Hey what do u think about new units for op2? Im sure people have thought of it. Hmmm what about 'air' units. Lets try a bomber that stays in the air by magnetic fields (cuz there is no atmosphere) or soemthing like that. In some cases maybe we souldnt be able see the enemy at all and have something like the 'fog of war' so we have to scout out the area with something fast. that way we could use 'night and day' more often for stealthy surprise attacks.
New units: Yes, we thought about it -specially me- but it seems that op2 can't be modified to include new units at this moment. It would mean almost completely rewriting the game engine to include units you sugguest.
I think unmarked landmines would also be something. scouts could be adapted to sense these mines when they come up onto them. this would definitly give the scout some more use in multi. what about more uses for the scout? id say build a special one that can hack into a enemy lab its next to and steal technology (or destroy it so the enemy has to research it again)
It is theoretically possible for single-player missions to include groundmines
{Thanx for the suggestion
}, but again, adding NEW commands for units (eg. "LAY MINE") would again mean rewriting the game engine, and no one is looking forward to that, specially since we do not have the op2 source code.
If you are a c++ coder, please go to the coding section on this forum, and read up what we
have maganed to change in op2.