Author Topic: Conestoga  (Read 4699 times)

Offline Eddy-B

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« on: October 05, 2008, 03:45:06 PM »
I was just wondering:

In Startrek Enterprise, episode 1x05 it is stated that in 2071 the spaceship Conestoga left Earth to colonize a planet less than 20 lightyears away from Earth and calling it Terra Nova.

Back in 2001, when i originally watched the episode it didn't ring a bell, but after watching it today i couldn't keep it to myself...
Anybody have any thoughts about this ?
Are the Startrek writers OP2 fans ?
Big image (1264x628)

[size=8][edit] Added links and picture of the Conestoga[/size]
« Last Edit: October 05, 2008, 03:51:27 PM by Eddy-B »
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Offline CK9

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« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2008, 03:57:45 PM »
As much as I hate to say it, more than likely a coincidence.  I think both COnestogas were named after the COnestoga Wagon used in the days of the Oregon Trail:
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Offline Sirbomber

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« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2008, 06:29:38 PM »
In 2070?  The events of OP2 do take place in the 2X70's, and the Conestoga did take about a century to arrive...  Still, probably just a coincidence.  That Conestoga looks stupid, anyways.  :P  
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Offline Nynx

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« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2008, 08:11:43 PM »
if its 2x70, and they have all this tech...then where was the tech to destroy the asteroid in the first place? lasers? rockets?...other asteroids?  :huh:  

Offline Hooman

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« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2008, 11:20:44 PM »
... meteor defenses


Offline CK9

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« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2008, 01:38:25 AM »
They tried to use a nuke, but it didn't work how they thought it would
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Offline Tellaris

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« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2008, 11:20:23 AM »
Yes they tried to destroy it and failed miserably. Remember in the intro it seys right at the beginning: "The Earth is dead. As the asteroid fragments landed, ...."
This suggests they tried to destroy the asteroid, but only broke it up instead. A bunch of smaller fragments can be just as devastating as one big asteroid.
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Offline CK9

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« Reply #7 on: October 09, 2008, 12:28:05 PM »
fragments would be MORE devistating.  A single asteroid you can predict an impact area for and deal with the after-effects later.  Multiple fragments would leave you with nowhere to evacuate people to.  The after effects don't matter anymore with fragments.
CK9 in outpost
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srentiln in minecraft (I like legos, and I like computer was only a matter of time...) and youtube...
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Offline Hidiot

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« Reply #8 on: October 09, 2008, 02:41:59 PM »
The singe asteroid that could have impacted Earth is enough to destroy the whole planet pretty quick. It's not like they had much of a chance. The nukes were their best chance.

We don't have the means to create a self-sustained shelter deep beneath the earth, in a location that won't be melted and I don't think we will for another few years either.
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Offline Sirbomber

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« Reply #9 on: October 09, 2008, 03:26:51 PM »
We don't have the means to create a self-sustained shelter deep beneath the earth, in a location that won't be melted and I don't think we will for another few years either.
We don't have the technology to build an interstellar starship with stasis technology and a fusion-powered engine, either.  I think you're missing the point.
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Offline Hidiot

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« Reply #10 on: October 10, 2008, 04:40:35 AM »
Like I always do? Yes, I probably am missing the point.

We do have some research on Fusion power and stasis systems, and may not be too far away from anything viable in those domains today.
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Offline Nynx

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« Reply #11 on: October 10, 2008, 12:39:17 PM »
This is addressed to whole 'they used nukes to break the asteroid apart but the chunks still killed the planet'
uhh, the U.S is developing an anti-missle laser projector to be put on a Boeing 747 right now. So by the year 2X70 we forget how to make big lasers? nukes are still the only option? What about plasma technology? Gravity based systems?

Think; if the nukes break up the asteroid into chunks, then use ground to orbit lasers to hit the chunks, sure it may ran meteors and meteorites for a while, but at least the planet'll be ok.

[edit] fixed QUOTE tag
« Last Edit: October 11, 2008, 02:25:21 PM by Eddy-B »

Offline Sirbomber

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« Reply #12 on: October 10, 2008, 02:14:18 PM »
Yes, because destroying an enormous chunk of rock capable of wiping out all life on Earth simply by slamming into the planet is MUCH easier to destroy than a missile!
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Offline Nynx

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« Reply #13 on: October 10, 2008, 09:25:08 PM »
uh huh, i'm surprised you'd think that by referencing something and its implications that I MUST be using that item directly. No you syncophant, I don't mean use the anti-missile laser against a giant rock. The idea is: if the US can use small lasers now to destroy missiles, what's to say that in 2X70 they wouldn't have a bigger one for this very thing? and again, I didnt say use the laser directly, as you are quick to ignore.

My suggestion was use the nukes to break it apart (like it says in the story) THEN use the large lasers to destroy the most threatening chunks. And instead of nukes, why not mass drivers? or rail gun technology?  

Offline Sirbomber

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« Reply #14 on: October 10, 2008, 10:03:49 PM »
Because OP2 takes place in the 2x70's.  The colonists arrived long before that, as two generations have gone by since the initial elders landed.  The Conestoga departs Earth about 100 years before the landing.  I'd guess the Conestoga departs Earth around 2030 - 2040, and arrives about 2140.
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