About the cheats:
They're no secret, i can find them on websites that archive cheats.
Oh, and as long as someone uses them silenty (disabling chat b4 entering the cheat so others dont see you say Woof! Woof!) and is not obvious about it, you cant tell someone is using them.
Most of the cheats start with the word Dan.
I used them once against a friend (a real friend that i went to school with) and laughed my ass off.
But that was the very 1st last time.
Im very oppossed to multiplayer cheating, more so since ive been playing Counter-Strike the last couple months, and thats one FPS thats full of cheaters.
They even have servers specificly for cheaters to show off there cheating abilities!!!!
Anyway back to the main topic, the cheats are no secret, i found them on several game cheat websites, those cheats are what ruined op2 in the 1st place (by the time WON went down there were hardly any players), do not blame the cheaters tho, blame the op2 programmers for including multiplayer cheats in the retail game, and the web sites that posted them.
You all dont know me, i played op2 from 1997 (pre-realease-post release-retail game) to 2001. I am an original diehard ship school, hacking into the internet via dialup jus to play op2 all night op2 Guru.
Favorite colony? Plymouth. Y? cuz if i used playmouth i could not lose a game

Ive been waiting very VERY!! paitently for 2 years for anything useful to come from knux and the new OP2-3 programmers i see here now.
I will continue to check back every 2 - 4 months to keep track of progress. See you all later!!!