I use EMP missles, and some people were getting pissed at me. Thats fine, and I had decided to stop/severely limit my using them. Now, I got the most flack for haveing lots of missles (the most spaceports I have ever had is 6) and EMP-ing "mining colonies" (mines with smelters and cargo trucks, and then ppl would have to reset the cargo trucks.
But recently I had been lurking around the fourms and was reading this thread
http://forum.outpostuniverse.net/index.php?showtopic=2095and found some intresting things like
Quote: OP2hacker "I've had 6 spaceports in some game..." Unquote I've never had more than 6 either.
And Quote: thablkpanda "That's how Starfox plays. Again, i hate to single out one person. But he built 6-8 spaceports on me, and would have launched had it not been for the fact I was getting beat anyway." Unquote I
didn't even launch, but it seems that when McShay beat him with plymouth Quote: thablkpanda "which I recently got owned by as Eden, thinking I'd own some n00b stupid enough to play plymouth against me. (Actually wasn't a n00b, it was McShay- real cool guy, and a true Plymouth master.)" Its totally ok. Not for me though, even as an insurance policy.
And When Mcshay gets lots of space ports and uses them constantly, its also ok Quote: Mcshay "I have played many games where I can run 3-5 spaceports constantly and produce units." and "to frequently have a maxed out tank army and many spaceports at my command. If you had played any game with me a month ago, you would have had to kill me early on, or face that." and "I usualy can staff and easily produce missles for 3-6 spaceports." but It's not for me.
It's not like anyone agreed in any of these games not to use missles or anything, and if its in the game I think its a valid strategy, like Sl0vi Quote: Sl0vi "MP missiles are fine the way they are, and if ppl want to mass-produce them, well mass production is a very valid strategy, so I don't see why a limit should be put on them. However, the blind spot on meteor defences seems like a bug, and I'd say using it is an exploit :/" P.S. I never had any knowledge of the missle defense exploit and think it should be fixed.
And, Are three missles really that much?, alot of people in that thread (to many to cite, or have been cited). Look at this thread
http://forum.outpostuniverse.net/index.php?showtopic=2522In this peticular game I only used 3 missles, and there is no way I had 9 spaceports. Quote: thablkpanda "I'm speaking from experience, case in point when I played Starfox00000 yesterday. He exploited the exact Spaceport trick I mentioned." -what thrick? mass production? like everyone does with units?- "He never EMP'ed my base" and "Using only three missles".
Plus, in an even army thor/acid cloud/emp vs. esg/rpg/emp plymouth will lose, they need something extra, mabey not 4-6 missles, but when your in a high mark game with 4 ppl, and you know that it you attack one of the other 2 ppl will kill you and you at the unit limit what do you do?
That being said, I would be fine with some ground rules for all games (e.x. no more than 1 spaceport per person), increasing the build time/cost, decreasing the effect like a smaller radius mabey, or something. possibly some other rules like in the multiplayer guideline thread. In fact I support it because it would end this.
Again, I understand that people didn't like lots of missles (really, I don't want to be another moogle, I really dont want that to happen.) But like I said earlier, Is three missles really that much (Missles, not Spaceports)
Indeed I started playing eden, (the last 3 games I played I was eden). But when I saw this thread, it seems like a whole bunch of people did/do this and have no reprocussions (like getting a rep. for being cheap). Only me.
I'm really sorry but I don't think I've been unreasonable, I would support ground rules for all games or something... I didn't even really care until I read that other thread
Again, I'm really sorry for the long post and the new thread, I just think I have a right to be upset.

edit: thats not why I haven't been on IRC lately, just my laptop HD died and Im on my super old comp, waiting for the warrenty replacement.