Author Topic: Renegades Tips  (Read 2607 times)

Offline Eddy-B

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Renegades Tips
« on: February 20, 2006, 08:32:19 AM »
Spoiler Alert,
if you do not want to know how to do the renegades missions DO NOT read down!

(Just thought i should make this a bit more obvious - Mez)
(If you change something - change it correctly - Eddy)

Since many are asking; i'm posting some tips that i found useful. After all, i'm probably the one who played the most Renegades missions of us all .. i'm pretty sure i played each mission over 50 times.. winning sometimes, but most of the time just playing until a certain point. Plus: i also need to test failure conditions, so i gotten pretty good at failing too :D

Mission 1
Stick to the plan; build up the 2 mines. The one that's closest will also give you the least amount of ore. The center mine has a higher yield. Build one agridome to get food supply growing. To prevent your colonists from dieing too fast you can build a residence: people die at an earlier age if they don't have a place to sleep.
Place GPs in front of your center mine to fight off Eden attacks. Keep your eyes open for Eden night-time attacks. They will go straight for your Tokamak(s) and cc! On hard they will even target your mine(s).

Mission 2
Same problem as with mission 1: fight off Eden attacks. They will be more severe than you had to endure on mission 1, specially the night-time raids. Just try to survive on your little corner of the map; attacking Eden's front door isn't a smart idea. As soon as you've built all the necessary vehicles, The Council will send in the cavalry. At that point start building the kits you need and get your vehicles ready for evacuation.
Once the initial Eden mining in the middle of the map is being attacked by the Council, you can send your troops in to help out. But don't let your own lynx go too far away from your convoy... Eden may still send in some tanks through the backroads to get to your vulnerable trucks & convecs.
Save as many lynx as you can - some will travel to the next mission (not all); it all depends on difficulty level. On easy you are allowed to bring even an earthworker. Same goes for stored food & ore: just bring what's in the objectives list.

Mission 3
This is the most difficult mission of the first 4.
Many people are asking me where the lava will go. Why ask, if you had to face simular problems with the original campaign and colony games ? You couldn't ask their creator...
Anyway: the lava will first spread in the lower area's (eg. the darker, indented lavarock). Once the flow of lava increases, it will go 'over the edge' and start flowing onto the somewhat higher lavarock. Eventually, the whole southeastern sector of the map will become useless.
Step 1: set up a primary base as close to the beacon as possible, but stay on the higher lava-rock. This gives you a little more time to evacuate once the volcano erupts. Your task will be to unload the ore you brought, and construct an agridome a.s.a.p. You have little time for error, so any buildingspot is good, as long it is close to your SF and not on the lower lavarock. Then construct a basic lab to start your research. You should have enough time to research all technologies in the lab. Do NOT build a standard lab here, it's a waste of resources, because it will be destroyed by lava.
The next step is to build a CC & smelter, and move north towards the 2 upper beacons. The area between the 2 beacons will stay clear of lava. It may take you a second go at the mission to find out where you can safely build.
After that you'd probably want to build an SF kit. Use the time & convecs you have left to construct some other vital buildings, like an agridome, residence and std.lab and bring them towards the secondary base site.
Then start construction of a VF, so you can build more units. You can use either mine, but the upper one has a slightly higher yield, and it is worth the extra cost of a miner to use that mine first, before going to the mine within the cracks.

The evac transport should come into play around mark 600~900. It has to be produced first at the Plymouth VF; so if that gets destroyed by one of the Eden attacks, it may take a little longer for the evac to come out. The creation is triggered by the presence of a Plymouth Advanced Lab.
Stick to researching vital technologies at first. You have only a few scientists, so put them to work on getting your defenses up & running. Don't worry about the tech objectives: the Plymouth evac contains a large number of scientists that will help you out during the final phase of this mission. Be aware that your morale might drop significantly once you've transfered the refugees, since your residence demand will go up.

*The refugees are transfered by moving the evac next to one of your residences.

Mission 4   (this mission currently isn't functioning the way it should)
This mission is as easy as it is fast!
This is a night mission: leave your lights off at all time, to avoid detection. Once a single unit turns on its lights you will be detected, and Plymouth will send in all its tanks to destroy your team.
Start your trip along the eastern cliff. Leave 4 or 5 lynx behind in the path of the patrolling, somewhere in the southern area to fight them off one at a time. They should be able to last until you've completed your objectives.
Send your remaining lynx up north towards the VF/Adv. Lab. try to destroy the convec, as it will continue building more GPs.
Send your scouts to the VF/Adv.lab & the university. Also send the evac transport and spider up. Keep them in the dark until they are needed.

Quickly inspect the buildings of interest avoiding detection as much as possible: your few lynx cannot hold off the Plymouth RPG tanks for too long. When you receive the message, destroy the VF immediatly to prevent more tanks being produced. After that continue north to the garages.
By this time you should have found out where the scientists are. Send in the spider to capture the Plymouth Panther, then send all your units back to the exit point, before the reinforcements come in.

Eden will come in during the mission. They can help out by taking out the Plymouth GPs in the northern half of the base.

*There are some bugs in this mission, causing your own tanks to fire on your eden ally. Also if you have more than 8 lynx at startup (they will pop up all over the map), it didn't load correctly. Even though i know this is helping with your mission, it wasn't entended.
I will correct these problems asap, and upload a new setup, as well as a bugfix.

Note: uninstalling Renegades will NOT remove your saved games. However, downloading a bugfix (on a mission DLL) or re-installing a version of renegades that has updated mission DLLs will render those saved games useless
« Last Edit: March 20, 2006, 09:08:25 AM by Eddy-B »
Rule #1:  Eddy is always right
Rule #2: If you think he's wrong, see rule #1

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Offline Vexhare

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Renegades Tips
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2006, 08:17:09 PM »
Oh god thank you.

Offline Starfox00000

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Renegades Tips
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2006, 03:27:16 AM »
I was wondering y I had a whole bunch of lynx inside plymouth and could crush them like a bug lol. Thx Eddy!