Author Topic: Here's A Simple One.  (Read 6495 times)

Offline Admiral S3

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Here's A Simple One.
« on: September 08, 2005, 09:22:09 PM »
I was always very mad, that they made a land rush style game for Ply, but not one for Eden.

Although my ability to code is limited, I can not see how this would be overly difficult to do. Taking from the lines of code for the Ply starship 2, and just converting them to eden units and tech should be fairly straight forward.

Likewise, a new map would not hurt much either. (Never really did like Plys Land rush map.)
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Offline spirit1flyer

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« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2005, 10:52:25 PM »
That should not be too hard I will start working on it for you  ;)  I have a map that can be used for it too.  Do you like lava or lots of rocks?  :P  
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Offline Admiral S3

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« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2005, 11:22:47 PM »
Dun matter either way really, just always hated the ply one, as my options were always limited to smack dab inbetween Eden, seriously far from rare ore, and always having to defend my position on multiple flanks.

I should note, that its really good practice for Multiplayer, but sometimes it would be nice to just practice uni directional tactics.

A map with even a few entrances to base like locations, that are (best way to put this.) relativly easy to defend. Or hell even the same type of map but larger so a player has more options to choose from.

Also as a side note, probably not for this one, but for future ones, land rushes should really be started at the relative center of the map, not near top right LOL.
Deep beneath the planets surface ancient power systems spool up. Long forgotten, the citzens of the venerated Âlpha Ðefense League begin to wake from thier long sleep.

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Offline Leviathan

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Here's A Simple One.
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2005, 04:13:40 AM »
The colony games which come with the game we cant take lines of code from because we dont have the souce. You wanna make a new colony game and any AI you need to code it all your self. Were all here to help tho.

Offline zigzagjoe

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« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2005, 08:16:27 AM »
Ive always found that the rocky lower corner below the 2nd base and to the right of the 1st always worked best for me. only probelm there is lack of rare ore.  

Offline spirit1flyer

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« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2005, 09:05:04 AM »
The colony games which come with the game we cant take lines of code from because we dont have the souce. You wanna make a new colony game and any AI you need to code it all your self. Were all here to help tho.

thanks Lev I was not sure that you could do that. But I was going to try  :P

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Offline Eddy-B

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Here's A Simple One.
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2005, 12:08:49 PM »
The colony games which come with the game we cant take lines of code from because we dont have the souce. You wanna make a new colony game and any AI you need to code it all your self. Were all here to help tho.
theoretically i'm capable of deriving source code from the dll :D i've done it before with hooman's nice little screen-text dll.
But with a large dll, it's quite a lot of work. One mistake can introduce a nasty crash when re-compiled
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Offline Hooman

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« Reply #7 on: September 09, 2005, 03:26:44 PM »
Or you can just skip re-compiling it. If you wanted to play the exact same level, but as Eden instead of plymouth, it's a fairly simple edit to the DLL. Just find where it calls GoPlymouth (which is exoprted from Outpost2.exe) and change the call address to match GoEden. Extremely simple to do with freeware tools. OllyDbg can search for all references to GoPlymouth (there should only be one) and all references to GoEden (also only likely to be one), and overwrite the call address for GoPlymouth with what you found at GoEden. It'll show the changes to the byte code in red. Then just use a freeware hex editor to search for the old pattern that was there and overwrite it with the new bytes. Save the file andyou're done.

Mind you, if you hate the level, there isn't quite such an easy solution to that.

Offline Admiral S3

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Here's A Simple One.
« Reply #8 on: September 09, 2005, 05:14:11 PM »
I usually end up building above the left side colony, and wiping it out PDQ and then taking over its spot, and rebuilding there, it has 2 very nice advantages, 1 not one but 2 relativly easily defendable spots (IE front door and a fall back position, if you don't mind sacraficing your rare ore smelters for a bit.) and its also has 2 3 bar commons and a 3 bar rare with in walking distance of one another, plus tubes all layed out by the time you have 7 microwave lynx.

However it does have a seriously nasty draw back of time to actually get fully operational. You have to basically rebuild your colony at the new location, or deal with defending both colonies way early on, while eden has super early advanced tech. (A side effect of killing either colony early is they stop with the warm up of lynxes way early.)

As such you have a small window in which your building one site and slowly turning off the other site, research grinds to a slow crawl, and mean while your turning out lynx micro's and stickies like they were going out of style with using as much ore as is possible with out selling your self short on your rebuild.

To minimize this impact I basically build another land rush setup, complete with all the buildings I have to that point and enough convecs to get it done. God its hell on the ore and gets to be hairy right around the time the new colony is functional.... but its deffinatly a rush watching as those tiger acids and thors come rolling out from the other colony to fight your sparce micros and stickies. You hope and prey that you can get that vec factory to run at full tilt enoungh to keep them at bay while you finish off that rare ore research you have had going since you started your move, prey to god that they will somehow go for the old colony, now virtually,completely in shut down mode just a CC and the Advanced lab running, waiting for your to build your gorf, so you can salvage its ore value to put into more vecs.............. sometimes you make it, and then sometimes a disaster hits like that god forsaken meteor from no where and it takes out your all new CC 20 seconds after its been setup and your screwed.
Deep beneath the planets surface ancient power systems spool up. Long forgotten, the citzens of the venerated Âlpha Ðefense League begin to wake from thier long sleep.

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Offline Goldo

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« Reply #9 on: September 11, 2005, 05:16:30 AM »
I dislike the Plymouth Starship 2 for one reason - the Blight... much prefer a long colony game without those sort of time restrictions.

The map also - its horrid, the two decent sites Eden has - the vacant one being defended by Laser Lynx :(

Offline BlackBox

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« Reply #10 on: September 11, 2005, 03:05:32 PM »
Well if someone has the time they could disassemble it and derive C++ source from it. Then we could do any changes we wanted.

Just need someone who has the time :heh:

Offline spirit1flyer

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« Reply #11 on: September 12, 2005, 10:22:59 AM »
sorry I can't do that  :P  
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