Another one of these. Let me just make this short.
Nerf the missles, then also nerf the thors!
and while we are at it lets nerf ESGs and Stickyfoam as the honestly give plymouth the advantage in the absence of thor's hammer.
in fact, why quit there, lets give the two sides the same tech trees but keep their buildings different looking.
but wait someone might hide a lynx behind the eden university! oh god forbid you can't see half of a lynx!
better make the sides identical and nerf any attacking units beyond a basic laser-lynx.
- as you can see, nerfing something just doesn't work the way you'd like it. you have to keep doing it and doing it till you end up with a more and more generic faction make up on each side.
thor's and EMPs both have their weaknesses.
thor's are expensive
as are EMPs
EMPs cannot cause damage, but can hit anywhere on the map.
thor's can do a lot of damage (of course if they are in range), but have a range limit.
also, i agree with b-ray. it's unlikely the dynamix team considered missile spamming. infact, players didn't cotton on to it that quick (i remember when people were moaning about plymouth being weak in high mark games and only useable for early micro rushes. seems that that isn't the case anymore.)