Chapter 2: Section: Terror of the Planet:
Ragnar awoke in a half lit room; he seemed to be lying on a small one-person bed. Then clouds outside shifted and let more light in. It was then that he could tell that he was in one of the colony’s many medical centers due to the equipment in the room. He also noticed that the only thing lighting up the room was coming from the large observation window in the room. He got up and began to move towards the door; however, just as he reached the door he heard a roar. Ragnar swung open the door and ran for the airlock, just as he reached the internal door to the airlock he was touched by a hand. Ragnar swung around to find that it was Mark, Ragnar sighed with a small amount of relief but he knew they had to get out of there. He pressed the open button and the door to the inside of the airlock began to open, but as the door opened Ragnar saw one of the animals inside and slapped Mark (who was turned around) on the back. Mark spun around, saw the animal, and fired several pistol rounds at it. The animal began to charge them but was met by a blast from Mark’s shotgun that he had had on his back. They stepped inside and put their Hostile Environment Protection Suits on, and then they opened and stepped out of the outside door of the airlock. Once outside Ragnar could see that the tubes leading to the Command Center were destroyed. However he also saw something that caused him to shudder and feel despair… the Command Center was totally vaporized! Just then Mark saw a Convec nearby them; they ran towards it and got inside. Ragnar began to drive in the direction of the garage when he saw a familiar figure… It was Petroskey! Petroskey had apparently managed to get outside and out in the open where he could easily be seen. Ragnar drove over and let Petroskey get in the Convec and then continued to drive towards the garage. As the vehicle rolled into the garage Ragnar could see signs of gun fire and plenty of blood and bodily remains. Just as the Convec pulled into one of the repair pads Ragnar saw something move and after it moved out of the shadows some more he noticed that it was one of the workers, however the worker appeared to have orange colored saliva on his chin which Ragnar knew wasn’t normal. Ragnar, Mark, and Petroskey got out of the vehicle and began to move towards one of the scouts in the docking bay however Mark noticed that the strange worker was following them and spun around. Just then a guard ran out of the corridor connecting the garage and into the repair bay. When the guard entered he fired at the worker repeatedly; what appeared to be the skin of the worker just fell away and revealed a strange creature that appeared to have an exoskeleton like body armor. By now the guard was firing at point blank range and the creature just spun around; grabbed the guard and had a tube like object come out of its mouth and go into the guards. The guard dropped his weapon and seemed to be paralyzed. Mark didn’t watch anymore and leapt into the scout which Ragnar and Petroskey were already in. Ragnar then hit the accelerator and gripped the steering wheel as the scout jerked forward, he drove with so much fright that he ran over the guard and the creature in the middle of the bay and nearly missed the exit of the garage. As soon as the scout exited the garage completely Ragnar began to drive it towards the only maximum security base on the planet, Colony 5.
Chapter 2: Section: Valley of Terrors:
It was about eleven hours since they had left the garage of the colony and the time was beginning to take its toll on Ragnar.
Ragnar: “Ok guys we are approximately one hundred and thirty two miles from Colony Four so is it ok if I take a rest and let this scouts engines cool down?”
Ragnar’s question did not get a reply and so he turned around and found both Mark and Petroskey sleeping on the floor of the scout. Rather than wake either one of them up Ragnar just reclined the chair that he was sitting in and fell asleep. Ragnar awoke about seven hours latter to find himself on the floor and Mark driving the scout. As he began to sit up the scout hit an abnormally large bump which sent Ragnar and Petroskey flying through the air. Petroskey was lucky enough to hit a spare sleeping bag that was secured to the roof however Raganar had a close encounter of the fourth kind with the ceiling and was instantly knocked out. Only about five minutes later Ragnar awoke again only this time he woke up because of a very large empty bag of cheesy puffs had landed on his face. Ragnar quickly removed the bag from his face and sat up. He then began to crawl towards the front of the scout where he would be able to see outside. When he got there he climbed into the copilots seat (the seat where a person would sit to watch the sensory equipment) and fastened his seat belt. After he had secured himself in the chair he looked up to see that they were currently in a large valley, however as he continued to look outside he noticed a small black object sitting on some rocks. He quickly told Mark to stop the scout. As soon as the scout stopped a strange field that glowed blue formed around the object, almost two seconds after this happened the object flew towards the scout. Suddenly the scout shook and Ragnar spun his seat around to see the object was in fact one of the small leech-like creatures. Ragnar’s eye’s opened wide with fear as the creature floated towards him, suddenly it stopped about two inches from his face and suddenly it backed up slightly and then flew through the side of the scout and in the direction of Colony 5. Ragnar’s only thought was “Bastard!”
Ragnar turned his seat and told Mark to continue driving but suddenly the scouts sensors lit up like Christmas and the intercom said “Enemy sighted!!!” Ragnar spun around to face the sensors and saw twenty three blips moving rapidly towards the scout in all directions. Ragnar looked outside to see several large dog-like creatures (similar to the one at the residence in Chapter 1: Section: The lost colony

headed towards them. Just then Mark hit the accelerator and the scout moved forward running over several of the creatures and causing the three people inside to hear loud crunching sounds.
Chapter 2: Section: Deception:
It had been ten days since the incident in valley and there hadn’t been another encounter with the dog creatures and the scout was now approaching a ridge overlooking Colony Five.
Mark: “Ok boys we’ll be within visual range of Colony Five in about two minutes here so….”
Petroskey: “You are assuming that the Colony wasn’t invaded by those things and self-destructed.
Mark: “Right… Like they’d be able to get into a base that is surrounded by those new E.F.P weapons.”
Ragnar: “What the heck are you talking about (pauses a moment) E.F.P’s?”
Mark: “Those electron flux pulse weapons man!”
A few seconds later the scout halts at the top of the downward slope of a ridge and suddenly a transmission rings over the radio.”
Unknown: “Incoming!!!”
Unknown II: “It’s a scout you twit!”
Unknown: “No pretty fireworks then?”
Mark activates the scouts radio transmitter.
Mark: “This is Sergeant Mark E’ Cathaberry (at this point Ragnar’s right eye squints and his left eye opens wide) to base control, request permission to enter the base perimeter.”
Unknown: “This Corporal Allen S’ Harrison you have permission to enter via gate number three.”
Suddenly Ragnar climbs up to the radio panel.
Ragnar: “Harrison… This is Commander Ragnar, have there been any reports of a strange glowing object in the area?”
Harrison: “Well…There have been some strange events going on here, I can’t exactly explain it in words.”
Several minutes later the scout pulls into a garage and Ragnar, Mark, and Petroskey exit the vehicle.
Mechanic: “Man… Where have you guys been? Inside a SPEW tank or something?”
Petroskey: “No we were stuck in a scout with Mark for ten days.”
Mark: “What are you implying?”
Petroskey: “I’m implying that you have beans to often.”
Ragnar: “No wonder it felt so hot in there.”
The mechanic laughs as the others enter the tubes and head for the Advanced Lab.
When all three of them reach the advanced lab they find Corporal Harrison and Major Berry L’ Johnson standing in the center of the main lobby along with a blond female sitting in a corner with two guards standing beside her. Ragnar notices that one guard has a .72 caliber rifle in his hands while the other is holding an automatic grenade launcher.
Ragnar: “Planning for a party are we Major?”
Berry: “You have no idea”
Ragnar: “What?”
Berry: “She was escorted through the tubes by a lynx, that’s how shaky the situation is.”
Ragnar: “What? Ok, what the heck is going on here?”
Harrison: “Dude that woman came from the cloning facility in the Nursury!”
Ragnar: “So?”
Harrison: “You asked about the glowing entity?”
Ragnar: “Cut to it soldier!”
Ragnar’s jaw drops open and Mark eyes bulge open.
Petroskey: “Would mind explaining how that could be?”
Harrison: “That blasted glowing entity thingy entered a residence, then entered a scientists body exited, headed into the nursery, entered and took control of a technician, activated a cloning tank, exited the technician, and entered the cloning tank.”
Petroskey: “Explain… slowly please.”
Harrison: “Alright… The dang thing was detected heading towards the south residential district of the colony and before we could get a lock on it the dang thing disappeared into one of the residences.”
Petroskey: “Continue.”
Harrison: “Apparently the blasted thing can sense people via their neural activity so it was naturally attracted to the person that was most mentally active at the time… Apparently it infected one of the scientists that was working on our worm drive systems, it must have scanned her genetic coding somehow and used that as a template for the clone.”
Petroskey: “Was anyone hurt?”
Harrison: “Yes, the blasted clone was… for awhile.”
Ragnar: (regaining his senses) “What do you mean for awhile?”
Harrison: “It’s the mutation… the dang thing has increased strength, speed, and regenerative abilities.”
Ragnar: “How?”
Harrison: “The entity is capable of creating far more powerful neuron commands than the average human so basically it has the capability to make the persons muscles act like they’ve stuck their hand in a light socket. As for the regenerative capability… it appears to be able to increase the rate of cellular regeneration, not sure how though.”
Petroskey: “How strong are we talking?”
Harrison: “We aren’t sure.. The biggest demonstration we’ve seen is when a guard flew about twenty feet through the air.”
Petroskey: “Are you drunk?”
Harrison: “No and DON’T ASK FOR AN EXAMPLE!”
Petroskey: “Why?”
Harrison: “Because the walls are the only thing keeping air inside of here.”
Ragnar: “If she is really that strong why are your guards standing right beside her?”
Berry: “Because the entity is quite passive… (glares at Harrison) unless you shoot it.”
Ragnar: “Who shot it?”
Harrison: “I did… That’s also why Lawrence is in the Medical Center.”
Berry: “Twit!!!”
Harrison begins to run as Mark charges at him.
Ragnar: (breaking into a fury): “Cut it the heck out right now!”
Mark draws his pistol and fires, narrowly missing Harrison but not another certain somebody.