Author Topic: Old Colony "issues"  (Read 7161 times)

Offline Kurgan

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Old Colony "issues"
« on: January 18, 2007, 08:14:51 PM »
I surfed around the OP3 forum for a bit to find a resolution to one thing: What happened to Plymouth? Or Eden, if you took that desired road in the Plymouth main game. Obviously, it's a stretch to believe that both colonies actually managed to survive the Blight and escape into space.
So, as I had a brain storming time during a particularly boring class period, and I had a revelation. I designed a new Command Center for a pet project, and lo and behold, it seemed to work.
Now, this idea involved a third colony, because you either miraculously save both the old ones, or you kill one off and create a new one. The new one I came up with was the versatile "New Haven", which I've head of in the past.
New Haven is basically another starship's colonists, sent from another Corporation/Government on Earth in a last ditch effort. They either didn't know, or didn't care about the Conestoga. Though their plight is basically the same as the New Terrans, they cannot find a suitable planet in time. They adapt to their new surroundings in a different way than the Edenites do, however, and they create much different units and structures, utilizing extremely different technologies.
New Haven's structures, in my mind, are rugged, multipurpose units that had to be quickly and effeciently designed to combat harsh and inhospitable areas, much like Eden had to in the first few days on New Terra.
The structure I designed was of particular importance: It was what I call a "Base Command Center". It's multipurpose design allows for four functions, a Vec Factory, Command Center,  Garage, and 1/4th of an Agridome. This all comes at a cost, however, in relatively high common metals. Not to mention a much larger size compared to Eden and/or Plymouth structures.
I came up with many different structure combinations, and I'll post a few here:

Guard Tower - LightHouse/Guard Post
Base Command Center - Vec-Fac/CC/Garage/a fourth of an Agridome
Agricultural Facility - Agridome times two
Residential Unit - Residence/Recreation Facility
Manufacturing Plant - Structure Factory/Vec-Fac
Hot Lab - Standard/Advanced labs
Research Outpost - CC/Standard/Advanced Labs
Base Lab - Basic/Standard labs
Power Plant - Pretty much an MHD generator
StarPort - Spaceport/Common/Rare Storage
Turret - Dual-Barrelled guard-post
Generic Command Center - CC/Tokamak/Robot CC
Silo- Commom/Rare storage
Missile Silo - Self Explainatory

This is leaving out the smelters, mind you, for obvious reasons. Not to mention some other structure types that I've forgotten about at the moment.
Vehics and weaponry, then. New Haven utilizes older technology for their defensive and offensive vecs and neutral units.
Cargo Trucks and Con-Vecs are similar in design to modern day Eight-teen wheelers, only with either flat-beds in the case of cargo trucks and bulbous crane-esque devices for their Con-Vecs. Surveyors and Scouts utilize a sonic imaging technology that allows them to "see" similar to the way bats do, and pinpoint both enemy units and different ore deposits.
New Haven is also more likely to send out human defence in a firefight in their area, so handheld weapons would be on their list of things to make.
Weapons consist of things such as:

Anti-Personelle Machine Guns
Anti-Tank shells
Anti-Tank rockets
EMP Missile Launchers
ICBM "Trucks" AKA Artillery
Sonic Charges
Anti-Tank mines
Large Scale ICBMs (Missile Silo required)
EMP Charges
and the Armor Peircing Machine Guns

Basically, they'd have to have a delivery device for the charges, a re-configured truck would do the trick, laying mines and charges as it goes. A device similar to the Eden Repair Vec for delivery of charges to structures would also make a difference.
Their vecs would look similar to modern tanks, only a bit more futuristic. They'd be equivalent to about the armor average of a Panther mixed with a Tiger, and be fitted with single or double mounts depending on the vec. For example, a truck carrying anti-tank mines would shoot with a relatively weak Anti-Personelle machine gun as it retreats.
The last issue is the Starships themselves. In another particularly loathsome period I designed the innards of a Starship for New Haven. It was a long, thin vessel, perferated in the middle by a section jutting one deck below and above, with four double-turrets and four triple-turrets on the bottom deck. Not bombardment weaponry, but capable of destroying any undefended areas in space. Its bridge jutted off in the front, next to the landing/takeoff bay for New Haven's colony landers. The Starship was also capable of producing landers and other space craft, as well as storing and housing up to four structure kits for transport down in specially configured landers. It had the same propulsion drives as the New Terran vessel, Ion Thrusters and Fusion Engines. Its cryogenic drives were almost identical to the Conestoga's, which drastically decreased life expectancy of the crew. It has a VERY large plate of reflective armor sheilding all but the landing/takeoff bay doors, so that the crew is safe in-transit.
I think I've thought of, and covered, most options here. Except, perhaps, the naming of the class of tank that the New Haven colony uses. Tell me what you think. I'm also pretty good at fiction, if you still need writers. I look forward to hearing what the other "Think Tankers" think.

Edit 2: Cause - To better explain the functionality of the BCC.
Now, the Base Command Center may have a vec-fac, but it refuses to produce anything higher-level than a convec. Cargo Trucks, Scout/Surveyors, Dozers, and Convecs are produced, but tanks are not, to avoid giving the New Haven player an unprecidented advantage.
Edit 1: Cause -  Minor Spelling Issues, known from now on as "MSI"
-Kurgan Out!- :op2:
« Last Edit: January 18, 2007, 08:27:05 PM by Kurgan »

Offline Freeza-CII

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« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2007, 09:39:45 PM »
Since there is no sign of a story or some basic info about the game.  

So there is only speculation to what is there or not.  Only the genesis team can enlighen us.

Offline Stormy

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« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2007, 10:01:42 PM »
You have been enlightened!!  :P

At least, to what we've shown you guys of the outline... there's still quite a bit left, and quite a bit left to do for writing (just goes to show that it is LONG)

What we have shown you should be enough to give you guys a basic idea of who's who and all that.

Note: Information may change slightly later as the outline matures closer to it's truly finished form.  
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Offline gamerscd0

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« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2007, 09:04:20 AM »
Very interesting post sounds kinda fermilur HUmmmmmmm.....
anyways nice ideas ;P

Offline Rags

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« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2007, 10:44:04 AM »
I don't understand something. While the entire concept is great, why would any cooperation and government want to send a starship without collabaorating with anyone else? wouldn't they want to pool their resources?

but ignoring that, how does new haven come into contact with the ppl from op3? even if they had both launched wouldnt they have gone in a different direction?
and if they had not and were going in the same direction as the conestoga wouldn't the savants have detected them and alerted the colonists to other survivors?  

Offline Kurgan

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« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2007, 02:47:11 PM »
I don't understand something. While the entire concept is great, why would any cooperation and government want to send a starship without collabaorating with anyone else? wouldn't they want to pool their resources?

but ignoring that, how does new haven come into contact with the ppl from op3? even if they had both launched wouldnt they have gone in a different direction?
and if they had not and were going in the same direction as the conestoga wouldn't the savants have detected them and alerted the colonists to other survivors?
Well, Rags. The best explaination would be the conflict during the Cold War period. Even with the looming threat of nuclear annihalation, the USSR and USA just refused to reach a middle ground, instead building up militarily to a breaking point.
Governments in opposition don't always inform others of their movements, and they always seem to believe that "We can do things better".
Besides, in the OP official novella, two sides were created by a force that was unknown to most. It could possibly be that a simliar force was at work to create two starships.
Addressing the final issues, many things in this world happen by "chance". In their retreat from New Terra, the colonists didn't really care what direction they were headed for how long. Eventually, the two might "bump into" each other, especially if they both have problems, or get large enough that they decide that a colonization of new planets is in order.
Of course, it's a small probability of such an event, but it's also a small probability of a terraforming bactirium going amiss and devastating the human race. It's also a small probability of the human race even existing in the universe. But, yet, these things happen in this timeline.
And assuming that the "invisible hand" theory I developed earlier is the case, Savants may have been privy to the information, even if the general populace was not. It's not such a long stretch to believe that things happened that the common man was not informed of.

And Stormy, I'll have to check that out.
-Kurgan Out- :op2:  

Offline Tellaris

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« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2007, 08:19:49 PM »
Umm... Your story is a bit contradictive to the OP2 storyline.   Large Excerpt, I want the context too.   This is the Eden Storyline, Chapter 6.

He took a deep breath before continuing.  "Did Frost tell you the planet is doomed?"
Her face went dead serious.  "You're sure?"
"There's maybe one chance in a thousand, but we have to assume that the only real hope for survival is to build another starship and escape the planet."
She nodded sadly.  "We suspected as much and have been acting accordingly."
"It's going to be a close thing, a real balancing act of resources, research, and technology.  We can't just recreate the original starship that brought us here, it was a brute-force project constructed with the resources of a fully developed planet behind it.  We have to build smarter, faster, lighter, higher technology across the board."
He paused for another deep breath.  This wasn't going to be easy.  "Emma, I don't think there are enough resources for two starships, or two starship programs.  Based on what Kraft has learned, Eden has a clear technological lead."

Also note, that when the Conestoga left Earth in the .avi file, it showed meteors actually hitting the planet in the background.   From this, we can assume that the Conestoga was the only ship to launch from Earth on time.   Anything else being built probobly would be whiped out by the meteor impact's shockwaves.   We can also assume that this was most likely a cooperative thing from the few space-capeable countries around (Russia, China, America...)   I'm not sure if the EU can do that yet.

Your idea is pretty cool, but it just doesn't really fit in with the existing storyline.   (Or current history for that matter)

Again, note that when they LEFT New Terra, either way, theres a half completed starship in orbit.   So you could say that the remaining colony managed to launch it with the barest essentials, and they got lucky and came across another Earth-like world relatively quickly, and where thusly able to survive.   (Although barely).   It wouldn't have to be fully built in this scenario, just usable.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2007, 08:22:02 PM by Baikon »
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Offline Kurgan

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« Reply #7 on: January 22, 2007, 05:07:29 PM »
Hmm... Makes sense, Baikon.
There's another New Haven possiblilty, however: a forgotten colony.
Suppose that, in the past, a colony vessel is sent out to make sure the human race survives in the event of nuclear wars, meteor hits, ect. They dissapear, and are assumed lost. The case is then closed and shoved away into the bowels of various countries' file cabinets.
Besides, I think a third party would make a nice addition, semi-ironic too, seeing as it's Outpost 3.
On another note, there could possibly be at least one more space capable country by... 2057? Was that the date of the meteor hit? That's also not likely to be enough time for the entire world to unify, seeing as the current state of international affairs is bleak. Especially from my stand-point in the United States. And even during periods of trial and tribulation in the world, there is a strange unwillingness to unify, as I've noted. Perhaps the only thing that could get factions to unify would be something of the magnitude of a meteor, but I still think it's stretching it.
Also, a third colony could add to the dynamics in an unpredictable way. And it would certainly make multiplayer games more interesting. I think it would probably make up for the time spent developing balancing, modeling and skinning, a tech tree, and developing music for them.
The way you've put them, the problems in my storyline... They're rather glaring, frankly. Thank's for straightening that issue out, but it was a rough-draft, so to speak, so it was more than open to such criticism. There are probably ways to make the story "fit", and if they see it fit that New Haven make an appearance, I would be humbled and surprised. This is a forum for suggestions, and I hope I've managed to make a good one.

~Kurgan Out, for now~ :op2:  

Offline Combine Crusier

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« Reply #8 on: January 23, 2007, 08:56:49 AM »
From what I saw in the story those two explosions could have been more nukes I mean we don't have just one.

Also in Outpost 1.5 there is a Jupiter mining station why couldn't they build another starship since they're near the asteroid belt. Your also forgetting the space stations in orbit around the Earth.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2007, 08:59:32 AM by Combine Crusier »
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Offline Arklon

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« Reply #9 on: January 23, 2007, 03:55:29 PM »
I believe Vulcan's Hammer hits Earth in 2015-2017 in OP2's storyline.

Offline Kurgan

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« Reply #10 on: January 23, 2007, 06:14:33 PM »
I believe Vulcan's Hammer hits Earth in 2015-2017 in OP2's storyline.
Ah. That definately wouldn't be enough time to unify the nations entirely. I wasn't sure of the time, so thanks for clearing that bit up as well.

-Kurgan Out, For Now.- :op2:  

Offline Combine Crusier

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« Reply #11 on: January 24, 2007, 08:16:46 AM »
According to the start date in the opening of Out Post 2 the date in which Plymouth seperates from Eden is 2070.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2007, 08:17:03 AM by Combine Crusier »
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Offline TRIX Rabbit

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« Reply #12 on: February 11, 2007, 08:35:12 PM »
According to the start date in the opening of Out Post 2 the date in which Plymouth seperates from Eden is 2070.
impossible. It took several centuries to find New Terra, and in a short frame of time, a slower than light ship wouldn't make it far in so few years. Besides, I never heard a mention of that year in the game.

ON TOPIC: I think the Idea of another colony would be great. Might I make a suggestion?

Just before Earth was Meteorized, a few nations, who didn't get along with the rest of the world, more than likely took there chances and sent a colony or two to Mars. After many years, the colonies had joined up, and deciding that humanity had better chances if they spread out to more Systems. They launched a starship from Mars' orbit, (a hollowed out asteroid, most likely) and went on they're merry way. (To add a twist, and give a push for op4, they could have two launched Starships, in different directions). After several centuries, they found a planet, mars like, and decided it would be a good place to settle for a while (not low on resources, just to stock up and find new planets from their new vantage point). Meanwhile at nearly the same time (and by a stroke of luck), the Conestoga II, carrying the New Terrans, landed on the planet.

The Mars-born humans founded New Haven, and there ideology was to spread out and explore, and possibly terraform (as they had successfully done to Mars). They called themselves "Haveners". They focus mainly on Astronomical, Physical, and Medical Sciences.

The New Terran humans, after the events on New Terra, decided that all biological terraforming would lead to disaster. They founded New Halifax, named after the city that was half-destroyed by a disaster, as it seemed fitting, they were after all, a civilization half destroyed by disaster, the blight. They often gave their culture the title "Terraners". They focus mainly on Geophysical, Biological, and Chemical sciences.

But in the "New Halifax" colony, there is unrest. Some of the colonists think that ALL terraforming is bad, and might defect to another colony. This group is made up of several engineers and scientists, who say history will repeat itself. These conservatives focus on Engineering, Social (morale), and Boptronic sciences. At this time, they are not on the verge of defecting, but may be provoked into doing so.


"3 ideals. 2 colonies. 1 planet. Which one will survive. Which one... will you choose?"

That's what I thought up of. If you would like me to clarify, please ask.

BTW: Each Ideology is not truly individual. Combinations and alliances may form. And notice that each colony receives research bonus for topics against their ideals.
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Offline Combine Crusier

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« Reply #13 on: February 12, 2007, 08:35:18 AM »
I saw the date in the opening story when the bio containment vessel shows up.
Who said it was slower than light. Also in the original it would take only like 25 years to get to alpha centari.
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Offline Freeza-CII

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« Reply #14 on: February 12, 2007, 04:30:11 PM »
Alpha Centauri is a Trinary star system i believe those are in capable of having a planet that would support any form of life.

Offline Skix

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« Reply #15 on: March 17, 2007, 03:05:18 AM »
No not centuries.

In the OP2 Manual the storie states that For NEARLY a century they searched for a suitible world.


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« Last Edit: March 17, 2007, 03:05:44 AM by Skix »

Offline Arklon

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« Reply #16 on: March 17, 2007, 09:11:36 AM »
1) It's not the Conestoga II, it's the Phoenix Voyager.
2) You stole the name New Haven from Stellarwave's OP3.
3) It's best to assume that everything Earth's surface was pretty much obliterated. If Vulcan's Hammer only filled up the atmosphere with dust, you might as well stay there in artificial environments. That's pretty much what humanity was doing on New Terra, anyway. Except, back on Earth, you could actually go outside and breathe.
4) I would assume the Conestoga was the only starship to leave Earth. Most of humanity just thought that the asteroid wasn't going to hit us, and even if we did, we'd be safe because of our methods of dealing with huge space rocks. Everybody who thought otherwise would have helped the Conestoga project (no reason to waste resources on multiple starships, especially since they only had 2 years to work on it).

Offline Combine Crusier

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« Reply #17 on: March 17, 2007, 09:17:13 AM »
What about the people on the space stations? EH HEM.
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Offline Arklon

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« Reply #18 on: March 17, 2007, 09:21:11 AM »
What about the people on the space stations? EH HEM.

There's not very many of them.

Offline chicer_mister

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« Reply #19 on: July 17, 2007, 10:01:23 AM »
yah, and they would have either settled on mars, way easier than traveling lightyears to some unknown planet,opr stayed where they were and waited for Earth to be come habitable again.

Offline chicer_mister

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« Reply #20 on: July 17, 2007, 12:00:55 PM »
here's idea for new dudes:
-buildings and vechs imune to acid rain(researcheble tech for others)
-can build geothermal plant from begining(on a planet like this furmaholes would come in large numbers)
-can build lava well(same as furmahole)
-leged units?(would make faction distinct and cool loking)
-projectole based weapons(coilguns first then research railgun and other)

of course all these theories are based on the fact that they land on planet before others.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2007, 12:01:32 PM by chicer_mister »

Offline Freeza-CII

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« Reply #21 on: July 17, 2007, 01:08:24 PM »
Please read around some in the Crude Ideas.  And people dont like double posts and they will remind you of the edit button.