... if you want to learn the very basics of programming, I suggest you get Game Maker. It's pretty simple, and easy to understand ...
...And is also a complete waste of time. The C/++ you'll need for the SDK is not all that complicated.
Just take a look at the Hooville example and try modifying it. That's how I got started. Ask specific questions if you need to. Also, check around the programming forums; somebody may have already asked your question.
Good question example: I want a volcano to erupt in my map, but the lava doesn't appear. Why not?
Bad question example: How do volcanoes work?
By asking the "good question" you will probably get a clear, concise response and get the info you wanted. If you ask the "bad question" you'll either not get an answer or you'll get too much info (Hooman will probably launch into a lecture about the technical aspects of volcanoes and how lava spreads and you'll just skip it like everyone else

Lastly, look at the files in the include folder. Those files list all sorts of useful functions and most of them are pretty well document or self-explanatory.