Can't really do a dynamic list with BuildingGroups.
You record buildings in a certain order, and it executes those commands in that order, and none other...
There's really nothing conditional about the order at all. You can't select based on damage, or what's the most 'important' at that point...
At least this is how I get it, if Eddy is using BuildingGroups to do the work.
well, im not

u can't repair buildings using the buildinggroup.
I browse all buildings, finding one that is damaged, then assign a convec to fix it. At the moment this "browsing" is done using the standard map_id list, i.e. starting with mapCommonOreMine until mapTokamak (making the tokamaks LAST on the priority list). I want to change that list.
I was planning to use a simple array holding the list, but making it dynamic would be great, althou that would make the use of a (static) array difficult, as moving 1 item "up" in the list, would mean moving all the other ones down (one by one). Does MSVC have a dynamic list (like Borland has a TList class) ? If not i'll write it myself - i've cerated many classes like that before, so that won't be a problem.
But the 'answers' you guys gave me help me in determining a list (a starting list for sure). From there i can take it further.
I also have to update the code to include spiders and repairVehicles if available; it now only finds convecs.
PS: about a dynamic buildingGroup - i HAVE been thinking about creating that (using AIProc or triggers), since that procedure can
also use some improvement, is my opinion..