Author Topic: Old Story Line Idea  (Read 1706 times)

Offline Combine Crusier

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Old Story Line Idea
« on: March 14, 2007, 12:00:49 PM »
Classified: Ultra Blue Security

Several years ago I had been jotting ideas for Outpost 3, and I had this idea for a story line in the game.....

1.As it turns out the computer of the Conestoga had made a mistake. As it turns out, in the final momments before impact Earths Nations launched two more nuclear missiles which destroyed the asteroid fragments but in the prosses they created an EMP which temporarily disabled their communications. After the Conestoga had left the system Earth's communications came back online and a second starship project was under taken. Shortly after the Blight had caused the destruction of Plymouth's 2nd colony the starship Columbia was completed around Earth and was launched following the gas trail that the Conestoga left behind. When it reached New Terra it found that it was not habitable by humans. It docked with a orbiting stardock and refueled, after this it continued on by following an Ion Trail left by the Conestoga II and III (Plymouth's and Eden's). While the second starship to leave (Eden's) was only partially completed it contained an evil that by some was worse than the blight.... Van Doizer's gene bank.

2.Shortly after entering orbit some of the landing craft and 50 colonists left the ship on a unauthorized course. The people that left were the reminents of the Masters, who shortly after landing cloned Van Doizer and begun the second Clone - Human War.

3.Then Eden, the weaker of the two fractions at this momment is under the sights of the Masters. With Humanity in the balance a sudden shift takes place when the Columbia starship enters orbit and makes contact with Plymouth. This shift's Van Doizers views to Plymouth. And shortly after the Columbians land in Plymouth a battle takes place between Plymouth and the Master's. The Master's lose, but this will not be the last battle.

4.When the Master's launch an all out attack on Plymouth, Eden attacks the Master's home base while at the battle Columbian tanks flank the Master's forces. This is when Van Doziers plan to kill Plymouth ,Columbia ,Eden and Earth fades into shadows. However in a last act she tries to launch a group of 8 SULV's that contain fusion warheads at the Columbian starship, this is forted when the starship Columbia shows it's hand when it turns broadside and opens fire with a microwave-laser hybrid cannon (originally designed to shoot down meteors). Finally Van Doizer and the Master's are destroyed with their mission failed.

5.This is not the end however as the planet must be evacuated as a giant caldera is expected to blow in 4 months (according to geological survey's, it was 4 years when they first landed)(They found that it occurs every 20,000 years), this explosion will be 8 times larger than that of the ancient Krakatoa explosion on Earth. This will cause ash to cover the planet's atmosphere and will prevent plants from getting sunlight, also the electrical activity will cause a planet wide electrical storm witch will cause constant damage to everything on the ground and would destroy any SULV's attempting to get into orbit and on top of that chuncks of rock could be sent into space and stand the chance of destorying the orbiting objects.

I'm not ordering you to put this in it's just I haven't seen a story line and I thought you might be able to use this or parts of it.

edit: to make color appear
« Last Edit: March 14, 2007, 01:52:56 PM by zanco »
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Offline zanco

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Old Story Line Idea
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2007, 02:08:49 PM »
Thanks for the "sea of ideas."

It seems to me that you have lots and lots of idea. This is a good thing, but you really need to get them organize and be consistent with either the OP2 story or the to-be-published OP3 storyline.

1.As it turns out the computer of the Conestoga had made a mistake. As it turns out, in the final moments before impact Earths Nations launched

Looking at it from a creativity perspective, this is great! You are displaying a lot imagination, but  I think it wouldn't be consistent with the OP2 story. If you just look at the intro movie of Outpost2, just the first 5 seconds, you will clearly see the asteroids colliding with the Earth.

The other propositions are, again, a nice product of creativity but they seem to be a little "far-fetched".  We will probably need your imagination for filling in details in the story line.

Thank you for posting.
if anyone finds and communicate to us that which thus far has eluded our efforts, great will be our gratitude.
          Jakob Bernouilli

"Zanco`, n00b o' The Flares"