Author Topic: Ezekel's rant  (Read 16186 times)

Offline Leviathan

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Ezekel's rant
« Reply #50 on: April 04, 2005, 07:47:45 AM »
As the admin of OPC Ezekel hopefully people will listen to what you have said:
i urge everyone to go to the hacker/lev forum. no, i've not been corrupted or anything, i just believe that the community cannot function if it breaks like this.
besides, after giving them a bit of time, i can see that they haven't done anything extremely tyranical since the coup. we may not like them, and we don't have to, but for the good of the community (jeez thats so something like lev might say!!!) it'd be best if we stayed at one forum.

seeing as xfir's old forum is the better established one, AND is the one where all the new games being made get progress updates, its only logical to choose that as the one forum.

furthermore, i just aren't reliable to administrate a forum anymore. like zircon i got university eating my time up as well.

when you consider it, what difference does it make in the end of the day who is running the forum as long as they are (mostly) benevolent?

put simply, i may not like lev and hacker for their actions, but i'm prepared to swallow my pride for the sake of the game that brought us all together in the 1st place.

Any chanch you could take down the forums? And redirect people? If there any thing needing saving we can do that first... Its your choice, your forums. But it does make sence just to be in one place.
Thanks Ezekel and peopless.

Offline Ezekel

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Ezekel's rant
« Reply #51 on: April 04, 2005, 07:51:40 AM »
truth be told i can't be bothered to go to the trouble of taking it down or making a redirect.
i was a lil surprised to find it still existed after, what was it 2 years? of no use.

furthermore, i advise that rather then you quoting my post, you actually link to it.
remember ppl suspect you of forgery (the fake xfir account thing)
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Offline Leviathan

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Ezekel's rant
« Reply #52 on: April 04, 2005, 07:55:54 AM »
There is no board offline option in admin for it??

Heres the link

Offline Ezekel

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Ezekel's rant
« Reply #53 on: April 04, 2005, 07:56:10 AM »
lev, i do think you need help with this.

no offense to you, but you seem a lil clueless in being a good leader.

i dunno when it happened, but at some poitn (me included) many op2ers have become cynics. and using the tony-blair esque speech patterns only annoy cynics.

if you like, i can help you out with that though.
at least that way you'll be able to get you meaning across in any of your posts without annoying ppl.
*pokes mIRC to see if it feels cooperative today*
annoying thing keeps asking me to register for like 20-30 seconds everytime i load it up... if only i could remember where i put the install file i used for when i installed mIRC on my other computer, cos that version doesn't do this (and the menus are easier to use).
this version BTW is the one that comes with the OP menu prog.
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Offline <emp>(elementals)Eric

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Ezekel's rant
« Reply #54 on: April 04, 2005, 10:12:07 AM »
just a heads up, levi knows the reg key for mirc... just so you know... Why do i think i remember you from won... oh well
I live in my own little world where don't push me or i'll shove you is the only rule!

Offline BlackBox

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Ezekel's rant
« Reply #55 on: April 04, 2005, 02:12:24 PM »
I have PM'ed you the reg key for mIRC.

As far as a redirect, if you want to do one:
Code: [Select]
<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0;url=">
The 0 is the number of seconds to wait before loading the page specified by url=.

Just stick it in the "board headers and footers" part and it will run when the page gets loaded, if you wish.

Also, this isn't directed at any one person specifically, but:

I really don't know why people are so upset over this. This is a gaming community and there really shouldn't be politics involved in it.

The reason we did what we did was in the interests of op2 gaming, not anything else, since we're the last surviving op2 gaming community in existence (to the best of our knowledge) and to lose everything that we've gained would be a disaster.

Everything we do should be justifiable by the gaming aspect of things. We have no intention, and dont want to in the least, make things a political battle. We might not be the best leaders either, but we care very much about OP2 and that's the reason we do it, is because we love the game. If we didn't like OP2 as much as we do, we'd have given everything to someone who enjoys OP2.

Bottom line is, I and Lev have spent hundreds of hours trying to make OP2 the best it can be and the last thing we want to see is everything ripped apart by someone who simply didn't care about it.

Now this part is directed at the slight few who are angered at us still:

Life goes on! So does this forum! To get worked up over it is stupid. There are many parallels to life in this statement. Bad things happen, stuff that generally we don't like to see, but you have to forgive and forget. Ezekel, I admire your maturity on this part. You were, at the outset, someone who didn't agree with what we did, but you managed to pick up the pieces and continue on, not getting all worked up over it.

Anyway, I've exhausted my steam over this whole issue. to go on beating a dead horse is simply senseless.

Offline Ezekel

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Ezekel's rant
« Reply #56 on: April 05, 2005, 03:09:12 PM »
hacker i'd appreciate if you didn't talk down at me like that.
i'm older then you, and i believe i've been with this community longer too.

i'm not a lil kid, and your not a school teacher
[my maturity should go without saying... then again, i'm very immature generally and proud of it]

ok, recess time! *runs outside and chases butterflies* WEEEEEEEEEEEE!
« Last Edit: April 05, 2005, 03:10:54 PM by Ezekel »
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Offline BlackBox

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Ezekel's rant
« Reply #57 on: April 05, 2005, 03:38:28 PM »
lol, I'm not trying to talk down to you at all, you have more sense than a lot of ppl who wont 'let these issues go'. you'll actually accept what has gone on and leave it at that instead of beating a dead horse about the issue like some other people do (who remain unnamed).

At least someone understands this whole thing and doesnt moan and complain about it trying to change nothing. you're one of those ppl.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2005, 03:39:27 PM by op2hacker »

Offline Drakmar

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Ezekel's rant
« Reply #58 on: April 05, 2005, 08:38:36 PM »
We'll YOU can't say anything Hacker. No one trusts you either. After all, you were the one who stole the database from X. And this isn't a "dead horse", this is an issue mainly about TRUST. You may not understand the word, but we do. I'm not going to argue with you about this anymore.

Offline Leviathan

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Ezekel's rant
« Reply #59 on: April 05, 2005, 09:03:05 PM »
Good. Argueing gets us no where. Thx

Offline xamlit

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Ezekel's rant
« Reply #60 on: April 05, 2005, 09:09:41 PM »
Kool.. I agree with Hacker... Sad to say but OPU was slowly dying under Xfir and it wasn't a pretty site (no pun intended).. Cmon now! We're actually voting for a new GM (Mustang). Hacker did what was sometimes necessary and we should be glad he did it. Seriously, stop coming on whinning about the forum chage... It happened there is nothing you can do about.. Leave.. start your own little forum and be forgotten, or you can be part of the collective and help this community grow by volunteering your skils.  By whinning (i've got a better word) your just confusing new players and dragging on a battle that you will never win. You already stated your opinons, they were respectfully noted. We are allowed to decide what goes  on in the community.. Anything but a forum change is within possiblity.

Offline Drakmar

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Ezekel's rant
« Reply #61 on: April 05, 2005, 10:19:37 PM »
The "Collective"? You're making us sound like the Borg.

« Last Edit: April 05, 2005, 10:23:02 PM by Drakmar »

Offline Ezekel

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Ezekel's rant
« Reply #62 on: April 06, 2005, 03:36:05 AM »
lol, I'm not trying to talk down to you at all, you have more sense than a lot of ppl who wont 'let these issues go'. you'll actually accept what has gone on and leave it at that instead of beating a dead horse about the issue like some other people do (who remain unnamed).

At least someone understands this whole thing and doesnt moan and complain about it trying to change nothing. you're one of those ppl.
as an admin, you should know better then to say stuff like that hacker.

don't keep trying to push your point. ppl don't wanna hear you insulting them (whether or not its justified is besides the point). you want ppl to accept you, then don't talk about people lacking sense or anything like that.
a good admin is better then that.

so basically, drop it. and get on with life. all your replies are doing (despite the intent), is to further the pseudo-flame war thats developing here.

i've already spoken to lev about this, and he's learnt from it i think. just need for you to accept it.
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Offline Drakmar

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Ezekel's rant
« Reply #63 on: April 07, 2005, 08:22:15 PM »
I agree, with Ezekel. I have accepted the fact that this is permanent. I also believe that Levi has learned from this mistake. Although, I'm not sure about you, Hacker. I hope that you've learned from this as well. Let's just move on, and try to keep this from happening again, Okay?

Offline Leviathan

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Ezekel's rant
« Reply #64 on: April 07, 2005, 09:45:03 PM »
I realy am happy to hear that from you Drakmar.

Offline Drakmar

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Ezekel's rant
« Reply #65 on: April 07, 2005, 11:08:34 PM »
Good. After all that has happened to the Outpost Community, I feel that we ALL need to help in keeping the peace. Otherwise, this community will fall before it's time. You (Lev) lost some trust from a few of us. It will take time to regain it. But I feel that we are taking the first steps in the right direction. I only hope that what happened to X won't happen to ANYONE else who doesn't deserve it.

Offline PlayingOutpost0-24

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Ezekel's rant
« Reply #66 on: April 09, 2005, 10:50:18 AM »
Drakmar, why do you keep calling everyone "power-hungry idiots"? Were you part of the mod team? I can't vouch for either side, so I'm not going to say this really happened, mainly because I think what we did was wrong and it was done the wrong way, but:

- Hacker-Levi claimed that xfir was always putting new boards down
- This means that you can't blabber on about the "trust", since a) if xfir trusted enough in them he would let them atleast move boards and whatnot and B) at the moment xfir is really pissed, and I understand why, and no, he's not coming back because no, he isn't going to forgive anyone... read his "last thoughts" document up for download on his site.

Oh, and peace. I don't mean to hurt anyone, nor either side. So please don't twist this.
You weren't directly involved, were you Cc? :D You talk like someone took your forums some time ago like hacker did to this one.

Levi, after hearing your PM (the one with the topic hi, the last line.), forgive me because I was pissed at you, though my trust didn't really regenerated yet, you are regaining my respect. I just hope because of this we won't lose you too. Well that's all. Hacker... well he not only lost the trust but the respect too...

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« Last Edit: April 09, 2005, 11:06:49 AM by PlayingOutpost0-24 »
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Offline Leviathan

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Ezekel's rant
« Reply #67 on: April 09, 2005, 11:17:11 AM »
Weeeeeee etc

Offline BlackBox

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Ezekel's rant
« Reply #68 on: April 10, 2005, 07:45:37 PM »
Okay, I think now would be a good time to offer some explanation and most importantly, an apology.

First of all, I want everyone to know that I actually didn't want to go to such an extreme as we did to take over the forum.
I agree with you that the way it was done was an underhanded, dirty, nasty way to take over a site or forum in such a way.
We all knew from the beginning that we'd be disliked for it. But we believed that it was the only way we had left in order to keep the community together.

I knew being the one I was to have the technical knowledge (and access too) to copy the forum site and DB that I would lose a lot of trust and respect from people.
I know that in order to regain that trust and respect, I need to try to mend things and listen to the people a bit, instead of trying to block out what I don't like, or worse yet, react negatively to what I don't like.

Do I think we were right in what we did? I honestly can't answer that question truthfully. It really depends on where you stand in relation to everything. Personally I'm too biased to answer it truthfully.
The only people who can answer that question truthfully are the rest of the community, who stand on both sides of the fence.
At this point, there's no going back. We all have to accept what has happened, which I believe everyone is able to.
I think from this experience we have all learned something important. Myself and Levi included.

I want to take back what I said earlier, saying that it was stupid to rant on about this, and other nasty things I've said about people. I'm sorry for those statements, and I believe I acted out of selfish anger when I wrote them.
Like Ezekel said up above, I really shouldn't be one to judge people based on what I think. I act on impulse a lot, and many of those impulses are angry statements directed at other people.
So, for anyone I offended because of my narrow mindedness, I'm sorry. I should be here to make people happy, not act out of anger at them, since the anger of even one person will rip the community apart.

I see it this way now. I say things, I censor things people say, I do all sorts of nasty things which I believe would prevent a rift in the community from forming. However, in the process of doing this, I just make the hole bigger.
The lesson to myself is, sometimes I need to just swallow what people say. Even if it is nasty, I can't let myself overreact to it. I need to let it go sometimes.

Ultimately I want everyone to feel welcome here. Even if they don't agree with me at all, they still need to feel at ease with everything that goes on.
I want to be the type of person who people can come to if they don't like something about what goes on here, and make things better that way.

Well anyway, I'm sorry for all the harm I've caused.
Hopefully we've all learned something from this and we can just go on and make this community even better than it was before.

-- op2hacker

Offline Leviathan

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Ezekel's rant
« Reply #69 on: April 10, 2005, 07:57:41 PM »
I also probly act on impulse a lot. Anyway Id like to note hacker posted that after being away for 3 days so im sure he has had time to think. I realy agree we need to let this go, weather you keep likeing me, hacker or anyone else your allways welcome here.

It is time to move on, we dont need anymore usless or damageing bickering. So Ill close this topic.
