Map Editor ( Beta Version 1.6 ) (1.36 mb)
If you have XP or NT, switch the exe to windows 98 compatible mode after unzipping, or XP/NT will most likely crash it.
1) Create new maps(works now)
2) Load maps(works now)
3) Save maps(works now)
4) Minimap
5) TileStack
6) Tile Copier(works 95% of time)
7) Map Resizer

Map Filler
9) Other stuff
--Arrow Keys
--Dragging Screen around on minimap
TileSet Scrolling
--Clicking TileType Hotkeys
Selecting Tiles(from TileSet)
--Left Click to select
--Right Click to add another tile
Manipulating TileStack
--Left Click or drag on stack somewhere in the 6x6 grid.
--Left Click the blue square in the top-left of the tileset to clear the TileStack
Copying Tiles
--Right Click in the main window, drag a box down-right.
--Drag box up-left to cancel
Pasting Tiles
--Left Click in main window.
--Transparent overlay shows where it will be pasted.
Grid Coordinates
--0-based.(unlike in-game) Updates when you move mouse, to show which grid-tile your mouse is over(and which you'll be pasting tiles to).
-----Menu Features-----
"New Map" - Asks what size of map you want.
--Note: Some sizes are not valid. Ex 512x64. 128x64 also seems to crash the game.
"Save Map" - Asks where to save map.
"Load Map" - Asks for a map to load.
"Exit" - exits.
"MiniMap-->Fast Redraw" - Updates Minimap to include newly pasted tiles.
"MiniMap-->Slow Redraw" - Updates Minimap to include newly pasted tiles.(and looks pretty. On small maps "Fast Redraw" can look odd.)
"Map-->Resize Map" - Resize the map to the given width. If you accidentally resize to the wrong size, just resize again and it should be fixed.
"Map-->Fill Map" - Fill map with the given tiles. Useful to quickly create realistic terrain. Uses Tile Stack.
-----Features to implement-----
1) Tile Pallette(like editors where you click "cliff 1" and it picks all the tiles for you. This will lower map creation times to 1/100).
2) (possible) Auto-decider to pick tiles from the Tile Pallette, as you drag a specific terrain type over the map. Note: this feature may be scrapped if it proves too difficult to implement.
That's about it....I think I've fixed all the glaring bugs, and several memory leaks, and I remembered to clear the memory before mapping terrain speeds this time, but you never know with all these new features.

I'm sure I forgot something obvious though.(as I did in every other version :heh: )
Edit: Anyone going to fix the link yet? :whistle:
Edit 2: Yup, just did.