Author Topic: Terran Confederation  (Read 6490 times)

Offline RedXIII

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Terran Confederation
« on: June 14, 2004, 06:20:50 PM »
I have always wondered 'What happened to the 6+ Bilion humans that the colonists left behind?', Well, this is a breif of the 'Terran Confederation'. They are the Earthlings, to so speak.

Faction Data -
Name: Terran Confederation
Government: Benevolent Dictatorship
Population: 2.5 Billion
Technology: 1000 (1 to 1000 scale) (NOTE: 1000 actually indicates the most technolgically advanced faction, all other factions are based in comparison.)
Military: Small
Political intention: Isolation and Survival
Military policy: Police force, National Guard type


2014 - Launch of the First Starship. Operation Neo-Terra commenses.

Late 2014 - Despite evacuations by the UN, 100 Million perish as Vulcan's Hammer 1 and 2 impacts Terra.

Early 2015 - United Nations falls apart, Short revolution. Birth of the Terran Confederation, Aleksandr Cameron is first Director-General. Operation Neo-Terra reaches full production, employing as many as 100 Million People. Aleksandr Cameron begins radical reforms.

2016 - Terrans begin constructing massive Tokamak Fusion reactor complexes. Supermassive Agriculture Domes constructed in order to stave off famine.

2020 - Operation Neo-Terra is complete, with a 99.5% Success rate, the products are sent to a undisclosed location. Future plans in discussion.

2025 - Final Death Toll counted, 3.5 Billion people dead due to disease and/or famine. Terran Confederation initive managed to save remaining 2.5 Billion. Most casualties occur in sorely undeveloped or over-populated areas.

2046 - Mass-Production of Quantium Technology, including Quantium Computers

2113 - Secret research into genetics, which results in many improvements in both health, intelligence, and age. All Terrans are given these implants, which extremely improves their ability to live in Terra's harsh enviorment. However, the genetic changes are minor, and the massive variety still exists.

2192 - Famous scientist Tenaka Cameron and his team create the first Theories on the unknown realm of Hyperspace.

2241 - Sudden breakthrough in shielding technology, EMP Shielding has perfected, and Energy Shields are in prototype phase.

2242 - Breakthroughs in Nano-technology. Resource needs become non-existant.

2025-2250 - Terran Confederation 'Age of Survival', High death rates due to increasingly hostile enviorment and further meteoric impacts. The only major improvements come in the area of engineering and scientific achivement. Corruption and Beaucracy in the Confederation is kept at unnaturally low levels due to the high hostility of the enviorment. Energy Shields become the nominal defense of all Earth cities.

2253 - Theories based on Hyperspace improved upon, eventually, Tenaka Cameron is credited in creating the first prototype Hyperspace Drive. Hyperspace probes are sent to test and refine the new area of Hyperspace. Hyperspace travel is still virtually impossible.

2267 - Refinements of Hyperspace technology creates what would eventually become Hyperspace Drives and Hyperspace Communication Systems.

2270 - Level of comfort on Terra reaches nominal levels, however, population only grows very slowly, and does not exceed to 2.6 Billion.

2275 - Terran Confederation overlooks its situation, a question is formed, to finally leave their ruined homeworld, or to stay. Psychologically, it is a tough decision, although, a siginificant percentage of the population are fed up with living under the shield networks, the clouds of dust, and hearing the Laser Batteries consistantly fire their large beams at incoming asteroids..

Questions and Answers:

Q: What is the Earth/Terran Confederation cities like?
A: If you have seen the Matrix, you get a nice picture right there. If you have not. Yes, the Earth is covered in a dust/cloud layer, most surface life has already died off. There is also the lightning-o-plenty. Terran cities are huge, and not very friendly-looking.

Q: What is the 'Neo-Terra' Project?
A: The Creation of a 'Earth Gene Bank' of any and all of earth's species. This Gene Bank is larger, but far more compact/concentrated, and far more advanced. It is kept in a bunker along with all of the other terran secrets. This bunker is located under the Cameron Command Base, which is where the Camerons live and command.

Q: What is the Technology Level of Earth?
A: Far past Eden and Plymouth. In the technology scales (Shown above), Eden would be 50, Plymouth would be 45. Eden is the second most advanced of the three powers. All powers would be on the scale of 1-50.

Q: Why are the Terrans that much more advanced?
A: 300-400 years of technological development, 2.5 Billion people compared to 100 people, not getting sent to the stone age, and technological development being a very large priority to the Terran Confed.

Q: What about Weapon technology?
A: Weapon technology, due to stagnation in this area because of lack of need, the Terrans are a bit behind the Eden/Plymouth, not much however. It would not take but a few months of hard-core development before the Terrans shoot ahead of Eden/Plymouth.

Q: What is Hyperspace Like?
A: Very similar to that of Babylon 5. A Babylon 5 Style hyperspace allows me to make things unstable and strange, but not too much so as to make me uncomfortable.

Q: Is there a relation of Outpost 1 Nanotech and the TC's Nanotech?
A: Yes, they are practically the same, except that the Terran Confederation's Nanotech is a far more advanced technology, as it should be.
-Nanaki 'RedXIII' Leroux

A pouncing cat stalks the hunting cat roar the two enraged in a death's embrace the coiled serpent crushes both. A pouncing cat stalks the hunting cat with care, the pouncing cat watches the coiled serpent crushes the hunting cat, a new star is born.
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Offline Leviathan

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« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2004, 07:14:51 PM »
sounds fanatic
a great intro and timelime

Offline Kiith Somtaaw

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« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2004, 10:00:56 PM »
I smell Motion Picture.


Good for a movie

Offline RedXIII

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« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2004, 10:02:19 PM »
2276 - The Cameron family makes their decision, with the general quote of 'We should not plan and alter Terra's future, and instead, let Terra create her own future', Terra will be evacuated whole-sale, and a massive Starship will be created in orbit. However, within the Capital City, there will be a plaque, videos, and other things left behind to tell those who visit Terra in the future about the Human race. The fate of this 'Time Capsule' is unknown. The Terran Confederation uses the carefully-maintained drydocks used to construct the first Starship as a basis for scaffolding. The ship is scheduled to take Thirty Five years to complete. The fate of the massive shield generator complex is decided, The routinely-upgraded and advanced shield generator used to protect the Cameron bunker and much of Capital City is going to be used to shield the ship. The rest will be dissassembled to raw materials. The Laser Battery system is a different matter. It was eventually decided to downgrade them to Microwave batteries, but program the batteries to continuously protect the Cities. All other technologies that could not be moved into the ship or were unnecessary were dissassembled as well, except for the Tokamak fusion reactors, which a bare minimum was left operational to ensure operation of the Microwave batteries, and enough fuel to last for several hundred years. However, Some of the Laser Batteries are moved altogether to Terran orbit to be used as Weapon systems aboard the Flagship. The exact reasoning behind this is unknown.

2280 - The Flagship continues construction, the Cameron family and Military leaders debate on weither to give the Flagship a escort fleet. The escort fleet idea was eventually scrapped, but the Flagship will have fighters added to its arament. The launch date is scheduled for 2214. On the 300-year Anniversary of the Vulcan's Hammer I and II impact of Terra. The Flagship will be fitted with the latest in Terran technology. The ship will also be designed to be able to land and take off from planets, preventing the need of shuttles, along with the ability to manuver in Atmospheres (Although very clumsily). Low birth rates is encouranged within the Confederation to prevent any large population increases which may tax the ship designers even further. The main and planetary drives will be fusion-based, the manuverability drives will be Ion-based. The ship will also generate its own artificial gravity and have a unknown 'Gravity Drive' incase either the Main Drive or Backup drive fails.

2300 - Flagship construction goes well, with no impacts predicted in the next 20 years, dissassembling and reassembling has already begun of the ground defenses. Even if there was an unexpected asteroid, the Microwave Defense Grid is still sufficient to take it down.

2313 - Starship constructed in orbit, it's size is collossal compared to the first starship, but far smaller than the early projections were predicting for such a starship. The final parts and supplies are dilivered onboard, and colonists begin to be moved into the ship. Most population will be put into suspended animation, a few, including some of the Cameron family, will command and maintain the starship.

2314 - Final Abandonment of Terra, the Flagship finally leaves Terra. After a long 'moment of silence', the Starship finally departs the Solar System through Hyperspace.

2315 - ???? - Terra is completely void of human life, it is predicted that the ecosystem will eventually recover, and life will return to the world. What kind of life? Only one can guess. Maybe intelligent life will one day borne on the planet, and dig up the remains of the Human cities. The ecosystem is expected to recover in twenty thousand to fourty thousand years.
-Nanaki 'RedXIII' Leroux

A pouncing cat stalks the hunting cat roar the two enraged in a death's embrace the coiled serpent crushes both. A pouncing cat stalks the hunting cat with care, the pouncing cat watches the coiled serpent crushes the hunting cat, a new star is born.
- T

Offline Leviathan

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« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2004, 03:17:50 AM »
where is the starship hyperspacing 2?
how long can the ship support all the people on board?

Offline Kal

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« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2004, 09:45:05 AM »
A few more questions:

With the ability to go into hyperspace, do they need to put everyone into suspended animation?  They should be able to cross vast distances in days....unless wherever they're going is very far away.  In that case, the question begs to be asked - how do they know what they'll find there?

Other than those, it sounds pretty interesting.

-Kal  :op2:  
"You have failed...our Colony is Doomed."

Offline RedXIII

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« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2004, 12:09:06 PM »
To answer Leviathan's question: Infinite. The Nano-technology system makes resource needs non-existant.

As for destination, they are picking random starsystems and visiting them, doing a planetary scan, than going back into hyperspace. They are not choosing 'favorites' in star type, except they are not choosing stars expected to go supernova realitively soon.

While they can cross vast distances in days, the reasoning for suspended animation is space efficiency. Putting 2.5 Billion people in a single starship is extremely difficult. It took a lot of technology, and a lot of engineering, to make that possible. The Terran Confederation has a lot of miniturization technology (Their drives are far smaller than Eden/Plymouth drives, same goes for life support and command systems), and their ship lacks large quantities of hydrogen on their starship, relying on Nanotechnology to supply their fuel and power needs.

Given, you can make the starship huge, but than it goes to the problem of it being able to land in atmospheres (Which is planned). The Gravitic technologies of the Confederation are very primitive, the gravitic drive is completely untested, among those 'Awake' are a team of scientists consistantly researching and upgrading the starship as necessary. Improvements to gravitic technology are on the list. Improved weapon systems have been considered, but until a clear, hostile threat is identified, the weapon systems will stay their current form. This is primarily because that, it can be very possible (In their eyes) that they are the only intelligent species in the galaxy. They do have to consider the First Starship, but, even if they did survive, they forgot a lot of the technology that they brought along. The technology they did bring along was heavily encrypted save the technologys they needed.

There are also multiple other systems aboard the Flagship, but they are unimportant until the need arises.

While Hyperspace probes were considered, they were ruled out as they want to make Hyperspace tech as rare as possible, because, while the Confederation does not want to waste technological points getting technologies that may never be used, incase there was somebody else out there, they do not want them aquiring Hyperspace technology. Plus, while their lasers may be weak compared to other space-based weaponry, they still do have hyperspace technology, shields, and superior drive systems.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2004, 12:15:09 PM by RedXIII »
-Nanaki 'RedXIII' Leroux

A pouncing cat stalks the hunting cat roar the two enraged in a death's embrace the coiled serpent crushes both. A pouncing cat stalks the hunting cat with care, the pouncing cat watches the coiled serpent crushes the hunting cat, a new star is born.
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Offline thegrinner

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« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2004, 04:01:27 PM »
what type of planet were they originally looking for: one like mars and new terra, or one more like earth?
also, are they actively searching for the Conestoga and its colonists?
"The only thing we have learned from history, is that we have not learned from history."
Actually, i think we learned 1 other thing: Explosions are COOL!!!

Offline RedXIII

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« Reply #8 on: July 27, 2004, 01:01:07 PM »
Well, so far, heres a report.

I like the concept, although, apparently I put a LITTLE too much writing into the beginning, I could have wrapped most this up with a single (Although somewhat long) Prologue.

As for the answer to your question: They had no idea what they were searching for. Very likely, they were searching for a barren, but terraformable, world. Since it is easiest to Terraform. Which is exactly what they were looking for.
-Nanaki 'RedXIII' Leroux

A pouncing cat stalks the hunting cat roar the two enraged in a death's embrace the coiled serpent crushes both. A pouncing cat stalks the hunting cat with care, the pouncing cat watches the coiled serpent crushes the hunting cat, a new star is born.
- T

Offline ZeusBD

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« Reply #9 on: July 27, 2004, 02:06:27 PM »
So how did they come from 2.6 billion down to the few that are on New Terra and what happened to the Space Ship during OP2?
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Offline RedXIII

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« Reply #10 on: July 30, 2004, 07:43:48 AM »
They have 2.5-2.6 Billion, they still do, really, only 500 are awake, and are maintaining the 'Starship'. As for what the Starship was doing during the events during OP2.

Lets see, Star Trekking across the galaxy, slowly going forward cause they cannot find reverse! :D

The Starship is still fine, it IS the ship that landed. The Terran Confederation developed anti-gravity, although it is still a prototype technology by far. They tried to keep the Starship as small as possible. It consists of four sections. The First section is the command section. It consists of the 500 and contains almost all of the other ship systems. Section 2 and 3 are just massive fields of cryotanks. Section 4 is the Fusion Drive system.

Technically, After it is determined that the Confederations staying on New Terra for awile, Sections 2 and 3 can be converted to whatever the colony may need.
-Nanaki 'RedXIII' Leroux

A pouncing cat stalks the hunting cat roar the two enraged in a death's embrace the coiled serpent crushes both. A pouncing cat stalks the hunting cat with care, the pouncing cat watches the coiled serpent crushes the hunting cat, a new star is born.
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Offline Tellaris

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« Reply #11 on: July 30, 2004, 07:38:54 PM »
A kinda neat addition might be them finding the ruines of New Terra, the remains of the Conestoga, several bases spread across the surface as well as plenty of battlefields to find across the surface.   This could give them "Reasonable Threat", and the need to upgrade defenses.   Supposedly the blight becomes a "new mind", certainly something can be done with that...
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Offline RedXIII

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« Reply #12 on: August 04, 2004, 09:37:19 PM »
Yes, I know I have not done much with the fiction lately, im deciding to take a break and hopefully absorb more ideas before writing more stuff.

As for your comment, Baikon (Are you from Darkspace, BTW?), Strangely enough, I also have those factors in mind as well. If I can get to planning it, you will be quite suprized.  
-Nanaki 'RedXIII' Leroux

A pouncing cat stalks the hunting cat roar the two enraged in a death's embrace the coiled serpent crushes both. A pouncing cat stalks the hunting cat with care, the pouncing cat watches the coiled serpent crushes the hunting cat, a new star is born.
- T

Offline Oprime

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« Reply #13 on: August 12, 2004, 09:39:51 AM »
I like the "Quantium Computers". That was a very nice addition. Hmm, computer processors based on light/glass insted of silicon, copper, gold, and lead/tin/glass computers....

Outpostprime goes off in to the distence thinking of a computer that can send data at 10 terabytes per second..... Outpostprime loves how light works in 4D :D
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Hard Drive: Fujitsu 15k SAS SCSI 74GB/148GB Raid 0 @ 189MBps
Moniter: LG Flatron 20.1in Widescreen LCD 8ms 1400:1 Contrast ratio w/ F engine
GFX Card: 4 ATI Radeon 4870 1GB GDDR5 CrossFireX
DVD Burners: 2x SONY DVD-RW
Speakers[/b] Logitech Z-5500 505Watt 5.1 Surround
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:P I'm a Hardware freak ><

Offline Orioes

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« Reply #14 on: August 30, 2004, 02:06:57 AM »
Out of curiosity how do they navigate threw Hyperspace? Do they use solely the Q. computers? Do they have genetically engineered Astrogators born with better natural skills in hyperspatial calculus or a natural sense of space? Do they use some combination? Something completely different?  

Offline zhukant

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« Reply #15 on: September 03, 2004, 06:49:54 PM »
What's  Vulcan's Hammer 1 and 2?  
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Offline PlayingOutpost0-24

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« Reply #16 on: September 04, 2004, 01:55:53 AM »
1 is the meteor that almost hit Earth, thats why a group of people left Earth to Jupiter (am i rite?) and then there some stole Conestaga and flew to New Terra.

2 is ... dunno.
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Offline RedXIII

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« Reply #17 on: September 04, 2004, 01:54:27 PM »
@Orioes A Combination of both Navigators, and computers.

@Zhukant Vulcans Hammer was originally an asteroid, when the United Nations attempted to nuke it, it split into two peices, both going to hit the Earth. These are Vulcan's Hammer 1 and 2.

While it was originally planned to divert Vulcan's hammer, it was detected that a LOT more rocks were inbound with Earth as a target, apparently the Solar System drifted into a massive dust cloud.
-Nanaki 'RedXIII' Leroux

A pouncing cat stalks the hunting cat roar the two enraged in a death's embrace the coiled serpent crushes both. A pouncing cat stalks the hunting cat with care, the pouncing cat watches the coiled serpent crushes the hunting cat, a new star is born.
- T