Author Topic: Some Concerns  (Read 13433 times)

Offline Freeza-CII

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« Reply #25 on: October 14, 2006, 12:54:32 PM »
Slovi no When i post about a idea i think it bad i am there as a normal poster if people cant see that then to god damn bad.  If i dont like it then ill say it.  I am pretty god damn sure horus is the same way.  the fact that we are global mods makes no difference to us and we are not using that as leverage to killing off ideas.  CK9 and Betaray are also mods so what about them or did you over look that fact and go strait for the people that do s*** for just IRC.  Well Betaray and CK9 arent Oped for no damn reason.

Offline dm-horus

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« Reply #26 on: October 14, 2006, 03:41:23 PM »
Sl0vi, youre taking things much too personally. I know things are a bit different at OPU because the global mods are active in the forums and on IRC, but we are not going to censor ourselves just so you can feel safe by thinking we are janitorial robots working in the background. we live and play here too and we have a right to speak our minds. if we think an idea is bad then we say it. if youre unwilling to come to terms with the fact that not everything you come up with is the pure genious you assume it is, maybe you should contemplate whether or not to post it in a public forum to begin with. just because i think an idea sucks and freeza happens to think it sucks as well doesnt mean we are covertly teaming up behind the scenes to shut down poor sl0vi. its just our opinion, and we hold it knowing full well that you can go ahead with your ideas as much as you like. if you notice, we have never said "We are admins and we will prevent this from ever happening you bast." Just because we dont like an idea doesnt mean we will ever prevent it from happening. I can guarantee that nothing freeza or I have ever done was in an effort to prevent one of your ideas becoming reality. You have to be able to take criticism and expecting never to see 100% negative response is naive and foolish. The simple fact is, you dont know everything sl0vi. Just because we do something you dont like doesnt mean it was done specifically for that effect.

And if you look hard enough and read between the lines enough you will always see what you want to see.

Freeza and I are easy targets for you to call "corruption!" on because we are open with our opinions.

And you should realize that none of the global mods have to justify anything. I think at this point, freeza and I are indulging you in this argument.

Offline Sl0vi

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« Reply #27 on: October 16, 2006, 11:44:05 AM »
Freeza, why should I go after Ck9 and Betaray? I'm not arguing with mods just for the sake of arguing with mods. I'm arguing with you and horus because I completely disagree with some of your points of view. Which I have as much right to do, as you have the right to have your points of view.

And I won't go back one step back about that OPU is supposed to be a democracy, because that is what hacker and levi promised. Being a democracy does not mean endless polls, and the admin's not being allowed to do what they have to do. It means that everybody gets their fair say on what ever decisions are made.

horus, ridiculing me does not strengthen your point.

Offline Savant 231-A

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« Reply #28 on: October 16, 2006, 01:33:39 PM »
Hmm, i see just like Hacker told, that alredy conversations are getting better, there is less flaming and insultion! Keep it up everybody!

BUT i noticed something:

When someone invites someone in their channel this usually happens:
A: Welcome to my channel!
B: Did you reg it?
A: Why?
B: Becuse i say it's best do!
A: I won't.
B: ...
*: B: Register #buladadada channel
B: Now it's my turn...
* kicks: B has kicked A (Why didn't you reg this channel? Dumb**)

Outpost2 channel
A is now a @ of channel
B doesn't have a mod

B: Sucker!
A: ...
A: My turn....
*:Kicks: A has kicked B (low life gipsy scum)!
C: I hate B!
*: Bans: C: has banned B (he won't come here anymore)

lol, that is sad.
I think something like that happend alredy.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2006, 01:36:16 PM by Savant 231-A »
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Offline Freeza-CII

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« Reply #29 on: October 16, 2006, 02:19:46 PM »
I dont know what kinda decisions your talking about.  If the server was beening hacked do we have to wait for a bunch of people to agree to do some thing while the server is comprimised?  Or if some one post a completely offtopic  spam fest on a thread do we have to wait for every one to say its alright?

Thing is I dont really care what Levi and Hacker Promised That is the past it didnt happen and you should hold a damn grudge over it because it didnt turn out like you thought it would/should.  I will not talk about Xfir and how all that s*** went down either its done and over with and we dont need to beat a dead horse.

Offline Mez

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« Reply #30 on: October 16, 2006, 02:20:32 PM »
Sorry to be critical

You said you think thats what happend?

or do you actually know thats what happend?

I'm only being picky because you could use you statement as the basis for a whole new argument!

Offline BlackBox

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« Reply #31 on: October 16, 2006, 02:22:59 PM »
Savant: Well, that's what registration of channels is for. If you don't want someone else to register a channel (and take it over), then register it when you create it.

If you don't register your own channel that's basically saying that you don't care if someone attempts to take it over (and indeed, there will be no protection from the server if the channel is not registered).

We won't really do much about this either, it is your responsibility to register the channel if you don't want anyone to be able to take it over. (Registration doesn't entail some complex process like on Quakenet for example, you had to have X users in the channel in order to register it. You can register a channel with no one else in it if you want).

The only time the IRCops are going to step in to "save" someone's channel is if that channel was in use for an extended length of time without being registered. (But even then, we will ask: why was the channel not registered?)


Sl0vi: Personally I'd prefer that more people get involved in the decision making process. However, what do you think is the most efficient / best way for that to happen? (or, in other words, should it be an explicit poll / questionnaire? or should we just post a proposal as a topic and let people respond to it?)

I see no problem with that. I agree that outright "elections," official "ballots," and such would just be slow and get very little done.

And yes, let's keep the accusations/ridicule to a minimum. (referring to the post by horus) It's not getting anything useful done.

By the way, if anyone wants to propose something themselves or otherwise wants a change in some rule, feel free to post about it (that's what the discussion / suggestion forums are for).

Furthermore, perhaps one of them should be renamed? (There's two with very similar names).

Tell us how exactly you want to implement something so that everyone can have their say. (As the current "way" we're doing things probably isn't the greatest, and it definitely doesn't get everyone involved).

Personally I think something like a forum to discuss proposals / ideas is probably good and general enough to get stuff done. We shouldn't get involved in such formalities as elections / "OPU Parliament/Congress" / etc.

Edit: Here's an example that I just posted. Why not start getting more people involved in decisions now?
« Last Edit: October 16, 2006, 02:33:43 PM by op2hacker »

Offline Sl0vi

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« Reply #32 on: October 16, 2006, 04:04:42 PM »
@Freeza, why do you always use the most extreme examples as an argument against any type of democracy. Ask yourself what the mods are suppose to do in those cases.

@hacker, that's exactly what I mean. Allow people to propose and discuss changes without shoving it down their throats that OPU is not a democracy. We don't need a fancy election system, you can easily figure out what people want simply by allowing them to talk about it, we're not that big of a community after all.

To give you a bad example:

The irc server change discussion. The discussion was peaceful and friendly with alot of input about what people wanted, until horus came in and told everyone how they were not suppose to discuss it and that the changes were going to happen whether they liked it or not. Telling people to shut up and that their opinion doesn't matter won't make this community any friendlier, and will discourage people from giving any input.

P.S. the horse is far from dead, there are still people that don't take much part in these forums because of the xfir incident.

Offline Freeza-CII

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« Reply #33 on: October 16, 2006, 04:35:44 PM »
Because the extreme examples are what the admins and/or mods should ultimatly take care of with out input from any one.  Simple thing is another story becuase there isnt as much of a time constraint on them and things could be discussed or at least people told about it.  The Thing i dont like about all the discussion about things that should be done is that the discussions might never stop.  Some people will try to take advantage of this and try to push in on some of the more admin only things.  Like behind the sences forum work or server stuff.