Author Topic: Ai Scripting  (Read 7967 times)

Offline BlackBox

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Ai Scripting
« Reply #25 on: March 22, 2006, 06:07:05 PM »
Some other notes I want to make about game limitations:

I was poking thru the code today, and it appears that an AIModDesc (the structure that holds some DLL data like MapName, LevelDesc, etc) places some limits on the length of those strings.

There is a maximum of 16 bytes for both the MapName and the TechtreeName (this includes the null-terminator, so the user shouldn't be allowed to type more than 15 chars)

And then on the LevelDesc, a max of 48 bytes (so 47 chars).

Thus you should put limits to be sure the user can't exceed these..

Offline Eddy-B

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Ai Scripting
« Reply #26 on: March 23, 2006, 05:45:18 AM »
Some other notes I want to make about game limitations:

I was poking thru the code today, and it appears that an AIModDesc (the structure that holds some DLL data like MapName, LevelDesc, etc) places some limits on the length of those strings.

There is a maximum of 16 bytes for both the MapName and the TechtreeName (this includes the null-terminator, so the user shouldn't be allowed to type more than 15 chars)
That doesn't matter much, since Oupost uses 8.3 filennames, so i have to check for 8 characters on name, and 8.3 on mapname
And then on the LevelDesc, a max of 48 bytes (so 47 chars).

Thus you should put limits to be sure the user can't exceed these..
I'll put that into scripter tonight.

I will also update VOLCANO
any more typos - just let me know.

> i'm currently setting up a version database system & website. Logged in users can submit bugs that way
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