Ok, so I put together a *Beta* package containing all the new patches that people have been using. This should make setup and syncing with new people a little easier if you're going to force the new patches on them (which people usually seem to do).
This package contains the RC2 release as a base, with the following patches and changes:
- Minimap scroll fix (so you get caught on the sides less often)
- Network game speed fix (so it tries to stay at the speed you set rather than half of that)
- Hard unit limit patch (1023 -> 2047 max units)
- Soft unit limit patch (See ChangeLog.txt for details, it might not match the previous patch people are using)
- The "NetPatch" mod has been included, with the current game server settings already applied to Outpost.ini, and a pre-made shortcut (which may need modification).
*Important Notes*
- The checksum on this package might not match what people are using. I took the soft unit limit patch from one of my earlier exe files, and I think it might be different from the soft unit limit changes that Sirbomber wrote to the exe that people have been using.
- The "Outpost2 (Loadmod NetPatch).lnk" file is set to the "C:\Sierra\Outpost2\" folder, which might not be where you install the game. If you place the game somewhere else, you'll need to update the link for it to work. Otherwise, you can just copy it to your desktop as is.
- I recommend choosing "Extract Here" from "C:\Sierra\", since the package has the "Outpost2\" folder stored internally.
This package is not official at this point. There are still a few things I'm looking into doing that may get added before a final release is supplied. Here are a few missing things:
- Fix minimap scrolling for undersized maps, so the scrolling doesn't get stuck
- Meteor Defense patch (so there is no cycle time when it can't shoot something down, only the probability that it can't).
- Fix wreckage bug, where wreckage sometimes turns into rare rubble on certain terrain types.
- Swap group selection behavior, so <number> only selects units, and Shift+<number> will select and center (rather than the other way around).
- Fix the option buttons once and for all so people don't need to press Alt or play with Windows settings.
- And of course, get official endorsement from BlackBox!

Outpost 2 ( - Beta 1)Edit: Beta 2 has been released. It is posted later in this thread: