as Plym posted he beating me im posting that i beat Paco.
and i dont mean in 1 game. i mean in a best to 7 wins match.
ok it started off me wining 3 games in a row.
i got 2 vec facs as fast as i could and rushed.
he won a game.
i won a game. (4 - 1 to me)
[ 22:34:34 ] [ @[KoS]Leviathan ] 4 - 1
[ 22:34:46 ] [ princepaco ] gg
[ 22:34:55 ] [ princepaco ] okay first till 7 then
[ 22:35:00 ] [ princepaco ] watch the come back'
i won 2 more games! it was 6 - 1 !
Paco started 2 pull it back by wining a game.
i tryed 2 go for rare and failed. he won again.
it was 6 - 3. tence.. still im 1 away from wining the match.
the finial game:
i rushed. failed. held off, attacked again. failed. went for rare.
Paco went for rare shortly after.
i sow it and decided 2 attack his back door.
i sent about 12 lynx's. rgps and emps mainly. leaving some stickys/emps in the mid.
my back attacked failed cuz by the time i got there he had 2 -3 esgs. all i did was kill his mic gp lol.
he killed wut i had in the mid and got 2 my base. i had 2 tiger esgs and was building more. he killed 1 of the esgs but i defended his attack.
i took the mid with my tiger esgs. i wasent going 2 attack his base because he had tigers waiting.
when i was building the tigers i build 1 lynx emp and 1 lynx supernova, i sent them round the backdoor as fast as i could.
when they got there he had 1 lynx sticky which he had sent down. he had a tiger emp. i emped it with my emp. the sticky came up, i emped that 2. got the nova in just in time and killed his cc. gg. fluke but i won

[ 23:30:49 ] [ @[KoS]Leviathan ] GG
[ 23:30:53 ] [ princepaco ] HHAHA
[ 23:30:59 ] [ princepaco ] emp tiger
[ 23:31:01 ] [ princepaco ] sticky
[ 23:31:02 ] [ princepaco ] and a mic
[ 23:31:05 ] [ princepaco ] and somehow your emp
[ 23:31:08 ] [ @[KoS]Leviathan ] 7 - 3
[ 23:31:10 ] [ princepaco ] gets bott the tiger?
[ 23:31:11 ] [ @[KoS]Leviathan ] gg mate
[ 23:31:11 ] [ princepaco ] and sticky
[ 23:31:18 ] [ princepaco ] yes]
[ 23:31:21 ] [ @[KoS]Leviathan ] mum is saying stop shouting
[ 23:31:24 ] [ princepaco ] I know your heart was beatin on that one
i didnt record any of the games bcuz i didnt want it 2 lag and i wanted 2 use 1280 x 1024 res (when i record i use 768 x 1024).
i did howevea get 1 screeny > a game where he went for rare but i got in his base, killed his vec fac then adv lab which killed SF and uni)
To be fair to Paco he wasent haveing a good day and im still sure hes better than me.
Finial Score: 7 - 3