I have a rather strange hodgepodge of songs. I find it hard to classify a lot of it by genre. It's often more like a collection of oddities lacking a unifying theme, or even a unifying language. I've got music in about 10 different languages that I can think of. (Most of which I don't understand). I suppose the best unifying theme for a lot of it is having a "where the heck did you get this" factor to it.
A large portion of what I have are miscellaneous things like German marching songs, communist marching songs, poisoning pigeons in the park, or rhymes about the periodic table of the elements, all the nations of the world, or food additives. Fun party songs.

(Just in case you
ever get invited to that kind of party).
I also have a rather large pile of video game music.
I suppose if I wanted to be very general, I could say I have a lot of English language music, although, I probably listen to more Chinese language music. Lately I've been listening to Hakka folk songs, and Mandarin pop songs. Currently I'm hooked on some stuff from S.H.E. and Jay Chou. A lot of the non-Chinese stuff I've been listening to lately is the kind of thing you can dance to. But, like, Argentine tango, tango, foxtrot, waltz, cha cha, jive, lindy hop, and west coast swing kind of dance. Not exactly typical club music. Strangely enough, I also listen to a fair bit of salsa music, but don't actually have a single salsa song of my own. Oh, and the Inception sound track is also pretty good.
Well, nice thread. Now I have a few more good leads on possibly strange or exotic sources of music to collect.

*/me klepto's your music*