal for this, as they can delay his 4 mics long enough for your 3 mics+gp to be upgraded.
Beware though, lev uses every nasty tactic in the book. He if gets a chance, he'll disable your mine, blow your ore smelters to bits, use emp on your vehicle plants, or send a bomb through the back of your base. The only way to beat him is to use his own tactics against him.(which I've yet to do

Leviathan is strong early game, but if you can survive his attacks long enough, he's much weaker late game, by comparison. People like plymoth45 have shredded him with their late-game tactics, so if he neglects to kill you early on, you'd better be ready to disable him with some heavy firepower.
I've also noticed that he puts priority on keeping people from teching. If you go for the rare, he'll target you and blow you to bits, so you won't have a chance to use that rare on esg tigers.

Be ready to defend yourself heavily if you're the first person to get rare ore.
Edit: Anyone else got profiles of players?