Author Topic: New Vehicals! Land,air,and Space!  (Read 5106 times)

Offline Zardox Xheonov

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New Vehicals! Land,air,and Space!
« on: October 09, 2007, 02:12:04 AM »
Any ways this is just somthing id like somone els to make(if possible) For these are just ideas and i simply cant make this(better yet get started) so id like to see who can make these happen in Out post 3:

EMP-BAT:(bat is name of Chassis) Whould cast a shadow(like a storm cloud) and it will drop an EMP BOMB(area of effect is 9 square tiles). Can't be shot down essept by this new vehicals/wepons. Will be created in the new building: Space Factory (SWF).

Only these wepons can shoot down an Air-based vehical:

RPG, RailGUN, Emp missle(on plymouth)another Air based vehical Called the RPG-BAT or RAIL GUN BAT(both fighters and can also attack buildings and other vehicals), And that build that Targets meteors(on eden).

Also Air vehicals are able to land(if cammanded or they have EMP effect Or on docking bays of the runway in the Space Factory).

How these vehicals will look like? thats for all of you to decide...
Also tell me what you like and dont like about this idea for outpost3...

For The Space vehicals/satalites, It will be like a huge light towwer in space,
It will be called: Light Generator

Uses: Can make it so that you can see vehicals better at night if their lights are off.

Can only have one Light generator at a time, and you can select a place for it to put its lights on(25x25 tiles)...

Think of it as a giant spot-light floating in space beaming down on the location that you want it to...


Now for the new land-based vehicals: "Dragon is its name and mobile platform is its game".     The Dragon is half vehical half building(big as 3x8 tiles). Moves very slow for its size, but is used for carrying other vehicals(for repairs as well) and can also mount up to 2 different guard posts on it, also it reqires 8 workers and it has
4000hp and heavy armer(moves so slow still) Has 6 storage slots for vehicals.
Has 2 storage units for 2 different gaurd posts(convec must put it in like a Structure Factory) Then can fit up to 4000 food, 2000rare metals, and 6000 common metals. cannot be lost to plymouth by emp/spiders combo and only emp missle can disable it. Can also carry colonist(up to 50 others besides the 8 workers).

I hope every one makes use to these ideals.. (thumbsup)

If any suggestions plz list them now. THNX!!!

Edit-- Posts merged. Please learn to use the edit button instead of double posting.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2007, 06:24:51 PM by BlackBox »
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Offline Sirbomber

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New Vehicals! Land,air,and Space!
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2007, 02:36:58 AM »
Like I said when you asked for help in with the Mapper, LOOK before your POST.
If you had you'd have known we don't want air units and we don't want Doomsday Space Guns.
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Offline Freeza-CII

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New Vehicals! Land,air,and Space!
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2007, 08:30:18 AM »
Air units have been shot down in several threads.  EMP bombs seem un needed as there is a EMP missile.  Plus the fact that they cant be shot down means they extreemly uber in the bad way.

Uber = bad here.

Now for the new land-based vehicals: "Dragon is its name and mobile platform is its game". The Dragon is half vehical half building(big as 3x8 tiles). Moves very slow for its size, but is used for carrying other vehicals(for repairs as well) and can also mount up to 2 different guard posts on it, also it reqires 8 workers and it has
4000hp and heavy armer(moves so slow still) Has 6 storage slots for vehicals.
Has 2 storage units for 2 different gaurd posts(convec must put it in like a Structure Factory) Then can fit up to 4000 food, 2000rare metals, and 6000 common metals. cannot be lost to plymouth by emp/spiders combo and only emp missle can disable it. Can also carry colonist(up to 50 others besides the 8 workers).

That is uber.  We have no need for a super carrier weapon f*** em all machine.

The spot light sat sounds good on paper but remember there is some science to op2 and it would have to continue into op3.  I highly doubt you would get enough power to illuminate some thing from orbit.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2007, 08:32:34 AM by Freeza-CII »

Offline Hooman

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New Vehicals! Land,air,and Space!
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2007, 09:21:58 AM »
I've heard ideas about launching a big mirror into orbit, and reflecting the suns rays to shine on the dark side of the planet. That way you don't need to generate the power to illimate anything, but I still think it's probably not feasible. I'd imagine you'd need a pretty big mirror to have any real affect. Plus, if any meteors hit it.... (which there are usually plenty of in these games).

Offline Combine Crusier

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« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2007, 04:06:54 PM »
Air vehicles have been shot down so many times it's not funny and a vehicle like the one your posting is so big that the entire chassis would have to be a reactor just to get the thing to move! Don't get me wrong... these are interesting ideas just not feasable ones for this game.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2007, 10:19:18 PM by Freeza-CII »
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Offline Nynx

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New Vehicals! Land,air,and Space!
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2007, 05:01:27 PM »
one thing about OP3 i would like to see sustained is the cost of fighting

for example, in op2, a lot of this stuff took time to research and build with limited resources. Hence fighting had a realistic cost and could put a dent in your colony, there was that feeling of desperation when trying to raise an army especially because a lot of the units were slow

it wasnt like other RTS's that were all about fighting ala a quake3 styled approach. I also agree with no air units or doomsday weapons, that would take away from the whole 'limited resources' approach that both colonies face on New Terra and beyond.

perhaps a big cool item to research would be advanced chassis AI, so they can employ built-in tactics and reduce micro-managing

and simple devices like smoke launchers for combat chassis

to be honest, a lot of op2 was well thought out, implemented and balanced, i think just a graphical update to 3d, and more statistical calculation for one's colony would be awesome.

Offline Hidiot

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« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2007, 08:10:00 PM »
A wider range of chassis would be very good.

I remember a certain game... EARTH 2150. Even though it is a fighting and collecting limited resources game, you had to research stuff to progress. You could research up to 6-7 types of chassis and attach weapons in certain ways and combining them in any way you like. (you could strap on a Plasma cannon and a small rocket launcher on the same unit. Every chassis could have a certain type of shield attached. Shields would block energy weapons until depleted.

So, what I though would be nice to see in OP3. More chassis types. Add the shields thing. It would be interesting to see a Thor's hammer Tiger beaten by a microwave panther, just because it had enough shields to give it enough time to kill it, whereas a Rail Gun would shoot straight in it, ignoring any shields. Shields could help against EMP also... if a unit has enough shields, it could block one EMP hit.

The intermixing of weapons on one chassis is really cool, but we can live without it just fine.

Also, something I didn't see quite right about OP2. If your CC gets blown, then you are paralised... If I had the technology, I would make all my buildings able to run independently.Maybe if your CC gets blown, you buildings still function, but at a reduced productivity (half?) That way, you would need to take out both the CC and the SF, to completely paralise someone. If I would run a colony, I would think of  away to ensure my colonies survival by keeping a possibility of rebuilding my CC if it was destroyed. Also, maybe if you had a Smelter (and a CC) still alive (and connected), you could slowly build a SF kit to rebuild your SF if it got destroyed. That would require an empty ConVec to sit next to the Smelter during the whole building process. You Smelter would run at 70% efficiency while your SF is being rebuilt.

meh... idea spillage :)
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Offline Freeza-CII

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« Reply #7 on: October 09, 2007, 10:27:58 PM »
Off topic definatly.

Wider ranges or chassis have been talked about but it seems people only want the bigger heavier beefy f*** em all rape machines (Lion Chassis).  Even a Slow weak Artillery unit was shot down in fear of mass long range bombardment.

Shields have also been shotdown as no one seems to care for them.  Even if shields are added it just makes battles slightly longer as the bigger units have the ablity to support larger shields.  Making a Mic panther die a horrible death.

The mixing of weapons was talked about but mostly for the Lion Tripple barrel chassis.

Also, something I didn't see quite right about OP2. If your CC gets blown, then you are paralised... If I had the technology, I would make all my buildings able to run independently.Maybe if your CC gets blown, you buildings still function, but at a reduced productivity (half?) That way, you would need to take out both the CC and the SF, to completely paralise someone. If I would run a colony, I would think of away to ensure my colonies survival by keeping a possibility of rebuilding my CC if it was destroyed. Also, maybe if you had a Smelter (and a CC) still alive (and connected), you could slowly build a SF kit to rebuild your SF if it got destroyed. That would require an empty ConVec to sit next to the Smelter during the whole building process. You Smelter would run at 70% efficiency while your SF is being rebuilt.

This Idea was talked about some where.

Please start a new thread for these ideas or try to find the old thread if it exists
« Last Edit: October 09, 2007, 10:28:53 PM by Freeza-CII »

Offline Hidiot

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« Reply #8 on: October 10, 2007, 10:20:53 AM »
yeah,um... I got lost in thoughts and forgot to check the topic... went by the last couple of posts.

my bad  :CK9's:  
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Offline Gagagigo3

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New Vehicals! Land,air,and Space!
« Reply #9 on: October 10, 2007, 09:29:40 PM »
No no no no NO

Look, if theres any unit gonna be new in Outpost 2 its gonna be something like a faster 'tiger tank' or a truck that carries a lot more...not that a 'monster truck is needed :blush: )
But really dude... Are u new to Outpost 2?

A Lion tank (or whatever it was) of 2x8 tiles big...thatll be a nuclear explosion when it explodes. It also sounds like its very vurnerable to Electric Storms. ( Is it me or does the electrical storm do more damage when armor is higher. ) And how fast will it be (wanted to complain about this :whistle: ) 6 tiles a minute? :blink:

Also, a flying EMP unit, we have a Plymouth EMP missle and a EMP lynx/phanter/tiger

And last, but not least. A 'mirror satelite', whoa, first to tell i do not really build star ports you know (waste of scientists etc...) And also why emitting light... I place some light posts ( if i have time and ore :D ) around my base and they work fine. ( I didnt really tested this yet...  :blush: )

Edit -- removed irrelevant garbage (unnecessary punctuation, emoticons, attached image).
« Last Edit: October 11, 2007, 07:13:44 PM by BlackBox »
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Offline Marukasu

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New Vehicals! Land,air,and Space!
« Reply #10 on: November 17, 2007, 06:00:07 AM »
Common sense seems to have evaded this guy.

Notice how in the game lasers hit the flat ground. That means that the laser turret has at least some control over its pitch. Therefore the laser along with other weapons should be able to hit any relatively low flying vehicle. I would say probably 45Degree angle up on most weapons. but that would mean a redraw on aloft of weapons.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2007, 06:25:41 AM by Marukasu »