Author Topic: Terran Confederation: The Survivors of Terra  (Read 4163 times)

Offline RedXIII

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Terran Confederation: The Survivors of Terra
« on: June 19, 2004, 11:04:22 AM »
Current Year: 2359

Faction Breif - Terran Confederation
Population: 2.5 Billion (All but 500 in Stasis)
Government: Benevolent Dictatorship [Cameron Family]
Current Leader: Neo Cameron
Technology: Unknown
Military: Small
Political Intentions: Unknown
Military Policy: Espionage, Police Force, National Guard

Faction Breif - Plymouth Colonies
Population: 240
Government: Council-based
Current Leader: Emma
Technology: Level 45
Military: Large
Political Intentions: Survival
Military Policy: Self-Defense, National Guard, Assault Force

Faction Breif - Eden Colonies
Population: 200
Government: Council-based
Current Leader: Unknown
Technology: Level 50
Military: Unknown
Political Intentions: Unknown
Military Policy: Unknown

Faction Breif - Eden Remnants
Population: 47
Government: Anarchy
Current Leader: Axen Moon
Technology: Level 50
Military: Large
Political Intentions: Survival
Military Policy: Self-defense

Faction Breif - Blight
Population: Unknown
Government: Unknown
Current Leader: Unknown
Technology: Unknown
Military: Existant - Unknown
Political Intentions: Unknown
Military Policy: Mindless Operation

Chapter Eins: The Final Answer

Neo Cameron was born during what is called the Journey. The Cameron family only had a vague idea of what to do. Find a planet that can be Terraformed slowly, carefully, safely into a New Earth. They left Terra because they realized something philosophical. Would they want to stay on Terra and Terraform it back into old Earth. It would have been easy, however, the Camerons would be than altering Terra. It was projected that the Biosphere would return to normal in twenty thousand to fourty thousand years. Than, maybe the development to intelligent life would begin anew.

Cameron sat at the command console of the ship. He watched the console and studied it, they were now exploring yet another starsystem, one even farther away than Epsilon Eridani. However, unlike the unhospitatible worlds that dotted the stars, Cameron noticed that there was Oxygen and Hydrogen on the long-range scanners. This was highly unusual. However, the density still suggests that this world is still inhospitatible to Human life.

He decided to bring the ship a little closer, a few taps on the command console sent a command to the Fusion Drives, which promptly started up and began the process that would move the collossal ship through the ether of space.

The Ship onboard AI Than appeared on one of the Console's screens. The AI Appeared as a Terran Jaguar. Not entirely unusual, as the Terrans liked whatever 'Life' they can impliment into their technology without breaking regulations, or deceiving themselves. The Camerons allowed it and even supported it, as it made everybody happier.

"Cameron, we have just received stray radio signals from the planet." The AI seemed indifferent, although Cameron knew that the AI, based on the Savant series computers, was unusually intrigued.

"Stray Radio signals? Anything else?"

"I am unable to determine until we move closer to the Planet."

Cameron was unusually uncomfortable. Although Extraterrestrial life has already been confirmed by an unexpected arrival in the Starsystem of Epsilon Eridani. However, Extraterrestrial civilization is a completely different story. The danger of hostile extraterrestrial civilizations is what prompted the Camerons to fit the Flagship with Laser Batteries, Missiles and fighters. The Camerons did not want to be ignorant, and they do not want to beleive that they will be always left alone if these civilizations existed.

His moment of thought was broken up by the Flagship AI, "Commander, I am detecting a debris field around the world. Apparently, this debris field is definatly the results of production. We are also detecting signals coming directly from the planet."

"What of the planet itself?"

"It is unusual, I have detected that the Oxygen and Hydrogen is increasing at extremely unusual rates. I am attempting to orbit the planet and find the source of the radio transmissions. I am also detecting a Communications sattelite, it is similar to the communication systems used during the strike of Vulcan's Hammer."

"What of the Transmissions?"

"I have decrypted some of the transmissions, the communicators use Standard English. They are also referring to something unknown as 'The Blight' as if this 'Blight' is hunting them like a predator."

"Any identification as to what this 'Blight' is?"

"Negitive, however, I am receiving some trace that there are also some SAVANT-Class Computers on the planet. That is the final evidence that is needed. This is the Survivors that left Earth before Vulcan's Hammer hit."

"That explains things. What of the Oxygen and Hydrogen levels?"

"They seem to be coming from approximately Half the world, the signals are coming from the other half. I am currently using Optical Cameras on the main sources to attempt to find the source."


"I Have found them, sir. Two convoys, one that appears to be identifing itself as 'Eden' and the other as 'Plymoth'. The Eden convoy is far smaller than the Plymoth Convoy. Both are close to the edge of the unusual increasements of Oxygen and Hydrogen, which might be water vapor. Both are moving away from the edge at full speed."

"Is this our blight?"

"Very likely. Should we attempt to contact them?"

"Why not? Pick the Plymoth convoy, they appear to be the main convoy."


The Plymoth colony bounced along the plains, having to evacuate their colony due to the impending Blight. They were moving into more and more unfamiliar territory. Their resources are scarce, and put mostly into survival and the vain construction of a Starship. It was decided to put the Command structure in a specially modified Evacuation Transport with C3 Systems, Armor, and even some light weaponry. While Eden was no longer a major threat, it was decided to keep the weapons.

Darren looked at his own command console, looking at the Terrain from sattelites, and trying to decide where to go next. All of a sudden, somebody bangs on the door of the Evac transport. Darren, increasingly annoyed, shouted "Come! What do you come banging on my door for? It is not as if the Blight is getting the convoy!"

A unfamiliar face ran in, holding a peice of paper in his hand, he said with a shaky voice. "S-Sir... We have re-received transmissions from a S-Ship in space sir. W-We are being hailed!"

The news suprized Darren. "What in the Maker's name did the Edenites come back for?" The response came, "S-Sir, its not E-Edenites, They are identifing themselves as the T-Terran Confed-federation. Earth R-Remnants sir. They are re-requesting information on the B-Blight."

Darren blinked his eyes, quickly reading the report. "Earthlings? How the hell did they survive the Asteroid? How did they find us? How did they know about the Blight? Did the Edenites run back to Earth and tell them? No... They would have known more about the Blight than."

"S-Sir... A-a Response please?"

"Bah, the obvious. Give them everything we have on the Blight, maybe that will cause them to be sympathetic enough to give us free rides off this Maker-forsaken world."

"A-Affermative Sir!" It was obvious that he was a new recruit, however, he saluted and quickly ran off with the order. The Council was now aware of the 'Terran Confederation', while they were more than willing to give information on the Blight with hopes that the Confederation will pick them up. They can only wonder what happened to Earth during their exile as Earth was thought to be dead, yet a Ship of them had just arrived. Some councilmembers were even suspicious that they were not Humans at all. Time can only tell their intentions of coming to this world.


The Flagship AI Purred, or, as close as to a purr as the acoustics of the sound system on Neo's console allowed. "Cameron, the 'Plymoth Colony' has spit out everything. The Blight is a biological plague, a microbe based on terraforming. Our scientists are already working on creating a solution, however, since we have the genetic code of the microbe. I can, however, suggest that if there is a way to combat it, a counter-germ would dissassemble and devour the raw genetics of the virus that causes it to dissassemble bonds. Than proceed to reassemble the remnants. This would slow down terraforming, but it would cease the Microbe's ability to devour organisms. Since the counter-germ can only devour that section of genetics, the counter-germ will die after a week of having no food."

The Solution to the Blight. While it was unknown as to why the AI of the Flagship did not create a germ to completely wipe out the Genetics of the Microbe, the solution stood as crediable. The Advanced Biotechnology of the Confederation will be put to the test.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2004, 12:33:31 PM by RedXIII »
-Nanaki 'RedXIII' Leroux

A pouncing cat stalks the hunting cat roar the two enraged in a death's embrace the coiled serpent crushes both. A pouncing cat stalks the hunting cat with care, the pouncing cat watches the coiled serpent crushes the hunting cat, a new star is born.
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Offline Leviathan

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Terran Confederation: The Survivors of Terra
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2004, 06:03:43 AM »

When can we expect more??

Also could I put a copy of this on my site. The more content the better  :P  

Offline RedXIII

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Terran Confederation: The Survivors of Terra
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2004, 11:38:33 AM »
Chapter Two: The Wait begins...

Neo Cameron watched several modified SULV Capules attempt to reenter the Atmosphere. These SULVs were useful, both as testing labratories, and as dilivery agents for their new counter-germ. Further projections showed that the neutrilization of the Blight will result in slowing down the Terraforming process extensively to thousands of years. The Camerons that are awake are already discussing the new and recent events. Neo Cameron was merely taking bets that the new counter-agent would work.

The Plymouth colony was somewhat disturbed, they have not heard any transmissions from the Confederation warship ever since their first encounter. They have already managed to photograph SULV Capsules re-entering the atmosphere towards the infected zone. They had no way of telling what the Terran colony was up to.

The SULV capsules impacted on strategic locations, releasing the Counter-agent, which promptly started to dig deep within the crust, fallowing any trails of the Microbe, converting the harmful substance at a phonomenal rate. The AI Savant watched the spread of the counter-agent. The effects were noticable, when daylight came, it seems as though the Blight spread has stopped, although, it merely lost its ability to break apart oxygen bonds. The harmless Microbe still spreads underground.

It will still take weeks until Cameron can be sure that the Blight is gone for good. Areas that are isolated with the Blight will require further SULV Rockets. Cameron watched the AI appear on the screen again.

"Cameron, The High Command desires to ask you a question. Will we be landing here?"

Cameron shook his head. "I am not sure, I must at first be sure that the biological disease affecting it is completely neutrilized. Until I am sure, everything is in the air."

The AI image almost seemed to nod. "Affermative, I will let the others know that the question will remain unanswered until the 'Blight' Is neutrilized."

Neo looked at the viewscreen of New Terra. It was a world supposed to be almost like old Terra. Yet the First Starship could never reasonably produce a old Terra. Many of the Genebank databases that went along with the First Starship were incomplete. The Confederation had a lot of trouble, but managed to complete the Genetic banks. How could these Terrans think that they have a complete databank of what old earth was like?

He realized that infact, he can only wait, watching the Blight convert from it's deadly form to a harmless form. It was indeed a waiting game. From the looks of it, it appears as though the enzyme is spreading, multiplying. Converting the blight. Everything seems to be going as planned.

However, the Eden/Plymouth colonies has never seriously crossed his mind yet.
-Nanaki 'RedXIII' Leroux

A pouncing cat stalks the hunting cat roar the two enraged in a death's embrace the coiled serpent crushes both. A pouncing cat stalks the hunting cat with care, the pouncing cat watches the coiled serpent crushes the hunting cat, a new star is born.
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Offline RedXIII

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Terran Confederation: The Survivors of Terra
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2004, 11:05:13 AM »
OOC: This is more of an extra, theres nothing really coherant, it is just the problems/thoughts of the Starship AI as the wait continues.

Chapter Three: The Starship AI

Neo Cameron waited for hours, sleeping in the cot that was set up inside the room, he monitored the spread of the counter-agent. It was spreading extremely rapidly. Isolated areas of Blight were dealt with by further SULV Rockets. These Hulks seemed to be quite abundant in number. Plymouth has given up attempting to contact the Confederation Starship. However, both Plymouth and Remnant Eden colonies are curious over the eccentricity in the Blight's spread caused by the Counter-agent that the Confederation created. It would only be a few more days before the last of the Blight was transformed. However, Neo still refused to land until he was sure it was all over.

The AI knew, from downloading data from the Savants below, the nature of the Microbe. This was what prompted changing, rather than destroying, the Blight. Most of the Savant Computers had already concluded that their 'Creators' would have to leave. The Starship AI was far more advanced, also, unlike the Savants, it understood Humanity a whole lot better.

Humans, referred to as 'The Creators' in Savant Terms, are extremely Dynamic. They are, unlike savants, independant. They have no capabilities, except for the telepaths, to link to eachother in any way other than the physical universe. Also, they had factors in which caused them to oftentimes do things such as 'Fight'. These Savants had only a very vague idea on the Terran concept of War. To the Starship AI, War was, in the raw end of it all, Creators fighting against other Creators. Instead of being a single unity, like the Savants, the Creators are often in large, but numerous, tribes. These Tribes were sometimes friendly to eachother, sometimes, they were hostile, as in the case of Eden and Plymouth, to the point of War.

The Starship AI already knew the Confederation would ignore Eden and Plymouth, a mistake? Unknown. Both bearly have the population or the technology to make a dent on the Confederation should War come. Their weapons technologies and chassis are unusual, like the Savants, both colonies were not used to War. The Confederation, while not having any recent major conflicts, has not forgotten what they learned. However, very likely, Plymouth and Eden would be too buzy dealing with eachother, and the Confederation will simply ignore both.

The Blight was something entirely different. Now that the Savants were learning to control it, eventually they will be able to figure out how to manipulate the Infected colonies on their own. This will not be much of a problem. Savants are pacifist by nature, preferring to deter from using any sort of force. Therefore, this issue was put on temporary hold.

However, the most recent problems include designing the Confederation's Structures to use upon landing. They would have to be highly compact, and highly efficient. Far more efficient than the Eden/Plymouth designs were. Designing a colony to house 2.5 Billion people will not be an easy task. There is already plans to use the underground.

Also, in the unlikely case that war were to occur, the Starship AI Decided to put defense into some of the design plans.
-Nanaki 'RedXIII' Leroux

A pouncing cat stalks the hunting cat roar the two enraged in a death's embrace the coiled serpent crushes both. A pouncing cat stalks the hunting cat with care, the pouncing cat watches the coiled serpent crushes the hunting cat, a new star is born.
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Offline RedXIII

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Terran Confederation: The Survivors of Terra
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2004, 02:19:11 PM »
Note: Yes, Neo Cameron is the only dynamic character, so far. You will only see more when the Confederation lands... somewhere... Some will be Confed, some will be Eden, Some will be Plymouth. Hopefully.

Chapter Four: Landing Site

Neo Cameron watched as the last of the SULV Capsules impact New Terra, they have received multiple transmissions from the Plymouth colony. Plymouth expressed extreme concern over the clandestine activities of the Confederation. Neo did not dwell much on it. Both would not even bother making any more than threats. It was not long before the AI Computer appeared in its usual avatar and purred once again. "Cameron, the Blight has been completely neutrilized. Bio-scanners are picking up nothing."

Cameron nodded, the question came. Land here? To Neo, this was a dreaded question. This would mean a permanent settlement would be established. They would need to find a site, than proceed to make a colony out of it. It would also test the new Gravity drives, which Cameron was even more uneasy of.

He decided that New Terra was the best world. New Terra was already spoiled by the foolish Edenites. Therefore, no matter what the Confederation transformed their world into, it would very likely be better than what New Terra would have become without the Confederation's intervention.

He spoke to the AI. "Tell the others. This is where we land. This is where the new Capital City will be built." The AI Responded "Affermative, Cameron. Shall I scan for landing sites." Neo nodded "Raw Materials are a non-issue for us. Find somewhere that the Terrain is favorable for expansion, defense, research."

The AI Was scanning all locations. The AI was being very careful. The AI knew that this would determine Humanity, and Its own, future by this move. The AI decided to, as recommended, ignore the Blight. Somewhere thats going to be Geologically stable. Only a few potental areas came up. The AI quickly narrowed it down to one. Resources were present, rich even. The Geological plate was stable. It was an area on the edge of what was the Blight Infection. So the Blight was unable to break up the Geological plate. The area was displayed to Neo.

Neo stared at it. It seemed suitable, the area was scanned to every square nanometer for any hostile organisms. Nothing. The counter-agent worked extremely well in this area. A Diagram showed the Starship's landing site. Cameron observed it closely. The Terrain around here could use a bit of work. But the Geological Engineers can solve this. Neo imagined the colony spreading out. The surface area, however, was sufficient, at least.

Neo swallowed, and nodded. This would be where the Starship will land. With that, he typed in a few commands, sending the order to the Ship's Navigation systems.
-Nanaki 'RedXIII' Leroux

A pouncing cat stalks the hunting cat roar the two enraged in a death's embrace the coiled serpent crushes both. A pouncing cat stalks the hunting cat with care, the pouncing cat watches the coiled serpent crushes the hunting cat, a new star is born.
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Offline RedXIII

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Terran Confederation: The Survivors of Terra
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2004, 10:26:05 PM »
Note: Whew, took most the day to write this. Also, somebody that should be familiar to you guys makes a breif, but notable, appearance.

Chapter Five: The Landing

The Starship immediatly activated its main drives, going towards the world, not stopping, soon plunging into the thin atmosphere of New Terra. To Cameron, he would feel nothing of the decent, the artificial gravity keeping the internals quite stable. But Cameron can only think of the multi-million ton object hurling itself into the atmosphere of New Terra.

Minutes later, the ship began to enter the atmosphere. The multi-million ton Starvessel began to glow brightly. In both Eden and Plymouth, the Starship was clearly seen. It was not very long before the main gravity drives came online. The whirr clearly audiable to Cameron. The air friction dissipated as the fireball suddenly dissipated to reveal a decending ship.


"What in the Maker's name is that?!" Shouted Darren, watching the sky through the Command Center's window. He had never seen anything like it. A massive starship, far bigger than even their own, had just entered the atmosphere of New Terra.

He could not beleive his eyes, but it was there. He knew this was the Confederation warship. He would have to do a lot of breifings now. The Eden colony was an equal in strength, and therefore the Plymouth colony had a chance. However, if the Confederation can build humongous starships and land them inside planetary atmospheres at the same time. It gives a very, very good hint at what the Confederation is capible of.

But than, the question raises, why are they here? They had neutrilized the blight by modifying SULV Capsules with a genetically engineered enzyme and impacting them into New Terra. The enzyme was found to dissassemble, or in some cases, reassemble, parts of the Blight to revert it into a harmless organism. Darren was outraged, but somehow releived. The Enzyme was found to attack nothing else. But the Confederation still risked releasing an even more deadly virus into the atmosphere.

However, what is done is done. The Blight has been stopped, also, it was a good thing the Confederation came. At least, Darren wondered how many people they took along. The Size of that starship, maybe four thousand? Five Thousand? Ten Thousand? A lot of people to both Eden and Plymouth standard. The Terrans will have to be investigated further.

He tapped on the comms, the Plymouth's Primary political leader and last Elder on-world, known as Emma, came up. He was expecting a call from her. He would have to assess the situation. He did not even have to listen to the comment of expression that left her lips. He quickly responded with "All that is known is that the Terran's Starship is entering the atmosphere. How are they doing it? I dont know. Why? I dont know. The only thing we can do is sit here and wait."

Emma thought for a moment. "It could be a very good idea to send somebody over to the Terrans. There is much we can learn from the Confederation."

Darren thought.... So far, the Terrans seemed to have been pretty apathetic about the Plymouth and Eden colonies. While ignoring the Plymouth's queries to their activities. Hostile? Hard to tell. He was not yet ready to approach the Confederation with open arms yet.

"We will need some time, Emma, while we may send a delegate, it would be a good idea for us to be cautious. The Confederation seems to be specifically avoiding contact, either they want to be left alone, or they are hostile. So far, I will say they want to be left alone. Their actions have not been hostile so far, but as said, it is too early to tell."

Emma nodded "Agreed. We will wait to see if the Confederation will make the first move."

With that, Emma cut the link. Darren sighed, his job was not easy, but it seems that things have gone from almost certain death, to pure uncertainty. The Eden Colony Remnants, led by Axen Moon, are probably just as confused. They still contact them, it was agreed that both convoys should be seperate, but maintain friendly contact and share and and all information pertaining to the blight.

He will wait, indeed. He will see if the Confederation has any weapon systems. That will be a tell-tale sign of their intentions on New Terra.


The Confederation Starship stedied itself above its destination, there were still obsticles that needed to be cleared, but all it would take is an outflow from the gravity drives and most obsticles should tumble away. The starship continued to lower, it suddenly gave a large boost to remove all obsticles below it. Suddenly, a half-dozen warning klaxons activated on Neo's Console.

Neo felt a bump as the starship's gravity drives failed, and the Starship landed rather abruptly on the ground. Neo grunted "Damage Report", The AI Responded "Other than a few scratches on the paint, the starship is fine. I used the Artificial Gravity Generator to absorb most the bump. The entire Gravity System is no longer operational. First the Drives failed, than after the landing, the Artificial gravity system failed." Cameron nodded "Get the scientists working on the problem. We landed, correct? Deploy construction units and begin construction." The AI respnded "Affermative. Construction Vehicles launched. Internal Factory beginning construction of basic kits"

Neo let his mind dwell for a moment. Should he contact the Plymouth colony again? He shrugged, they will probably contact him soon. They are probably very eager to know something from the Earthers.
-Nanaki 'RedXIII' Leroux

A pouncing cat stalks the hunting cat roar the two enraged in a death's embrace the coiled serpent crushes both. A pouncing cat stalks the hunting cat with care, the pouncing cat watches the coiled serpent crushes the hunting cat, a new star is born.
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Terran Confederation: The Survivors of Terra
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2004, 10:31:14 AM »
NOTE: Due to lack of any important activity in the next few days, there will probably be a few-day jump from Chapter 6 to Chapter 7.

Chapter Six: Build, Trade, Develop

The Construction Vehicles began mass-construction, the AI quickly planning and executing commands. The Confederation Convecs were supplimented with other robots, Digging and Dozing, both supplimented the Convecs and assistsed in construction.

Cameron saw the blueprints. The colony was large, and like an Iceburg, a lot of it was underground. He was also contacted by the AI. "Cameron, upon further analysis of the Eden and Plymouth bases, I deem it would be wize to impliment defensive structures as part of the plan." Cameron looked quizzical. "Weapons?" The AI Avatar responded "Affermative, We have noted a large amount of turreted chassis, many of them are based upon the encrypted military files that left with the Conestoga, the First Starship. While it is too early to tell if we will need our own turreted chassis, it would be a bad idea to leave the colony defenseless."

Cameron thought long and hard, the Confederation never needed weapons more powerful than what was needed for policing duties. However, they were not expecting to come upon the First Starship remnants either. He agreed to defensive turrets and structures implimented with defenses.

One thing that seperates the Terran and Eden/Plymouth colonies is that the Terrans understand the concept of war. Among the Terran's doctrine is armoring and arming all structures. Most structures have little more than built-in Rapid-fire Beam Rifle Turrets at the entrances and at strategic points to prevent incursions and to dispatch any criminals that escape the colony on foot.

However, at the edge of the colony and at strategic points, structures are a lot more armed and armored. Long-range Missile launchers, Railguns, and Heavy Lasers will be found here. The Terran Defense Grid, completely planned by the AI, was very impressive. The space necessary will actually be quite small, almost all defenses being rather compact and attached to structures rather than structures refitted to hold them. Solar Collectors on the roofs of most structures should provide plenty of power. Other power will be provided by fumeroles located within the colony, Geothermal reactors.

Terran Earthworkers were slightly larger, but they had more purpose. They have the capability to create Terrain that will make defense far easier. Also, reinforced walls will also have weapons built in. The AI Plans will make the colony a virtual fortress.

Cameron continued to dwell inside the command room. After the colony is finished, the population will be awakened. The internal bays within the Starship will be converted into whatever the colony needed. Apparently, construction of the colony will not take long, only a few days. The Convecs were quick, and the structure factory built-in to the Starship is consistantly churning out multiple structure kits.

He sighed.... Things were going smoothly. Too smoothly? Maybe. He started to dwell once again on the Plymouth and Eden colonies. An unexpected factor.
-Nanaki 'RedXIII' Leroux

A pouncing cat stalks the hunting cat roar the two enraged in a death's embrace the coiled serpent crushes both. A pouncing cat stalks the hunting cat with care, the pouncing cat watches the coiled serpent crushes the hunting cat, a new star is born.
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Terran Confederation: The Survivors of Terra
« Reply #7 on: September 04, 2004, 03:49:53 PM »
Chapter Seven: First Contact

The Plymouth Modified Evacuation transport, with several Lynxes and Panthers fallowing, bounced upon the rocky surface. It neared the massive landed hulk of the Confederation Starship. Darren was rather nervious, he saw the structures and vehicles surrounding the ship in the distance.

He continued thinking to himself, it at least confirmed that the Confeds are here to stay. He surveyed the vehicles and structures. None of them seem to be armed. However, he did notice upon closer inspection to the ship that there were some pretty suspicious superstructures, clearly a massive turret of some kind.

Darren decided to be optimistic, Turrets usually mean defense, plus, from the size, if the Confeds wanted to blast their convoy to plasma, they would have done so already.

Upon nearing the complex, he was immediatly hailed by a transmission. He immediatly turned on the communications relay. The unknown character appeared on the screen. It was the same person he talked to.

"State your name, and reason for entering Confederation territory. From the desposition of your convoy and from scans, it is very likely that this is a diplomatic convoy."

Darren thought... 'These guys are smart.', he formally responded. "This is the Plymouth diplomatic Convoy, I am Commander Darren. You guessed correct, we are here to talk with the Terran Confederation."

The uniformed man in the screen nodded. "Indeed, the Terran Confederation is opening diplomatic relations with all native factions. You may bring yourselves to the diplomacy table."

Darren Sighed, and sat down as the transmission abruptly ended. One thing the Terran Confederation has, its been abrupt and very to-the-point.

He waited for a few minutes, than noticed something strange. He noticed the communications link between the Diplomatic convoy and Plymouth weaken drastically. It than abruptly switched to complete static. He quickly re-programmed the Plymouth units to fallow the Command Vehicle's direct commands. He quickly looked around the limited landscape, than noticed a phalanx of vehicles moving in his direction.

"Terrans?" Was his questioned remark. However, something was not right. The Convoy was coming from the right. They did not carry any form of IFF Coding.

He immediatly used the optics onboard the vehicle to zoom into the convoy, and saw to his dismay. The colorings were unidentifyable, as the vehicles have multiple ancient blast marks, however, one thing was clear. These vehicles were apparently Eden in origin.

He immediatly snapped out of the daze he drifted in, and immediatly shouted "Red Alert! Incoming Hostiles!" The Evacuation Transport was the only manned vehicle, and was armed with multiple pulse rifles. The military units of the convoy immediatly proceeded to spread apart and go into combat formation. Darren ordered the Evac Transport to move at full speed towards the Terran Base.

This was just in time as well, as immediatly shots began coming quickly. The ground to the right and left sides of the Evac convoy exploded in Railgun shots. The armed Convoy was already returning fire. It was clear that the attackers desired to kill him, Darren thought. Although, the Convoy escorts were hampering any approach to the Evacuation transport.

Darren took a closer look at the attackers, and noticed very quickly that it was heavily armed, It had at least several tigers, and a dozen Panthers. They would dimolish his escourts in no time.

He realized that the Terran base is still a good deal away. While he can outrun the Tigers, and maybe the Panthers, the Lynx units dispatched would catch up with him and tear him into peices.

Putting full throttle to the vehicle, he started closing the distance. He hoped, for once, that the Terrans had some form of Defense System operational. Darren knew that if the Terrans lacked weaponry, that he is as good as dead.

He viewed the rear camera. Already the Eden units virtually plowed through his escourts, only a few lynxes remained and they were no longer trying to stop the attackers. The Lynx in the attackers force immediatly surged ahead to intercept the Evacuation Transport.

He ducked and waited, hoping for something to happen. However, eventually he felt the rumbles as Laser shots started raking across the vehicle's hull. He heard the Pulse Rifles onboard the vehicle respond in turn. The Vehicle than jolted suddenly as a railgun shot impacted the side.

He than felt another Railgun impact the side, than a rather impressive explosion was heard. He immediatly sat up and looked at the status. He noticed a Terran Vehicle in the distance. The chassis looked completely alien. It was indeed a tracked vehicle, however, the front looked armored, but sleek. The barrel of the weapon was square, with the right and left side of the square thicker. He immediatly watched something shoot out of the barrel, fly at a supersonic speed, and impact another enemy vehicle. He watched the fast-moving projectile impact the vehicle, and saw the vehicle explode as the projectile exited out the other side.

Darren immediatly saw the bluish rings, and inherantly identified the weapon as a railgun. However, it was clearly a high-powered railgun, the projectile moved far faster than a standard Railgun, and caused far more damage.

He immediatly saw that this was a Terran Combat vehicle. It was moving at full speed, which, for a heavy chassis, moved pretty damn fast. He watched it fire again, and another one of the vehicles explode. He felt no more railguns in his vehicle, as the Lasers were the only ones remaining.

The Terran Vehicle Fired multiple times, until the entire Lynx detachment was destroyed. Immediatly, it turned its large turret to the Panthers, who were gaining speed on the damaged Evacuation Transport. It than passed the Evac transport, and moved behind it while firing it's main gun.

Even the Panther's large armor could not stop the 'Railgun on Steroids', Darren watched as the Eden combat units turned its guns on the Terran vehicle. They fired, the shots not even reaching the armor of the vehicle, as they impact an energy field. The TCV, Unphased, fires its railgun again.

The battle lasts another 20 more minutes, and consists of the TCV Singlehandedly fending off the Eden assault force. Darren was amazed by the TCV's capabilities. He never seen shield generators in action. He realized that the Eden and Plymouth colonies still have much to learn about War.


The battered Evacuation transport entered the vehicle garage, with the TCV fallowing closely behind. The TCV Has sustained multiple hits during the battle, it's shield being too weak to sustain damage for long. Darren watches the Evacuation transport be guided into a docking facility, immediatly after docking, it is quickly attacked by Repair drones. They seemed very similar to Plymouth's spiders, but far smaller, and far less armored. He watched a tunnel extend out from the ship side and attach itself to the rear door. Darren walks up to the entrance, and enters the tunnel, who is met by a uniformed soldier.


The trip, to Darren, seems to take forever, as they eventually reach a room. The starship seems to be fairly small, poorly-lit, but lit enough to see. The soldier motions Darren into the room. Darren walks in to find a fairly compact conference room, with an insignia of the Confederation on the cealing. A single man is standing there, the same Uniformed Officer who he talked to before. The officer sits down at one of the seats, and motions for Darren to do the same.

Darren sits down, and speaks "Your Combat vehicle is clearly impressive."

Neo responds, his expression blank and unchanging. "It is merely a old retrofitted Main Battle Tank. It was originally a key assault vehicle, however, during the times of peace, this one was retrofitted to be only a police vehicle. Its original designation was the 'M1 Abhrams', I beleive."

Darren nods, not quite understanding what Cameron is saying, but is more concerned about the attackers. "Do you have any idea who attacked this convoy?"

Neo shakes his head "I have no information I would disclose about it. However, you are obviously here for a non-agression treaty. Here is a document that contains all we want you to know. I have informed Plymouth to send a more reinforced convoy to escourt you back to the Plymouth Colony. Would that be all?"

Darren nodded slowly, picking up the paper documents on the table, standing up, and walking out of the conference room, fallowing the soldier back to the Vehicle. Apparently, this officer clearly wanted to just get it over with. The Confederation were always the rushing types, it seem.
-Nanaki 'RedXIII' Leroux

A pouncing cat stalks the hunting cat roar the two enraged in a death's embrace the coiled serpent crushes both. A pouncing cat stalks the hunting cat with care, the pouncing cat watches the coiled serpent crushes the hunting cat, a new star is born.
- T

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Terran Confederation: The Survivors of Terra
« Reply #8 on: September 04, 2004, 04:34:45 PM »
this is an excellent novella, RedXIII... i hope that the continue will be here soon...
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