Finally at last we are able to say that the next Outpost Universe reunion event is on the horizon

It's not far away now, but the question is when would you like it? When is the most convenient for you? When are you sure that you can make it online for some or all of the weekend?
The options are as follows:
February 17th - 19th
February 24th - 26th
March 3rd - 5th
The reunion will include:
- Outpost 2 Update (New version of Outpost 2, version 1.3.4)
- First 4 missions for Outpost: Renegades, a new single-player campaign for Outpost 2.
- More Outpost 3: Genesis info and screenshots etc
- Possibly anything else that gets submitted in time

- And more.
We would like final versions of people's projects they wish to include in the Outpost 2 update by one week before the reunion. These may be maps, colony games, tools or whatever.
Also, if you're working on a project please don’t release it until the reunion. The more we can have released at the reunion the better

Most people I’m sure will be able to put something into the reunion. Everyone can have a go and produce something to release. Map making and coding is now easier than ever! There is plenty of help available, just post on the forum and you'll get help. Try the new mapper if you haven't already! Maybe you're a graphics person, then produce a Outpost wallpaper, or graphics for a new tileset

Whatever you can do, or want to do, we're here to help and we would really appreciate it if you helped and gave some input to the community. And remember anyone can add content to the wiki, it's a community thing and we need all the help we can get.
The result of the poll will most likely decide when the reunion takes place.