First off I don't argue for the 'fun' I get enough s*** as it is. Second most if not all of the time any arguement is because someone broke a rule or did something that was a in sort of a grey aera.
As for all the people that say 'its just a game' - People argue because they get pissed, and some op2 games take a long time, like 2 hrs. for people who work about 30 hrs. a week and have school (which makes for some b****in' 14 hr. work days) like me playing a game for 2 hrs. and having some ass quit or pull some other BS its a little more than 'annoying'.
We need a concise, clear definition of ALL the rules, like the mutiplayer guidelines thread, except up-to-date and crystal clear (ie. replacement), and possibly an !rules command in IRC. Here is my suggestion for the rules, feel free to comment.
1. No cheating. This includes hacking the game (yes there ARE ways to do this, i've seen eden with stickyfoam in la corrida) or any glitces (see list below).
-a.The meteor defense bug, namely that any missile targeted on a MD will hit it, regardless of anything else. Fix: Never target a missile on a meteor defense or the pavement around it. Doing so is grounds for cheating.
-b. Using garages to bypass the vechile limit. This is done by putting vechiles in garages, where they are not counted by the vechile limit and allowing the player to bypass said limit. This also makes the game unstable. Fix: No more than three garages for any one player, since that is about the maximum one person can operate at a time.
-c. Trading vechiles to bypass the unit limit. You do this by trading vechiles to your partner, and since weather their at the unit limit or not you can keep trading them unlimited vechiles. This also made the game unstable. Fix: Don't trade units to people that are at the unit limit (they cant build any themselves).
-d. Invisible/invincible walls. If you emp an earthworker well its building a wall it will make an impassible square there (as if the earthworker was building the wall forever.) Fix: don't emp/destroy earthworkers while their working. If it happens on accident (attacked while building walls) theres not a whole lot you can do. Also you cant build around the impassible square so this bug is limited in its uses.
-d. Convec move build glitch. This is when you move a convec as its about to build, the structure will build itself on its own and the convec will still be loaded allowing you to build another structure. Fix: don't do it, and if you do it accidentally, dump the extra kit to keep the game fair.
-f. (suggestions? did i miss any?)
2. No quitting. Also you may not 'quasi-quit' by destroying/taking down your command center or other vital structures or not trying (ex: letting your people starve on purpose, not building any more units, etc.)
You may not quit unless:
-a. you do not have a working cc and don't have an ally that can give you one.
-b. you *have* to leave (REAL life stuff, like having a doctors appointment, and no lying about this please).
-c. Everyone agrees (that means *EVERYONE* in the game must actually say 'ok') that you can leave.
3. Follow the rules. The rules are ultimately set by the host, and everyone must agree.
-a. Saying 'I didn't agree' is not acceptable, you agreed by proxy when you clicked ready.
-b. Ignorance is also not an excuse, you should have paid attention, and you can always ask for the rules to be repeated.
4. *All* tactics are legal and fair *EXCEPT* the following:
-a. Scout rushing (the act of self destructing scouts in order to damage another player, usually before weapons are avalible)
-b. Guard post rushing (the act of building guard posts in another players base in order to kill them, again, also usually before weapons are avalible)
-c. Killing tubes (the act of using your earthworker to break tubes in the other persons base to hamper or disable them, as with the previous two also usually before weapons are avalible.)
-d. Advanced lab bomb (the act of putting an advanced lab next to another players vital structures and damaging it so it will explode spontaneously or when the offending player leaves.)
5. Do not break the connection between other players. This includes blocking people on hamachi, shutting off/unpluging your internet or changing your firewall's settings.
6. Do not drop people until *at least* 90 seconds have passed, possibly more, especially with the introduction of hamachi, since hamachi can loose its connection and reconnect and op2 will be fine (can take up to 10 minutes). Its a good idea to talk about the situation in IRC when someone is disconnected.
7. Don't backstab your ally. This doesn't really need an explanation, and its pretty sad it has to be here.
8. Once you have beaten someone do not let them linger. Kill them and end the game, waiting is humiliating to the looser and shows arrogance and general bad sportsmanship. ex: Waiting for a starflare tiger to move from your base to theirs is *not* acceptable.
9. Don't do that completely gay thing we just figured out how to do, its not nice.

EDIT: adding stuff