it's not really offtopic, omegaalpha
Thing is, i don't think i can make the AI work if i re-enable those morale and poeple death settings. And its pretty frustrating to have the AI die off by itself if you are getting ready for a full scale attack on its base..
So, a little cheat isn't that bad, but i removed a LOT of "cheats" already: the original Dynamix-ai doesn't "DO" research. Neither does renegades missions 1~4 btw: it just uses a timer setting that will enable the computer player to build certain technologies after a period of time, mimmicing the research.
My new AI does real research, and uses scientist to do it. I still have some "cheats" intact, but my main objective is to have the ai react to circumstances, rather then following the exact same set of rules each time you play the mission. On top of that, it needs to be so adaptive, that it can be inserted into ANY map, without having to specify where to build, or what to build, or where it can expect to be attacked. ALL that information MUST be determined by the ai on its own without me influencing those decisions by hard-coding them into the ai library (cause then it will again not function correctly if you give the ai a new map).
Still, the ai code has a set of rules it has to follow, like what the research order should be, and which events can change this order. Like if you park a couple of lynx in front of the ai, it should make sure it has adequate defenses. If you build a lot of spiders, i think an Eden-ai should react by developing acid cloud tech to defend against them. Stuff like that...
So i need input about those 'events' that changes the way the ai "thinks"
Some basic things i've already put down, like more residences when the residence demand goes over 90. The weight-system makes sure that only the one with the most points gets done first. So if i have residence demand at 110 points, but power is at 130 points, if will build a power plant first. When it's completed, power points will drop to, lets say 60 points... By then the ai would have figured there's a small army coming in, and it sets its lynx-points to 150... so again residences will have to wait....
The most difficult thing is to get it all balanced to something that works. I've decided to make 100 the standard, because of the direct use of residence demand. The pivoting point for power supply will be higher, because i don't want any unpowered buildings, while having a res.demand >100 doesn't really cause much problems. This means, by the time "unused power" reaches 50, the power-points will go up far enough to force the ai to contruct extra power (whichever best kit it has).
Once the ai 'reacts' to the points-setting, the code will reset that value to a lower one, and re-evaluate all the weights. If the points were high in the first place, it may again decide to construct the same type of building/vehicle, or move on to another type.
INPUT !! guys, come on!