Having been back for a couple of weeks playing games on and off, it is clear that much has been lost since the days on WON.
Being tired of quitting, and recently, breaking of other rules, I think it is necessary to remind old players and inform new players of the rules previously used to make as many as possible happy in their gaming environment.
1) The Game's Host sets the rules(Mark, game type etc). Never anyone else. If you don't like the rules/regulations of the game, find a new one or obide by the rules. If your not sure about something, ask.
2) Never quit a game unless you have a good reason. If you are losing, quitting is not an option, stay in the game until the bitter end.
3) Do not drop lost players until 60 seconds have passed.
4) Never break the set mark (Build mark & Attack Mark), or cheat in any other way. This includes using glitches in the game.
5) Treat all induviduals with respect. Cursing and namecalling are childish behaviour the community is better off without.
Can some mod get this thread pinned ?