Author Topic: I Think It Fits Here.  (Read 10786 times)

Offline Freeza-CII

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I Think It Fits Here.
« on: January 22, 2007, 06:29:45 PM »
Ok after a while of thinking I have come to the decision to leave opu.  But before I go I just want to say a few things for every one to see and read And i warn you it may not be nice.

First of all OP3.  Folks its not going to happen but then you all already know that.  EXCEPT for the fools in the Genesis threads trying to make OP3 into C&C.  You all think your being original but your not you want to rehash crap from other games because I LOVED THAT GAME or IT WAS COOL IN THAT GAME.  Well if you love it go play that f***ing game and let Genesis be some thing different not a amalgum of your festering love dump for other games.

Also We have Stormy zanco th300 tramis and gamersCD working on genesis.  there always hiding important info from people because of unwarnanted paranoia.  There excuse (which they ALWAYS seem to have one) is that,

1. Leeors computer is down and fryed
2. Th300 is going to uni
3. Stormy himself is busy with school.
And gamerscd and tramis are most likely having there hand held by stomy so they can use that s*** fest blender.  And now Here are my thoughts on this.

 1. I think leeor gave up because its been like 2 months since his computer fryed how long would it take you to have a working computer?
2. Th300 is going to a uni i dont know how busy that is.
3. Stormy your a f***ing freshman i believe there is no way in hell you have a workload that heavy that it keeps you from doing some of the stuff you need to do on the forums.
4. Almost every one involved with genesis development is hiding or never shows up on irc.
5. Leeor PEOPLE TALK BEHIND YOUR BACK NO MATTER WHAT.  Running away from irc because people were being considerate and not trying to piss you off is just BS.
6.  Stormy work on your modeling.  I cranked s*** out in milk shape that owned you.
 Fernisuls Game ( I wont leave prisoners)  Ya the guy has talent in modeling but I think he is only speaking half truths and has a alterial motive to just make some money.

OP3 TFC I dont think this game will get done either.  It just doesnt have the people.  Its got the talent but not the time or the people.  Now ill direct my attention to some where else.

Levi you suck you came so close to getting gline for life and the site and irc moved to another domain because of your crap that you pull.  Spamming people on IRC to post Spamming people on IM programs.  spamming people on the forums to get on IRC.  Setting up the download links on other sites even tho that brings unwanted attention.  Basicly having the domain and people that would rather talk about canning you is the only thing that kept you in the community.

HACKER your a decent Op you code good you did some good stuff for op2 people should kiss your ass a little.  Have to give hooman some credit he was coding to.

Mez your a quiet one.

Horus You can ass people out with the best.  How ever No one likes you lol i am sure your aware.  That brings me to other people.

Tellaris Starfox Play the f***ing game and have fun for f*** sake after each game you two bicker worse then old ladies.

Arklon your a f***ing spoiled brat grow the f*** up.  Horus was doing a good job till you started to spy on him and reported every thing he did to other people to try to prove your BULL s*** theroy that horus is CORRUPT and is Making the other OPS dance like puppets.  You have no f***ing clue noob.

Sirbomber dont listen to arklon he is a noob i think you let him get you fired up a few times but your alright.

MCSHAY Keep up the excellent work just dont do any thing for arklon any more because you know he is going to bug you to make it so he can win with ease.  Make maps that every one will enjoy. and AUTOTRUCKS hehehe.

Moogle is still a noob.

Edencommander is to young.

Ninjablade or what ever alias he is using is a Crack pot.  There isnt any investigation in to OPU if there was Lawyers would have been in contact with the hosting you moron.  They would have seen that we were moding and handing out a licenced game almost instantly.  So your a noob to for your crack pot Investigation.  There is some thing wrong with you and you need to get help. Oh ya i know your not 41 unless your mentally f***ed.

There are alot of you out there and most of you think that the admin work for you not true the admins work for opu your just a f***ing guess and maybe there would be less crap if you all would stop doing dick things.  Like calling attention to grammar and spelling that makes you a dick.  Telling the admins what to do and how to do it.  Trying to say that you want democracy type admins where the community has a say.  You do have a say just try to make it sound like your not tell some one how to do there job.  But as for admining ITS A f***ING DICTATOR SHIP.  This is the internet not a f***ing country.  The admins dont explain themselfs or have to warn you about any thing. DONT ASK THEM TO.  You people should have enough maturity to know what is wrong or right.  Some god damn common sence wouldnt hurt you people either.

I wont say its been a blast because of all the recent crap it hasnt.

Hacker ill leave the bot comp up so you can remove the bot.

Edit:  Ive spaced out all of Freeza's comments to make it more readable, I have not changed any of Freeza's coments.  Mez
« Last Edit: January 23, 2007, 03:36:02 PM by Mez »

Offline White Claw

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« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2007, 07:36:35 PM »
Geeze dude. I'm sorry you're leaving. If it makes you feel any better, I'd be willing to start working on another gaming project that is RTS in nature but open-ended so you have somewhere to vent your creative juices.

Yeah, I suppose people are going to suggest things that are in other games. You can blast me all you want because I know I've suggested things from other games. It's not a matter of making OP3 (or whatever) like C&C. It's more of "This was cool. What about it?" You don't have to go off high order every time someone suggests a new satellite.

And if we're going to crap on ideas because they're not OPish, then we really need to put up in the forums that "OP3 is going to be exactly like OP2, only in 3D". So people won't come up with new suggestions.

The bottom line with all of that is that new people join and post similar suggestions. There is no list of "Ideas not being implimented." or "Ideas were going to consider." I cited this the day I joined.

You go and call everyone a dick or whatever, but you blast noobs too. Nobody is perfect and we've all done crappy work. It's just a matter of cooling off and coming back with ideas. Not finger pointing. Leave if you want, but you can do it gracefully instead of flaming everyone for flaming eachother.

(Yeah, I know. I can go f*** myself.) See ya...

Offline Tellaris

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« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2007, 07:42:54 PM »
Hey, I think I got off pretty good!
Though really freeza, this probobly isn't such a bad thing.   It never hurts to step away from IRC occasionally (Why sometimes I ignore it completely, even though I am present).   I hope it provides you a cool down period, and I hope to see you back some day.   I hate to see ya go.   Though white claw does have a bit of a point, despite it being something flamey back.
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Offline zanco

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« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2007, 01:24:22 AM »
I understand that from time to time things can happen and these things can make people mad, but is it a good reason to blame an entire community?

I mean Freeza-CII, not that I am your conscious or anything, your behavior surprises me. People are different, people do stuff different, people piss other people off, but can you change that? No you can't! this how they are, this is what makes the world. OP2 just happens to have these  kind of people inside of it. Is it a valuable reason to blame an entire community? No.
Even you tried to be fair by praising other work, but who are you to do so? OP2 Judge? I don't think. You are behaving as "bastardly" as ZigZagJoe in his bastard days.

I just picked up a line in your post. You said that fewer and fewer games were played. Do you know why this happens? Well, it is because "older" members don't play the game! Let me take an example, You, DM-Horus, Levi, etc... well, if you want games to be played, play them first, don't expect other people to do so for you. When I want some actions, I call people to play, almost everyone knows the StarFlareMaster. And even I get PWNED 95.22% of the time, I do play. I used to play you even when you had dial-up, but now, with your fast connection, I hardly see you play.

And yeah, about 20% of your post was about OP3:Genesis and the members of OP3. You want news? you want the entire story? you want to have access to the work, then fine! you will have (There goes our next newsletter) -- and anyone who wants access can send me an email to . The main reason it is kept this way is not because Leeor computer died or he ran away, it is because we need something to base our work on. And even if it has taken a long time, well, it has. We have other stuff to do!
I am going to take a quick example, take a look at the genesis forum here. How many crazy ideas have you seen? how many unordered ideas do you see? ... a lot right? Even amongst the four us, agreeing upon something is a problem. Just imagine the total chaos if anyone could without a good method add his/her OP3 touch to it. Because we do not want that to happen at the early stage of the project and/or the story, we do it  amongst us first, and then you guys can take it from there. You feel left out? Well, I am sorry about that. And once more, we are not Sony, nor Microsoft, we are just members of OP2, and yes we are slow.

And if people want to make games, let them do so. If they give up in the middle well, that's their problems. Now, it is up to you to be WISE and see what to believe and what not. Even so, is it a fair reason to crush the hope, the desire of people wanted to start a game? Hell NO! We are humans, we live by  hoping! Maybe because you didn't hope strong enough for an op3 game or wished strong enough that none has come yet. I believe there will be a one. Just look at my posts, my very first post referred to building a game together. You think I would have given up on that idea? No.

Leeor PEOPLE TALK BEHIND YOUR BACK NO MATTER WHAT. Running away from irc because people were being considerate and not trying to piss you off is just BS

This is really "wise" for someone who is about to do so.

Horus You can ass people out with the best. How ever No one likes you lol i am sure your aware
That's true, I have told him the very first time I talked to him that I don't like the "tone" of his writing. But now, we seem to be cool

I mean why would you f***ing quite because some people are f***ed up? this is just Immature.

One last thing. If you see me writing all that, me who doesn't usually answer to post but read them, it is because I believe you are a valuable member AND a good friend of mine. We met on OP2, so don't be a childish adult and stay.

Oh yeah, what the devil do you guys have against stormy? is it because he takes time to answer you?

Edit: This is also why I do not want to be an admin, either in the op2 forum or on irc (for op3, you made me, I didn't ask for it). When you make people become admin, they change a lot. DM-Horus stopped whatever he was doing when he got his Op status, Freeza-CII stopped playing and now wants to leave (The same scenario happened with ZigZagJoe) etc... etc...
« Last Edit: January 23, 2007, 01:33:24 AM by zanco »
if anyone finds and communicate to us that which thus far has eluded our efforts, great will be our gratitude.
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Offline CK9

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« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2007, 01:38:45 AM »
uhg!  too long to read...anyone willing to summarise?
CK9 in outpost
Iamck in runescape (yes, I still play...sometimes...)
srentiln in minecraft (I like legos, and I like computer was only a matter of time...) and youtube...
xdarkinsidex on deviantart

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Offline dm-horus

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« Reply #5 on: January 23, 2007, 01:44:27 AM »
Zanco: Youre talking about alot of things you dont understand. Something to remember is that freeza might be ranting about things you havent been let in one. Alot of it has to do with events you werent let in on or just havent heard of or are amongst the admin community. Also, its the continuous trend that matters. If it becomes obvious that theres no hope and things continue on a downward slope can you blame someone for leaving? I agree with alot of what Freeza said.

CK9: Youll just have to read. Freeza's comments /were/ summaries but he just made alot of them.

Offline Leviathan

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« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2007, 07:16:00 AM »
Freeza you are a harsh man tongue.gif The genesis people are doing great work and anyone who is willing to do work for the community should never be told that they are worthless.

Thx for a amusing read.

But I have to say I did regret you being a admin as you have never done much work.

As for my spamming, you clearly don't like it. But I just want the community to grow and ill do whatever it takes for that to happen. I'm sure you can at least see where I'm coming from and why I do it.

Sorry to see you leave. Always sorry to lose members.

I hope we can sort out any problems people feel we have and continue to improve the community.

Extinction is not an option :D

Offline Savant 231-A

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« Reply #7 on: January 23, 2007, 07:45:23 AM »
lol - what else to say?
No really, Freeza has a point and he said it. YES, there is corruption here
YES, flaming is present here all the time
But what is the point, you guys are now begging and begging Freeza not to leave
This is the internet not a f***ing country
Hell yeah
Everybody has free will, to come or leave, like Freeza, he can stay or leave OPU.

Yeah it's true. Some people are s***, they think they are smart and they do more than everyone, While others work their a** out, and no one notices them?! Hell

Like calling attention to grammar and spelling that makes you a dick.
Hell Yeah, and not to forget about some acronyms that you must know or else you are a  di**.
Gordon Freeman, and mr. Crowbar would own Master Chief in any part of the day.
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Offline dm-horus

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« Reply #8 on: January 23, 2007, 12:47:24 PM »
Savant, you are so far out of the loop you shouldnt even be commenting on this subject. Youve added nothing to this discussion.

Offline Leviathan

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« Reply #9 on: January 23, 2007, 03:24:26 PM »
Everyone is entitled post.

Offline Mez

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« Reply #10 on: January 23, 2007, 03:30:55 PM »
As a comment to the non admin's of the OPU comunity, and to stop anymore of Savant like comments.

If you notice, most of the comments were directed to individuals.  Some or all of which you won't have heard or know about as they were  admin/private conversations.

Don't judge what Frezza has said by what you have seen on IRC and on the forums, but feel free to leave a comment.

Theres no need to start a flamewar over one persons opinions or what he/she saw/heard.

Offline Sl0vi

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« Reply #11 on: January 23, 2007, 03:32:28 PM »
hmm... having a hard time deciding how much of Freeza's post is complete bulls***. Somewhere between 60% to 80%

Why are you so p***ed off about what the OP3 team is doing? What the hell is the point in flaming them? They may be a bit secretive, and not everything they come out with is fantastic. But atleast they have the guts to undertake such a project! And I point out again, IT IS THEIR PROJECT, if they keep it secretive or make it open to the community is their decision. If it's the OP2 sequel of your dreams or not is up to them! ffs, how about you stop whining and start your own project?

Fenrisul doesn't deserve more flaming either, try backing up your claims with something that has even a little hint of truth! He got f***ing banned because an admin decided to hate him and wanted him removed. Leave the guy alone ffs!

As for democracy, the community in it's current form was founded on the promise that the community would be in charge! And as long as this place is stuck with dictator admins like you, it is going to be crap and go further down that downwards slope horus keeps talking about. I meant it when I said we might aswell go back to xfir! Because it is no better with you guys running the show.

Levi spams, that's no secret. Atleast he cares!

I have to agree with you on one point tho, hacker deserves some ass kissing!

Anyway, despite the fact that I disagree with you almost completely, I'm still sorry to see you leave. Altho I do consider this a cowardly way of leaving, just throw a grenade and run away...

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« Reply #12 on: January 23, 2007, 03:41:35 PM »
hmm... having a hard time deciding how much of Freeza's post is complete bulls***. Somewhere between 60% to 80%
100% (near enough) completly true in my opinion (as in not bulls*** at all)
« Last Edit: January 23, 2007, 03:42:05 PM by Mez »

Offline dm-horus

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« Reply #13 on: January 23, 2007, 06:27:59 PM »
Yeah I dunno what Sl0vi is trying to do because he knows nothing about anything Freeza discussed. Again, most of you are completely out of the loop. Trying to judge his comments based on what someone else told you or what you know nothing about is pointless.

Sl0vi, I can see you tried to talk about something you know a little bit about - Fenrisul - but even that is skewed. The fact is, all the admins decided fenris should be banned. Hacker let me ban him because I was a new admin and hadnt done a ban before and thought learning the process would be useful. Later, he claimed he knew nothing about the ban and let me take the blame from the hordes of ignorant fanboys which is exactly why freeza brought it up. Its got less to do with fenris and more to do with half-truths and apathy on the part of the other admins. So there, its done lets put it to rest and get back to the overall issues Freeza is discussing:


Offline BlackBox

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« Reply #14 on: January 23, 2007, 07:05:07 PM »
Well, I think it's wrong to claim that I'm responsible for allowing a ban to occur. A few of us (myself, Lev, Freeza, and Horus) discussed this and Horus gave us some logs. At the time the general concensus was that there was a pretty compelling reason for it. I will say I was originally for the ban.
After we looked over all of the logs (we did not have all of the logs at the time of the ban) we decided to unban him because it seemed less like a community wide issue and more like a personal issue between Horus and Fenrisul. After seeing all the logs I decided to change my opinion, as did some of the others and the majority of the mods/admins decided to unban him.

In any case it doesnt really matter that much, Fenrisul isn't banned, and the Fenrisul blunder has little to do with the matter at hand.

I can agree with some of what Freeza says. Specifically the things regarding people fighting in IRC over the outcome of an OP2 game, its just a game after all. Have fun, don't need to bicker over the outcome. I agree with the grammar thing as well -- who cares if someone is using poor grammar? As long as you can understand what they're trying to say, there should be no problem. If you can't understand, kindly ask for clarification. Remember that some people don't speak English as their primary language.

As far as the comments on OP3 and such are concerned I am kinda surprised that Freeza came out and said that. I think there are more than a few people who were offended by those comments. Sure, I'm not expecting Genesis to be released any time soon because of the various difficulties and the fact that the different people involved are busy, but (personally) I don't think it's appropriate to state your opinion that way.

I think it's important to be honest and frank about your opinion but you should avoid offending people.

Anyways, farewell Freeza-CII. Good luck to you.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2007, 07:07:22 PM by op2hacker »

Offline White Claw

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« Reply #15 on: January 23, 2007, 07:12:47 PM »
Short and sweet:
Dear God. This seems to happen about every three months.

As I said last time. Everyone needs to realize that this is written word. Most of the time, the writing doesn't actually convey what the person meant.

Anyhow, yeah, my post was probably flamey. Why? For what I just mentioned above. That's how it get's read wether I ment it or not.

Please, everyone. Stop pointing fingers! Stop crapping on everyone. As a software engineer, I completely back the OP3 design process, though I do wish we were privy to more information (but not necessarily allowed direct input). You do need to keep a reign on that stuff until it's time.

Until it's time, let dudes post their anti-matter reactors and uber-atomic artillery. It's by fostering ideas that they are created. Brainstorming is exactly that, filtering comes later. Who want's to post when all they ever hear "Man, that's dumb. It has no place in the Outpost universe." or "It'll get spammed to high hell."

Let Freeza take his break from the forums. He just needed to vent. When he's ready, I hope he comes back.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2007, 07:15:15 PM by White Claw »

Offline BlackBox

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« Reply #16 on: January 23, 2007, 07:24:26 PM »
Agreed. Venting is alright, but inevitably people are going to get upset.

Emotion / inflection is pretty difficult to convey in an internet posting. Thus it's hard to tell how serious the speaker is.

I do know Freeza has been struggling with the idea of leaving for a little while. I can understand where a lot of his frustration comes from, hopefully he will come back after he's had a break from OPU in general.

Offline dm-horus

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« Reply #17 on: January 23, 2007, 07:50:30 PM »
I dont think alot of people fully appreciate what being an admin means. Its not just having ~ and its not just idling in the chan. imo even levi has been slacking out of most of his admin responsibilities and lacks a real appreciation for what we do. I cant even tell you the number of fires we have to put out everyday, we have to make sure we are all in consensus and that we arent stepping on anyones toes, let alone the actual work required to take care of those situations, then we have to worry about what "people might think" even those who have no reason to care. I know it is the goal of most of the admins to remove the totally pointless politics from the equation to make our jobs easier. Not having our decisions constantly questioned or having to explain ourselves to people who have been misinformed or jump to conclusions would make things much simpler, but it seems that will never happen and is infact getting worse over time. Some of the admins are getting even more lax by letting people get away with more because it simply takes too much to keep up on them. Freeza gets alot of his negative feelings from that, im sure.

Offline Leviathan

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« Reply #18 on: January 24, 2007, 03:57:58 AM »
imo even levi has been slacking out of most of his admin responsibilities
I somewhat agree, but when I'm on IRC I always help newbies to get setup etc but that should be expected of all members! And I though most stuff happened in admin forum anyway. Anyway Im happy to step down as I'm inactive. But if you don't tell me there is a problem I wont know so thanks for bringing it up.

I defo agree with hacker. We all know that genesis wont be completed for some time. Does that make it any less great that its being worked on? No and the same for any project. We would not be much with out people working on projects and helping out.

Offline Savant 231-A

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« Reply #19 on: January 24, 2007, 08:24:33 AM »
Savant, you are so far out of the loop you shouldnt even be commenting on this subject. Youve added nothing to this discussion.
Thank you, but this is not about me.


If that is gonna make you happy, please feel free to delete my posts in this thread.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2007, 12:55:24 PM by Savant 231-A »
Gordon Freeman, and mr. Crowbar would own Master Chief in any part of the day.
"Come here citizen."

"From the ashes of the collapse we seek to build a better world for all."

Offline Sl0vi

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« Reply #20 on: January 24, 2007, 12:10:22 PM »
Yeah I dunno what Sl0vi is trying to do because he knows nothing about anything Freeza discussed. Again, most of you are completely out of the loop. Trying to judge his comments based on what someone else told you or what you know nothing about is pointless.

Sl0vi, I can see you tried to talk about something you know a little bit about - Fenrisul - but even that is skewed. The fact is, all the admins decided fenris should be banned. Hacker let me ban him because I was a new admin and hadnt done a ban before and thought learning the process would be useful. Later, he claimed he knew nothing about the ban and let me take the blame from the hordes of ignorant fanboys which is exactly why freeza brought it up. Its got less to do with fenris and more to do with half-truths and apathy on the part of the other admins. So there, its done lets put it to rest and get back to the overall issues Freeza is discussing:

and how do you know that I don't know anything??? I didn't comment one single thing I don't know anything about. I do know one thing, the decline doesn't come from everything freeza mentioned it comes from something completely different. All the things he mentioned are only the consequences.

I've been present at several of these events, they are not hear say. Don't claim I don't know nothing about them, your just full of bs and you know it. And yeah, blame hacker for what happened, you just keep sinking lower.

Offline dm-horus

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« Reply #21 on: January 24, 2007, 03:37:26 PM »

« Last Edit: January 24, 2007, 04:28:20 PM by dm-horus »

Offline CK9

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« Reply #22 on: January 24, 2007, 03:59:12 PM »
what?  You mean how it got what little is left of the community to start posting more and how it got some people pissed?
CK9 in outpost
Iamck in runescape (yes, I still play...sometimes...)
srentiln in minecraft (I like legos, and I like computer was only a matter of time...) and youtube...
xdarkinsidex on deviantart

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« Reply #23 on: January 25, 2007, 04:55:06 PM »
Zanco: Youre talking about alot of things you dont understand. Something to remember is that freeza might be ranting about things you havent been let in one. Alot of it has to do with events you werent let in on or just havent heard of or are amongst the admin community. Also, its the continuous trend that matters. If it becomes obvious that theres no hope and things continue on a downward slope can you blame someone for leaving? I agree with alot of what Freeza said.

CK9: Youll just have to read. Freeza's comments /were/ summaries but he just made alot of them.
(Thanks hacker, i think people should be able to vent to. Oh look, Horus is venting about everything. But we can't? He adds to the discussion but sl0vi isn't allowed to. Yeah, right. )

Horus, who do you think you are? I've been here longer than you have; zanco definatly has. What do you mean we dont understand? Seems like all you do is pick fights or point out every single "fault" (what you Perceive as a fault.)

And what the heck is this!? = "Again, most of you are completely out of the loop." Since when did you know everything? Yah ok ppl are immature, but dont be immature just because they are. Take your own advice. Yeah and just because you have admin status in the forums doesn't make me respect any kind of authority from you.

" imo even levi has been slacking out of most of his admin responsibilities and lacks a real appreciation for what we do."

wtf! Lev is the one that has kept this community together for this long. YOUR the one that seems to have a lack of appreciation for what ppl are actually accomplishing.

You must have "lack of character" or something. You keep steaming about stuff and point made, some stuff MAY be true. But why go on and on about it? Stop trying to control things that you don't have control over. Why do you attack ppl about not having results? do you have something to prove? Have some mercy and grace for a change. Get over it man. Why do you let what other people do control you so much?

To Freeza: I'm gonna miss you man.  
« Last Edit: January 25, 2007, 04:56:27 PM by instigator »

Offline Tellaris

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« Reply #24 on: January 28, 2007, 12:16:40 PM »
Yea, thats something I think most can agree with...   Gonna miss Freeza.
And just when I found a use for the M6 Cruiser too...   An apparently useless ship (needs more sheilds)

Of course, I'm sure most here are at least somewhat aware of whats going on...   Things get leaked, DM-Horus, and its not from a single source.
There was some more I was gonna add, but I forgot.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2007, 12:18:07 PM by Baikon »
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