Author Topic: Renegades Colony Game  (Read 4677 times)

Offline Zardox Xheonov

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Renegades Colony Game
« on: July 08, 2009, 06:44:17 PM »
right now im mapping a map that i hope can be used and coded to become a coloney game for the renegades so far im just begining to add the first set of tiles..when im done id like some help of a finishing touch of some tiles...
right now i have an idea for the objective and some scenery..if any ideas come up or anyone who could code this to work id be happy to use the help (i dont know a thing about coding) id personaly whould like to send it to Eddy-B when it's finished.

Though right now i want to know if eddy-B will allow just a mapper with some ideas for colony games..nothing more. I may stilll be new, but my ideas are better than my mapping in my opinion.
Hit me up on discord, if I am online, you know I'll be gaming.

(Lord Of Pain is no more, I am currently now "Zardox" and have been for awhile on other platforms.)

Offline Sirbomber

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Renegades Colony Game
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2009, 06:46:11 PM »
Eddy-B and the (former) Renegades team are the only ones who do any Renegades work.  Why does this have to be Renegades-specific?
"As usual, colonist opinion is split between those who think the plague is a good idea, and those who are dying from it." - Outpost Evening Star

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Offline Zardox Xheonov

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Renegades Colony Game
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2009, 07:40:39 PM »
Call it more of a tribute to renegades..though id like permission to make this colony far the map tiles are 40-60% done.

By 'tribute' i refer to a basic complement to the renegades and to say the renegades is what inspired me.

And if eddy-B does not want this with the colony game package i will rename it or cancel it.

He posted he needs a mapper in one of his topics..."Eddy, if you need a mapper id be happy to help".
« Last Edit: July 08, 2009, 07:42:55 PM by Lord Of Pain »
Hit me up on discord, if I am online, you know I'll be gaming.

(Lord Of Pain is no more, I am currently now "Zardox" and have been for awhile on other platforms.)

Offline Eddy-B

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Renegades Colony Game
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2009, 12:57:49 AM »
Your timing couldn't have been better!
I've opened my renegades project yesterday to go through it a little, and wanted to start over on my colony game, cause it had some hardcore bugs in it i couldn't get rid of.
(sometimes OP2 crashes somewhere in the executable, but the cause is in the mission-dll. Now, as the coder i can only debug the mission-dll, NOT the exe -since no one has the source of that- and it just a matter of trial-and-error to find out what causes the crash).

I still won't give up on my original Renegade mapper so please don't be offended, TH300.

Lord of pain: PM me what you got planned, and we can go over it together.
Rule #1:  Eddy is always right
Rule #2: If you think he's wrong, see rule #1

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Offline CK9

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Renegades Colony Game
« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2009, 03:34:35 AM »
Does TH300 even still come online?  I haven't seen him in a long while.

I would have done mapping for ya eddy, but I've got my hands full with bomber's project (1 map took me forever!)
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Offline Zardox Xheonov

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Renegades Colony Game
« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2009, 11:09:49 AM »
Right now im geting to the finishing touchs. I have an idea for objective and plot..which i willl only share with eddy-B. Id like the contents of this colony game to be a suprize untill it's released..and perhaps eddy-B will put it on his renegades website..

Overall statis: 90-95% done though this is just a blank map file.
There are some things i'll need help on at least in my opinion. All because of resaults of my first map(this one's my 2nd).

Problems with 1st map: not much variation of different tiles; basicly picture a map with only a few mixes of tiles but not enough.

If you'd like to see my first map which is unrealated i posted it on the:
outpost2 programing then click op2mapping.

Sirbomber told me it wasent half bad for a 1st map..perhaps it can be another thing for the renegades..though i'll have to pospone it for now....
But anyways i should be done either today or tomarrow with secound map
Hit me up on discord, if I am online, you know I'll be gaming.

(Lord Of Pain is no more, I am currently now "Zardox" and have been for awhile on other platforms.)

Offline Zardox Xheonov

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Renegades Colony Game
« Reply #6 on: July 09, 2009, 01:43:29 PM »
My part is done..everything has yet to be sent to eddy-b. it will arive soon when eddy-b gives me the signal by pm. as for the release.  Eddy-B will decide where and when (might be on his renegades website or forums, maybe both).
« Last Edit: July 09, 2009, 06:34:26 PM by Lord Of Pain »
Hit me up on discord, if I am online, you know I'll be gaming.

(Lord Of Pain is no more, I am currently now "Zardox" and have been for awhile on other platforms.)

Offline Zardox Xheonov

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Renegades Colony Game
« Reply #7 on: July 21, 2009, 05:04:19 PM »

This map that i sent to was crap..though i currently have a way cooler map and its not finished...just need some fixes on terrain, its 95%done and iv had some critics tell me of a few errors..this 3rd map of mine will hopefully not disapoint you when it's done..although i need sombody to fix these small but noticable errors i made..please remember im still learning, now i need to find a good mapper who can fix these errors on terrain.

The current map needs adjusting..please feel free to take it and make sure you rename it befor you give it to me in a pm.
The map.file is in the files forum within the section: "files for 2"
« Last Edit: July 21, 2009, 05:11:24 PM by Lord Of Pain »
Hit me up on discord, if I am online, you know I'll be gaming.

(Lord Of Pain is no more, I am currently now "Zardox" and have been for awhile on other platforms.)